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Greater Pacifica Factbook


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NOTE: As I inherited this nation with some extensive RPing already done on it I have quoted passages from previous factbooks in order to maintain continuity; as well as to exploit past work and save time of my own. In order to give due credit and clear up any questions of god moding anything directly quoted or paraphrased from LVN's old factbook will have a * next to it.


Greater Pacifica Factbook

Declaration of Incorporation

In violence one sees the everlasting conflict that is the forward progression of life, war is the crucible in which the fundamentals of organization are tested, and blood is the currency we exchange for innovation. In the desperation brought on by the imminent threat of extinction- men hatch their best and greatest schemes for survival, and in contest with one another the inferior approaches are culled while the ingenious are venerated. While survival, prosperity, and other descriptions of self service are always the immediate end in mind, the final outcome of an intelligent organism is its honey offering, technology. This legacy which endures long after the expiration of any one individual, is the true significance of any society, and represents the only moral purpose any civilization can serve. It is in this mindset, and the higher wisdom it implies, that I lay claim to the nation of Pacifica and pledge eternal security, progress and prosperity to its people and their progeny. – Michael Atrevier

Section A:The King, Sovereignty, Immunity, Succession

Article I: Sovereignty

There shall be one despot in which all ruling authority is vested. The right and claim of this figure to power cannot be contested, and is eternal and infinite in scope. Though this authority also entails the option to delegate, delegation is arbitrary and transient in nature and may be revoked at will.

Article II: Obligations and Responsibility of the King

The Duty of the despot is to oversee and manage the execution and enforcement of the law, to defend the realm from all threats be they foreign or domestic , provide for the advancement of the Pacifican nation, to create a code of law, and to judge the guilt of the accused under it.

Article III: Immunity & Legal Infallibility

As all authority possessed by the courts and by the law derives from the body of the Despot, it is thereby impossible to try him as doing so would compromise the integrity of the court. The Despot is thus immune from censure and accusation, as well as infallible in the eyes of the court. Decedents of the reigning Despot are further only accountable to him.

Article IV: Succession

The title responsibility and authority of Despot, nominally referred to as the ‘King’, are tied eternally to the familial blood line of the Atrevier Family. The matter of succession is fundamentally left to the Despot, who may designate any of his progeny or extended family, his heir apparent. In the event that no designation is made, the Line of succession to the throne is linear tracing through direct descendants beginning with the eldest living descendent and ending with the youngest. Eligibility for office is not affected by gender or any other factor other than present, or potential (and likely) mental competency to hold office. In the event that there exists no living decedents, the crown will be transferred to the eldest living descendant of the previous generation. In the event that the entire Royal Family has perished, this declaration shall be considered void.

Section B: The Aristocracy

Article I: Source of Title

Each title of nobility which passed through heredity, stems from the authority of the Despot; and thus is subject to it. As noble rank represents a delegation of regal authority it may similarly be stripped arbitrarily. However, in recognition of exceptional collaborative energy and extraordinary merit certain dynasties may be provided a measure of title security, against which holders, are secure of unchecked regal whim.

Article II: The Order of Blood

To further ease the execution of regal responsibilities and mission, an Order of Nobility shall exist to both recognize service and commission operatives. The order shall consist of six degrees.

The sixth and most paramount degree shall be that of Grandmaster. The Despot shall be the Grandmaster of the order. Beneath the Grandmaster is the fifth degree, that of lordship. Lords shall be extended special autonomy in action and security in rank. A noble may only be elevated to the rank of lordship by nomination of the Grandmaster and with the support of a four fifths consensus of all lords. Similarly a lord may only be demoted or stripped of rank by writ of the grandmaster with the approval of an identical consensus. The four remaining degrees in sequence of greatest to least are Grand Officer, Commander, Officer, and Knight. Elevation and demotion within each of these four degrees may occur only by way of appointment by the Grandmaster.

As general protocol, all members of the Order are accountable to the Grandmaster, and all requests issued by higher degrees are considered binding on lower. All members are further required to adhere to the rules, procedures, and decrees issued by the grandmaster and passed by a consensus of the college of Lords.

Article III: Succession

Titles of nobility within the Order of Blood are transferable along lines of heredity. The order of succession and process by which they may be transferable is identical to those specified for the title of Despot.

Article IV: College of Lords

The College of Lords shall be an internal legislative and judicial body who’s purpose shall be to settle the internal disputes of the Aristocracy, as well as set uniform regulations for the Aristocracy. They will be chaired by the Grandmaster, and any decision made by them can be vetoed or reviewed by the Grandmaster.


