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Union of the Southern Cross Factbook

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[center][size="6"][b]Union of the Southern Cross - Current Government:[/b][/size]

[b]Governor General:[/b] Sir Robert Abel, First Baron Abel

[b]Prime Minister:[/b] Elisabeth "Lizzie" Whittaker, Free Australia Movement

[b]Defense Minister:[/b] Ian Brown
[b]Foreign Minister:[/b] Elisabeth "Lizzie" Whittaker (Temporary)
[b]Economic Minister:[/b] Xavier Diaz, Former CEO, Holden Motors
[b]Education Minister:[/b] Dr. Reece Turner, PhD. Education
[b]Health Minister:[/b] Colonel-Doctor Georgina Manning, SCGDF National Military Hospital Commandant
[b]Interior Minister:[/b] Lawrence Anderson, Former Director - RAMP
[b]Treasury Minister:[/b] Smigly Polska

[b]Parliamentary Seats[/b]


[b]Composition of the Parliament[/b]

FAM - Free Australia Movement - 54% (Majority)
ACU - Australian Conservative Union - 18%
LMA - Liberal Movement of Australia - 18%
ASD - Australian Social Democrats - 10%

[b]Government Type:[/b] Constitutional Republic

[size="6"][b]Union of the Southern Cross - General Statistics/Demographics[/b][/size]

[b]Population:[/b] 39,031,439 Souls (Approximate)
[b]Capital:[/b] Brisbane, Queensland
[b]Religion(s):[/b] Mixed [Protestant (38%), Catholic (13%), Hindu (12%), Judaism (12%), Other (25%)]
[b]Official Language:[/b] English
[b]Drives on the:[/b] Left

[b]Correct Reference(s) to the USC as a Nation:[/b] Union of the Southern Cross or The Union
[b]Correct Reference to an Individual Citizen of the Empire:[/b] "Australian", "Southern Crosser"
[b]Correct (Formal) Reference to the Governor General:[/b] Sir Robert Abel or Baron Abel[/center]

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[center][b][size="7"]Constitution of the Southern Cross[/size][/b][/center]


In keeping with the ideas set down by the rights of man, in the hope of preserving these rights, and to protect the sovereignty of the Union of the Southern Cross and its people, we hereby enact this constitution for the Union of the Southern Cross. This constitution shall be enacted to confirm the basic rights of the people are ensured, and define the foundations of the Union itself. This constitution confirms this government's commitment to the basic democratic rights of the people and their freedoms, if it requires amendment to continue fairly and justly representing the people, they shall be accorded to this document.

[b][size="4"]Article I: Rights of the People[/size][/b]

[*] [b]Section 1:[/b] All citizens of the Union are granted the freedom of speech, expression, and ideas, and the freedom to peacefully gather and protest these beliefs. The citizen may forfeit these rights, however, in the prosecution of slander or hate speech of another citizen.

[*] [b]Section 2:[/b] All citizens of the Union are granted the freedom of religion, and to practice this religion without persecution. Religious gatherings, services, and procedures, so long as they do not breach national law, are allowed.

[*] [b]Section 3:[/b] All citizens of the Union are granted the right to live in a nation free of persecution for their specific gender, beliefs, race, origin, sexual orientation, disability, et. cetera.

[*] [b]Section 4:[/b] All citizens of the Union are granted the right of [i]habeas corpus[/i], and shall not be held without criminal charges that lack sufficient evidence for more than seventy-two hours.

[*] [b]Section 5:[/b] All citizens of the Union are granted the right to evade self-incrimination, and cannot be forced to admit their own guilt by duress or any means otherwise.

[*] [b]Section 6:[/b] All citizens of the Union are granted the right of free press, including the acquisition of newspapers, and the writing of articles, so long as they not prosecute slander, hate speech, or prosecute a campaign of revolution against the government.

[*] [b]Section 7:[/b] All citizens of the Union are granted the right to a fair trial by jury of his or her peers, the right to legal counsel, the right to a timely trial, and the right to not be tried for the same crime twice.

[*] [b]Section 8:[/b] All citizens of the Union are granted the right to be free of illegal search and or seizure of their property, as it is a breach of due process of the judicial system.

[*] [b]Section 9:[/b] All citizens of the Union are granted the right to fair and reasonable punishment for their crimes against the people or the state. Excessive bail, outside of a citizen’s ability to meet, shall not be posted.

[*] [b]Section 10:[/b] All citizens of the Union are granted the right to refuse the quartering of troops in their residence.

[*] [b]Section 11:[/b] All citizens of the Union are granted the right to vote at the age of sixteen.

[*] [b]Section 12:[/b] All citizens of the Union are granted the right to live in a society free of exploitation and slavery, and no individual within the borders of this nation shall suffer such a fate.

[*] [b]Section 13:[/b] All citizens of the Union are granted the right to bear firearms, but must do so in a responsible and non-threatening manner. These firearms must be registered with local authorities, and must not be military-grade assault rifles or automatic weapons.

[b][size="4"]Article II: Union Organization[/size][/b]

[b]Section 1: Composition of the Union[/b]

The following states comprise the historical and political sub-divisions of the Union;

[*] State of Queensland
[*] State of New South Wales
[*] State of Victoria
[*] State of Southern Australia
[*] State of Tasmania

[*] [b]Section 2:[/b] All states are accorded the right to assemble a parliament that will represent the will of the peoples of that state. This parliament may rule on and enact legislation that does not breach national law, or try to supersede said law.

[*] [b]Section 3:[/b] All states, in the interests of preserving Australian peace and stability, will not foment rebellion or move for succession. Any matters of succession will be a responsibility of the national parliament.

[*] [b]Section 4:[/b] All states are accorded the right to send one member of parliament for every ten thousand souls in their state.

[b][size="4"]Article III: Legislative Responsibilities of the Government[/size][/b]

[*] [b]Section 1:[/b] The Union of the Southern Cross will have a bicameral legislative government, with legislative powers held by both the Council of Ministers, and the National Parliament.

[*] [b]Section 2:[/b] The Council of Ministers will consist of all of the heads of the countries' ministries, plus the Prime Minister, who will be appointed by the majority in Parliament. The Council of Ministers will attend sessions of Parliament, and are considered the upper house of the Legislative Branch. They will oversee the suspension of the Parliament, should the Governor General ask for such a suspension, and must vote a majority on every piece of legislation for it to become law.

[*] [b]Section 3:[/b] The National Parliament will consist of members voted into office by members of their constituencies. To provide equal state representation, for every ten thousand souls of a state, a member of parliament shall be accorded to represent them. These individuals will represent their constituencies, and are responsible for the people who place them in office in good faith. The National Parliament will oversee the budget of the Union, as well as funding for national projects, and any other proposals that require the governments’ attention. A simple majority (of fifty-one percent) must be attained for a legislative bill to be passed.

[*] [b]Section 4:[/b] The Legislative Branches must vote a simple majority to legitimize declarations of war, and treaties with foreign entities. Should conflict arise with a direct attack upon USC soil, the country shall be declared at war immediately, with or without a vote of Parliament or Council.

[*] [b]Section 5:[/b] The Legislative Branch must vote a simple majority to support the extension of combat duties for troops deployed on foreign soil, after one calendar month (of thirty one days and nights) of deployment, without a declaration of war.

[*] [b]Section 6:[/b] The Legislative Branch must vote on economic projects that will cross state boundaries, that are deemed “significant” in value.

[*] [b]Section 7:[/b] The Legislative Branch must create committees of members that oversee a general selection of governmental affairs, which must include, but is not limited to; Parliamentary Committee of Defense, Parliamentary Committee of Economic Relations, Parliamentary Committee of Foreign Relations, Parliamentary Committee of Internal Affairs, Parliamentary Committee of Ethics, and so on and so forth.

[*] [b]Section 8:[/b] The Prime Minister will serve as the President of both the Council of Ministers, and the National Parliament, and will serve as the official liaison between the Governor General and the Legislative Branch. He may, with the consultation of the Governor General, negotiate and sign treaties, and/or ask for a declaration of war on a foreign entity.

[b][size="4"]Article IV: Responsibilities of the Governor General[/size][/b]

[*] [b]Section 1:[/b] The Governor General of the Union of the Southern Cross is the Head of Government of this nation, having proven that position through the leadership of the people.

[*] [b]Section 2:[/b] The Governor General is considered the Commander in Chief of the Southern Cross Defense Forces, and along with the Minister of Defense, shall oversee and direct these forces, or delegate the power to do so. The Commission of all officers must be passed through the Office of the Governor General.

[*] [b]Section 3:[/b] The Governor General has the ability to negotiate and sign treaties with foreign powers; the approval of these treaties must gain a simple majority, at least fifty-one percent of the votes, in the National Parliament.

[*] [b]Section 4:[/b] The Governor General will be succeeded by self-chosen successor, who has the approval of the National Parliament, Council of Ministers, and Prime Minister.

[*] [b]Section 5:[/b] The Governor General may ask the National Parliament for a declaration of war for sufficient reason, a measure that must garner a simple majority, at least fifty-one percent of the votes, and have the general approval of the Council of Ministers and Prime Minister

[*] [b]Section 6:[/b] The Governor General may present legislation to the Council of Ministers, and the Parliament, for a vote of implementation.

[*] [b]Section 7:[/b] The Governor General may suspend Parliament for sufficient reason should the need arise. Such suspension will be with the consultation of the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers.

[*] [b]Section 8:[/b] The Governor General may force a vote for the dissolution of Parliament at any time, to force a new election, should the need arise.

[b][size="4"]Article V: Judicial System[/size][/b]

[*] [b]Section 1:[/b] The Judicial Branch is established to interpret and defend the Constitution of the Union.

[*] [b]Section 2:[/b] The Judiciary will oversee any court cases it deems ‘significant’ to future rulings and interpretations of the Constitution.

[*] [b]Section 3:[/b] The Judiciary will oversee any court cases between states.

[*] [b]Section 4:[/b] The Judiciary reserves the right to investigate, at any time, members of the Legislative Branch, military, or government if believed these individuals breached the law of the land.

[*] [b]Section 5:[/b] The Royal Australian Mounted Police is established as the national police force, and under the constitution and national law, as well as state law, has the power to arrest any individual, in any state. All interstate crimes will be investigated by the RAMP.

[*] [b]Section 6:[/b] The national courts shall take precedent over state courts in matters of interstate crimes.

[*] [b]Section 7:[/b] The High Court of the Southern Cross will be made up of eleven individuals, appointed by the Governor General, and confirmed by the Council of Ministers.

[b][size="4"]Article VI: Economic Law & Resources Management[/size][/b]

[*] [b]Section 1:[/b] Any national company of the Union of the Southern Cross must maintain fifty-one percent of the ownership of its stocks and assets by investors or owners with citizenship inside the borders of the Union.

[*] [b]Section 2:[/b] All national companies that provide goods and services to the people of this nation, or its government, are required be licensed to provide these services at all times.

[*] [b]Section 3:[/b] All companies that provide vital services deemed necessary by the state risk losing ownership of their companies should they be deemed to price-gouge or unnecessarily fail to provide these services.

[*] [b]Section 4:[/b] All national companies that propose interstate economic activities that exceed a monetary amount deemed as “significant” by the government, must present these plans to the Legislative Branch for vote.

[*] [b]Section 5:[/b] All resources within the borders and exclusive economic waters of the Union are considered to be resources of the state, and its people. The National Government will be the final judge, through the use of licensing, to allow these resources to be harvested for use by both national and international companies.

[*] [b]Section 6:[/b] The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Union is to extend two hundred nautical miles from its shores, but it will be cut to an equidistant EEZ border, if it so meets another nation's EEZ. The EEZ allows for the passage of ships of all kinds, including military vessels, but any vessels that use the EEZ for resource gathering must be licensed.

