To commemorate the union of the Facepunch Alliance with the Goon Order of Oppression, Negligence and Sadism
Not like the mighty king of Shelley's acclaim
Whose shattered visage lays sunk in the sand;
Here proudly our remembrance shall stand
A deathless Goon coalition, whose fame
Is a trail of pubbie tears, and its name
Father of Malcontents. From its loud horn
Rings world wide alarm: its froggy roar warns
The gaped jawed public who sovereignty proclaim.
"Keep, storied nations, your old
Written in commemoration of GOONS supremacy
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming GOONish horde:
We are breaking out the hip flasks where the pubbie tears are stored;
We will nuke some poor dumb sucker for a nominal reward;
The frogs are hopping on.
I have heard their trollish cackles round a hundred circling camps,
They have builded up their ensigns by their righteous marker stamped
I can read the lunar GOON writ in the dim and flaring lamps
Our balls are rolling on.
I have read