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2 for the price of 1



First Topic:

Differences between wars now and wars prior to Karma

For the most part, depending on what alliance is doing the negotiations, alliances that entered on treaty obligations alone are getting off with white peace with no reps. Before Karma, anyone who lost would be subjected to reps and terms.

People are able to keep their treaties. This kinda started before Karma when NPO let C&G keep treaties after the noCB war but it was in full effect with Karma and beyond.

Wars are lasting longer and that is good for just about everyone. More fighting, more debating, less cold wars.

Because of overall reduction in terms handed down, wars are happening more frequently.

Sides for the most part are generally unchanged. People are sticking to their old standbys and not venturing out to make new friends. On this, I can admit, is harder to do than say. I have tried making new friends outside of the old ones but most of the time you can't come to a consensus because how you view each others friends. It's just the way things work.

There are people and alliances who came into the game on top and allied with those who were on top for 3 years who are having a hard time not being the dominant power on the planet. This is evident in some of their posts. Where when they were on top they tried to portray themselves as being moderate and sympathetic, now that they are on the other side of the perceived power scale they are coming across as bitter and angry.


Topic 2:

Have I changed?

I would like to think I am the same tell it how it is kind of person I have always been but I have noticed recently that others seem to be lashing out at me more. I have no issues with this it is the name of the game. But at the same time I wonder if I have changed for the worst. If I think someone has been wronged, I will stand up for them. If I think someone has been stupid, I let them know. I argue with the facts as I see them.

This is the way I have always been and it is the way I will always be.


Bonus Topic!

Reviews: WTH people, if when I was and am on the receiving end of surrender terms I would have killed to have one like doing a review. It's easy. None of you complained when the NPO had MK do some propaganda for them at the end of the noCB war? Seriously people?


Recommended Comments

Reviews: WTH people, if when I was and am on the receiving end of surrender terms I would have killed to have one like doing a review. It's easy. None of you complained when the NPO had MK do some propaganda for them at the end of the noCB war? Seriously people?

One of our big worries in Vox was the intelligence/memory of the average ruler. When they were riding high, the literally thousands of rulers who are ignorant of world events were happy to go to war because there was no risk to their own nation, and they were happy to go along with whatever terms their govs dictated to the losers, mostly because they had no idea what was going on.

Now that the group power of those alliances has been dispersed and they're all taking their lumps, all those slack-jawed, spitty-smiled rulers are being exposed to the real world. They have an understanding of what it means to surrender, lose, pay reps from experience rather than an academic knowledge of those terms. So, of course, now they get their turn to express how vile the process is.

They are the herds of blind followers whose mass put power behind the old system. They can burn until they ragequit.

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A lot of people got terms/reps in Karma for following their treaty obligations. This is probably the first war where the majority of alliances fighting got a no reps peace.

I also don't think wars are happening more frequently. This is our first real war in ten months.

Overall good read though :P

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A lot of people got terms/reps in Karma for following their treaty obligations. This is probably the first war where the majority of alliances fighting got a no reps peace.

I also don't think wars are happening more frequently. This is our first real war in ten months.

Overall good read though :P

A majority of the alliances fighting in Karma got white peace.

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I sometimes wish people could be on the bottom under themselves. It would be a learning experience.

Agreed. Not many people have experience what some of the rest of us have. We went from a bi-polar world with the League and WUT, to a uni-polar world where some of us lived under the boot of maniacs for every waking moment and now we are back to a bi-polarish world. I say bi-polarish because I believe there is wiggle room now, even with the convolution of the web, for small conflicts to break out.

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A majority of the alliances fighting in Karma got white peace.

Without really knowing the numbers for sure I'd fathom a guess that those that got terms/reps were higher then fifty percent of the total surrenders.

Actually I'd really like to see those numbers...wonder where I could find them.

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None of you complained when the NPO had MK do some propaganda for them at the end of the noCB war? Seriously people?

I did.

I believed it to be a gross ToS violation, compelling people to use their own skills/property to satisfy someone's in-game requirement for reparations.

This was a minority position.

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quote: "I would like to think I am the same tell it how it is kind of person I have always been but I have noticed recently that others seem to be lashing out at me more. I have no issues with this it is the name of the game. But at the same time I wonder if I have changed for the worst. If I think someone has been wronged, I will stand up for them. If I think someone has been stupid, I let them know. I argue with the facts as I see them.