[*] [b]Section 7:[/b] The territorial waters of the Union are judged at ten nautical miles; these territorial waters also include the waters surrounding the unique Great Barrier Reef, which is protected under National Environmental Preservation Laws. No military vessel of another nation may pass within these waters unless they are the vessel of an ally. Any commercial vessel that has not confirmed a port of destination will not be afforded any passage, and will be intercepted.

[*] [b]Section 8:[/b] The national airspace of the Union incorporates any region of the atmosphere above the Union, and out to one hundred nautical miles. This national airspace will be cut in half should it contravene with the airspace of another nation. Any aircraft civilian or military, without a confirmed flight path, or heeding any repeated hailing, and/or without a destination plan will be escorted from the airspace should it be breached.

[b][size="4"]Article VII: The Southern Cross Defense Forces[/size][/b]

[*] [b]Section 1:[/b] The Southern Cross Defense Forces is hereby established as the men-at-arms of this nation. It will serve and protect the interests and soil of this nation, and will be an apolitical body.

[*] [b]Section 2:[/b] The Southern Cross Defense Force is responsible for the defense and elimination of hostile enemies of the state, whether individual or nation-state, which should threaten it. These responsibilities are, but not limited to; threats from the land, seas, or air, or any other domain which may provide avenue to undermine the sovereignty of this nation.

[*] [b]Section 3:[/b] The Southern Cross Defense Force is only to be deployed in domestic combat roles if the country is at threat from internal duress by order of an “Precedent of the Union”, under Article 10, Section 2.

[*] [b]Section 4:[/b] The Southern Cross Defense Force is under the direct command of the Governor General and the Minister of Defense, who shall oversee proper civilian management of the combat forces.

[b][size="4"]Article VIII: International Relations[/size][/b]

[*] [b]Section 1:[/b] All international relations shall be conducted through the Southern Cross Foreign Office, or a Parliament-appointed delegation. The Governor General and Prime Minister are both accorded the right to negotiate and sign treaties.

[*] [b]Section 2:[/b] All international treaties must be confirmed by a simple majority of the parliament.

[*] [b]Section 3:[/b] Any declaration of war by the Union of the Southern Cross must be made for justified causes, in which the Parliament must vote a simple majority in order to confirm the declaration. This precedent is nullified by any declarations of war upon the Union or any mutual-defended ally by a foreign nation, or an unprovoked attack upon the Union, so devastating, that it requires swift reaction.

[*] [b]Section 4:[/b] The Governor General, at any time, may declare a limited military action, and may deploy forces when, in his opinion, the situation dictates the deployment or use of combat forces. This limited military action must not last more then one calendar month (thirty-one days).

[b][size="4"]Article IX: Election Precedents and Political Factions[/size][/b]

[*] [b]Section 1:[/b] Under [b]Article One, Section 11[/b], all citizens of the Union of the Southern Cross gain the right to vote at the age of sixteen years. To become a member of the National Parliament, an individual must be of the age of twenty-four.

[*] [b]Section 2:[/b] To be considered for election, an individual must either have the nomination of a licensed political party, or have a petition of the endorsement of at least five percent of their constituencies’ population.

[*] [b]Section 3:[/b] All official political parties must be licensed within the Federal Government, presenting petitions of support from five percent of the population. They must also have declared platforms, which will be reviewed by the government.

[*] [b]Section 4:[/b] To form a government, a party must either have, or gain the support of fifty-one percent of the National Parliament, the leading party will then declare their candidate for Prime Minister, who will be appointed upon consultation with the Governor General.

[*] [b]Section 5:[/b] The national government is reserved the right to dissolve political parties that breach the constitution, with the consultation of the High Court of the Southern Cross and an official inquiry.

[*] [b]Section 6:[/b] The legislative branch must hold elections at least every three calendar years.

[b][size="4"]Article X: Constitutional Supremacy[/size][/b]

[*] [b]Section 1:[/b] The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and overrides any laws of the individual states of the Union of the Southern Cross.

[*] [b]Section 2:[/b] The Governor General, while bound by the constitution in power and legal precedent, may suspend some, or all constitutional precedents, by declaring a “Precedent of the Union”. This declaration will impose martial law, and give the Governor General and Council of Ministers, and those delegated by the text of the Precedent, to act with absolute authority over the affairs of the state.

[b][size="4"]Article XI: Amendment Procedures[/size][/b]

[*] [b]Section 1:[/b] Amendments to the Constitution must be made by a simple majority of the legislative branch, confirmed by the Board of Ministers, and confirmed by Governor General.

[*] [b]Section 2:[/b] Amendments to the Constitution must be first put through a court of inquiry with the High Court of the Southern Cross, for interpretation, before their vote.

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[center][size="6"][b]Southern Cross Foreign Office[/b][/size]

[i]Current Foreign Minister: Maryanne Dempsey[/i][/center]

[b]Signatory of the North Pacific Harmony Agreement[/b]

[b]Signatory of the Treaty of Adelaide[/b]

[b]Member of the Oceanic Union (with Selenarctos, Zoadoe Islands, and Minilla Island)[/b]

[b]Mutual Defense/Optional Aggression Pact(s)[/b]

[*] United Federation of the East

[b]Free Trade Agreement[/b]

[*] United Federation of the East

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[center][b][size="6"]Southern Cross Economic Data[/size][/b][/center]

[size="4"][b]Manufacturing Corporations[/b][/size]

[*] Holden Motors (Automotive Construction/Civilian and Military)
[*] Elfin Sports Vehicles (High-Class Automobiles)
[*] Australian Motor Industries (Automotive Construction/Civilian and Military)
[*] Orbital Corporation (Clean-Energy Aerospace and Automotive Engine Construction)
[*] CSR Ltd. (Aluminum/Composite Producers)
[*] Orrcon (Steel/Composite Producers)
[*] BlueScope Steel (Steel/Composite Producers)

[size="4"][b]Retail Corporations[/b][/size]

[*] Boost Juice (Fruity Drink Chain)
[*] Pacific Brands (Clothing/Outfitters)
[*] Foster's Group (Brewing/Soft Drink/Wine)
[*] Donut King (Coffee Chain)
[*] Bargain Bay (Department Store Chain)
[*] Quality Foods Inc. (Supermarkets)
[*] Queensmarket (Supermarkets)
[*] QV National (Department Stores)
[*] Preshafood (High Pressure Processed Food)
[*] Country Road (General Retail)

[size="4"][b]Utilities Corporations[/b][/size]

[*] AGL Energy (Electric)
[*] Energex (Electric)
[*] Energy Australia (Electric/Natural Gas Lines)
[*] M2 Telecommunications (Telecommunications/Internet Services)
[*] Telstra (Telecommunications/Internet/Phone/Cable Services

[size="4"][b]Resource Extraction/Refining Corporations[/b][/size]

[*] Conquest Mining (Resource Extraction)
[*] AED Oil (Oil/Natural Gas Exploration/Extraction)
[*] Newcrest Mining (Resource Extraction/Mining Equipment)
[*] Zinifex (Resource Extraction)
[*] Australian Petroleum Corporation (Oil/Natural Gas Extraction/Refining)
[*] Standard Chemicals (Chemical Extraction/Production/Refining)
[*] Broken Hill Proprietary (Petroleum Exploration/Extraction/Mined Minerals)
[*] Minerals and Metals Group (Resource Extraction)
[*] Marathon Resources (Uranium Extraction/Refining/Processing)

[size="4"][b]Agricultural Corporations[/b][/size]

[*] ABB Group (Agricultural Products)
[*] AWB Limited (Agricultural Products/Grain/Feed)
[*] Sugarshack Group (Agricultural Products/Sugar Production/Refining)
[*] So Natural (Organic Food Business)
[*] Queensland Limited (Agricultural Products/Feed)
[*] Victoria Agribusiness Limited (Agricultural Products)
[*] WholeGrains Limited (Various Grain Products)

[size="4"][b]Defense Corporations[/b][/size]

[*] General Dynamics Oceania (Air/Land/Naval Systems)
[*] Tenix Group (Defense Planning/Civilian Design Group)
[*] Cockatoo Dockyards (Shipbuilding Civilian/Military)
[*] Incat (Shipbuilding Civilian/Military)
[*] Beretta Australia (Subsidiary of Beretta of Italy; Gunsmiths)
[*] Thales (Defense Contractor/Gunsmiths/Weapons Procurement)
[*] Army Inventions Directorate "AID" (Government-owned Defense Contractor/Civilian Design Group)
[*] Denel (Corporation/Ammunition Development/Procurement)
[*] Remington (Firearms/Gunsmiths/Ammunition)

[size="4"][b]Aerospace Corporations[/b][/size]

[*] Supermarine Australia
[*] Jabiru Aircraft
[*] Australian Aircraft Corporation
[*] de Havilland Australia

[size="4"][b]Transit/Shipping Corporations[/b][/size]

[*] Qantas Airways (Airline)
[*] ConnectEast (Rail Transit Lines)
[*] QR National (Freight Rail Lines)
[*] Madrigal Shipping Lines (Cargo Vessels/Cross-Ocean Service)
[*] Southern Cross Lines (Cargo/Passenger Vessels/Cross-Ocean Service)

[size="4"][b]Financial Groups[/b][/size]

[*] Bank of Melbourne
[*] Bank of Queensland
[*] National Australia Bank
[*] SunCorp Group (Finance Planning/Investing)

[size="4"][b]Miscellaneous Corporations[/b][/size]

[*] CSL Limited (Pharmaceuticals)
[*] Healthscope (Medical Equipment)
[*] Boral Group (Infrastructure Planning/Construction)
[*] Hayball (Infrastructure Planning/Construction)
[*] Wood Marsh (Infrastructure Planning/Construction)
[*] Technology One (Software Development)
[*] Mincom (Information Technology/Computer Development)
[*] ADInstruments (Analysis/Data Acquisition Software)
[*] UGL Limited (Infrastructure Planning/Construction)
[*] Brisbane Pharmaceuticals (Pharmaceuticals)
[*] Woomera Rocket Complex/Test Range (Government-owned Orbital Launch Complex/Test Range)
[*] Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Government-Owned Scientific Labs/Research Group)

[center][b][size="6"]Southern Cross Educational Data[/size][/b][/center]

[b][size="4"]General Statistics[/size][/b]

[*] Literacy Rate - 98.4%
[*] High School Graduation Rate - 95.8%
[*] University Graduate (Bachelor's) Rate - 79.3%


[*] Australian National University
[*] University of New South Wales
[*] Monash University
[*] Swinburne University of Technology
[*] Deakin University
[*] La Trobe University
[*] RMIT University
[*] University of Melbourne
[*] University of Sydney
[*] University of Queensland
[*] University of South Australia
[*] Brisbane Polytechnic Institute
[*] Canberra National University
[*] Melbourne Institute of Technology

[b][size="4"]Military Colleges[/size][/b]

[*] Australian War College
[*] Australian Military College
[*] Collins Naval Institute
[*] Bostock School (Air Force)

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[center][b][size="6"]Southern Cross Ground Defense Forces (SCGDF) - Order of Battle[/size][/b]

[b][size="4"]Battle Honors[/size][/b]

[b]Communist Australia/Australian Free State - Pihana War (East Coast Campaign)[/b]

Battle of the Border
Battle of the Murray River

[b]Operation Downfall/Cartwheel: Invasion of Japan[/b]

Bonin Islands

[b]Western Australia Insurrection[/b]

Battle of Darwin[/center]

[b]Military Directive Order #MD3262011[/b]

[i]In the interests of defending the sovereignty of the Union, the government of the Union of the Southern Cross enacts Directive #MD3262011 and hereby reorganizes the Defense Forces of the Southern Cross. This will ensure the continued defense and military projection capabilities of the Union, and ensure an organized protection of the state. While these forces are not entirely complete yet, they represent a benchmark of where the Union will be when the military is fully active and organized at its projected height.

