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Happy Birthday :O

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Happy Birthday Kylie! I know you wanted something fancy for your birthday, but I just couldn’t decide on what to give you. So, I decided on 7 things. These 7 things are all something you knew were coming, but still, happy birthday. :)

And so, here are your gifts in an order that makes a little bit of sense.

Well, lets start out on a lame note. Here's an idea, that simplicity and perseverance can amount to anything, as will be displayed over the next few months. While in this case, simplicity may not mean originality, I think we have a system that will work just fine.
With that idea the need for a name arose. So, why not TLK? It's as good of name as any. No, it doesn’t stand for anything, no, there is no hidden message (heh), just TLK. And that's the way it should be. With the right people standing behind the name TLK, it could achieve more meaning than any anagram I could think of.
While having an idea and a name is all nice and fun, what good is it without places to share the love and joy? I give you www.s1.zetaboards.com/TLK_alliance so you can drink, post, and be merry, and #tlk on Coldfront where anyone may come see why we are who we are. After all, it is shaping up to be a lovely place to be.
Some forums, a bit of IRC, a name, and an idea. Now what about some rules? Gift 4 contains the rules and procedures of TLK as they stand at this time.

All members of TLK hereby agree that these are the rules and actions they will follow, in any events necessary. Any member found not following the following rules and descriptions WILL face consequences.

Section 1.) Membership to TLK

A ) Provisional Membership

In order for a member to receive provisional membership to TLK, they must register on TLK's boards, and then be approved by someone with the power to do so. Provisional Members cannot receive aid, except in the form of tech deals and War aid. Any other attempts at aid requests will be denied. Provisional Members will also only receive a partial mask, allowing them to see only some of the boards.

B ) Full Membership

In order for a member to receive full membership, they must first have provisional membership, (mentioned above) 15 forum posts, made an appearance on IRC, and passed the full membership exam from the educational ministry. Any members found to have not done this will be degraded to a provisional member immediately, awaiting further actions.

Section 2.) Government Structure

A ) Generals

There are 3 Generals at the head of TLK's government structure. They oversee all that happens, and it is their job to be as Omniscient as possible. They appoint Ministers, and oversee each minister's work. If anything goes amiss, the Generals must work as hard as possible to make it right. They are also the final call for any decisions that can not be made at lower levels. Most decisions require a 100% Vote, however exact vote requirement is a decision made on a case-to-case basis.

B ) Ministers

Each minister is in charge of his own ministry. Together, they run the key programs that keep TLK ticking. The ministers also make up the only group within TLK that can help remove a general from power, in extreme cases.

i ) Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The minster of foreign affairs looks after any and all matters involving foreign matters. He has a role in all ordeals involving other alliances, which include but are not limited to: embassy requests, treaty signing, rogue nations, and foreign announcements.

ii) Minister of Academic Affairs

The Minister of Academic Affairs is responsible for the education levels of all TLK's nations. The Academy is his responsibility, as well as all of its contents. Should the Minster of Academic Affairs wish to change the academy as a whole, it is asked that he first consults the generals, before beginning his work.

iii) Minister of Economic Affairs

The Minister of Economic Affairs runs the economy of each of TLK's nations, as well as the alliance's economy as a while. The technology center, trade circles, aid requests, and economic section of the Q&A section all fall under the Minister of Economic affairs, and it is his job to make sure all sections are running to maximum efficiency.

iv) Minster of Recruitment

The Minster of Recruitment is the head recruiter for TLK, as well as the organizer of the recruiting methods. He has the right to prevent anyone he chooses from recruiting, as long as sufficient evidence is given to the Generals. Should the Minster decide that TLK cannot handle any more recruits, while maintaining maximum growth, he, along with the Generals, may temporarily close recruiting until such a time that it is judged Recruiting can be continued.

v) Minister of War

The Minister of War position and its responsibilities are outlined in Section 3.

C) Elections

Generals are elected every 3 months, in a rotating order. therefore, each General seat last 9 months. Should someone step down from that position, the remaining 2 Generals will decide who should replace him, and the electing pattern continues.

Minsters on the other hand, have no specific date or time for elections. A minster seat may be challenged at any time by another member of TLK. In order to challenge a Ministry, that member must propose why he is better at the position than the current minister is, and what he promises will happen if he is elected minister. A ministry seat may only be challenged every month, and more than one person can challenge the same ministry at a time.

