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Ronin/OSA Statement of Tomodachi


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The Flaming Baked Alaska Accords

This tasty recipe celebrates the friendship between Ronin and OSA.


1 Ronin


27 Bottles Richard Hennessy Cognac

1 Match


1) Getting to know the Chefs:

Ronin and OSA are their own cooks, bringing their unique own flavours and pizzazz to the kitchen. However, they have been cooking well together, sharing recipes and sometimes ingredients. Today, Ronin and OSA would like to announce to the world their collaboration on this brand new recipe!

2) Non-Aggression

The cooks of Ronin and OSA shall act with common decency and respect towards one another at all times, in both public and private kitchens alike, and shall, in times of need, by means of communal culinary challenge, prepare a common recipe for the adoring public. The competition between the cooks shall be fair. No secret cook-offs, spying, stealing of secret ingredients, rotting of the other’s fruits and vegetables, or despoiling of the garden which all of those grow upon.

3) Kitchen Finances

Every cook knows that it is important to make sure when buying your ingredients at the store, that you have enough money. To that end, Ronin and OSA agree to share coupons with each other, as long as it’s reasonable to ask for them and said coupons can be reasonably parted with.

If either Ronin or OSA get into a cook-off with another chef, they may still share coupons with each other, as long as they’re not hurting other friends – excepting those who only have a NAP with the assisting Chef.


In the interest of creating a savoury menu, Ronin and OSA agree to work together interpreting recipes from all styles and types of cuisine - including potential imitations and rip offs of Ronin and OSA recipes. Both Chefs agree not to digest the product of any recipe before sharing a taste test with the other. Any cookbook or recipe regarding a possible Flambé of Ronin, OSA or their friends will be shared as soon as it is discovered.

5)Mutual Defence & Optional Just Desserts

Both Chefs will ensure that the other is protected from such contaminants as may be lying around trying to spoil their cookie dough. Any attack or espionage on a nation in Ronin or OSA, or a declaration of war or act of espionage on either alliance by any third party, shall be considered an attack, act of espionage or declaration of war upon both alliances.

Any request by either alliance for military assistance in this situation shall be granted immediately, and both alliances commit to respond with appropriate force to repel said aggressors.

Both chefs have the option to request that the other not join them Flambéing of an aggression if they so choose.

If either Chef chooses to aggressively enter a war or conflict, military assistance may be requested, but the other alliance is not obligated to honor this request. In the event a request for military assistance in an aggressive conflict is refused, both Ronin and OSA agree to support each other by other means.

6)Throwing the Recipe Out

In the event that the friendship between Ronin and OSA gets overcooked, somebody decides to skip or change one of the steps of the recipe, or if the recipe becomes otherwise unpalatable, the recipe may be thrown out by either alliance. In such an event 72 hours notice must be given to the other Alliance via a post in the relevant kitchen on both the Ronin and OSA forums prior to the disposal of this recipe being completed.

Following the disposal of this recipe a 48 hour grace period shall then apply, during which time neither alliance may declare war on or attack a member of the other alliance. After the grace period no such restrictions apply.

7)Let The Cooking Begin!

This recipe is adopted by Ronin and OSA as their Recette du Jour effective this 5th of September 2009.

Signed for Open Source Alliance,

Nolissar the All-Knowing, President of the OSA

Godfather89, Minister of External Affairs for the OSA


Signed for Ronin,

AirMe, Emperor

Nitemare, Shogun

Lokie, Kampaku

Hisk, Daimyo of Internal Affairs

Caffine, Daimyo of Foreign Affairs

JF, Daimyo of Defense

KingDingaLing, Daimyo of Economics

tl;dr Ronin and OSA have and MDoAP, have a nice day and enjoy the freshly flambéed Baked Alaska.

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OSA is pleased to see this day come. We’ve been friends with Ronin since shortly after they reformed, and getting to know their membership over the past few months has been nothing but a pleasure. They have shown themselves time and again to be individuals of integrity who are capable of both critical analysis, self reflection and deprecation when needed, and most importantly a high level of lulzy banter. In short, they are terrific people and even better friends!

I and the members of OSA have nothing but respect and admiration for Ronin and how they run their alliance, and conduct themselves and we are pleased to commit ourselves to their defense this day.

Here’s to our continued friendship and culinary adventures.

o/ Ronin

o/ OSA

o/ Baked Alaska

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