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Reps seem to be the fun blog of the whatever, so here's my take:

King DrunkWino


Shut the $%&@ up you stupid !@#$%^&.

Serious as a heart attack if a heart attack were popping opiates and washing them down with rum. I've even got the bum right leg. I am the real life House for all intents and purposes and one thing House got right is that everyone lies.

You stupid !@#$@#$ halfwits that are either !@#$%*ing about or soon will be !@#$%*ing about reps need to step back and realize that you're !@#$@#$ morons.

Is that clear enough for you or do I need to use more filtered words you dumb$%&@s?

When reps get passed down that are meant to cripple an alliance, then you have real reason to talk. Until then, when token little pissant reps are given that are either symbolic or cover the damages the winner sustained in winning, the only !@#$@#$ thing you !@#$stains are doing is running your little traps, trying to sound all important.

You know what that bothers me? You remember the story of the little jackass that cried wolf? Basically he cried so much that people decided that he was lying and dumb$%&@ got eaten by a wolf. That's you. You're whining and crying is basically annoying everyone and the result will be that when the really crippling reps show back up, nobody will care because they're sick of your !@#$@#$ whining.

So do the ones of us that are actually against the crippling reps a favor and shut your damn holes. You're whining because you want attention. Maybe mommy didn't love you enough. I don't know and I don't give a $%&@. You're lying by saying that your crusade is all noble when all you want is attention and good press. Meanwhile, you don't give a $%&@ if you actually piss all over those of us that are sick of unreasonable reps and want them not to return.

So again, shut the $%&@ up. Got a problem with it? $%&@ you.


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Need uranium again btw?

Thanks, but I got it covered. Astronaut Jones is hooking me up.

Seems he had a little problem from the sanction bug because he decided that this is a game and the point of a game is to have fun. He was good enough to look out for a brother even when somebody else decides his brand of fun isn't theirs.

/Yeah, basically I'm taking the time to take a shot at the weenies who called sanction. Don't like it? Suck it. :smug:

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This post is its own reward. You should ask for reparations for reading 90% of the rest of the blogs/forums.

I haven't bothered Astronaut Jones because he specified rogues, and I was just looking to refill my nukes in order to greedily covet them. Don't get me wrong, a man has to have the option to ride his nuclear weapon down to impact, but still...no reason to drag others into it.

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I absolutely agree. People should stop whining about these reparations.

For example, the NATO/TFD/GUN/LSF/ADI/LSN reparations total $750,000,000. Even with 500 nations (and there's a lot more of them), only half the nations would each need to send out $3,000,000 (one aid slot) in reparations to make the entire amount paid. That's not too difficult and with co-ordination they could get it done in one go. Even with less than optimal co-ordination it shouldn't take more than one month to pay off. Hardly crippling.

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Seriously, you guys are literally complaining about us maybe considering to disband alliances at the end of this war (which we aren't) and trying to use that to call us evil. You're ridiculous and if !@#$ does start to go sour you'll be hindering efforts to stop it. Get out.

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