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  • Birthday 01/03/1989

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  1. Hey GDI, I felt my ears ringing so here I am. Basically the long and the short of it is that TPF & NPO didn't talk to each other for a while, NPO started signing treaties with alliances TPF didn't like, TPF started signing treaties with alliances NPO didn't like, and before you know it, NPO cancels the NPO-TPF treaty, and not long after pre-emptively attacks TPF. TPF negotiates peace, spends some time licking it's wounds, cancels all it's treaties, tells everybody who wants to keep playing the game to go elsewhere, and attacks NPO, most people left fought until they had nothing left and let their nations go inactive - that's what I did anyway. deathcat had left the game about a year before that happened, I still hear from HailSatan from time to time, JudgeX wasn't very active near the end as I think he's incredibly busy. As for me, I'm just living the life, day by day here in paradise. I'm still connected to IRC most of the time - whether I'm here or not is a different story. (Coldfront became the Airlock and quickly went downhill, and at any rate nobody uses IRC anymore anyway.)
  2. Should have done this, should have done that, but it doesn't keep me up at night, it really doesn't change anything at the end of the day. That we left a bad ally and their !@#$%* friends who we couldn't stand hanging - doesn't bother me one bit. It's like old PC/ujp people trying to make TPF feel bad for this and that and whatever else from the past, probably the most infuriating thing we can do from your perspective is just not give a $%&@, which we don't. For the record though, we came very close to cancelling the treaty, but you know, like allies sometimes do, we talked to them about it, talked about the things we were unhappy about, and they asked that we wait and let them try to address our concerns. I guess empty assurances are always an easy way to keep others in the fold. Ah, well good luck with that, just always keep in mind how much you really mean to them, but I guess at this stage, it probably doesn't matter very much.
  3. I can't tell you how many times we got our asses tanned for the sake of NPO, how many times we stuck in losing wars until they got peace. You know what we got in return? Very little if anything, I can't think of many instances where we were significantly better off for being allied to NPO, so you can $%&@ right off with that "we owed it to you". We made sacrifices for NPO, and as for the rest of you - TPF was never happy fighting alongside the crappy allies NPO had been buddying up to, and we were even less happy with being told what to do and just being expected to fall in line. We didn't owe them a damn thing, and we sure as $%&@ didn't owe you anything either. The mistake in your thinking is that TPF didn't expect what was going to happen when we signed a treaty with MI6. Certainly we thought NPO might defer to other allies, and that the DoW might have been handled in a more professional manner, but otherwise it went about as expected.
  4. Surely you can understand the mistake, when you spend so much time in the outhouse, you end up smelling like !@#$.
  5. It's things like this that make me advocate really doubling down on these types of endeavors, if I had any ambition what-so-ever, I'd personally spearhead those efforts. It's far from the first time somebody has done something like that, and to a well functioning alliance it poses no real danger. Alliances always like to control the narrative that their members hear, because that gives them control. These nations you speak of are paying the price for the seeds that their leadership sowed. If they want to face the consequences for offenses they did not commit, that's fine, but don't pretend like they don't have a right to hear something other then the narrative that the New Pacific Order wants them to hear. A good government should serve to protect their members and promote their interests, although in almost every significant alliance there's a handful of individuals in control who are mostly just using the membership to promote their own interests. How dare somebody do something that might cause their members to complain, how dare somebody do something that forces them to answer some difficult questions.
  6. If only we had just grown apart and went our separate ways, but you and I both know damn well that's not the full story. Friends drift apart all the time, that's a part of life & you move on. But you start thinking about things like the feeling on our side that since the treaty was resigned, we made a number of sacrifices on your behalf, yet at no point were we really any better off for having the treaty. I was really upset to think about how there was multiple conversations around 2013-14 within TPF about walking away from NPO and forgeing a new path, only to have NPO pull the wool over our eyes once more and tell us everything was going to be just great. But it wasn't just two old friends parting ways, you attacked us pre-emptively with a god damn crudely drawn comic strip. You did to us something I doubt we could have ever done to you. In my head, I can't help but think that had the roles been reversed, we would have done everything we could to avoid direct conflict with you, for a long long time if not forever, based on the history that we shared. I wanted to address this point specifically - As far as why we've gone this route, you need to understand that TPF is an alliance of old people, those of us who are not old - are tired. The more that I think about it, this isn't entirely rooted in revenge - we had gotten to a point where continuing didn't make a lot of sense, the last war just framed our situation more clearly, and revenge only gave us an opportunity to put what would have otherwise been lost in inactivity to use. I know I put a lot of thought into trying to think of a way to make TPF work in the future, and I'm sure that others did as well. It wasn't the sort of thought process that revenge was the only thing on our mind and we were willing to throw everything away for even a little bit of payback. We just didn't see ourselves having the time or ability to make the changes we would need to have a meaningful future - and with the trend of things, I'm not sure that time and ability would have been enough. It then became a question of moving on, and so many of us found that there really wasn't much to keep us around aside from TPF.
  7. As far as itching for war for a few weeks now, we've been going at it with NPO for over two months now, so uh, what took you so long? If you want to fight us, fine, but we just find it disappointing that an alliance of over 400 nations needs to call in their friends to defend against an alliance of under 30 members. Given that we entered this war against such odds, do you think we're upset that we're fighting more people? It's not like NPO should have any problem filling our slots, even getting down to the levels which we are. If anything, we are saddened that some people (your members) are being dragged into the line of fire to absorb damage for others (NPO) by people they trust (your government). As far as the messages go - since they irk you so much, I have to think we'll continue sending them - and not everybody is as invested in the party line as you would think, I daresay those sticking their necks out for NPO have a right to know why they're being asked to do so. As far as your feelings of what constitutes pathetic, or us falling short of your expectations, franklly, we don't give a damn what you think of us. We have no further use for what you think of us one way or the other.
