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International Humanitarian Summit


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Diet Hall, Helsinki, the Hanseatic Republic:

Prime Minister Natalia Pons stood at the Central Podium of the Hall, facing a conference of Media and Political Pundits. At her signal, a pre-arranged network of camera's began to broadcast, a team of translators of the major world languages hastily voicing over each line so as to achieve universal translation:

"Ladies and gentlemen of the Fourth Estate, my fellow Leaders, and concerned citizens of the Earth:

"In light of the Global Nuclear Crisis, the catostrophic loss of life, and the continued consequences of state and non-state actors descisions towards their fellow man, a terrible lack has been indentified; the lack of a strong global humanitarian organization. A body of inpartial, peaceful aid workers and the subsequent funding has proven more and more necessary as the fallout from the rogue submarines nuclear weapons has proven. The Hanseatic Republic, in coordination with our own non-government aid groups has done its best to provide for the health and treatment of victims, as well as improving living conditions and ensuring sufficient medicine and sustenence for those affected...however, these actions, due to funding and security concerns, are not enough.

"That is why today, I call upon all civilised nations to invest in their fellow man, and contribute funds and available personel to the recently reformed International White Cross organization. All civilised nations and responsible governments inherently realize the value of human life; it is part of the contract between people and leaders, that those in power will protect the lives of those who follow them. But what of nations without sufficient means to do so in the light of natural catastrophes and unforseen unnatural events? We call upon those nations whose position grant them security, strength, and the ability to protect to aid those less fortunate, in the name of the universal family that is Humanity; regardless of race or creed.

"We ask our allies, Slavorussia and Germany, to stand by us in this matter. We ask those who have not typically been friendly to us to disregard any distance of diplomacy and join us for the betterment of humanity. And we ask each citizen of the nations of the world to stop and consider; have you done enough for your fellow man? We in the Hansa feel that the burden of humanitarian aid and human rights falls equally upon every man and woman, so to close, I promise the monatary worth of my salary and benefits for the next two months will go entirely to the creation and distrobution of aid, as well as 1,000,000 Hanseatic Marks out of my accounts as a private citizen. I have also volunteered a portion of my schedule to assist the Hanseatic Chapter of the White Cross as needed in Helsinki. I ask that all people within the sound of my voice or who hear of this message seriously consider what I have said, and take action upon the behalf of their fellow man.

"On behalf of the Republic and the White Cross, I ask that all parties concerned with this matter join me in Helsinki to hold an international summit on the matter, and dedicate what funds and help they are able in order to save the lives of our less fortunate, our destitute, and our helpless. Thank you for your time, and God Bless."

Edited by Margrave
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Selenarctos reaffirms our support of the White Cross. While the Selenarctan-local White Cross organization remained during the loss of the international organization, we are pleased to see a central body return. We currently have assets standing by to assist Korea when they choose to open their borders, and men on the ground helping the survivors of the Marscurian Siberian blast. If Korea should decline our assistance, the resources shall be placed at the disposal of White Cross International.

OOC: Link to the last White Cross charter: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=65233

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((OOC: I can edit out this post if anyone asks. I've been waiting for something like this.))

Plans abandoned, routes thrown to the wayside, all because of a great and poisonous cloud swirling over the Mediterranean. The cries of war and those dying of radiation had reached the ears of the refugee ship; they went no further than the Straits of Gibraltar. The young pathfinder was stranded aboard that boat, no place to go and no memory of anyone who would shelter her. She leaned against the armrest of her seat, balled up like a sock as the telly went on its usual line of news-prattle.

The news of the White Cross was a bit of a surprise to Annan. There were White Cross workers on board that boat, but Annan always thought they were a central organization. Now came this announcer, going on about how they needed to come together and reorganize. Annan wasn't complaining, however — only confused about this newest information. She listened with interest, and had she been a dog, her ears would have been perked to the nth degree.

"Hansa..." Annan murmured, the word rolling around in the back of her mouth before sliding off her tongue. "It sounds like an interesting place." Perhaps she could see if the boat had any clearance to head northward. Though she was no member of government, perhaps even milling about in the same city the summit was held in would yield some answers. That, and the pea in her brain was beginning to wiggle around beneath the mattress again.

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Brisbane Hall, a wing of the Republic's Diet Hall named in honor of their formal capital, would be designated as the place of meeting for all White Cross member nations. A large screen would be present at the front of the room, showing the old language of the treaty in bold letters:

[b]The White Cross Treaty[/b]

[quote]I. Preamble

The suffering of the world has required the signatories to act in order to prevent the further loss of human life. They are under the knowledge that with cooperation and strength we can overcome the hatred and malice that has placed Earth into an age of war and chaos.

II. Humanitarian Aid

Every signatory is required to allocate a minimum of 1% of their yearly budget to humanitarian aid to either their country if required or overseas. Where this money will be sent will be advised by a council of the signatories. 1% is a minimum, but if a country desires to commit more of their treasury they are encouraged to, however there will be no bonus for this action.

III. Humanitarian Workers

Every signatory is to commit medical and other infrastructure employees so as to help affected areas recover from the massive amount of loss that they have gone through. There is no set limit to the amount of doctors, nurses, priests, and engineers that can be set, other occupations may also be used if no listed in this document.

IV. Refugee Camps

Every signatory is require to commit at least 1% of their total land area to an region that if needed could be used for refugee holding. These camps will be inspected by the Council of the White Cross for basic human needs as food shelter and water and must also demonstrate a fervor to provide these needs.

V. The Council of the White Cross

Every signatory will be given one vote in the Council and through majority vote aid will be dispensed to the affect area. The council will handle all distribution of aid and any problems that may face the White Cross Order.

VI. Withdrawal

Any signatory maybe may withdraw from the Order at anytime they see fit. Note any country that holds out on aid to an affect area will be expelled.[/quote]

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The Kingdom of Cochin finds itself in agreement with the spirit and tenets of White Cross. The following would be our contribution towards White Cross initiative:

Humanitarian Aid: The Kingdom pledges 1% of its annual budget to White Cross

Humanitarian Workers: The Kingdom pledges to affiliate our own aid program, the Cochin Aid Program with the White Cross, viz, Cochin White Cross to form a corps of voluntary medical personnel as well as infrastructural developers to do White Cross duties. In times of grave crisis, the Kingdom also pledges ready availability of one brigade of Corps of Engineers of Royal Cochin Defense Forces to perform infrastructural works of greater complexities.

Refugee Camps: The Kingdom pledges to establish refugee camps as per requirement of White Cross in sovereign Cochin territory. While White Cross would administer said camps, Cochin would guarantee security and flow of supplies to these camps.

Other than that the Kingdom of Cochin hereby make the following two pledges:

Through the aegis of White Cross , Cochin Aid Program would also make available the free surplus food of Cochin as per our [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=53974&view=findpost&p=2506087"]National Food Policy[/url].

The Kingdom of Cochin also pledges one Hospital Ship for White Cross operations. The ship would be relegated to White Cross control but may be maintained and operated by Cochin, if that is acceptable.

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"Since the Arctican White Cross has abided by the articles of the White Cross Treaty with no problem since its reestablishment in Brisbane, it only makes sense that we approve of the same treaty at this, the Helsinki reestablishment."

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