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For my birthday, I am doing something I have always wanted to do: fall out of an airplane. Thursday, May 27 I will be tandem jumping out of a plane over the beautiful coastline of Florida. My brother is suppossed to be going with me, but I think he will chicken out on me. He may go up, but probably will have a problem getting back down...



NHL Playoffs

Eastern Conference Finals--Montreal v. Philadelphia The Flyers look ready to dominate. After coming back from their deficit last series, the Flyers feel like they cannot lose. The Canadians are buying into the Flyers attitude, they seem to be playing timid. Choking under pressure is a good way to put it. Montreal needs to regain its composure if they want to comeback. Losing two games by such large margins, back-to-back is not good for the self esteem of any team. Mentally, I feel they ar



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