The basic hierarchical unit of the Ground Forces of the Southern Cross Defense Forces will be the Division, which will be made up of two to three brigades of two full 'heavy' configuration regiments with a 'light' configuration artillery regiment of two artillery battalions. Each full 'heavy' configuration regiment will be made up of four battalions of infantry or armor. Infantry battalions will have a five companies of two hundred and fifty soldiers each, with five platoons of fifty men each, each company also has a heavy weapons platoon and combat engineer platoon provided. Armored battalions will have four squadrons of twenty-two tanks each, with four troops of five tanks each, as well as a squadron headquarters troop of two armored vehicles, one other squadron of the tank battalion will be made up of mechanized infantry, of five platoons of thirty men each, with a total of twenty-five infantry fighting vehicles. These divisions also include one 'heavy' artillery regiment configuration units, which will have three artillery battalions as opposed to the 'light' configurations of two battalions. Divisional commands will have their own self-intrinsic maintenance, quartermaster, medical, headquarters, and support units that will allow them independent operation.

Independent brigades of the SCDF will have two 'light' configuration regiments, which have the same configuration as 'heavy' regiment configurations, except will be made up of three battalions instead of four. These independent brigades will primarily be fast expeditionary force or fast reaction units, and will also include a 'light' configuration artillery regiments as well. These independent brigades will also have their own self-intrinsic maintenance, quartermaster, medical, headquarters, and support units that will allow them independent operation.

Artillery battalions will have a standard configuration of twenty guns each, with five batteries organized into four guns each.

Mechanized infantry units (not attached to armored units) will have seven armored personnel carriers per platoon to transport, five of them being armed with standard machineguns only, the other two mounting a heavy weapons turret.

To maintain the readiness of reserve formations, all regular line units will have one company of reserves, with the exception of the fast reaction brigades. On top of this, all reserve formations will maintain one company, squadron, or battery of full-time troops. This will allow these forces to maintain equipment and weaponry of the reserve formations, and keep combat readiness high, so that no unit is truly a 'full-time' reserve unit.

Marine Regimental Combat Teams (RCTs) are usually deployed as self-supporting forces, with their own structure, which includes two full battalions of infantry, two squadrons of armor, as well as their own battalion of 105mm artillery.[/i]

[b]Military Directive Order #MD3282011[/b]

[i]Under the auspices of continuing to improve the SCGDF, the Ministry of Defense and Governor General have further marked new units whose ranks are to be filled.

The inclusion of Army Aviation Regiments is a first, and goes along these guidelines; Army Aviation Regiments include two battalions of helicopter gunships. Each battalion will be made up of three squadrons of twelve helicopters each, one squadron will be made up of "Comanche" Light Attack Helicopters, the other two squadrons will be made up of "Thunder" Heavy Assault Gunships.

Also as a new feature, is the airmobile regiments, which will be assigned helicopters as modes of transit. Each company will be assigned a total of nineteen UH-60 Medium Utility Helicopters, or eight HH-53 Heavy Assault Helicopters, depending on availability and mission specifications. Including the standard companies, each airmobile regiment will also have a squadron of Heavy Assault gunships attached.

Border Regiments are light-configuration regiments designed to act as border protection units, with specific experience in counter-insurgency warfare, and conduct airborne, vehicle, and foot patrols of their regions. The border regiments also include an airborne component of a squadron of Light Attack Helicopters, and three squadrons of UH-60 "Blackhawks". Included inside the border regiments are also mobile radar units, and Surface-to-Air Missile Battalions, armed with mobile launchers. The standard SAM Battery of a border regiment consists of a company of eight short range missile launch vehicles, and six long-to-medium range missile launch vehicles, depending on availability.
This new directive also attaches a company of eight short range SAM batteries to each mechanized or armor battalion, for increased anti-air protection.[/i]

[b]Military Directive Order #MD3292011[/b] - [i]In the interests of increasing the reliability, strength, and readiness of the Southern Cross Ground Defense Forces, the Central Reserve Command is created.[/i]

[b]Military Directive Order #MD3302011[/b]

[i]In the interests of continued development of the armed forces, and the strengthening of combat capabilities amongst all units, [b]Military Directive Order #MD3302011[/b] is hereby enacted.

Under this directive, all mechanized and armored forces will be assigned two M247 Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Artillery Vehicles, as well as one M163AM Close-in Weapon System Vehicle to their headquarters company. These units will be particularly useful for combat support, as well as anti-aircraft, anti-helicopter, and in the case of the M163AM, provide some defense against inbound missile systems. Also as part of this directive, light infantry units will be given an increase of FIM-92 Stinger missiles, for increased anti-aircraft protection. All infantry (mechanized/light infantry) units will also be issued the standard L16 81mm Mortar system, in a quantity of four per company, to provide extra artillery support for each company.

Also under this directive, the creation of Anti-Aircraft Regiments is approved, with a standard configuration that follows. The AA Regiment will be made up of three battalions, which in turn has four batteries, with a total of five launchers per battery, for a battalion total strength of twenty launching vehicles. Also approved in this mix, is the inclusion of one M163AM CIWS Vehicle, as well as one M247 SP AAA Vehicle for the headquarters company. Each battalion will have its own resupply vehicles, mobile radar units, and security group. Each battery will be comprised of two short-range launch vehicles, and three medium-to-long-range missile launch vehicles.

Lastly, the directive also trumpets the creation of RARU or "Regional Aircraft Response Unit" Command, under the direction of the SC Air Defense Force. Each State in the Union will be afforded a certain amount of "RARU" Groups. The responsibility of these units will be to re-arm, refuel, and maintain aircraft at remote facilities if the SCADF is dispersed and must use secondary locations to maintain its presence in the country. The creation of these units will give the SCADF a flexible arm across the country, in being able to operate from austere locations, including highways and remote airstrips. RARU Groups will be made up of armament trucks, fuel tankers, and mobile maintenance shops, as well as basic command and control facilities, and on occasion, mobile radar trucks.[/i]

[b]Military Directive Order #MD4092011[/b]

[i]By order of the Defense Ministry, in order to strengthen the firepower of all Mechanized Infantry Battalions, one M887 Fire Support Saturation Fire Vehicle will be allocated at the company level. To increase the indirect/NLoS capabilities of Armored Battalion, three of these vehicles will be allocated in the battalion HQ Company.[/i]

[b]Military Directive #MD04202011[/b]

[i]In the interest of continued combat readiness of the Southern Cross Armed Forces, and the quick rebuilding of Southern Cross forces following potential future conflicts, the Defense Ministry has approved the creation of the [b]Central Replacement Command[/b]. This command creates one battalion for every existing regiment (two for Heavy-configuration regiments), and has these units in operational reserve behind the lines. Following the incurring of heavy casualties, these units will be integrated into the existing regiment, on a company basis, while the other units are compressed into other companies.

This will ensure that instead of going into combat with men that replacements won't know, they will stay with their comrades they have trained with. This will ensure that unit morale and cohesion remains high, despite casualties, as men are able to fight alongside familiar faces in their units. This system will replace the current "fill the ranks", system which stipulates that replacements will be individually, or in small groups, be handed over to combat units on the line.[/i]

[b]First Division[/b]

[*] Headquarters Group, First Division
[*] 1st Brigade - Victoria Hussars Regiment (Mechanized), 17th Infantry Regiment (Mechanized), 1st Field Regiment (155mm SP)
[*] 5th Brigade - Queensland Dragoons Regiment (Armor), 21st Infantry Regiment (Mechanized), 5th Field Regiment (155mm SP)
[*] 13th Brigade - Queensland Regiment (Mechanized), Brisbane Hussars (Reserve - Mechanized), 13th Field Regiment (155mm Towed)
[*] 1st Heavy (Artillery) Regiment (155mm Towed)
[*] 101st Maintenance and Supply Group
[*] 201st Field Hospital Group
[*] 301st Field Support Unit

[b]Second Division[/b]

[*] Headquarters Group, Second Division
[*] 2nd Brigade - New South Wales Borderers Regiment (Light Infantry), 16th Infantry Regiment (Reserve - Light Infantry), 2nd Field Regiment (105mm Towed)
[*] 6th Brigade - Sydney Rifles Regiment (Light Infantry), Brisbane Light Infantry Regiment (Light Infantry), 6th Field Regiment (105mm Towed)
[*] 2nd Heavy Regiment (Mixed 155mm/105mm Towed)
[*] 102nd Maintenance and Supply Group
[*] 202nd Field Hospital Group
[*] 302nd Field Support Unit

[b]Third Division[/b]

[*] Headquarters Group, Third Division
[*] 3rd Brigade - Australian Light Horse Regiment (Mechanized), 19th Infantry Regiment (Mechanized), 3rd Field Regiment (155mm SP)
[*] 7th Brigade - Frontier Hussars Regiment (Armored), South Australian Dragoons (Armored), 7th Field Regiment (155mm SP)
[*] Tasmanian Horse Guards Regiment (Reserve - Mechanized - Attached Heavy Regiment)
[*] 3rd Heavy Regiment (155mm SP)
[*] 103rd Maintenance and Supply Group
[*] 203rd Field Hospital Group
[*] 303rd Field Support Unit

[b]Fourth Division[/b]

[*] Headquarters Group, Fourth Division
[*] 4th Brigade - Gold Coast Regiment (Mechanized), Tasmanian Dragoons Regiment (Armored), 4th Field Regiment (155mm SP)
[*] 8th Brigade - Melbourne Light Infantry Regiment (Light Infantry), New South Wales Infantry Regiment (Reserve - Mechanized)
[*] Canberra Infantry Regiment (Reserve - Light Infantry - Attached Heavy Regiment)
[*] 4th Heavy Regiment (Mixed - 155mm SP/Towed)
[*] 104th Maintenance and Supply Group
[*] 204th Field Hospital Group
[*] 304th Field Support Unit

[b]Fifth Division - Created Under #MD3282011[/b]

[*] Headquarters Group, Fifth Division
[*] 13th "Para" Brigade – 1st Parachute "Blue Devils" Regiment, 2nd Parachute Regiment, 13th Field Regiment (105mm Towed)
[*] 15th Brigade – South Australia Light Horse (Airmobile), Melbourne Hussars (Airmobile), 15th Field Regiment (105mm Towed)
[*] 17th Reserve Brigade – Tasmanian Light Horse (Reserve - Airmobile), Sydney Rifles Regiment (Reserve – Light Infantry), 17th Field Regiment (Reserve – 155mm Towed)
[*] 5th Army Aviation Regiment
[*] 105th Maintenance and Supply Group
[*] 205th Field Hospital Group
[*] 305th Field Support Unit

[b]Sixth "Australian Irish" Division - Created Under #MD05072011[/b]

[*] 14th Brigade - Queen's Irish Regiment of Australia (Mechanized), Victoria Irish Rangers (Mechanized), 14th Field Regiment (155mm Towed)
[*] 18th Brigade - South Australian Irish Rifles Regiment (Mechanized), 69th Infantry Regiment (Light Infantry), 18th Field Regiment (155mm SP)
[*] 19th Brigade - Western Australian Irish Dragoons (Armored), Irish Hussars of Australia (Armored), 19th Field Regiment (155mm SP
[*] 34th Heavy Regiment (155mm Towed)
[*] 106th Maintenance and Supply Group
[*] 206th Field Hospital Group
[*] 306th Field Support Unit

[b]Seventh Division - Created Under #MD05072011[/b]

