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Announcement from the SOS Brigade


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Ladies and Gentlemen of Planet Bob,

Beginning around a week ago, one of the members of the SOS Brigade began experiencing acts of espionage against their nation. Their counterintelligence systems were, at first unable to determine the identity of the attacker and we were thus unable to do anything.

However, several days ago, after a boost to their counterintelligence budget, the SOS Brigade member in question was able to capture and interrogate the enemy spies, who revealed the identity of their employer to be the nation of Skids, ruled by paraturtle, a member of the Democratic Order of Anarchy.

We are pleased to announce that this issue has been concluded without progressing to open warfare between the SOS Brigade and the Democratic Order of Anarchy (for which we thank the co-operation of AsianLeader of DOA, PopCap of GDA and CharlesInCharge of VE).

As such:

The nation of Skids will be expelled from the DOA and subject to a single ZI from the SOS Brigade, to begin when they exit peace mode.

After this, they will be free to go and do as they please.

However, if they sell their infrastructure to achieve ZI, the SOS Brigade reserves the right to apply further penalties to their nation.


Arrnea, Brigade Chief and Ultra Director

Freshmaker, ESPer and Mysterious Transfer Student

Xanatos, Time Traveller and Brigade Mascot

Elrich von Richt, Alien Supercomputer and Meganekko

Alekhine, Ordinary Human and Errand Boy

PS: Oh snap, there goes the DoW I wrote up.

Edited by Arrnea
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I personally support the nation of Skids' actions, and hope that they are continued in the future.

Now this is a story, all about how your life got flipped - turned upside down,

And i'd like to take a minute,

just sit right there,

I'll tell you how you became the prince of a town called ZI

Courtesy of: Arrnea

I assure you this post means no harm, except for lulz. We would never wish war, or bad relations with you.

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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