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So Many Announcments from =LOST=

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=LOST= recently celebrated its third anniversary in February. For most of that incarnation, =LOST= has abided by the rules, regulations, and structure provided by its charter. However, =LOST=, by alliance wide referendum, decided to adopt a revised version of that charter. For the few amongst you who know who we are and for the even fewer among you who know how our alliance conducts its governmental affairs, you may notice a few structural changes and policy shifts. Those updates include:

[quote]- The removal of the Minister of Internal Affairs and the creation of two new Ministers: the Minister of Economic Affairs and the Minister of Citizen Affairs.
- Definitions for both new positions and revision of overall charter language to include both positions (where appropriate.)
- A prohibition on consecutive terms for the Emperor.
- Definitions of the role of councilors and the imposition of a limit on their term to 6 months only.
- The removal of 501st Stormtroopers Division which served as the Emperor’s bodyguard.
- Fine collection will be handled by Justice Department, instead of the Bounty Hunter’s Guild.
- The process for the impeachment of Justices has been updated to accommodate the new Ministry positions.
- Better definition of nomination, campaigning, and voting timelines.
- Update to nuke policy during war...we will fire first.[/quote]

Without further ado, I present to you, the Revised Charter of =LOST=!

[quote] The =LOST= Charter


Members of =LOST=, in order to create the most effective form of government, establish this Constitutional Empire in order to deal with threats from foreign invaders, internal dangers, and from the government itself. Members of =LOST= imply that by wearing the =LOST= alliance tags that they will defend this establishment with all resources and military might. They also swear allegiance to =LOST= and to comply with the orders of its rulers, whom they elect.

Foremost Cyber Nations is meant to be a fun time waster. =LOST= was established as an alliance built on the idea of there is safety in numbers. Members enjoy this protection at a very low cost. You are simply asked to keep your nation fit for battle and growing at a steady rate. We are here together for some lulz, some blood, some excitement and some camaraderie. Get to know the guy next to you...he/she may be your battlebuddy one day, or he/she may end up being a friend in Real Life...whatever that is.

=LOST= stands together as an alliance for its members and their safety.

Article 1: Membership

Section 1: Citizenship

To become a =LOST= member one must declare himself or herself to a =LOST= recruiter or a member of =LOST= Government. He or she must then change his or her nation’s color to aqua and change his or her nation’s alliance affiliation to =LOST. After he or she has completed training and signed all documents (Basic Duties, Rules of Engagement, Code of Justice, and the War Guide) as instructed he or she will be admitted as a Citizen of =LOST=.

A: Citizen Duties
As a citizen you will be encouraged to be involved in the =LOST= community. Monthly attendance is expected, as well as preparedness and willingness to defend other members at anytime the ruling body requests. Other duties will include maintaining an active, battle-ready nation and an effort towards consistent growth. Positions beyond standard citizenship may be available after consistent membership has been shown. Further, as an established and known member of the community, a citizen may actively seek office during times of election.

B: Voting
Voting will not be mandatory but will be encouraged strongly by the =LOST= government. Voting will take place every 6 months and you will receive notifications 2 weeks prior to voting to enter nominations and later to vote on nominees. (Note: to run for an office a member must have been a Citizen for at least 3 months.)

Article 2: The Imperial Inner Circle

=LOST= will be divided into an Executive Emperor, four Ministries and a Judicial Branch. They are as follows: The Imperial Throne, The Ministry of War, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Ministry of Citizens Affairs, and The Justice Department. Each will have its own Head Minister and up to three members appointed by that Minister as assistants. The Justice Department will have a Chief Justice and up to three Deputy Justices (Inquisitors).

Positions are:


Minister of Economic Affairs
Deputy Minister(s) of Economic Affairs

Minister of Citizens Affairs
Deputy Minister(s) of Citizens Affairs

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Deputy Minister(s) of Foreign Affairs

Minister of War
Deputy Minister(s) of War

Chief Justice

Section 1: Ministers

Each Ministry will have one (1) head Minister. These members will be chosen by election every 6 months as outlined in the voting section below with no term limits. Each Minister will select his/her Deputy Minister(s).