Section 3.) War

A) Minister of War

The Minister of War position is one of the most time-consuming position in a time of war. in TLK, the Minster of War can allow raids, demand war aid from the economic department, order nations to attack certain subjects, and change any military alerts issued to the TLK alliance.

B) Wars

TLK recognizes that war is a powerful thing, and also a very fun thing when done correctly. therefore, TLK allows limited tech raiding with permission, and has specific stances when it comes to offensive and defensive wars.

i) Raiding

In order for a member to be able to raid, he must first of passed the Tech Raiding 101 class available in the Ministry of Academic Affairs. Once this course is complete, a nation must then find a target themselves, and request permission from either an available General, or the Minister of War himself. As to the methods used when raiding, they are up to the Minster of War to decide.

ii) Offensive Wars

TLK will not declare war without what it feels is a fair reason. Such reasons include but are not limited to: honouring a treaty, being tech raided, member poaching, and infiltration. In such cases, because TLK is the alliance 'first declaring a state of war' we ask that nuclear warfare be avoided, unless fired upon.

iii) Defensive Wars

In the event of a war launched against TLK, TLK will retaliate with full force. Whether or not the war goes nuclear, is to be decided by the Generals and Minster of War at the time of the Declaration. Because we also know everybody loves a war, any optional defence pacts will be activated, but whether or not an alliance decided to declare is their own choice.

Section 4.) Merges and Disbandment

In the event that TLK can no longer function on its own, a state of emergency will be declared, as a last ditch effort to survive. Should TLK still not be able to sustain itself, The government will begin to look for any other alliances in a similar state, in hopes of a possible merge. If still nothing is available, the alliance will be disbanded, and TLK will be forced to live on in the hearts and minds of people.

Section 5.) Anything Else

If anything not outlined in this document is come across, the decision goes directly to the Generals, and they can decide what to do with it. After the issue is resolved, the charter will be amended to fit this recently found flaw, to prevent it from happening again.

If anything in this document is not made clear, a member may ask a General or Minster for a better explanation. If something is found to be severely poor-worded, it will be edited for the ease of the members.

Starting to look like an alliance, isn't it? well, no microalliance is complete without a protectorate, so they don't get squashed on. So here is ours.

In order to promote the sovereignty, growth, and general prosperity of the TLK, the United Commonwealth of Nations (UCN) and TLK hereby enter into this Treaty. The signatory alliances hereby bound in a Treaty of Protection.

Section I- Non-Aggression

Article I

All members of the signatory alliances enter into a commitment of peace towards each other. Acts of aggression towards each other are strictly forbidden, and are obligated to desist from any such action. Acts of aggression are defined as:

1)declaration of war for any reason unless permission is given from both signatories

2) in-game spying of nations

3) Espionage of alliances by real life persons – impersonations, attacks on IRC channels, attacks forums etc

4) Aiding an enemy of both signatories and their allies

5) Flaming or trolling of either alliance through all mediums

6) Inflammatory comments regarding the allies of either alliance

7)Out of character attacks on any member of either signatories.

Article II

Both signatory alliances agree that if one of their members violates Article I of Section I by aggressive action, it will be condemned within 48 hours of notice of it occurring. The member attacked is encouraged not to retaliate during this 48-hour period, to allow for the appropriate diplomatic discussions. Both Alliances agree that if one of their members violates Article I of Section I, then reparations shall be paid at no less than 125% (rounded to the nearest 3mil) of the damage suffered to the nation, or an amount agreed on by both parties, unless the attacked nation retaliates before the 48-hour period is over, in which case no reparations will be required.

Article III

Both signatory alliances agree that if their membership violates Article I of Section I by permitting attacks, threatening or abusing members in public or private channels, committing espionage and/or assisting an enemy of either alliance through military or financial aid; then this attack will be condemned within 48 hours notice of it occurring, to hold the proper diplomatic discussions. The member responsible shall be punished according to his or her alliance's charter, which may include expulsion from the alliance or the payment of reparations.

Article IV

If TLK receives any information that will affect the sovereignty or welfare of UCN, TLK will send this information to a member of the government of UCN within 24 hours.