[*] 20th Brigade - Western Australian Rifles (Light Infantry), Perth Light Infantry (Light Infantry), 20th Field Regiment (105mm Towed)
[*] 22nd Brigade - Perth Rifles (Mechanized), Western Australia Light Horse (Mechanized), 21st Field Regiment (155mm Towed)
[*] 9th Marine Regimental Combat Team
[*] 7th Heavy Regiment (155mm Towed)
[*] 107th Maintenance and Supply Group
[*] 207th Field Hospital Group
[*] 307th Field Support Unit

[b]Eighth Division - Created Under #MD05072011[/b]

[*] 21st Brigade - Northern Australia Hussars (Armored), Darwin Rifles (Mechanized), 21st Field Regiment (155mm SP)
[*] 23rd Brigade - Outback Rangers (Light Infantry), Northern Australia Light Infantry "The Bushmasters" (Mechanized), 23rd Field Regiment (105mm Towed)
[*] 25th Brigade - Queen's Own Outback Rifles (Mechanized), The Ayer's Rock Regiment "Central Australian Infantry", 25th Field Regiment (155mm Towed)
[*] 108th Maintenance and Supply Group
[*] 208th Field Hospital Group
[*] 308th Field Support Unit

[b]Special Operations Division (SOD) - Created Under #MD3282011[/b]

[*] Lillian Guards Regiment
[*] Z Unit (Battalion – Tier 1 SOF)
[*] Special Air Service Regiment (Light Configuration Regiment – Tier 1 SOF)
[*] Naval Commando Battalion Group (Two Battalions – Tier 1 SOF)
[*] 1st Commando Regiment (Heavy Configuration Regiment – Tier 2 SOF)
[*] 2nd Commando Regiment (Heavy Configuration Regiment – Tier 2 SOF)
[*] Incident Response Regiments (Support Regiment – Special Emergencies Battalions)

[b]Ninth (Rapid Reaction) "Victoria" Brigade[/b]

[*] Melbourne Light Horse Regiment (Mechanized)
[*] Murray River Regiment (Light Infantry)
[*] 9th Field Regiment (155mm Towed)
[*] 409th Rapid Reaction Support Group

[b]Tenth Reserve Brigade[/b]

[*] Sunshine Coast Regiment (Reserve - Light Infantry)
[*] Frontier Light Infantry Regiment (Reserve - Light Infantry)
[*] 10th Field Regiment (105mm Towed)
[*] 410th Brigade Support Group

[b]Eleventh Reserve Brigade[/b]

[*] New South Wales Dragoons Regiment (Reserve - Armored)
[*] North Queensland Hussars Regiment (Reserve - Mechanized)
[*] Victoria Light Horse Regiment (Reserve - Armored - Attached Unit)
[*] 11th Field Regiment (155mm SP)
[*] 411th Brigade Support Group

[b]Twelfth (Rapid Reaction) Brigade[/b]

[*] South Victorian Light Horse (Armored)
[*] Governor General's Light Infantry (Mechanized)
[*] 4th Marine Regimental Combat Team (Attached Unit)
[*] 12th Field Regiment (155mm SP)
[*] 412th Rapid Reaction Support Group

[b]Twenty-Fourth Rapid Reaction Brigade - Created Under #MD05072011[/b]

[*] Northern Australia Light Horse (Armored)
[*] Northwest Rifles (Reserve/Mechanized)
[*] Outback Light Horse (Mechanized)
[*] 24th Field Regiment
[*] 424th Support Group

[b]Independent Marine Regiments/Commands[/b]

[*] 1st Marine Regimental Combat Team
[*] 2nd Marine Regiment Combat Team
[*] 3rd Marine Regiment Combat Team
[*] Amphibious Support Group

[b]Border Regiments - Created Under #MD3282011[/b]

[*] North Queensland Border Regiment (Out of Norman, Queensland)
[*] South Queensland Border Regiment (Out of Camooweal, Queensland)
[*] Northern Borderers Regiment (Out of Indulkana, South Australia)
[*] Western Borderers Regiment (Out of Border Village, South Australia)

[b]Queensland Air Defense Corps[/b]

[*] 1st AA Regiment
[*] 5th AA Regiment
[*] 9th AA Regiment
[*] 15th AA Regiment
[*] 17th AA Regiment (Reserve)

[b]Victoria Air Defense Corps[/b]

[*] 2nd AA Regiment
[*] 6th AA Regiment
[*] 12th AA Regiment
[*] 22nd AA Regiment
[*] 26th AA Regiment (Reserve)

[b]New South Wales Air Defense Corps[/b]

[*] 3rd AA Regiment
[*] 7th AA Regiment
[*] 13th AA Regiment
[*] 19th AA Regiment
[*] 23rd AA Regiment
[*] 25th AA Regiment (Reserve)

[b]South Australia Air Defense Corps[/b]

[*] 10th AA Regiment
[*] 16th AA Regiment
[*] 20th AA Regiment
[*] 28th AA Regiment (Reserve)

[b]Tasmania Air Defense Corps[/b]

[*] 31st AA Regiment
[*] 39th AA Regiment
[*] 47th AA Regiment (Reserve)

[b]Northern Australia Air Defense Corps[/b]

[*] 50th AA Regiment
[*] 52nd AA Regiment
[*] 54th AA Regiment
[*] 56th AA Regiment
[*] 58th AA Regiment
[*] 60th AA Regiment (Reserve)

[b]Western Australia Air Defense Corps[/b]

[*] 51st AA Regiment
[*] 53rd AA Regiment
[*] 55th AA Regiment
[*] 57th AA Regiment
[*] 59th AA Regiment
[*] 61st AA Regiment

[b]Central Reserve Command - Created under #MD3292011[/b]

[*] 18th Infantry Regiment (Light Configuration Regiment - Light Infantry)
[*] 22nd Infantry Regiment (Reserve - Heavy Configuration Regiment - Mechanized)
[*] 23rd Infantry Regiment (Reserve - Heavy Configuration Regiment - Light Infantry)
[*] 24th Infantry Regiment (Reserve - Light Configuration Regiment - Mechanized)
[*] 25th Infantry Regiment (Heavy Configuration Regiment - Mechanized)
[*] 26th Infantry Regiment (Reserve - Light Configuration Regiment - Light Infantry)
[*] 3rd Commando Regiment (Heavy Configuration Regiment - Tier 2 SOF)
[*] Governor General's Light Infantry Regiment (Heavy Configuration Regiment - Light Infantry)
[*] Duchess of Brisbane's Dragoons Regiment (Heavy Configuration Regiment - Armored)
[*] Lady Protector's Regiment (Light Configuration Regiment - Armored)
[*] Queen's Royal Lifeguards (Heavy Configuration Regiment - Armored)
[*] 34th Armored Regiment (Reserve - Light Configuration Regiment - Armored)
[*] 39th Armored Regiment (Reserve - Light Configuration Regiment - Armored)
[*] 41st Armored Regiment (Reserve - Heavy Configuration Regiment - Armored)
[*] 1st Army Aviation Regiment
[*] 3rd Army Aviation Regiment
[*] 4th Army Aviation Regiment
[*] 1st Heavy Construction Regiment
[*] 2nd Heavy Construction Regiment
[*] 3rd Heavy Construction Regiment
[*] 768th Independent Combat Engineer Regiment
[*] 790th Independent Combat Engineer Regiment
[*] Expeditionary Force Command Group
[*] Expeditionary Force Long-term Medical Group
[*] 58th Field Regiment (Reserve - 105mm Towed)
[*] 59th Field Regiment (155mm SP)
[*] 60th Field Regiment (Reserve - 155mm SP)
[*] 61st Field Regiment (Reserve - 155mm Towed)
[*] 62nd Field Regiment (Reserve - 105mm Towed)
[*] 6th Heavy Regiment (Reserve - 155mm SP)
[*] 17th Heavy Regiment (155mm Towed)
[*] 18th Heavy Regiment (105mm Towed)
[*] 9th Heavy Regiment (155mm SP)
[*] 708th Long-term Support Group
[*] 709th Long-term Support Group
[*] 715th Long-term Support Group

[center][b][size="6"]Southern Cross Security and Defense Levels (SDL) Alert System[/size][/b]

[b][color="red"]"ALPHA" Level - Severe Threat Level/Readiness[/color][/b]

[b][color="orange"]"BRAVO" Level - High Threat Level/Readiness[/color][/b]

[b][color="yellow"]"CHARLIE" Level - Elevated Threat Level/Readiness[/color][/b]

[b][color="green"]"DELTA" Level - Increased Threat Level/Readiness[/color][/b]

[b][color="blue"]"ECHO" Level - Normal Threat Level/Readiness[/color][/b][/center]

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[center][b][size="6"]Southern Cross Firearms[/size][/b][/center]


[b]Px4 Storm 9mmx19 Parabellum Semi-Automatic Pistol[/b][/center]


[b]M8G 5.56mmx45 Modular Assault Rifle[/b][/center]


[center][b]Rx4 Storm 5.56mmx223 REM Assault Rifle/Carbine Family[/b][/center]


[b]MK43 7.62mmx51 Medium Machinegun[/b][/center]


[center][b]M2E2 .50 Caliber Heavy Machinegun[/b][/center]


[center][b]Mk14 EBR Designated Marksman Rifle[/b][/center]


[b]M82 .50 Caliber Anti-Material Weapon[/b][/center]


[b]SPIKE Fourth-Generation AT Missile System - HEAT Warhead[/b][/center]


[b]M72 Light Anti-Tank Weapon[/b][/center]

[center][b][size="6"]Southern Cross Vehicles[/size][/b][/center]


[center][b]Leopard 2A9 Main Battle Tank[/b][/center]


[center][b]Puma Infantry Fighting Vehicle[/b][/center]


[b]ASLAV Armored Personnel Carrier[/b][/center]


[b]STRYKER Armored Troop Transport[/b][/center]


[b]SRSAM Short Range Surface-to-Air Missile Launch Vehicle[/b][/center]


[b]S-500 Long-to-Medium Range Surface-to-Air Missile Launch Vehicle[/b][/center]


[center][b]M247 SPAAA Vehicle[/b][/center]


[center][b]M163AM CIWS Vehicle[/b][/center]


[b]Thales MRAP Personnel Carrier[/b][/center]


[b]M54 5 Ton Prime Mover[/b][/center]


[b]M35 2.5 Ton Prime Mover[/b][/center]


[b]A-WAGON Light Utility/Reconnaissance Vehicle[/b][/center]

[center][b][size="6"]Southern Cross Artillery[/size][/b][/center]


[b]G6 155mm Self-Propelled Artillery System[/b][/center]


[b]M777 155mm Towed Artillery System[/b][/center]


[b]M119 105mm Towed Artillery System[/b][/center]


[b]M887 122mm Rocket Launching/Dual 75mm Howitzer Saturation Support Weapon[/b][/center]


[center][b]L/16 81mm Mortar[/b][/center]

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[center][b][size="6"]Southern Cross Air Defense Force - SCADF[/size][/b][/center]

[b][size="4"]Order of Battle[/size][/b]

[b]Fighter Squadrons[/b]

[*] 1st, 7th, 8th "Black Sheep", 12th "Dirty Dozen", 19th, 22nd, 25th, 34th "Gamblers", 35th, 36th, 39th "Eagles", 41st "Wolfhounds", 45th "Vampires", 46th, 47th, and 49th Fighter Squadrons (F-23 "Black Widow" Air Superiority Stealth Fighters - 192 Aircraft Total - 72 Aircraft in Strategic Reserve)

[*] 13th "Devil's Own", 23rd, 24th, 40th, 50th "Gorillas", 57th, 61st "Hornets", 66th "Hellspawn", 68th, 71st, 77th "Fightin' Sevens", 89th, 90th, 91st, 95th, 96th, 97th and 99th "White Knights" Fighter Squadrons (F-35 "Lightning II" Multirole Stealth Fighters - 212 Aircraft Total - 96 Aircraft in Strategic Reserve)