This Deputy Minister must fulfill the same acceptance requirements as the Minister, as in he or she must have been here for at least 3 consecutive months. The Deputy cannot be part of another Ministry or be part of the =LOST= Justice Department. The IIC will have the power to appoint as many willing members as necessary to fill required roles for that specific Ministry, such as: Division Commander, Assistant Division Commander, Platoon leader, Squad Leader, Recruiter, Trainers, Diplomats, Embassy Officials, Lotto runners, and Forum Moderators and designers. Also, a Minister can fire any positions hired. Ministers may run for re-election at any time.

Section 2: The Emperor

The Emperor is the Head of the =LOST= government. He/she is the person who officially speaks for =LOST= as an alliance. His/her title is Emperor but other honoraries include Dark Lord, Darth, or Lord ____. The term for Emperor is 6 months. The Emperor may only serve one consecutive term.

Emperor’s duties

The Emperor’s duties are:

- Directs the alliance as a whole. He/she acts as executive body for development and relations.
- To speak on behalf of the =LOST= government in addressing new rules or policies. The Emperor carries official word in all matters both internal and external.
- Veto power over laws, Declarations of War and sentencing
- To defend =LOST= from threats internal or foreign.
- In the event that the Chief Justice is impeached the Emperor presides over the trial and sentences him.
- The Emperor also has the ability to pardon offenders convicted of any crimes.
- The Emperor has the power to Veto or Enact use of Nuclear weapons.
- The Emperor may appoint anyone he wishes as Regent in event of his/her extended absence.

Section 3: The Chief Justice

A: The Chief Justice's duty is to watch the whole alliance to make sure they are acting within the Code of Justice and by the spirit of the Charter. The Chief Justice also approves any proposed and passed Amendments to the Constitution under review. He/she also presides over and sentences during trials. He/she reviews cases of amendments and appeals as they are presented. Terms are 6 months.

B: Secondary Deputy Justices (Inquisitors)
The Deputy Justices, or Inquisitors, are appointed by the Chief Justice and operate as monitors for both raiding infractions and infractions of the Code of Justice. Duties and specifics can be worked out by each pair of Inquisitors that holds the position. Monitoring for these infractions is done by checking wars daily, foreign aid weekly and roll call once a month by any means found to be necessary.

Section 4: Councilors

Councilors are former members of the IIC that are granted IIC access in order to assist and mentor new members of the IIC on all =LOST= policy matters. Former Emperors are granted lifetime IIC access as councilors. If a former Emperor leaves =LOST=, however, the title of councilor is revoked. Former head ministers are given 1 six month term as councilors immediately following their retirement. Deputy Ministers and Inquisitors are not given Councilor status.

Article 3: The Ministries and The Justice Department

Each Ministry will have its own sphere of influence. Some duties will overlap. In cases of overlapping duties, it is the Ministers' responsibility to work out how these duties will be handled on a case by case basis. Too much process and restriction may be harmful to fluid efficiency.

Section 1: Ministry of War
The Ministry of War’s duties are as follows: assigns divisions and targets and also monitors wars and shares work on writing Declarations of War with Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Section 2: Ministry of Economic Affairs
The Ministry of Economic Affairs duties are as follows: encourage, monitor, and promote the growth of =LOST=’s nation strength. The Ministry of Economic Affairs will also monitor =LOST=’s warchests, tech acquiring, and Wonder buying. The Ministry of Economic Affairs will handle aid distribution and reparation payments.

Section 3: Ministry of Citizens Affairs

The Ministry of Citizens Affairs duties are as follows: maintain the =LOST= forums, assist the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in maintaining the =LOST= Wiki article, recruiting, maintaining accurate nation building guides, and enforcing roll call.

Section 4: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs duties are as follows: Negotiations with other alliance, dealings with other alliances, setting up embassies, writing up DoWs (to be shared with Ministry of War), writing up treaties (MDPs, MDAPs, PIATS, NAPs), and writing official posts in conjunction with the Emperor for the CN forums for the Emperor or MoFA to announce.

