Once again, you find yourself tuning into DBC News 24 for the headlines from Diamont's flagship news channel. As always for the evening broadcasts, Jensen Trent is anchoring them with correspondents around the nation. The bells toll from the Palace, and the theme tune begins. Once it ends, Jensen begins his daily broadcast.
Good evening, this is the news at 10 o'clock, I'm Jensen Trent.
The Diamantian Royal Armed Forces came home today from their successful campaign against Togashire. While th
A middle aged man is sitting at a news desk in a modern studio as you tune in to Diamont Broadcasting Corporation's "News 24" channel. He shuffles his papers and then stares directly at the camera, ready to bring you the news. The familiar bell sound from the Diamont Royal Palace in Aldershot is played along with the theme tune for the news before he begins to speak:
"Good evening, I'm Jensen Trent and here are today's headlines:
Foreign Diplomats have been summoned before His Majesty, Lord Sm