[*] 15ht, 16th, 17th "Death Dealers", 20th "Bearcats", 21st, 29th, 38th "Jolly Rogers", and 55th "Fightin' Fivers" Strike Fighter Squadrons (F-15SE "Strike Eagle" Fighters - 96 Aircraft Total - 48 Aircraft in Strategic Reserve)

[*] 2nd "Seahawks", 6th "Poseidon", 10th "Black Cats", 51st and 52nd SCNDF Naval Attack Squadrons (Rafale "P" Multirole Aircraft - 60 Aircraft Total - 30 Aircraft in Strategic Reserve)

[*] 3rd "Wranglers", 4th "Deathdealers", 5th, 9th, 11th, 53rd, 81st, and 82nd "Seakings" SCNDF Naval Attack Squadrons (F-35C "Lightning II" Multirole Stealth Fighters - 96 Aircraft Total - 48 Aircraft in Strategic Reserve)

[b]Bomber Squadrons[/b]

[*] 101st "One-oh-Ones", 102nd, 104th, 107th, 108th, 115th "Succubus", 119th, 121st "Ramblers", 145th, 156th, and 178th "White Knights" Strategic Attack Squadrons (B-1S Strategic Bomber/Missile Truck Aircraft - 132 Aircraft Total - 60 in Strategic Reserve)

[*] 144th "Lucky Strikes", 159th "Aces High", 176th, 181st, and 185th Strategic Attack Squadrons (B-2G Spirit Stealth Bomber - 60 Aircraft Total - 24 in Strategic Reserve)

[*] 666th "Devil's Stalkers" Tactical Gunship Squadron (AC-130G Tactical Gunship - 12 Aircraft Total - 12 in Strategic Reserve)

[b]Transport Groups (3 Squadrons)[/b]

[*] 209th, 223rd, 225th "Hercules", 227th, and 239th Tactical Transport Groups (C-400N Heavy Tactical Aircraft - 180 Aircraft Total - 72 in Strategic Reserve)

[*] 214th, 238th, 241st, and 245th "Atlas" Strategic Airlift Groups (C-17 "Globemaster" Strategic Airlift Aircraft - 144 Aircraft Total - 36 in Strategic Reserve)

[*] 289th and 299th Heavy Strategic Airlift Groups (C-124N "Atlas" Heavy Strategic Airlift Aircraft - 72 Aircraft Total - 18 in Strategic Reserve)

[b]Electronic Warfare/Airborne Warning and Control Squadrons and Groups[/b]

[*] 301st, 313th, 319th, 327th "Phantoms", and 329th "Watchdogs" Electronic Warfare Squadrons (E/A-18 "Growler" Electronic Warfare Aircraft - 60 Aircraft Total - 48 in Strategic Reserve)

[*] 330th "Seadogs" and 341st "Banshees" SCNDF Naval Electronic Warfare Squadrons (E/A-18 "Growler" Electronic Warfare Aircraft - 24 Aircraft Total - 12 in Strategic Reserve)

[*] 376th, 381st, and 389th Airborne Warning and Control Groups (EC-3 "Sentry" AWACS Aircraft - 108 Aircraft Total - 12 in Strategic Reserve)

[center][b][size="6"]SCADF Aircraft[/size][/b][/center]


[b]F-23 "Black Widow" Air Superiority Stealth Fighter[/b][/center]


[b]F-35 "Lightning II" Multirole Stealth Fighter[/b][/center]


[b]Rafale "P" Multirole Fighter[/b][/center]


[b]U-47F Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle "UCAV"[/b][/center]


[b]B-1S "Lancer" Strategic Bomber/Missile Truck[/b][/center]


[b]B-2G "Spirit" Strategic Stealth Bomber[/b][/center]


[center][b]F-15 "Silent Eagle" Tactical Strike Fighter-Bomber[/b][/center]


[center][b]E/A-18 "Growler" Electronic Warfare Aircraft[/b][/center]


[b]AC-130J Aerial Gunship[/b][/center]


[b]C-400N Heavy Tactical Transport Aircraft[/b][/center]


[b]C-124N "Atlas" Heavy Strategic Airlift Aircraft[/b][/center]


[b]C-17 "Globemaster" Strategic Airlift/Heavy Tactical Transport Aircraft[/b][/center]


[b]KC-10 "Extender" Mid-Air Refueling Aircraft[/b][/center]


[center][b]E-3 "Sentry" AWACS Surveillance Aircraft[/b][/center]

[center][b][size="6"]SCADF Rotary Aircraft[/size][/b][/center]


[b]AH-60 "Thunder" Heavy Assault Gunship[/b][/center]


[b]RAH-66 "Comanche" Light Attack/Reconnaissance Gunship[/b][/center]


[b]HH-53 "Pave Low" Heavy Assault Helicopter[/b][/center]


[b]UH-60 "Blackhawk" Medium Utility Helicopter[/b][/center]


[center][b]LH-6 "Little Bird" Light Utility Helicopter[/b][/center]

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[b][size="6"][center]Southern Cross Naval Defense Force - SCNDF[/center][/size][/b]

[center][b][size="4"]Current Vessels[/size][/b][/center]


[b]SCS [i]Indefatigable[/i]-class Aircraft Carrier[/b]

[b]Current Vessel(s):[/b] SCS [i]Indefatigable[/i] and SCS [i]Indomitable[/i]

[b]Powerplant:[/b] Nuclear Powerplant

[b]Length:[/b] 932 Feet
[b]Beam:[/b] 240 (flight deck) Feet

[b]Cruise Speed:[/b] 24 Knots
[b]Combat Speed:[/b] 30 Knots
[b]Top Speed:[/b] 38 Knots

[b]Specialized Systems:[/b] The [i]Indefatigable[/i]-class is the second ship to carry the Mincom/Technology One/Tenix Group "LANDSKNECHT" Air Defense System. On top of carrying an AESA system, the system uses a low-frequency radar with an advanced digital signal processing unit that removes excess clutter. This low-frequency radar gives the LANDSKNECHT system a capability to detect incoming stealth aircraft. Integrated with an advanced bistatic radar system, the system gains a huge advantage against normal radar processing systems. The system also incorporates a side-looking radar set that increases stealth detection abilities. On top of these systems, the LANDSKNECHT system available to the [i]Indefatigable[/i] carries three large thermographic cameras equipped with QWIPs (quantum-well infrared photodetectors), to get information on inbound stealth aircraft. These large telescopic cameras can also help against radar-jamming equipment, giving information to anti-air defenses and directing efforts to eliminate jamming equipment. The LANDSKNECHT system features a datalink system that also connects to other nearby friendly ships and aircraft, giving them full access to this information, which will help increase a coordinated response. The LANDSKNECHT also features satellite uplink systems as well to give it access to high-altitude optical 'lookdown' scans from satellites.

[b]Hull Design:[/b] The [i]Indefatigable[/i], like many other modern ships built by the United Federation of the East, boasts a superstructure is built with highly flexible material, which allows it to survive torpedo ships without breaking its keel, not stopping the damage completely, but preventing what would otherwise be a lethal blow. The ship is equipped with armor, which takes advantage of modern technology, using lighter composite armor than older cruiser giving it excellent levels of protection without rendering the ship too heavy. The ship has systems in place to lock down sections of the ship, which either get flooded or have critical explosions/ fires to prevent these from being crippling blows to the entire ship. [i](Courtesy of Triyun)[/i]

[b]Weapon Systems:[/b]

[*] 4 RIM-116 BLOCK II Rolling Airframe Launchers
[*] Chaff/ECM Pods


[*] 24 x F-35 Lightning II Multirole Stealth Fighters
[*] 12 x Rafaele "P" Naval Attack Fighters
[*] 6 x E/A-18 "Growler" Electronic Warfare Aircraft
[*] 12 x SH-53 "Super Sea Stallions" Heavy Assault Helicopters
[*] 12 x SH-60 "Seahawk" Medium Utility Helicopters
[*] 4 x Maritime Surveillance UCAVs



[b]SCS [i]Storm[/i]-class Landing Platform Helicopter[/b]

[b]Current Vessel(s):[/b] SCS [i]Storm[/i] and SCS [i]Squall[/i]

[b]Powerplant:[/b] 3 OC/Holden Diesel Alternators 16 V32 (6.2MW) & 1 OC/Holden Auxiliary Diesel Alternator (3MW)

[b]Length:[/b] 653 Feet
[b]Beam:[/b] 105 Feet

[b]Cruise Speed:[/b] 19 Knots
[b]Combat Speed:[/b] 24 Knots
[b]Top Speed:[/b] 27 Knots

[b]Specialized Systems:[/b] The [i]Storm[/i]-class is the first ship to carry the Mincom/Technology One/Tenix Group "LANDSKNECHT" Air Defense System. On top of carrying datalinks that can connect to AESA systems, the system uses a low-frequency radar with an advanced digital signal processing unit that removes excess clutter. This low-frequency radar gives the LANDSKNECHT system a capability to detect incoming stealth aircraft. Integrated with an advanced bistatic radar system, the system gains a huge advantage against normal radar processing systems. The system also incorporates a side-looking radar set that increases stealth detection abilities. On top of these systems, the LANDSKNECHT system available to the [i]Storm[/i] carries two large thermographic cameras equipped with QWIPs (quantum-well infrared photodetectors), to get information on inbound stealth aircraft. These large telescopic cameras can also help against radar-jamming equipment, giving information to anti-air defenses and directing efforts to eliminate jamming equipment. The LANDSKNECHT system features a datalink system that also connects to other nearby friendly ships and aircraft, giving them full access to this information, which will help increase a coordinated response. The LANDSKNECHT also features satellite uplink systems as well to give it access to high-altitude optical 'lookdown' scans from satellites.

[b]Weapon Systems:[/b]

[*] 3 M2E2 .50 Caliber Machineguns

[b]Vehicles/Personnel Carried:[/b]

[*] Up to 59 Vehicles (including 13 MBTs) [b]OR[/b] 40 MBTs
[*] 900 Troops
[*] Four "Sabre" Heavy Landing Craft (in Floodable Deck)
[*] Four RHIBs Boats


[*] 16 SH-53 "Super Sea Stallions" Heavy Assault Helicopters or 26 SH-60 "Seahawk" Medium Utility Helicopters



[b][i]Conqueror[/i]-class Arsenal Ship[/b]

[b]Current Vessels:[/b] SCS [i]Conqueror[/i] and SCS [i]Thunderer[/i]

[b]Powerplant:[/b] Nuclear Powerplant

[b]Length:[/b] 800 Feet
[b]Beam (at widest point, midship level):[/b] 150 Feet

[b]Cruise Speed:[/b] 28 Knots
[b]Combat Speed:[/b] 35 Knots
[b]Top Speed:[/b] 41 Knots

[b]Specialized Systems:[/b] The [i]Conqueror[/i]-class is equipped to carry the Mincom/Technology One/Tenix Group "LANDSKNECHT" Air Defense System. On top of carrying an AESA system, the system uses a low-frequency radar with an advanced digital signal processing unit that removes excess clutter. This low-frequency radar gives the LANDSKNECHT system a capability to detect incoming stealth aircraft. Integrated with an advanced bistatic radar system, the system gains a huge advantage against normal radar processing systems. The system also incorporates a side-looking radar set that increases stealth detection abilities. On top of these systems, the LANDSKNECHT system available to the [i]Conqueror[/i]-class carries five large thermographic cameras equipped with QWIPs (quantum-well infrared photodetectors), to get information on inbound stealth aircraft. These large telescopic cameras can also help against radar-jamming equipment, giving information to anti-air defenses and directing efforts to eliminate jamming equipment. The LANDSKNECHT system features a datalink system that also connects to other nearby friendly ships and aircraft, giving them full access to this information, which will help increase a coordinated response. The LANDSKNECHT also features satellite uplink systems as well to give it access to high-altitude optical 'lookdown' scans from satellites.

