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Dreams of a lost flower

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The Decline

Lately the overwhelming opinion of Digiterra has been one of overt hostility and even aggression towards the New Pacific Order and its allies. While there's always been some dislike of the NPO for various reasons, it's never been a movement quite as organised or powerful as what's been seen lately, not even in the days of Great Wars past. So what has changed? A mantra often repeated by Pacificans is "Pacifica Prevails!" And for years it has. Nobody has successfully dealt any long term damage to



An Introduction

Hello there dear reader and welcome to my blog. I am Katsumi, a CN player since January 2007, the majority of which I have spent in the New Pacific Order and the New Polar Order. I've never been top level government of either alliance as of this point although I've had active roles within each and have done just about everything so far, which is probably more due to my reluctance to interact with people privately than anything else, however to some I was in a lot of ways the public face of the



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