3/27/10 By: Jack Munson
0000 CST: Evacuation Complete, Imperial Airships leave for Capital Peninsula. Estimated 3,000 refugees.
0125 CST: Raider reinforcements arrive, shelling begins.
0153 CST: 25th Defense Unit Arrives
0206 CST: First Confirmed Causality
0245 CST: Consul True declares battle of Pulaski to be "most important battle since A-day."
0330 CST: 21st Security Unit and 25th Defense Unit launch joint operation to retake Green Acres
0426 CST: 21st and 25th Capture Green Acres, off
3/26/10 By: Jack Munson
The Imperial Airships were rerouted to Pulaski last night following a mandatory evacuation under executive order from the Consuls. Commander Suk asked for the evacuation after reports from recon ships claimed the Raider reinforcements were merely hours away, and are predicted to arrive earlier and in greater force then was previously expected. New calculations put the size of the reinforcements at an astonishing 1-2 thousand Raiders. Preparing for a long and bloody battl
3/25/10 By: Jack Munson
Citizens of the city of Pulaski woke to the joyful ringing of church bells this morning as they found their city free of Raider terror. Members of the 21 Military Ground Division made the push last night to free the city, fearing continued Raider attacks on the Echo Lake Watch Station. While the attack was highly successful, culminating with almost 30 Rangers Dead at the loss of only 2 soldiers, freedom came at a price. Many civilians missing and many pronex buildings