[b]Hull Design:[/b] The [i]Conqueror[/i]-class, with hull designs taken from shipbuilding techniques used in other SCNDF ships, particularly procured from the UFE, boasts a superstructure is built with highly flexible material, which allows it to survive torpedo ships without breaking its keel, not stopping the damage completely, but preventing what would otherwise be a lethal blow. The vessel, like other large Southern Cross ships, is also designed with a sectioned double hull to give the ship excellent survivability against torpedo strikes. The ship is equipped with armor, which takes advantage of modern technology, using lighter composite armor than older cruiser giving it excellent levels of protection without rendering the ship too heavy. The ship has systems in place to lock down sections of the ship, which either get flooded or have critical explosions/ fires to prevent these from being crippling blows to the entire ship. [i](Courtesy of Triyun)[/i]

[b]Weapon Systems:[/b]

[b]Naval Guns[/b]

[*] 2x 155mm Retractable Guns

[b]CIWS Capabilities[/b]

[*] 6x SeaRAM Retractable Systems (SeaRAM Block III Missiles/25mm Cannons)
[*] 4x Laser CIWS Turrets

[b]448 Total Vertical Launch System Tubes (Diagonal/Angled Offboard/Cold Launch)[/b]

[*] RIM-66/67 Standard Block III SAM
[*] SM 3 Block II SAM/ABM
[*] RIM-162 ESSM SAM
[*] BGM-109 Tomahawk Cruise Missile
[*] K-Asroc VLAST
[*] RGM-84A Block III ASM
[*] MM40 Block III ASM


[*] 3x SH-60 Seahawk Medium Utility Helicopters



[b]City-class Reduced Visibility Cruiser[/b]

[b]Current Vessels:[/b] SCS [i]Melbourne[/i], SCS [i]Adelaide[/i], and SCS [i]Sydney[/i]

[b]Powerplant:[/b] Nuclear Powerplant

[b]Length:[/b] 750 Feet
[b]Beam:[/b] 80 Feet

[b]Cruise Speed:[/b] 30 Knots
[b]Combat Speed:[/b] 37 Knots
[b]Top Speed:[/b] 43 Knots

[b]Specialized Systems:[/b] The City-class is equipped to carry the Mincom/Technology One/Tenix Group "LANDSKNECHT" Air Defense System. On top of carrying an AESA system, the system uses a low-frequency radar with an advanced digital signal processing unit that removes excess clutter. This low-frequency radar gives the LANDSKNECHT system a capability to detect incoming stealth aircraft. Integrated with an advanced bistatic radar system, the system gains a huge advantage against normal radar processing systems. The system also incorporates a side-looking radar set that increases stealth detection abilities. On top of these systems, the LANDSKNECHT system available to the City-class carries four large thermographic cameras equipped with QWIPs (quantum-well infrared photodetectors), to get information on inbound stealth aircraft. These large telescopic cameras can also help against radar-jamming equipment, giving information to anti-air defenses and directing efforts to eliminate jamming equipment. The LANDSKNECHT system features a datalink system that also connects to other nearby friendly ships and aircraft, giving them full access to this information, which will help increase a coordinated response. The LANDSKNECHT also features satellite uplink systems as well to give it access to high-altitude optical 'lookdown' scans from satellites.

[b]Hull Design:[/b] The City-class, with hull designs taken from shipbuilding techniques used in other SCNDF ships, particularly procured from the UFE, boasts a superstructure is built with highly flexible material, which allows it to survive torpedo ships without breaking its keel, not stopping the damage completely, but preventing what would otherwise be a lethal blow. The vessel, like other large Southern Cross ships, is also designed with a sectioned double hull to give the ship excellent survivability against torpedo strikes. The ship is equipped with armor, which takes advantage of modern technology, using lighter composite armor than older cruiser giving it excellent levels of protection without rendering the ship too heavy. The ship has systems in place to lock down sections of the ship, which either get flooded or have critical explosions/ fires to prevent these from being crippling blows to the entire ship. On top of these survivability designs, the cruiser is also designed like the [i]Attacker[/i]-class destroyer (ex-Jade Emperor-class), and [i]Conqueror[/i]-class Arsenal Ship, with reduced visibility turrets, sensor systems, and surfaces. [i](Courtesy of Triyun)[/i]

[b]Weapon Systems:[/b]

[b]Naval Guns[/b]

[*] 1x 155mm Retractable Gun

[b]CIWS Capabilities[/b]

[*] 2x SeaRAM Retractable Systems (forward)
[*] 2x 25mm CIWS Automatic Cannons in Stealth Turrets (aft)
[*] 3x Laser CIWS Turrets (one forward, two aft)

[b]200 Total Vertical Launch System Tubes (Diagonal/Angled Offboard/Cold Launch)[/b]

[*] RIM-66/67 Standard Block III SAM
[*] SM 3 Block II SAM/ABM
[*] RIM-162 ESSM SAM
[*] BGM-109 Tomahawk Cruise Missile
[*] K-Asroc VLAST
[*] RGM-84A Block III ASM
[*] MM40 Block III ASM


[*] 3x SH-60 Seahawk Medium Utility Helicopters



[b]Battle-class Heavy Destroyer[/b]

[b]Current Vessels:[/b] SCS [i]Murray River[/i], SCS [i]Darwin[/i], SCS [i]Bonin Islands[/i], and SCS [i]Narrabri[/i]

[b]Powerplant:[/b] 4 27,000SHP OC/Holden Gas Turbines

[b]Length:[/b] 510 Feet
[b]Beam:[/b] 60 Feet

[b]Cruise Speed:[/b] 25 Knots
[b]Combat Speed:[/b] 30 Knots
[b]Top Speed:[/b] 38 Knots

[b]Specialized Systems:[/b] The Battle-class is equipped to carry the Mincom/Technology One/Tenix Group "LANDSKNECHT" Air Defense System. On top of carrying an AESA system, the system uses a low-frequency radar with an advanced digital signal processing unit that removes excess clutter. This low-frequency radar gives the LANDSKNECHT system a capability to detect incoming stealth aircraft. Integrated with an advanced bistatic radar system, the system gains a huge advantage against normal radar processing systems. The system also incorporates a side-looking radar set that increases stealth detection abilities. On top of these systems, the LANDSKNECHT system available to the Battle-class carries two large thermographic cameras equipped with QWIPs (quantum-well infrared photodetectors), to get information on inbound stealth aircraft. These large telescopic cameras can also help against radar-jamming equipment, giving information to anti-air defenses and directing efforts to eliminate jamming equipment. The LANDSKNECHT system features a datalink system that also connects to other nearby friendly ships and aircraft, giving them full access to this information, which will help increase a coordinated response. The LANDSKNECHT also features satellite uplink systems as well to give it access to high-altitude optical 'lookdown' scans from satellites.

[b]Hull Design:[/b] The Battle-class, with hull designs taken from shipbuilding techniques used in other SCNDF ships, particularly procured from the UFE, boasts a superstructure is built with highly flexible material, which allows it to survive torpedo ships without breaking its keel, not stopping the damage completely, but preventing what would otherwise be a lethal blow. The ship is equipped with armor, which takes advantage of modern technology, using lighter composite armor than older cruiser giving it excellent levels of protection without rendering the ship too heavy. The ship has systems in place to lock down sections of the ship, which either get flooded or have critical explosions/ fires to prevent these from being crippling blows to the entire ship. [i](Courtesy of Triyun)[/i]

[b]Weapons Systems:[/b]

[b]Naval Guns:[/b]

[*] 1 5-inch Naval Gun

[b]64 VLMS Missile Cells (Cold-Launch/Diagonal Launch):[/b]

[*] Anti Submarine Missiles
[*] Tactical Vertical Launch Missiles
[*] Strategic Surface to Air Missiles
[*] Tomahawk Cruise Missiles

[b]Close In Systems:[/b]

[*] 3 RIM-116 BLOCK II Rolling Airframe Launchers
[*] Chaff/ECM Pods

[b]Torpedo Systems:[/b]

[*] 2 Torpedo Tubes, Standard Mk-45/Mk-50 Torpedoes Carried


[*] 2x SH-60 "Seahawk" Medium Utility Helicopters



[b]SCS [i]Attacker[/i]-class (UFE Ex-[i]Jade Emperor[/i]-class) Destroyer[/b]

[b]Current Vessels:[/b] SCS [i]Attacker[/i]

[b]Statistics:[/b] (Courtesy of Triyun)

[b]Power Systems:[/b] Nuclear Reactor

[b]Cruise Speed:[/b] 32 knots
[b]Combat Speed:[/b] 36 knots
[b]Top Speed:[/b] 40 knots

[b]Specialized Systems:[/b] Sun Tzu Integrated Combat Control System (Vastly improved version of AEGIS, including ballistic missile defense and all platform networked warfare), Next Generation Phased Array AESA Radar, Satellite-linked: Oceanic Reconnaissance, Satellite Imaging, Synthetic Radar Aperture, All direction looking Primary and secondary infrared electro optical sensors, LIDAR, Long range X/S Dual-band Radar, Passive and Active Sonar, Radar and Sonar Electronic Countermeasures, Many Chaff and Flare launchers, Directional Infrared Counter Measures

[b]Hull Design:[/b] The [i]Attacker[/i]-class (ex-UFE [i]Jade Emperor[/i]-class) is a stealth design destroyer uses advanced shaping to minimize its radar signatures, on top of this it is covered with a RAM Coating, which dramatically reduces its detection ability, with only one naval gun, its forward profile is among the lowest of any warship. Its drive system is enclosed and the underwater parts of the hull are covered in noise reduction systemizing minimizing its sonar presence. These two systems combined to make the Jade Emperor one of the stealthiest ships afloat, giving it a high survivability level against enemy platforms. The ship’s superstructure is built with highly flexible material, which allows it to survive torpedo ships without breaking its keel, not stopping the damage completely, but preventing what would otherwise be a lethal blow. The ship is equipped with armor, which takes advantage of modern technology, using lighter composite armor than older cruiser giving it excellent levels of protection without rendering the ship too heavy. The ship has systems in place to lock down sections of the ship, which either get flooded or have critical explosions/ fires to prevent these from being crippling blows to the entire ship.

[b]Weapons Systems:[/b]

[b]Naval Guns:[/b]
[*] 1 Concealable 32 mJ Rail Gun - Range: 320 kilometers
[*] 1 155 mm ETC Naval Gun - Range: 150 kilometers

[b]172 VLMS Missile Cells:[/b]

[*] Anti Submarine Missiles
[*] Tactical Vertical Launch Missiles
[*] Strategic Surface to Air Missiles
[*] Tomahawk Cruise Missiles

[b]Close In Systems:[/b]

[*] 2 Tactical Energy Lasers - Range: 60 Kilometers
[*] 2 SeaRAM Systems - Range: 12 Kilometers missiles, 4 Kilometer CIWS 25mm

[b]Torpedo Systems:[/b]

[*] 12 Torpedo Tubes
[*] Range: 50 Kilometers
[*] Range of Torpedo Mounted Anti-Air Scram Jet SAM: 20 Kilometer launch from location, 200 Kilometer attack range
[*] Range of Torpedo Mounted Surface Skimming Cruise Missile: 10 Kilometer from launch location, 500 Kilometer range



[b][i]Woomera[/i]-class Destroyer (ex-IJN [i]Atago[/i]-class Destroyer)[/b]

[b]Current Vessels:[/b] SCS [i]Woomera[/i] and SCS [i]Boomerang[/i]

[b]Powerplant:[/b] 4 27,000SHP OC/Holden Gas Turbines

[b]Length:[/b] 557 Feet
[b]Beam:[/b] 68 Feet

[b]Cruise Speed:[/b] 24 Knots
[b]Combat Speed:[/b] 30 Knots
[b]Top Speed:[/b] 38 Knots

[b]Specialized Systems:[/b] The [i]Woomera[/i]-class was re-equipped to carry the Mincom/Technology One/Tenix Group "LANDSKNECHT" Air Defense System. On top of carrying an AESA system, the system uses a low-frequency radar with an advanced digital signal processing unit that removes excess clutter. This low-frequency radar gives the LANDSKNECHT system a capability to detect incoming stealth aircraft. Integrated with an advanced bistatic radar system, the system gains a huge advantage against normal radar processing systems. The system also incorporates a side-looking radar set that increases stealth detection abilities. On top of these systems, the LANDSKNECHT system available to the [i]Woomera[/i]-class carries two large thermographic cameras equipped with QWIPs (quantum-well infrared photodetectors), to get information on inbound stealth aircraft. These large telescopic cameras can also help against radar-jamming equipment, giving information to anti-air defenses and directing efforts to eliminate jamming equipment. The LANDSKNECHT system features a datalink system that also connects to other nearby friendly ships and aircraft, giving them full access to this information, which will help increase a coordinated response. The LANDSKNECHT also features satellite uplink systems as well to give it access to high-altitude optical 'lookdown' scans from satellites.