Section 5: The Justice Department
A: The Courts
The Courts are the Judicial Branch of =LOST= and operate independently of the Cabinet (Ministers and Emperor).
B: Court Justices
There are four Judge Positions: Chief Justice, and three Inquisitors. The Chief Justice follows a voting system different from the Cabinet (stated below). To be an Inquisitor, appointed by the Chief Justice, you must be a member for three months. To be a Chief Justice, you must be a member of 6 months or more. Terms for a Chief Justice are 6 months.

Article 4: The Bounty Hunters Guild

A: The Bounty Hunters Guild is the primary body for organizing raids. The Leader of the Bounty Hunters Guild will be charged with coordinating raids and will work with the Chief Justice to ensure timely and efficient contracting of Bounties.

B: The BHG also serves as a hub for services of a less friendly nature. Both intra-alliance and inter-alliance bodies may seek services from alliance members through the BHG. Details are listed in the BHG forum.

C: The Leader of the BHG is not elected. The Leader of the Guild, at the time of his stepping down, will appoint a worthy replacement. Any member of =LOST= with 6 months citizenship, proven target acquisition and raiding skills is free to assume this position. No limits on tenure or reinstatement.

Article 5: Trials

Section 1: Procedure
A: When an infraction is committed, the monitoring Inquisitor sets up a Trial. The Chief Justice then presides over the trial and appoints 2 random members and the other Inquisitor to act as a jury. The monitoring Inquisitor that observed the infraction will post evidence and a statement of facts. The Defendant then pleads his case and the jury casts guilty / not guilty votes.

B1: 2/3 majority jury is a conviction for infractions.

B2: 3/3 unanimous decision is required in cases involving expulsion or execution.

C: Sentencing is determined by the Chief Justice.

D: Chief Justices and/or Emperors may overturn any ruling concerning rules infractions. Only one Appeal per infraction. Appeal is sent to the Chief Justice who will uphold or overturn the conviction. Appeals may not be sent to the Emperor, if he/she observes a case worthy of overturning, he/she may do so. Direct appeals may only be made to the Chief Justice.

Section 2: Punishments, notifications and collections

Punishment and collections will be handled through the Justice Department under the direction of the Justices. Punishments and fines are posted by the Chief Justice. Should the convicted fail to accept punishments or pay fines, Bounty Hunters then deliver a message to the Convicted nation, collect any fines, and administer any corporal punishments or executions involved. Bounties will be paid by the BHG leader and/or justices.

Article 6: Passing of Laws, Decrees, Treaties, Charter Ratifications, and other Official Rules

Section1: The Procedure
The four Ministers vote on various issues with input from the Deputy Ministers. The Ministers then vote and need 3/4 Majority to pass a law. If passed, the law goes to the Emperor’s office. The Emperor can either pass or veto the law. The Emperor also casts a tie breaking vote if an issue only has 2/4 of the necessary votes. If vetoed it goes back to the Ministers and can be overruled by a unanimous vote by the Ministers. If so it is passed.

Subsection A: In cases dealing with an Amendment to the Charter, an injunction can be placed on the law by the Chief Justice. To overrule a Judicial Veto a 3/4 majority is needed of all the Ministers, their Deputies, the Emperor.

Subsection B: A law can be brought up for Judicial Review in which a member issues a complaint. It is then ruled on by the Chief Justice as to whether or not the law is a valid law. Overruling process for Judicial Review only requires 4/5 majority from Emperor and Ministers.

Subsection C: Unless otherwise stated, any passed law is active upon passing and will stay active until voted down under review or has a Judicial Injunction placed on it.

Subsection D: Unlike Laws and Amendments, the Chief Justice has no power to veto or place an injunction on a Declaration of War and may only comment on Treaties as they may affect Charter stability or integrity.

Section 2: Process for Impeachment of Judges
A complaint is logged with the Courts. When a Justice is accused, the Ministry of Citizen Affairs looks into the claim to see if it is valid and gather evidence. If valid, the Courts then Impeach the Justice. The trial is presided over by the Emperor of =LOST=. The remaining IIC members vote on conviction and need 2/3 majority to pass. The Cabinet and the Inquisitors vote on innocence or guilt. The Justice is then sentenced by the Emperor.

