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Everything posted by tobbogon

  1. Former Oculus member here (Sengoku, Umbrella)— y’all should try it. Just bow down to them. What’s the point really? They’re just allowing you to bicker amongst yourselves lol
  2. I dont think this will be as exciting as you seem to think
  3. What is it with wars being declared, people being outwardly hostile, and then a month later it’s “hey we reached an agreement! Thanks for the wars! It was fun! We got to use nukes! Awesome!” Are yall not still pissed about what caused this? Suddenly everything’s cool? Some pixels getting erased just totally dampened everyone’s grievances? Wheres the determination
  4. It would have happened to all of us by now if you could
  5. Is anyone going to say something, or should i...?
  6. Or how about following up an OWF declaration of war with more than one nation/war declared? People are losing track of what’s important
  7. The more the merrier. We encourage everyone to declare war on everyone
  8. I was hoping this was a dissolution announcement but congrats on 10 years i guess.
  9. This is great. I am in full support of attacking any nation that refuses any trades!
  10. Good and all but forums are a waste. Congradulations on the milestones though; I’m glad to see some people prospering still
  11. That’s just not true. Their primary function in the game so far has been against rogues, true, but it’s really just a game tool that admin put there for us to use as we like. In this case the way “we” like is in direct opposition to you. Sorry not sorry
  12. We might be able to round up a few nations if you want....?
  13. Anyone run on the campaign promise to return to blue?
  14. Can we collectively make a rule where 5-man alliances definitely do not count as alliances and therefor shouldn’t bother the owf with their declarations, etc? Id really like that.
  15. Should read “Roquentin: For his role as leader of Umbrella and holding them back from attempting to ZI the world”
  16. It was nice of you to take some time to come over to the adult table to see us
  17. Can you also let W_A_R know that his name is very misleading and I sent him the $37 I owe him?
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