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The Independent Coalition of Nations

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There are some rivalries that have stood the test of time...

David vs Goliath

Mozart vs Salieri

Alexander Hamilton vs Aaron Burr

and for those who play Cyber Nations

Nordreich vs the Socialists


These rivalries, especially the final one, have defined our lives on Cyber Nations. Two Great Wars have been fought because of this rivalry and much of the Cyber Nations community is still recovering from the aftermath of the Third Great War. Sometimes it seems that the fog of war will never be lifted.

However, some see a different way.

Some dare to ask:

What happens when members of the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization and the New Pacific Order decide to set their differences aside and found a new alliance?

What happens when nations from both sides of the Initiative-Aeqis divide decide to work together to create a better future?

Is there a way to exist that allows one to be outside of the conflicting political spheres that dominate Cyber Nations today?

We believe that there is way...

This is why we are proud to announce the creation of the Independent Coalition of Nations (ICON).



And what is ICON? ICON is:

- A new, independent, alliance that will seek out out friends from all spheres of influence without being concerned about whether a particular alliance is pro Initiative, pro Aegis, or neutral.

- An alliance that binds itself to other alliances through treaties of friendship and trust, not aggression.

- An alliance that is open to anyone who wishes to join.

- An alliance in which all members are equal regardless of their length of service in the alliance, previous alliances, or political beliefs.

- An alliance that seeks to exist outside of the Initiative-Aegis divide.

- An alliance that believes that enemies are only friends that it has not made yet.

We are very proud to announce the beginning of this new era and look forward to working with you to secure a brighter future for us all.


Brian Reimer, King of the Confederation

bloodydoves, Primarch of Crateria and ICON Minister of Domestic Affairs

Duncan King, President of Organized Chaosia and ICON Minister of Communications

Griffy of Rememberance

RiverCityDude of New Margaritavile- ICON Minister of Defense

LordShazbot of Shazbotaland- ICON Minister of Finance

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Here is our Charter, for your viewing pleasure:



We, the members of ICON, do hereby present this document, the bedrock of our beliefs, our charter, to the entirety of CyberNations. We make this declaration from the view that an alliance is only as good as its membership and that is it their belief in the alliance’s ideals that makes the alliance great.

I. Membership- Membershop in ICON will be open to all nations who show a need to be independent from the various political spheres that dominate CyberNations today. All member natuons of ICON are equal and have the right to serve the alliance in any capacity they choose regardless of their time in ICON, their previous alliance affiliations, or their personal political beliefs.

II. Government- The government of ICON is a Republic because a republican government will better serve the independent nature of our members.

a. The Senate- A Senate of 15 elected members of ICON will make up the main body of ICON. Legislation will be enacted through the Senate. Any judicial matters will be decided through the Senate. The fifteen members of the Senate will be made up as follows:

i. 10 Senators

ii. 1 Senate Speaker

iii. The 4 Ministers

b. Senate Legislation- Any member of ICON may bring Legislation to the Senate. Once two Senators officially endorse the said legislation, then debate will begin on its merits. This period of debate will continue until brought to a vote by a Senator. The Speaker will then call the vote, which will last for a period of 24 hours, no more and no less. Once the voting has closed, if a majority of those who voted did so in favor of the legislation, then it passes, and is put into effect immediately.

c. Senate Speaker- The Senate Speaker will be the face of the ICON Senate. The Speaker’s duties will be to direct congressional meetings, and in periods of emergency, take on the role of Praetor. To clarify, the Speaker makes sure that elections are conducted within the proper time frame, and that all relevant debate is held on the topic. S/he also makes public statements to the Cyberverse when required.

d. Praetor- Praetor will be a temporary position during times of war. Only through a 75% vote, will a Speaker be able to become Praetor. The period of a Praetorship will be a fixed amount of time and will require Congressional vote to increase the duration. The Praetor will basically be the Commander and Chief. He will make public statements in times of war, and suspend the minister councils for the duration of the war. The Ministers will report directly to him. The Praetor is granted the power to make Declarations of War.

e. The Ministries of ICON-

i. Minister of Finance– The MoF directs aid trains, supplies soldiers , and otherwise transfers funds.

ii. Minister of Defense- The MoD directs the soldiers of ICON. S/he makes sure that all nations are battle ready, and that a small number are active, and engaged in a number of defensive wars at all times, so that they are prepared for any eventuality. He will also work with the Praetor in times of war, and will also work with the MoF to ensure that all nations receive aid to increase their strength.

iii. Minister of Domestic Affairs- The MoDA takes care of applications, for the most part. S/he also will enforce a code of conduct on the forums, that s/he will create, and present to the Senate for ratification. He will be given the power to deal with all those that choose to break these rules.

iv. Minister of Communications- The MoC will take care of public announcements to the people of ICON, forum upkeep [ie. new sections, moved threads, etc], IRC access, and will communicate with the Senate about the goings on in CyberNations. S/he will pursue new treaties with other alliances as well. His/her final duty will be to work with and coordinate his/her fellow ministers with the wishes of the Senate Speaker, as to ensure maximum efficiency in times of crisis and of peace.

III. Elections- Elections will be held every three months during the last week of the third month. Nominations will be held five days before the last day of the third month. Debates will begin four days before the end of the third month. Elections will begin on the second to last day of the third month and conclude at midnight on the last day of the month.

IV. Initiative and Referendum- As a second track to legislation, ICON will use an initiative and referendum system. This method will be available for the use of the entire membership of the alliance and will be available to enact policies from all areas of alliance business including legislation, treaties, and impeachment of ministers, senators, and their deputies. The Initiative-Referendum process will follow the following procedure.

i. Proposal- A member of the alliance formulates a proposal for legislation and presents it to the alliance.

ii. Petition- During this stage, the proposing alliance member lobbies his/her fellow members for their support. If 1/3 of the members of the alliance vote that the proposal is worthy of the consideration of the entire alliance, it is put to a vote before the entire alliance.

iii. Referendum- The entire alliance votes on the proposal. If it receives a 2/3 majority, the proposal becomes law. In the case of passing or repealing constitutional amendments, the margin will be 3/4.

V. Charter Amendments- The members of ICON will pass amendments and abolish amendments thru a 75% super-majority.

VI. Declaration of our Independence- We the citizens of ICON do declare our political independence. We do not believe in warmongering, we do not believe that war is in our best interests as an alliance. We will endeavor to be friendly to ALL alliances that come to us with sincere offers of friendship.

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