Article 7: Elections

Section 1: Elections will take place every 6 months. Ministers and the Emperor’s positions are all put up under general voting and nomination. Members will nominate individuals. After five days of nominations the members will vote for the Nominees.
Note that nations may only nominate 1 nation per position, including their own.

Campaigning will last for 9 days. Voting will last 48 hours.

Section 2: The Chief Justice is nominated by the IIC (including Deputies and Inquisitors) and is voted on by =LOST= members. Emperor and IIC (Only Head Ministers) will give a yay /nay vote on each nomination individually, simple majority rules.

Section 3: Nations nominated are not required to run. We won't conscript you office. You are free to decline any nominations. In cases where a member is nominated to more than one position, he must consider his/her strengths and choose one. Members may only hold multiple offices in cases of emergency, not through electoral process.

Section 4: A unanimous vote by the head ministers, the Chief Justice, and the Emperor can allow for a special election at any time to fill any position new or old that the IIC deems fit.

Article 8: Wars

Section 1: When we're looking down the barrel

Unprovoked attacks on =LOST= members, whether simple raids or enemy alliance incursions, will be met with extreme force. Negotiations for cease fires will be handled secondary to an immediate reprisal to the attacking nations. War is a part of CN life and as such, anyone coming looking for a fight will find one.
After such a time to allow for a sufficient counter attack has been made, negotiations, headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, his Deputy, and/or the reigning Emperor will commence. Circumstances will dictate the goal of negotiations.

Section 2: When we're behind the trigger

Declarations of War, outside the realm of simple raids, will be handled by the IIC under the direction of the Emperor, Minister of War (and Deputy Minister), as well as the Minister of Foreign Affairs (and Deputy Minister). =LOST= will fight to protect itself from any threat, evident or perceived. We will also enact wars to honor our defensive and offensive pacts with other alliances.

Section 3: Raids

Generally, raids do not require approval from the IIC. Certain raids will require approval from the Leader of the BHG. The Rules of Engagement, when used as guidelines, generally make approval of most raids unnecessary. Improper raiding will be enforced and punished in accordance with the Code of Justice.

Section 4: Declarations of War

3/4 majority vote is needed in cases of responding to direct attack from another alliance. The Emperor may veto this DoW, at which point it goes back to the Cabinet of Ministers and now requires a 4/4 unanimous vote to pass. The Emperor may not Veto this a second time.

Section 5: Warchests

The proper maintenance of warchests is encouraged for all =LOST= nations. The amount of money each =LOST= nation should have on hand at any time should equal or surpass the value indicated by the following formula:

(Forumula Redacted)

Nations who regularly notify the IIC or their division commanders of their appropriate warchest value will be eligible for post-war government sanctioned rebuilding programs. Nations who fail to keep an adequate warchests and/or who fail to regularly notify the IIC or their division commanders of their warchest value will not be eligible for post-war government sanctioned rebuilding programs.

Article 9: Nukes

Yes, please.

Nuclear proliferation is encouraged in =LOST= for the simple fact of how much political influence and effective deterrence nuclear armed nations can bring to an alliance.

Any =LOST= nations not using first strike nuclear capabilities will be subject to harsh punishments.

Article 10: Spying

=LOST= considers spying an act of war.

No member of =LOST= will conduct any unauthorized spying operations. This includes the in-game function of spies and the infiltration and information gathering by =LOST= members against other alliances through various outside sources.

Spying operations conducted against =LOST= will be treated as a hostile act and appropriate measures will be taken.


Amendment I

Leaving the Alliance

Those members wishing to terminate their status as =LOST= members may do so without fear of reprisal or hardship should they be in good standing when they leave. That is to say, they carry no debts to fellow members, have no suspensions or probation periods open, owe no fines and give notice on the forums of their desire to depart.

