Ever since the year 1969, George Lucas has created a legion of followers that has forever hailed the name and the universe of Star Wars. From a trilogy of cinema, to conventions, to a franchise of books, Star Wars has proven itself time and time again that its universe shall never be plagued nor will it be diminished by the corporate menace or the single nightmare of writing. That is up until Star Wars has blasted its highly anticipated comeback, but it was not strong enough to have the crowd re
Sorry, I know it's a bit late..
Iron Man 3 is by far the worst super hero movie I have seen
in my life time. The rescue scene of those 12 people falling a million stories
to their doom, psychological warfare of Tony after the Avengers incident and Downey Jr's phenomenal portrayal of Iron Man are the only positive aspects from the film. But other than that, this film resembled the same let-down and the same fail of Spider-Man 3.
1.The Annoying, Unnecessary Litt