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Ridiculous, horrific, rambling and utterly incomprehensible.

Entries in this blog

The True Measure of Friendship

Our game of Cyber Nations has produced, through it's time, some interesting things. The one that caught my mind today, was inter-alliance friendship. I don't mean having friends in another alliance, but friendship between alliances. Most treaties in this game are based off of political maneuvering and/or friendship. It occurs to me, that despite what you may think, you're probably not actually friends with that alliance. Sure, you might know 10-20 members of the other alliance, and know most o



White Peace and Reps

Post war reparations (reps) have long been a staple on planet Bob. Once a war was over, the winning side would tally up some numbers, and present em to the losing side. Sure, there was usually some sort of haggling, but for the most part, the victorious dictated the terms. In the Karma war, we saw both ends of the spectrum; white peace, and the heaviest reps of all time. Now, I'm not here to discuss what was or wasn't warranted, the time for that is long passed. What I do want to discuss, is if,



Evolution of Warfare, Peace mode, Blitzes and more.

Just a little disclaimer: This may not be coherent, it may jump around, and it may take some things I see as basic truths for granted. It's not meant as military advice, just as a commentary and evaluation. On the field of battle, the techniques are constantly evolving, this is as true in the cyberverse as in real life. It used to be that the best tactics involved were to throw your banks into peace mode, and have an all out blitz just before update, a quad ground war attack, and then it was al



Rule of treaties.

With another global war appearing on the horizon, we'e seeing the usual flurry of last minute treaty signings and cancellations. When are people going to figure out that pieces of e-paper aren't the be-all-end-all of the cyberverse? I mean, look at MHA, the statistic number one alliance in the game, they're treatied directly with Gramlins, who have one formal treaty. One. A treaty can be a wonderful thing to formalize a relationship, and as a way to announce it to the world, if that's your thi



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