[b]Weapons Systems:[/b]

[b]Naval Guns:[/b]

[*] 1x 5-inch (127mm) Naval Gun

[b]128 VLMS Missile Cells (Cold-Launch/Diagonal Launch):[/b]

[*] Anti Submarine Missiles
[*] Tactical Vertical Launch Missiles
[*] Strategic Surface to Air Missiles
[*] Tomahawk Cruise Missiles

[b]Close In Systems:[/b]

[*] 2x SeaRAM CIWS Gun/Missile Systems
[*] Chaff/ECM Pods

[b]Torpedo Systems:[/b]

[*] 2x Sets of Triple Torpedo Tubes, Standard Mk-45/Mk-50 Torpedoes Carried


[*] 2x SH-60 "Seahawk" Medium Utility Helicopters



[b][i]Deterrence[/i]-class Regional Deterrence Frigate[/b]

[b]Current Vessels:[/b] SCS [i]Deterrence[/i], SCS [i]Hindrance[/i], SCS [i]Impediment[/i] and SCS [i]Resistance[/i]

[b]Powerplant:[/b] 3 27,000SHP OC/Holden Gas Turbines

[b]Length:[/b] 450 Feet
[b]Beam:[/b] 60 Feet

[b]Cruise Speed:[/b] 26 Knots
[b]Combat Speed:[/b] 31 Knots
[b]Top Speed:[/b] 40 Knots

[b]Specialized Systems:[/b] The [i]Deterrence[/i]-class is equipped to carry the Mincom/Technology One/Tenix Group "LANDSKNECHT" Air Defense System. On top of carrying an AESA system, the system uses a low-frequency radar with an advanced digital signal processing unit that removes excess clutter. This low-frequency radar gives the LANDSKNECHT system a capability to detect incoming stealth aircraft. Integrated with an advanced bistatic radar system, the system gains a huge advantage against normal radar processing systems. The system also incorporates a side-looking radar set that increases stealth detection abilities. On top of these systems, the LANDSKNECHT system available to the [i]Deterrence[/i]-class carries two large thermographic cameras equipped with QWIPs (quantum-well infrared photodetectors), to get information on inbound stealth aircraft. These large telescopic cameras can also help against radar-jamming equipment, giving information to anti-air defenses and directing efforts to eliminate jamming equipment. The LANDSKNECHT system features a datalink system that also connects to other nearby friendly ships and aircraft, giving them full access to this information, which will help increase a coordinated response. The LANDSKNECHT also features satellite uplink systems as well to give it access to high-altitude optical 'lookdown' scans from satellites.

[b]Hull Design:[/b] The [i]Deterrence[/i]-class, with hull designs taken from shipbuilding techniques used in other SCNDF ships, particularly procured from the UFE, boasts a superstructure is built with highly flexible material, which allows it to survive torpedo ships without breaking its keel, not stopping the damage completely, but preventing what would otherwise be a lethal blow. The ship is equipped with armor, which takes advantage of modern technology, using lighter composite armor than older cruiser giving it excellent levels of protection without rendering the ship too heavy. The ship has systems in place to lock down sections of the ship, which either get flooded or have critical explosions/ fires to prevent these from being crippling blows to the entire ship. [i](Courtesy of Triyun)[/i]

[b]Weapons Systems:[/b]

[b]Naval Guns:[/b]

[*] 1 5-inch Naval Gun

[b]64 VLMS Missile Cells (Cold-Launch/Diagonal Launch):[/b]

[*] Anti Submarine Missiles
[*] Tactical Vertical Launch Missiles
[*] Strategic Surface to Air Missiles
[*] Tomahawk Cruise Missiles

[b]Close In Systems:[/b]

[*] 3 RIM-116 BLOCK II Rolling Airframe Launchers
[*] Chaff/ECM Pods

[b]Torpedo Systems:[/b]

[*] 2 Torpedo Tubes, Standard Mk-45/Mk-50 Torpedoes Carried


[*] 2x SH-60 "Seahawk" Medium Utility Helicopters



[b][i]Pursuit[/i]-Class Frigate (Ex-UFE "Qing II"-class Frigate)[/b]

Current Vessels: SCS [i]Pursuit[/i], SCS [i]Shadower[/i]

[b]Statistics (Courtesy of Triyun)[/b]

[b]Length:[/b] 148 meters
[b]Propulsion:[/b] 2 OC/Holden gas turbines and emergency diesel generators, 78 MW (105,000 shp)
[b]Speed:[/b] 38 knots
[b]Range:[/b] 5000 nmi at 19 knots


[*] Dual Band AESA Radar
[*] Electro Optical Infrared Sensor
[*] Secure Satellite Link
[*] Sonar Pod
[*] Secure SOSUS Information Link
[*] Electronic Warfare Suite (includes Anti-Radar and anti-infrared countermeasures, chaff and decoy launchers)
[*] Specialized Features: Reduced radar cross section profile, de-magnetized hull


[*] 1 105 mm Naval Gun
[*] 3 SeaRAM ((48 Rolling Air Frame II Launcher, 2 25 mm CIWS)
[*] 2 48-Tube SAM VLMS System
[*] 2 4-Tube P-700 Missile Launchers
[*] 2 8-Tube Torpedo Launcher
[*] 1 24-Tube SSM VLMS System


[*] 2 VTOL UAV
[*] 2 ASW/Anti-Mine Helicopters



[b][i]Persistance[/i]-class Amphibious Transport Dock (Ex-UFE "Chongqing"-class ATD)[/b]

Current Vessels: SCS [i]Endurance[/i], SCS [i]Persistence[/i], SCS [i]Steadfast[/i], and SCS [i]Resolute[/i]

[b]Statistics (Courtesy of Triyun)[/b]

[b]Power Plant:[/b] Nuclear Fission Power Plant
[b]Length:[/b] 290 meters
[b]Combat Speed:[/b] 35 Knots
[b]Range:[/b] [i]Variable - Depends on Stores[/i]

[b]Specialized Systems:[/b] Flood-able amphibious dock, Sun Tzu Integrated Combat Control System (Vastly improved version of AEGIS, including ballistic missile defense and all platform networked warfare), Next Generation Phased Array Radar, Satellite-linked: Oceanic Reconnaissance, Satellite Imaging, Synthetic Radar Aperture, All direction looking Primary and secondary infrared electro optical sensors, LIDAR, Long range X-band Radar, Passive and Active Sonar, Radar and Sonar Electronic Countermeasures, Many Chaff and Flare launchers, Directional Infrared Counter Measures, Portable deployable anti-torpedo net

[b]Hull:[/b] The SCS [i]Persistance[/i]-class (ex-[i]Chongqing[/i]-class) is designed to be the most survivable LPD ever. The design incorporates state-of-the-art self-defense capabilities; and includes facilities for Command and Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I); and reduced radar cross-section signature technologies. The ship is equipped with radar absorbent material, acoustic reduction material to reduce sonar detection in the under belly. Composite armor increases the units survivability rate. Lastly the ship's super structure is built with flexible material, this allows it to survive torpedo hits underneath the ship without breaking the ship's back.

[b]Weapons Systems[/b]

[b]Naval Guns:[/b]

[b]2 Double 155 mm Naval Gun Turrets[/b]

[*] Position: 2 Forward, 4 broadside, 2 rear
[*] Range: 30 kilometers

[b]6 Double Barrel Bushmaster II 30 mm Close In Naval Guns[/b]

[*] Position: 6 Forward, 8 broadside, 6 rear
[*] Range: 5.1 Kilometer

[b]12 Double Barrel M2 Browning Machine Gun Turrets[/b]

[*] Positions: 4 Forward Firing, 12 Broadside, 4 Rear
[*] Range: 1.8 kilometers

[b]Optional External Armaments:[/b]

[*] 4 Club K 4 Tube Missile Systems (Link in with other sensor systems)
[*] 8 4-Tube Missile Launchers (Can be outfitted with ship to ship, ship to air, ship to ground, and anti-submarine missiles)

[b]Close In Weapons:[/b]

[*] Various CIWS (Gun-turret) and SeaRAM (rolling-block) Systems
[*] 5 Tactical Energy Lasers (60km Range)


[*] 6 Helicopters
[*] 4 Side Launched Hovercraft/Landing Craft
[*] 8 Rear Flood Dock Launched Hovercraft/Landing Craft
[*] 16 Amphibious Assault Vehicles
[*] Various UAVs, UGVs, and USVs


[*] Up to 1500 Troops



[b][i]Phantom[/i]-class Littoral Combat Ship[/b]

[b]Current Vessels:[/b] SCS [i]Phantom[/i], SCS [i]Wraith[/i], SCS [i]Ghost[/i], SCS [i]Banshee[/i], SCS [i]Revenant[/i], and SCS [i]Nachtkrapp[/i]

[b]Powerplant:[/b] 2 27,000SHP OC/Holden Gas Turbines, 4 Holden Waterjets

[b]Length:[/b] 378 Feet
[b]Beam:[/b] 57 Feet

[b]Cruise Speed:[/b] 28 Knots
[b]Combat Speed:[/b] 39 Knots
[b]Top Speed:[/b] 47 Knots

[b]Specialized Systems:[/b] The [i]Phantom[/i]-class is equipped to carry the Mincom/Technology One/Tenix Group "LANDSKNECHT" Air Defense System. On top of carrying an AESA system, the system uses a low-frequency radar with an advanced digital signal processing unit that removes excess clutter. This low-frequency radar gives the LANDSKNECHT system a capability to detect incoming stealth aircraft. Integrated with an advanced bistatic radar system, the system gains a huge advantage against normal radar processing systems. The system also incorporates a side-looking radar set that increases stealth detection abilities. On top of these systems, the LANDSKNECHT system available to the [i]Phantom[/i]-class carries one large thermographic camera equipped with QWIPs (quantum-well infrared photodetectors), to get information on inbound stealth aircraft. These large telescopic cameras can also help against radar-jamming equipment, giving information to anti-air defenses and directing efforts to eliminate jamming equipment. The LANDSKNECHT system features a datalink system that also connects to other nearby friendly ships and aircraft, giving them full access to this information, which will help increase a coordinated response. The LANDSKNECHT also features satellite uplink systems as well to give it access to high-altitude optical 'lookdown' scans from satellites.

