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About this blog

To promote real truths and norms within the political construct of the Cyberverse.

Entries in this blog

A Few Thoughts On GATO's Future

A while back we were having a GATO brainstorm about what role we should seek once we are a free alliance again. We had a good range of differing opinions and some good debate both in the topic itself and elsewhere such as on IRC. I'd like to share one of my original posts below and then follow up with some additional thoughts that were the direct result of my discussions with fellow GATO members. Please keep in mind that these thoughts are simply my own ideas of where I'd like to see my allian



A Blog is Born

First off welcome to my blog, I am glad you have taken time out of your day to read babbling on the politics of world that isn't tangible. The purpose of this blog is not to undermined any political organizations that exist in the cyberverse, but rather to explain exactly how various norms that exist (many unseen or not talked about in the open) effect everyday alliance politics and the politics on a grand scale. I feel that the bias that exists on the cyberverse with groups such as Vox and th



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