If UCN receive any information that will affect the sovereignty or welfare of TLK, UCN will send this information to a member of the government of TLK within 24 hours.

Section II- Protection

Article I- UCN is obligated to defend TLK from all threats posed to them, as long as TLK was not the aggressor. Before war, TLK is requested that diplomacy be used first by all means. UCN is not obligated to defend TLK if TLK was the instigator of an attack, or that TLK provoked such an attack.

Article II- TLK is not obligated to defend UCN should UCN come under attack, especially when such a move would be suicidal to TLK. UCN however may request assistance, and TLK have the right to deny it.

Section III- Optional Aggression

Article I – TLK is prohibited from taking any offensive action unless a reason is provided 7 days prior and is expressively permitted by UCN.

Article II- If either of the signatories is engaged in an offensive alliance war, the embattled alliance has the right to request assistance from the other signatory. However, the other signatory has an equal right to deny assistance in an aggressive war if they wish.

Section IV- Development

Article I- TLK has the right to request of UCN aid to rebuild in the event of a catastrophe. However, since UCN's resources are finite, the request may be denied on reasonable grounds. If UCN is unable to honor the request, it is UCN's duty to fulfill it as soon as possible.

Article II- In order to promote growth and general welfare as outlined in the preamble, UCN will appoint an adviser to TLK. The duty of this adviser will be to provide general help and advice to TLK so that one day TLK will be able to hold it's own on Planet Bob. This single adviser will be granted full access to all parts of the TLK forums. However, this adviser may not influence or determine TLK affairs unsolicited. That is up to TLK. The adviser is not required to have admin access – unless permitted by TLK. TLK have the right to request the adviser, however, UCN will have the final say on this matter.

Section V – Foreign Affairs

Article I - TLK is free to pursue official relations with any alliance in the game, unless told otherwise about a specific alliance. Also, TLK is free to have treaties with any other alliance. However, any and all treaties need to be submitted to review by the UCN so that it can be determined whether or not a such a treaty would be in the general interest of UCN. If a treaty is deemed not suitable by the Ministry of Foreign Relations, the treaty must either be renegotiated or called off.

Article II – UCN will retain veto power on all membership decisions made by TLK. TLK will need to clear applicants above 10,000 NS with the Ministry of Foreign Relations. UCN will have the power to eject a member from the TLK if their application was made less than 7 days ago.

Article III - TLK will have the right to ask for assistance regarding Foreign Affairs at any time. This includes diplomatic assistance for any issue that may arise

Article IV – UCN will retain the recognition of legitimacy of any TLK government. Notice of any change of government must be given to UCN with 72 hour prior notice.

Section VI- Termination, Amendments and Disbandment

Article I- This treaty may be terminated at any time if both alliances consent and a 72 hour notice has been given.

Article II- TLK may not disband without the express permission of the Council of UCN.

Article III- This treaty may be amended to as the need arises. An amendment to this treaty will be considered like an entirely new treaty was being proposed, and it will be need to be passed by both signatories.

For your sixth gift, I guessed you could use a brea from this wall of boring text, so here's a picture. huggles.jpg

And finally, all the signatures that make this happen, all in one handy location.

For TLK:

George AKA Tharbakim

Kylie AKA Riddleland

Guapo, AKA Magion

For UCN:

Minister Of Membership: Corpius

MoFR: Rivertommy

MoC: GiveMeWater

MoF: Ponderous

MoE Minimac

SoI: Minister of Silly Walks

SoE: DarkFox

For LXXQTJMN (cause we love them)



Everybody else who's name doesn't come to mind.

Just For Fun:

Jay AKA Zipmeister


Deadly... errr... Deadfly

Basher.. the lol king


Failfish AKA Gonefishin

Mexican Border Jumper.

Laura :)

Garrett AKA Carrot

Teriacki AKA Kaznecki

Erika AKA Joke

Amazing Canadian AKA Cadie

Drew AKA TsruIkk

The Incredible Bulk AKA ZeroSoldier

Nobody Cares AKA JC

<Insert Funny name Here> AKA Borimir

So once again, Happy Birthday Kylie!!



New alliance, A birthday, an alliance, and lotsa friends.

EDIT: Apparantly

tags don't work. Edited by Tharbakim
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