Upon returning from my 3 month hiatus, I immediately found myself bombarded with queries and friends of old all full of different pieces of information eager to share their knowledge with a person they trusted. I was just flat out shocked by all that had changed, the things that had been done, the people I had once known it was all hitting me at once all of a sudden.
It all brought me back 3 months earlier to when I was on the verge of total boredom with the game due to percieved lack of chang
The past war has seen the very basic structures of Bob's political society shaken to it's roots. The entire political landscape we have built here is based on the foundation of treaties and responsibility. We entrust others to uphold obligations that we make in order for the game to function, and everytime it fails it becomes more and more accepted. If the current trends continue, we may be facing political crisis and the collapse of everything that makes this such a wonderful game.
Well this is my first blog entry, hopefully a start to a series on the many thoughts, explainations, and other general nonesense I find worthy of posting.
Figured I should start off with some answers to many questions I have been approached with about our surrender, a topic that somehow managed 24 pages in the AP.
First thing you should know is that there is no vendetta held against our opponents, despite how bad talks got between the two of us at some points. The Dark Templar were some honor