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Everything posted by Commander242

  1. I nuked Ultraman during the last 30 seconds. You can blame me for sending him to 29th COME AT ME BRO
  2. It would have to be OP vs. TE for it to be fair.
  3. [quote name='paul711' timestamp='1344017679' post='3018181'] In all fairness OP has had something to do with bill locking many of them. [/quote] I'm Commander242, and I approve this message.
  4. Gonna be out of A soon? I need some casualties too..Maybe we could work somethin out
  5. I went from the 150th range to top 5 in all categories THANKS GUYS!
  6. [quote name='matt01867' timestamp='1335724977' post='2960816'] U mad bro? [img]http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/031/854/1260710343244.jpg[/img] [/quote] Ill send Loller our plan again since he doesn't have a warchest You need all the help you can get mon (C WUT I DID THAR)
  7. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1335719828' post='2960796'] You're as good at this as your fail messenger counterpart is. [/quote] Aww, do you have nothing else to say?! I thought this was gonna be fun
  8. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1335676898' post='2960676'] No, whats good is you loosing all your GA and re-buying infra in wartime :v Whats good is you nuking when you have low tech and your partners have more. :v Whats good is he lets me know who's struggling so they get my full focus from now on :v It lets me know he's incompetent enough to not bother checking things before his nation overlord clicks buttons. It lets me know a few things. [/quote] First of all, I didn't nuke you, so that PM was wrong Second of all, you blocked me and I didn't get to reply to your message: 40 spies, more than what you can buy from your WC Third of all, HELLO AGAIN!
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