H.M Michael Atrevier: Michael Atrevier

King of Greater Pacifica

Rex Pacifica

Decree of Sovereignty

In the interest of the lives of the people, their material welfare, and the expediency of good governance the following proclamation is hereby rendered. The most recent experimentation of plural rule by triumvirate is by the judgment of this office and its retainers a failure. Such a determination does not come lightly and has not been made without all due deliberation. The rational is as follows. The state as it was- was split among three equal and sovereign entities, while reason might follow that this would produce an efficient state capable of rapid and clear decision in practice this model has demonstrated to be quite the opposite. While at its upper levels decisions were made with relative ease dissatisfaction brewed beneath the surface culminating in a great schism among both the guild and syndicate governments. Powerless to interfere and intent on remaining honorable to our core the aristocracy remained neutral in the affair. The ultimate reality of this occurrence was not that the people of the realm were disinterested in compromise and cooperation but rather that the leadership of each faction was not. It has since become clear that the decree of union which I signed in hopes of marshaling the people of the realm to our new cause was a mistake of colossal magnitude, and it is further one for which I wish to atone. That being said with the consent of the realm, the force of my station, and the right of my blood; I hereby declare the articles of union, the Union of Guilds, and the Union of Syndicates null and void. Each is hereby ordered to disburse into their sub-chapters and never to unify again. That being said as the sole remaining faction, which has I might add remained civil throughout this crisis, the Monarchy and by association the Aristocracy asserts its sovereignty over the realm and in doing so pledges to faithfully execute the needs and desires of the people, taking care that they are also in the best long term interest of the realm. – Ryn Atrevier

Section A:The King, Sovereignty, Immunity, Succession

Article I: Sovereignty

The State and the Monarch are one, all authority within Greater Pacifica and the Dominion of Pacifica shall derive from the King either proactively though the sanctioning of office, or tacitly through toleration of presence all shall be subject. Thus as all authority stems from the Monarch so can the Monarch repeal that vestment. To this end all authority is vested in the King or in the Queen if she has ascended to the throne under Article II Section A of this decree. If authority is thus vested in the Queen, she has all the power and obligations which are typically possessed by the King.

Article II: Obligations and Responsibility of the King

The Duty of the King is to oversee and manage the execution and enforcement of the law, to defend the realm from all threats be they foreign or Civil, provide for the general welfare of the people, to create a code of law, and to judge the guilt of accused individuals under it.

Article III: Immunity & Legal Infallibility

As all authority possessed by the courts and by the law derives from the body of the King, it is thereby impossible to try a King as doing so would compromise the integrity of the court. The King is thus immune from censure and accusation, as well as infallible in the eyes of the law. Decedents of the sitting King are further only answerable to the King.

Article IV: Succession

The Line of succession to the throne is linear tracing through direct descendants beginning with the eldest living descendent and ending with the youngest. Eligibility for office is not effected by gender or any other factor other than present, or potential (and likely) mental competency to hold office. In the event that there exists no living decedents the crown will be transferred to the eldest living descendant of the previous generation. In the event that the entire Royal Family has perished a successor shall be chosen by an Assembly of Nobles.

Section B: The Aristocracy

Article I: Source of Title

Each title of nobility passed through heredity stems from the Authority of the King; and thus is subject to it. All nobles therefore exist as they do at the pleasure of the King and can be removed at the wish of the King.

Article II: The Aristocratic Order

The territory of the realm shall be divided first into Archduchies ruled by an Archduke. Those Archduchies shall be further divided into Duchies ruled by dukes. This is followed by Counties ruled by counts, at last into Baronies which shall be overseen by Barons. The boarders of each Barony shall be divided in such a way that each has a relatively similar close count of population. Boundaries shall be subject to change at the taking of each census.

Each level of the order shall be subject to the levels above them beginning with Barons who are subject to all orders above them ending with Archdukes who are solely subject to the King.

The Aristocracy shall be responsible for assisting in the execution and enforcement of law, and the defense of the realm within their given areas of concern. All of which shall be done with the consent and direction of the King.

The Aristocracy shall be responsible for the directorship of the national bureaucracy, and the executive branch of the state.

Article III: Succession

Hereditary titles of nobility will be transferable in the same manner as the king’s title with exception that upon the loss of a royal line it shall be the responsibility of a higher officer, or the King to determine a successor. Along with titles land fiefs shall be attached to the title of nobility and thus is transferable. By contrast positions of directorship within the National Bureaucracy or Chartered Enterprises will not be transferable and will expire upon demise or dismissal.

Article IV: Royal Council

The Royal Council shall be an internal legislative and judicial body who’s purpose shall be to handle the internal disputes of the Aristocracy, as well as set uniform regulations for the Aristocracy. They will be chaired by the King, and any decision made by them can be overridden or altered by the King. They will also serve as a board of advisors to the King and upon solicitation for advise they are guaranteed an immunity from offense (they may speak plainly). The Archduke is guaranteed a seat on the Council; however the King may choose to appoint additional Councilor’s at large.


