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The Mint Chocolate Accords


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Almost 2 months ago, GATO and VE exchanged ambassadors. Through their tireless work and numerous conversations, a friendship formed to the point that both parties felt appropriate to solidify our friendship in this regard.

Personally, I have enjoyed getting to know Cornelius - enjoy your retirement, Goldie, Sol, Impero, and Typo. I look forward to a solid friendship between us.

Lastly, ThE K9 of GATO and Kayvaan Shrike of VE are to be commended on their work.



The Mint Chocolate Accords


Optional Defense Pact between the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization and the Viridian Entente


In recognition that the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization (hereby known as GATO) and the Viridian Entente (hereby known as VE) agree to an extraordinary friendship and to grow and support each other as time passes.

Article 1 - Non-Aggression

No member nation of either signatory alliance may attack a member nation of the other signatory alliance. Any violation of this will result in immediate reparations equivalent to the damages done. Refusal of the violating nation to pay reparations can result in severe punishment from the alliance they are affiliated with, and the reparations will be paid by another nation of the aggressive alliance. Both alliances also agree to peace between each other until a point in time when this pact is cancelled with just cause.

Article 2 - Optional Defense

In the event of an attack upon one signatory alliance the other signatory body may come to the defense of the attacked alliance. This is optional and encouraged, but not required.

Article 3 - Intelligence

Any information picked up by a signatory of one alliance that may contain information leading to hurt/danger towards to their signatory partner must be given to the government of the partner alliance as soon as the information is picked up. Any other information or intelligence picked up by one signatory alliance may be given to the other signatory government, but there is no obligation in this case and it is completely optional. Any privileged information from this relationship may not be shared without the express consent of both parties.

Article 4 - Aid

If either signatory body is need of financial assistance, the other signatory body is obligated to aid what they can or what is needed to resolve the issue that requires the finances. If the alliance that has received the request for aid does not have the finances to satisfy the partner, they are obligated to aid as much as they can.

Article 5 - Termination

This treaty may be cancelled if one of the articles given in this pact is not met or one of the signatories has done something that shows ill-will towards their partner alliance. Unless both alliances agree to termination, there must be a 48 hour notice of cancellation before the termination takes complete effect.


Both GATO and the VE agree to abide by the terms stated in this treaty. By the signatures placed on this pact, both alliances agree to constitute this into alliance law for both alliances.

Signed for the Viridian Entente:


Solaris, Lord

Impero, Duke

Ryuusei, Secretary of Defense

Goldielax25, Secretary of the Interior

TypoNinja, Secretary of State

Signed for the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization


Laserwolf - Assembly Chairman

Duncan007 - Minister of Foreign Affairs

24th Congress

Mint Chocolate Cake for all!


Edited by Laserwolf
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Nice treaty name even if optional defense is, at best, an e-lawyer shield.

gato and ve have become great friends over the past few months. i guess you can say an odp is a way to signify our friendship up to this point, that it deserves to have some piece of paper linking us together officially. that is not necessarily the limit of our friendship, merely the beginning of what hopefully will be a long and excellent relationship.

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gato and ve have become great friends over the past few months. i guess you can say an odp is a way to signify our friendship up to this point, that it deserves to have some piece of paper linking us together officially. that is not necessarily the limit of our friendship, merely the beginning of what hopefully will be a long and excellent relationship.

Don't worry. I have complete faith that both VE & GATO signed this out of true friendship and that they would likely go above and beyond the articles laid out in this treaty. I just have distaste for ODPs in general. I'd rather have a treaty that either didn't mention defense at all, or one that provided a better guarantee that what most alliances do anyway. How many alliances exists nowadays that don't reserve the right to defend whomever they choose?

Hopefully this treaty will be a stepping stone to a more concrete one.

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