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The best in Diogenesian journalism.

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Rome- The Diogenesian government is requesting that all Diogenesians load up their slings and sharpen their spearpoints. We are at War! Following an alliance protection request the Diogenesian military has declared war upon a foe of our allies. While initial attacks were unsuccessful, we are sure that our defenses will not falter and our offensive capabilities will prevail. We will also rely on the benevolence of our alliance to aid us in our offensive. Having no religion in Diogenesia, we



Strange Days

With the advent of the printing press, Diogenesians are no longer at the mercy of word of mouth. We bring to you from Rome, our illustrious capitol city of more than 400 souls, the Diogenesian Journal Constitution; Your world in a nutshell. Diogenesian coalminers, wine makers and hops farmers must no longer rely upon the oratory of Diogenesian philosophers to explain the world around them. We have entered into an alliance with many member nations. An alliance called Phoenix Risin



Diogenesian Bedtime Story

Once upon a time, billions of years ago, there was a very large explosion. Now, no-one knows exactly what caused the explosion, or exactly how long ago this explosion happened, but it was a very large explosion indeed. Immense pieces of debris hurtled out in all directions from the center of the explosion. The outer edges of the explosion continued to expand further and further into what was previously nothing at all. As the debris moved further from the center of the explosion, some of the smal



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