Amendment II

Re-Entering the Alliance (Non-Revolving Door Policy)

Those members who have previously departed the alliance and wish to petition to re-enter may do so. There is no guarantee of re-admittance. The circumstances of reinstatement (penalties, demotions, suspension of certain rights, etc) will be decided upon by the MoCA and approved by the Chief Justice and Emperor. Final re-admittance approval is at the will of the MoCA under the advisement of the Deputy Minister for Recruiting. The Emperor may veto this decision.

All members applying for re-admittance will generally not return to old ranks, positions or responsibilities. Some may be barred from certain duties or services for a period of time the MoCA sees fit. This could include foreign aid, trade sanctions, business sanctions, voting rights suspensions, campaign suspensions, fines, penalties, etc....

Once approved, general earning of full membership and all that applies will resume as if its day one.

Amendment III

Suspension of Elections and Campaigns in Times of War

Elections will be suspended until such a time as military conflict is resolved. In the case of military victory, elections will resume as soon as peace is declared. In the case of defeat, we will try to convince our new overlords to allow elections to proceed as soon as possible without interference.[/quote]


With the adoption of the Revised Charter also comes a revised governmental lineup. Many great candidates exchanged and argued valid and extraordinary ideas in an oftentimes grueling campaign.

Without further, further ado, I present to you the new Government of =LOST=!

[quote]Emperor: Mandellav

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Rexxar
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: Doctor89

Minister of Economic Affairs: Devilyn Caster
Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs: Geestje

Minister of Citizens' Affairs: Wyrmon
Deputy Minister of Citizens' Affairs: Don Pedro

Minister of War: Cameronious

Chief Justice: Tacoleary
Inquisitor: LeDee[/quote]

And because the masses love them so much, here are our new graphic sigs:



[center][size="5"]A Proclamation of Victory for =LOST= over the Athenian Scum[/size][/center]

Recently, the regrettably foul overlord of the Athenian people and Minister Extraordinaire, Devilyn Caster, discussed the Cold War quietly raging between our two alliances. Due to =LOST=’s superior diplomatic prowess and distaste for light pollution, the following occurred:

[quote]<Londo[Athens]> you are hereby offered the opportunity of a lifetime.
Londo[Athens]> :3
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> and what might that be?
<Londo[Athens]> <green_muffins[AFK]> <&DevilynCaster[LOST]> get Londo to offer me a merge first
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> haha I know
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> I want you to say it
<Londo[Athens]> I am hereby recruiting LOST into Athens.
<Londo[Athens]> You know you all want to.
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> kay
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> haha
<Londo[Athens]> sign ups are here:
<Londo[Athens]> http://www.cn-athens.com/index.php
<Londo[Athens]> yes.
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> Did we just solve our cold war?
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> I think we did
<Londo[Athens]> actually in all seriousness I think LOST has a great thing going.
<Londo[Athens]> I wouldn't try to eat you, although I'd welcome your alliance to ours. :3
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> yeah
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> I could see that
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> atm however
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> our evil overlord to be, Mandellav, is oppressing us
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> we need help!
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> save us!
<Londo[Athens]> lol
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> save us from light pollution DPRA
<Londo[Athens]> lmao
<Londo[Athens]> we turn arr rights off.
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> Brilliant dear leader
* Londo[Athens] listens to 150 Athenians rhythmically stamp their jackboots to a [female dog]in metal tune[/quote]

[quote] <DevilynCaster[LOST]> this just in
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> I have just received permission from Mandellav to offer you a merge
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> limited time offer
<Londo[Athens]> lol
<Londo[Athens]> what are milord Mandellav's terms?
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> complete assimilation of your alliance
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> in exchange for King of Pink status for you
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> which he can give by a decree
<Londo[Athens]> complete assimilation into Athens
<Londo[Athens]> and King of Pink status for me
<Londo[Athens]> two in the pink and one in the stink
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> complete assimilation into =LOST=
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> is better than a shocker
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> it’s like
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> ([b]D[/b]ouble jeo[b]P[/b]ardy)
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> you can come hang with us on our gloriously horrifying forums
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> it will be a fun time
<DevilynCaster[LOST]> The Democratic People's Republic of =LOST= Athenians[/quote]

Since Athens so readily acquiesced to our terms of surrender by offering us a merge which, as we promised, we expediently declined, I declare with utmost exuberance a victory for =LOST= in this most unfortunate matter. Moreover, as the triumphant and tyrannical victor, I rescind any promise of status as King of Pink for Londo and also rescind the invitation of Athens to merge into =LOST= since we strive to shed our image as a retched hive of scum and villainy.