  8. Oh no! Not Non Grata, please don't send in Non Grata! That's true, but I'd encourage anybody considering it to remember that we don't have an end-game. We have infra/tech/warchests that were going to be of no use to us in the future because quite frankly, we're not interested in continuing in this realm. If they want to stick out their neck on NPO's behalf, we can't stop them, but they are not going to be any significant setback to us and are only absorbing damage on your behalf. Luckily for NPO, there's never been any shortage of people willing to do that for you.
  9. If you're really interested in side-stepping wars and saving pixels, you could always go talk to IRON. It should be somewhat easy for you to get a hold of them on account of you being in a bloc together.
  10. It's a shame that saying something and over and over doesn't make it true. Given the way that NPO was routinely beaten down in the years following Karma, the vast difference in the sizes of the side that liked them and the side that disliked them, I stand behind saying that nobody wanted to do anything to do with them, even if it is somewhat of an exaggeration. I don't feel that TPF was ever as dead as you seem to think they are. I don't think that our lack of movement is a sign of inactivity or lack of effort at all - some alliances take treaties more seriously then others. I really don't see why you seem so insistent that NPO should have cancelled on us, from their perspective I think it was always the wise move to keep us, for it never cost them anything. On the flip side, we should have made move a long long time ago, for being treatied to NPO did cost us a great deal at various points and never provided us any benefit. In hindsight that was probably the biggest mistake we ever made, and the fault on that lies entirely with us. I think all along the idea of what NPO was that we had in our mind and the reality of what they actually were were quite different.
  11. I doubt that. NPO doesn't sever ties with allies until they've used them for everything they're worth, and I really doubt the part about Cortath, as that'd be placing that around the time when nobody (and I do mean nobody) wanted anything to do with NPO. You look at NPO's current allies, and with the exception of NATO, they were all busy during that time either ignoring NPO's attempts to recreate their image or directly participating in planning wars against NPO. At any rate, we didn't stay allied to NPO because it was easy or because we didn't have the activity to do otherwise. Nostalgia weighed on us as well, we too felt there was something there worth saving, unfortunately we were wrong. Jesus !@#$@#$ christ, get over yourself already. A side note to anybody who's interested in FA, showing up on IRC and expecting somebody to be there 24/7 and willing to drop whatever they're working on to deal with your !@#$%^&* is going to lead to some frustration. We could always be found if you sought us, it's not our fault if you didn't try.
  12. Honestly, that might have been the cruelest thing you ever did to us. You sure didn't do us any favors - in all the time I've been in or around TPF, I honestly can't think of a single instance where we were honestly better off for being allied to NPO. What really keeps me steaming though, is that during the last war NPO talked endlessly about how we had drifted apart, how our goals hadn't been similar in quite some time, which of course is all true. What you may have forgotten is that sometime around the end of 2013, maybe the spring of 2014, TPF underwent a change in leadership and it was debated at length whether to cancel on NPO. In the end, we all got together and you talked us out of it. I just can't help but think how our future might have been different (and undeniably in a positive way) over the last 6 or 7 years had we done like so many other alliances (including pretty much all of your current allies) and told you to $%&@ off and went in a different direction. I can't blame you for that, though, the fault on that one lies squarely with us. For the record, I was among the TPF members most vocal about keeping the NPO treaty, and for the record, I feel really foolish about it in hindsight, and probably will for quite some time.
  13. Somehow I find it hard to believe that you're actually disappointed about that.
  14. OsRavan, I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm also sorry that attempting to say things a little more politely then Judge X qualifies as "BS rhetoric" in your book. I did so not to obscure the facts, but to extend a little courtesy your way of giving you clarification you asked for while not telling you to " $%&@ yourself and the horse you rode in on". I'll be sure not to make that mistake again. I think you have to admit there's a fair bit of difference between us saying we'll fight NPO until we get tired of it, and other "permawars" we've seen where an alliance with vastly superior numbers and firepower is the aggressor who will not grant peace. I expect NPO will tell you that we'll amount to nothing more then a sore that takes a while to heal - an annoyance at worst. I don't know that we ever set about anything that we've done because we wanted to have a positive reputation. We made decisions, we did things, some people liked it, some people didn't. This decision was approached in a similar fashion. If that's the consequence of our actions, we're sorry you feel that way, but I don't feel like it would have made any difference to us 3 years ago, and it certainly doesn't now.
  15. Well Judge X's response was a little more abrasive then I would have put it, but it's basically what it is. If you're wondering if this is just going to be 3 weeks where we fire off all our nukes and go on our ways, I'm afraid that's not what it is. I wouldn't say eternal in that we intend for it to last forever, or that we're going to prolong it as much as we can. Some of us have sizable warchests that we want to put to use (not me so much, however). I really don't know how long this war will last, it could be a few months, it could be a year or longer. It all depends on how dedicated people are. We're not going to play tricks or use lots of strategy to prolong the war, it will last so long as a single nation is willing to call themselves a member of The Phoenix Federation - and that's basically it. As far as our reputation, tarnishing it, being labeled as scum, feeling ashamed, for $%&@s sake, it's 38 vs ~400 plus whoever they want to fight on their behalf. And honestly, what's the big deal of a reputation or legacy anyway? We won't be around to be advantaged or disadvantaged by our reputation in the future, and frankly I don't know that I'll lose any sleep because people think less of us.
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