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House Lannister

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We extend to you the most pleasant of greetings from House Lannister. We are the Lords and Ladies of Casterly Rock, the Shields of Lannisport, and we and hereby announce our existence to the kingdoms of Steveeros.

Our Charter:

The Charter of House Lannister

I. Family First

We are in this world for a short time. As such there are just two goals for House Lannister; firstly, to defend the Lannisters, secondly, to defend our blood. The house that puts family first will always defeat those who put the whims and wishes of individual nations first. A good man does everything in his power to better his familys positionregardless of his own selfish desires.

II. Power is Power

House Lannister is an aristocracy. Ultimate power resides in the hands of the Lannisters. However, any member, regardless of birth, may climb the ladder to help govern the house. Their ascension to positions of power is based on their skill and willingness to better the house. Service to the house will be rewarded with House Lannisters immense wealth, titles, lands, and lordships but ultimate power resides within the Lannister blood.

The heads of the House consist of the following:
Cersei Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Tywin Lannister

III. Lannisters dont act like fools

A lion doesnt concern himself with the opinions of the sheep. Before long our nations will be reset and all that will live on is our family name. Not personal glory, or honor, but family. The future of House Lannister is in our hands. As Lannisters we are held to a higher standard. Remember, a Lannister always pays his debts.

IV. Copious details.
This document represents the mission statement and basis of structure for House Lannister. It may be edited at any time by the heads of the house as seen fit.

/s/ Cersei Lannister, Queen Regent

We'd also like to invite any and all red nations to join us on our forums in an attempt to promote Red unity and help with trade circles, senate seats, and just general camaraderie. To visit our forums visit the link below.

Forums | #casterlyrock

Edited by YOLO SWAG
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