[b]Hull Design:[/b] The [i]Phantom[/i]-class, with hull designs taken from shipbuilding techniques used in other SCNDF ships, particularly procured from the UFE, boasts a superstructure is built with highly flexible material, which allows it to survive torpedo ships without breaking its keel, not stopping the damage completely, but preventing what would otherwise be a lethal blow. The ship is equipped with armor, which takes advantage of modern technology, using lighter composite armor than older cruiser giving it excellent levels of protection without rendering the ship too heavy. The ship has systems in place to lock down sections of the ship, which either get flooded or have critical explosions/ fires to prevent these from being crippling blows to the entire ship. [i](Courtesy of Triyun)[/i]

[b]Weapons Systems:[/b]

[b]Naval Guns:[/b]

[*] 1x 57mm Automatic Naval Gun
[*] 2x 30mm Automatic Cannons (150rds/minute)
[*] 4x 12.7mm Machineguns

[b]Close In Systems:[/b]

[*] 1 RIM-116 BLOCK II Rolling Airframe Launcher
[*] Chaff/ECM Pods


[*] 2x SH-60 "Seahawk" Medium Utility Helicopters



[b]Commonwealth-class Attack Submarine[/b]

[b]Current Vessles:[/b] SCS [i]Australia[/i], SCS [i]Bermuda[/i], SCS [i]Canada[/i], SCS [i]Bahamas[/i], and SCS [i]Jamaica[/i]

[b]Powerplant:[/b] Nuclear Reactor

[b]Length:[/b] 353 Feet
[b]Beam:[/b] 40 Feet

[b]Surface Speed:[/b] 18 Knots
[b]Submerged Speed:[/b] 39 Knots
[b]Diving Depth:[/b] 2000 Feet

[b]Weapons Systems:[/b]

[b]8x 26" Torpedo Tubes:[/b]

[*] Mk-48 Torpedos
[*] UGM-109 Tomahawk Missiles (Up to Fifty)
[*] Harpoon Anti-Ship Missiles


[*] 8-Man UDT Deployment Silo


[b][i]Supplier[/i]-class Joint Support Ship[/b]

Current Vessels: SCS [i]Supplier[/i], and SCS [i]Provider[/i]

[b]Power Plant:[/b] 2x OC 6000 Diesel Electric Turbines
[b]Length:[/b] 656 Feet
[b]Beam:[/b] 98 Feet
[b]Combat Speed:[/b] 28 Knots
[b]Range:[/b] 10,800 Nautical Miles

[b]Weapons (Defensive-only) Systems:[/b]

[*] 2 x 25mm CIWS Turrets
[*] 4 x 7.62mm Heavy Machineguns
[*] Chaff/ECM Pods


[*] 200 Troops
[*] Roll-on/Roll-off Deck (20 Vehicles)
[*] Up to 2 "Super Sea Stallion" Heavy Assault Helicopters or 4 "Seahawk" Medium Utility Helicopters

[b]Special Features:[/b]

The [i]Supplier[/i]-class Joint Support Ship is essentially a 'jack-of-all-trades' in the SCNDF, while it is not exactly a replenishment ship, it is not exactly a transport ship either. It is meant to be a fully flexible platform that can perform multiple tasks at once, meaning it can serve as both a transport and a replenishment ship, or one or other at any given time. The 'RO-RO' deck features a system where fuel bladders can be moved into the deck, and then be used to fuel other ships with standard diesel, or replenish aviation fuel stocks. On top of this, the same deck can carry a massive amount of stores, which can be used to replenish stocks on other ships as well. The 'RO-RO' docking system also allows the vessel to carry enough vehicles to put a well-equipped force on the ground.

The [i]Supplier[/i] also features command and control facilities, and a twenty-bed hospital with a full surgical gallery. The command and control facilities can be used for flagship duties as well as serve as amphibious invasion command centers. The ship also features a datalink with which it can help use its anti-aircraft armament to defend any given task force.



[b][i]Alert[/i]-class (ex-[i]Defiance[/i]-class) Patrol Vessel[/b]

Current Vessels: SCS [i]Alert[/i], SCS [i]Wary[/i], SCS [i]Forewarn[/i], SCS [i]Vigilant[/i], SCS [i]Sharp[/i], SCS [i]Watchful[/i], and SCS [i]Georges[/i].

[b]Power Plant:[/b] 2x V16 Holden Diesel Engines
[b]Length:[/b] 138 Feet
[b]Beam:[/b] 24 Feet
[b]Combat Speed:[/b] 30 Knots
[b]Range:[/b] 2,360 Nautical Miles

[b]Weapons (Defensive-only) Systems:[/b]

[*] 1 x 40mm Bofors
[*] 2 x 12.7mm Heavy Machineguns
[*] Chaff/ECM Pods

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[center][b][size="6"]Southern Cross Munitions (Airborne)[/size][/b][/center]

[size="4"][b]Air-to-Air Munitions[/b][/size]

[*] AIM-9 "Sidewinder" Air-to-Air Missile (Infrared Homing; "Frag" Warhead; 0.5 - 10 NMI Range)

[*] AIM-120 AMRAAM Air-to-Air Missile (Inertial Navigation, Active Radar; HE "Frag" Warhead; 40+ NMI Range - Also Used on SRSAM Land Launch System)

[*] AIM-7F/M "Sparrow" Air-to-Air Missile (Semi-Active Radar Guidance; HE "Frag" Warhead; 30+ NMI Range)

[*] AIM-152 AAAM Long Range Air-to-Air Missile (Active Radar Guidance with Datalink Upgrades; HE "Frag" Warhead; 100+ NMI Range)

[size="4"][b]Air-to-Surface Munitions[/b][/size]

[*] Standard 250lb, 500lb, 750lb, 1000lb, 2000lb High Explosive, Blast "Frag", Overhead Detonation Cluster Bomblets, and Incendiary Fuel-Gel Free-Fall Bombs

[*] AMCM-10 Chaff Munition (Free Fall/Inertial Guidance; Overhead Detonation Releases Substantial Amounts of Chaff, Disrupting Surface-to-Air/Surface-to-Surface Missile Radar-Guided Systems)

[*] AGM-88 HARM Anti-Radiation Standoff Missile (Passive Radar Homing wit Home-on Jam; Anti-Radar Munition; 150lb Blast "Frag" Warhead; 66+ NMi Range)

[*] AGM-154 Standoff Missile (Passive Radar Homing with Datalink Upgrades; 1000lb Variations - CB-195 Cluster Bomblets, Multi-Stage 450lb Double-Warheads of Blast "Frag" type; High-Altitude Range up to 70 NMi)

[*] AGM-158 JASSM Heavy Standoff Missile (GPS Guidance with Datalink Upgrades; 2000lb Warhead with Heavy Penetration Capabilities; High-Altitude Range up to 200 NMi)

[*] DAM-10 Munition Family - DAM-10A (500lb), DAM-10B (1000lb), DAM-10C (2000lb), DAM-10D (4000lb) Direct Attack Munitions (GPS Guidance with Inertial Guidance; Variable Warheads with High-Explosive, Blast "Frag", or Incendiary Fuel-Gel Capabilities; High-Altitude Range up to 15 NMi)

[*] ABM-50 "Digger" Munition Family - ABM-50A (2000lb Warhead; 6ft Reinforced Concrete Penetration), ABM-50B (2000lb; 14ft Reinforced Concrete Penetration, Thermobaric-warhead capable), ABM-50C (5000lb; 20ft+ Reinforced Concrete Penetration) - (GPS Guidance, TV-Guidance, Inertial Guidance, and Unguided Versions available; High-Altitude Range - ABM-50A: 8+ NMi, ABM-50B: 15 NMi, ABM-50C: 5+ NMi)

[*] Exocet Anti-Ship Missile (Active Radar, Datalink Upgraded Inertial Guidance; 360lb Warhead; Sea-Skimming; 95+ NMi Range)

[*] P-270 "Moskit" Anti-Ship Missile (Active radar guidance; 320kg Warhead - Conventional/Nuclear Optional; 20m Above Sea Level; Mach 2.5 Speed; 120km Range)

[b][size="4"]Surface-to-Air Munitions[/size][/b]

[*] SRSAM-95 Man-Portable Short Range Surface-to-Air Missile (Infrared Homing; 3kg Warhead; Blast "Frag"; 5 NMi Range; Used with SRSAM Short Range Surface-to-Air Missile Vehicle)

[*] SAM-505 Vehicle/Emplacement Medium-to-Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile (Radio Command Corrections with Inertial Guidance/Datalink Upgrades; Cold-launch ejection System; Focused Blast "Frag" with Bomblets; Anti-Missile and Aircraft Capabilities; Uses Same Vehicular Launch Platform as SAM-500)

[*] SAM-500 Vehicle/Emplacement Short-to-Medium Range Surface-to-Air Missile (Radio Command Corrections with Inertial Guidance/Datalink Upgrades; High ECM Immunity; Focused Blast "Frag" with Bomblets; Anti-Missile and Aircraft Capabilities; Uses Same Vehicular Launch Platform as SAM-505)

[*] RIM-67 Standard Sea-Launched Surface-to-Air Missile (Inertial, Semi-Active Radar Homing Guidance; 95+ NMi Range; Anti-Ship Capabilities)

[*] RIM-161 Standard 3 Sea-Launched Surface-to-Air Missile (Inertial, Semi-Active Radar Homing, GPS, and Passive Infrared Seeker Guidance; ABM/ASAT Capabilities; 270 NMi Range)

[*] RIM-174 Standard ERAM Sea-Launched Surface-to-Air Missile (Inertial, Active Radar Guidance; ABM Capability; Agility Corrections Capability; 200+ NMi Range)

[b][size="4"]Heavy Munitions[/size][/b]

[*] BLU-82 "Daisy Cutter" Fuel Air Bomb (Inertial Guidance; Transport Aircraft Delivery; Lethal Radius up to 900m; can be used for Anti-Personnel, underground networks, clearing helicopter landing zones, etc.)

[*] GBU-43/C Massive Ordinance Air Blast Bomb (GPS Guidance; Transport Aircraft Delivery; air-burst lethality up to kilometer)

[*] BGM-109 "Tomahawk" Cruise Missile (GPS Guidance with Data Uplink; Conventional Explosives of up to 1000lb; Nuclear-tipped Versions available; Range up to 1350 NMi)

[center][b][size="6"]Southern Cross Munitions (Heavy Weapons - Ground)[/size][/b][/center]

[b]155mm Artillery Ammunition[/b]

[*] Airburst Armored Piercing (AbAP)
[*] Armored Piercing (AP)
[*] High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT)
[*] High-Explosive (HE)
[*] High-Explosive Airburst (HEAB)
[*] Flechette Anti-Personnel (FAP or "Beehive")

[b]120mm L/55 (Leopard 2A9) Ammunition[/b]

[*] Fin-Stabilized Armored-Piercing Discarding Sabot (FSAPDS)
[*] Long-Rod Penetration Shot (LRPS or "Lerps")
[*] High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT)
[*] High-Explosive Squash-Head (HESH)
[*] High-Explosive Anti-Personnel (HEAP)
[*] Flechette Anti-Personnel (FAP or "Beehive")

[b]105mm Artillery Ammunition[/b]

[*] Airburst Armored Piercing (AbAP)
[*] Armored Piercing (AP)
[*] High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT)
[*] High-Explosive (HE)
[*] High-Explosive Airburst (HEAB)
[*] Flechette Anti-Personnel (FAP or "Beehive")

[b]30mm (Puma IFV/ASLAV/"Comanche"/"Thunder") Ammunition[/b]

[*] Armored Piercing Capped (APC)
[*] Armored Piercing Standard (APS)
[*] High-Explosive (HE)
[*] High-Explosive Airburst (HEAb)

[b].50 Caliber (HMG/Barret AM) Ammunition[/b]

[*] Armored Piercing (AP)
[*] High-Explosive (HE)

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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