Furthermore, peace negotiations have yielded an agreement:

[quote]The 1024 Meridian by 768 Parallel Armistice

=LOST= and the Peoples Republic of Athens hereby agree to a Non-aggression Pact.


For =LOST=,

Mandellav, Emperor of =LOST=, Giver of the Laws, Dark Lord of the Sith, Sovereign of the Shadows

For the Peoples Republic of Athens,

Rush Sykes, Minister of Foreign Affairs[/quote]


Lastly, The Orange Defense Network and =LOST= are currently spearheading a membership exchange program that we hope will expand to the rest of the Complaints and Grievances Union. This program was conceived before the TOP-CnG War and put on hold for the duration of the conflict. With peace and prosperity abound on Planet Bob, the membership exchange continues to awe us with much success. Ideas, members, and laughs have been swapped to with little consequence, and much rabble-rousing fun. For example, here are some snapshots from our joint field trip to the luscious Greenland Republic:

Weary from his day job,

and other personal problems,

Max Cristof (getting really into =LOST= costuming culture) needed a break. He proposed we go on a road trip to the Greenland Republic. Needless to say, we were all excited.

Our first stop was at the annual Stormtrooper's Ball, where we met some of the sexiest stormtroopettes we ever saw!

As usual, I spent a lot of time near the exotic dancers hired by the ball's hosts. Emperor and ladies man, I am.

Here's Wargarden in his casual bounty hunter uniform during the ball. (Somebody didn't get the memo, obviously.)

Here's a candid shot we got at one of our bathroom breaks.

One night at our hotel, Marcus Junius Brutus, got a little drunk and let his true colors show.

When we finally got to our destination we thought we'd have a little fun on the town. I don't think the authorities were too pleased.

All in all, the trip cemented the feelings of mutual admiration between =LOST= and ODN. We graciously thank the Greenland Republic for being such accommodating hosts. Sorry about the parking tickets, I'm sure Marcus Junius Brutus can "take care of" those.

So, after our vacation we felt so much more relaxed. Unfortunately though, some of us got a little too relaxed...

tl;dr: Revised charter, new government, =LOST= wins the Cold War against Athens and a non-aggression pact was signed, =LOST= and ODN did a membership exchange and had a ton of fun in the process.

(Many thanks to Max Cristof, Banksy, and stealthypenguin93 for their help making banners, finding pictures, and helping write some of the announcements herein.

*Edited for security reasons and improper grammar*

Edited by Mandellav
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[quote name='wickedj' date='01 July 2010 - 04:30 PM' timestamp='1278016230' post='2357011']
Silly Mandy, its adieu

also congrats and all that jazz

Actually, I originally wrote "adieu." But, I was told from another source that it was "ado." I researched it, and found this:

[quote]It's "Without further ado," not "without further adieu."

"Ado" means "fuss" or "delay." "Adieu" is not a noun but a complete statement which simply means "goodbye."

Why have I been seeing "without further adieu" on weblogs so often lately? It's stupid and wrong and makes no sense in any way! (Unless you're trying to cut a goodbye short.)[/quote]

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Nukes first policy should keep any potential foes on their toes! And keep raiders away too.

By the way, love the stormtrooper chicks and the 2nd last picture in the OP's announcement. :)
edit: But then again, the disabled clone war vet. picture is pretty hilarious,

Edited by Feuersturm
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[quote name='Feuersturm' date='01 July 2010 - 05:28 PM' timestamp='1278026913' post='2357172']
Nukes first policy should keep any potential foes on their toes! And keep raiders away too.

By the way, love the stormtrooper chicks and the 2nd last picture in the OP's announcement. :)
edit: But then again, the disabled clone war vet. picture is pretty hilarious,

A raid on =LOST= would be a death wish. :wub:


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