This is the way I have always been and it is the way I will always be."

I used to like and respect you when you were in NAAC and I almost joined NAAC after reading your posts on the forums. But lately I have asked myself if you have sold or traded your nation to another player. You seem to spout the rhetoric of your allies whether it is true or not. When you were the leader of NAAC you posted your views whether they supported your allies or not. I believe your hate of your enemies has made you bitter and narrow minded. But hey that is my opinion and I am sure you have plenty of sycophants to tell you that you haven't changed.

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quote: "Reviews: WTH people, if when I was and am on the receiving end of surrender terms I would have killed to have one like doing a review. It's easy. None of you complained when the NPO had MK do some propaganda for them at the end of the noCB war? Seriously people?"

I saw that as more of a compliment to MK regarding their great propaganda skills. But you are right it was an OOC term that should not have been in the surrender and MK should have stood their ground and we wouldn't be discussing this now. The so called "beer reviews" are an attempt to humiliate your opponent and is a childish term. I get that most players are 18 to 22 and the drinking of alcohol is a revered past time. When they get older they will realize that drunken frat boys and high school kids are pretty much a cliche, and a laughing stock. They will also realize that drinking alcohol does not make you cool.

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quote: "I would like to think I am the same tell it how it is kind of person I have always been but I have noticed recently that others seem to be lashing out at me more. I have no issues with this it is the name of the game. But at the same time I wonder if I have changed for the worst. If I think someone has been wronged, I will stand up for them. If I think someone has been stupid, I let them know. I argue with the facts as I see them.

This is the way I have always been and it is the way I will always be."

I used to like and respect you when you were in NAAC and I almost joined NAAC after reading your posts on the forums. But lately I have asked myself if you have sold or traded your nation to another player. You seem to spout the rhetoric of your allies whether it is true or not. When you were the leader of NAAC you posted your views whether they supported your allies or not. I believe your hate of your enemies has made you bitter and narrow minded. But hey that is my opinion and I am sure you have plenty of sycophants to tell you that you haven't changed.

I go against my allies quite regularly. If I am spouting anything it is because I agree with it. I don't post something just for the sake of posting. If I say it there is a reason I say it. If my allies say something wrong or do something stupid, I call them on it. I don't currently hate anyone. I hate stupidity.

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Reviews are meh. You've changed a bit in your posting style. You seem a tad more aggressive than usual.

Also, this is a roleplaying game, so the way people act will always change. Now, I like to believe(Please if I'm not, leave me to my insanity!) that I'm a bit mean and rough on the edges. But, OOC I believe(Again, leave me to my insanity) that I'm a pretty nice guy.

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Reviews are meh. You've changed a bit in your posting style. You seem a tad more aggressive than usual.

Also, this is a roleplaying game, so the way people act will always change. Now, I like to believe(Please if I'm not, leave me to my insanity!) that I'm a bit mean and rough on the edges. But, OOC I believe(Again, leave me to my insanity) that I'm a pretty nice guy.

I have become more aggressive lately. But that is also because the stupidity level has been higher.

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The stupidity level is the same. You are just on the "right" side of the power struggle now. So in the past when certain parties made "stupid" arguments you weren't as aggressive in pursuing it.

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The stupidity level is the same. You are just on the "right" side of the power struggle now. So in the past when certain parties made "stupid" arguments you weren't as aggressive in pursuing it.

No, I have always aggressively gone after parties making stupid comments. I have never let which side of the perceived power structure I am on affect that.

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Another way you've changed. Now, I've always respected you and took your word for being true. Which is why I'm surprised you're still posting. Also, when you see the light, you'll notice that everyone is stupid and I mean everyone

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Well another thing that makes it seem like I am different is because this war has been longer than most. I tend to post more during war than I do during peace. When it is peaceful most of the time I just lurk.

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I wanted to clarify my intent in my response to your post concerning your change or not in your personality and posting. i did not mean it in a condescending or aggressive way. I was honestly trying to give you an answer to your question as I saw it. I am very sorry it came across as anything but sincere criticism.

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I did.

I believed it to be a gross ToS violation, compelling people to use their own skills/property to satisfy someone's in-game requirement for reparations.

This was a minority position.

Was it? I could swear I remember Admin coming out against it.

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