H.M Ryn Atrevier: RynAtreviersig-1.png

King of Greater Pacifica

Rex Pacifica

Articles of Order: Charter of Parliament

As per Royal Decree the following articles are issued.

Section A: Parliament

Article I: Authority & Responsibility

The powers and authority to legislate shall be by this Royal Decree transferred from the King to the body of Parliament. The body itself will have the full scope and range of powers afforded to the King with respect for legislative action; they shall as a body be charged with the same obligations to the people which are relevant to law making as those held by the King. Parliament shall meet at least once every six months.

Article II: Powers of Parliament

As a body all parliamentary decisions are decided by at least a fifty percent plus one majority. Any majority meeting these minimum requirements may utilize the following powers.

1) Parliament has the power to levy taxes.

2) Parliament may issue and create both private and public law to which the judiciary in its execution of the civil code will be bound.

4) Parliament has the power to initiate projects & programs.

5) Parliament may advise the King.

6) Parliament may make its own rules and procedure.

7) Parliament may prorogue itself and set its session calendar.

8) Parliament may differ its authority to lower bodies.

9) The Parliament may issue nonbinding resolutions of no-confidence.

10) The Parliament may overturn its own acts, or Royal Writ’s of the King.

11) The Parliament may expel one of its members.

Article III: Selection

Each barony shall by fair democratic election select and send forth an individual to represent them in Parliament. All Citizens of the Realm who are of legal age (here defined as twenty years old) or determined to be a competent elector may vote regardless of gender, race, or class.

In order to be an eligible candidate for parliamentary membership one must be at least twenty five years of age, and a full citizen of the Realm. There are no term limits, and the maximum time between elections is limited to ten years.

Section B: The Executive

Article I: Duty

The Executive shall bear the obligations and duties of the King which are not delegated to parliament. The Chief Executive of the realm shall be the Monarchy which shall act by Royal Prerogative.

Article II: Royal Prerogative

The following are a list of powers rights retained by the king.

1) The King may dissolve parliament, and call for an election at any point.

2) The King may grant Royal Assent to Acts of Parliament.

3) The King may legislate by Royal Writ

4) The King may propose Acts to Parliament.

5) The King may act as speaker and presiding officer of Parliament with absolute authority to maintain procedure and uphold points of order. Procedural rulings made by the King may not be appealed.

6) The King may appoint an individual to a vacant seat in parliament.

7) The King may prorogue Parliament.

8) The King may convene/call Parliament.

9) The King may Pardon Convicted criminals or reduce sentences issued.

10) The King may create new civil law courts, and appoint Civil Magistrates to preside over them. Such civil courts are bound to the public and private law issued in Parliament. The King may intervene or review cases of the civil law courts if appealed to. The King’s court is the Highest.

11) The King is responsible for the creation, direction and management of the National Bureaucracy, and has any and all powers needed to do so. He has the power to direct monetary policy, he may appoint and dismiss civil servants as they are under the executive branch. The King may further appoint royal commissions and officers for any purpose. The King may differ decision making authority to lower offices and jurisdictions. Finally the King may appoint, or dismiss a High Magistrate.

12) The King may grant Charters of Incorporation in order to create private or public intuitions/entities. The king may also revoke such Charters at any point unless otherwise specified.

13) The King is the Head of State, thus he may declare war, and make peace.

14) The King is Commander in Chief of the Armed forces under the Crown.

15) The King may draft individual into military service, nationalize private military forces, as well as organize and deploy the Military.

16) The King may declare a state of Emergency & suspend the rule of law.

17) The King retains all powers over the Aristocracy.

18) The King has the power to distribute and issue honors.

Article III: High Magistrate

The High Magistrate is a representative of the Monarchy and functions the political head of the Executive branch. Selection of the Magistrate is by monarchal appointment. The High Magistrate has the power to advise the King on the use of Royal Prerogative, as well as represent the interests of the King to the Cabinet, Royal Council and Parliament. During the tenure of a Magistrate the King’s prerogative is exercised by the Magistrate and King’s power over the actual functions of the state is limited to the three fold power to warn, to advise, and to be consulted. Whether or not the office of magistrate is occupied is dependent on the wishes of the King.

Section C: Oath

Article I:

The following is the oath required to be taken by every Parliamentary Member, military officer, policy level bureaucrat, as well as the High Magistrate before taking office.

"I... swear by my life and my love of it, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Ryn Atrevier, his heirs and successors, according to law."


H.M Ryn Atrevier: RynAtreviersig-1.png

King of Greater Pacifica

Rex Pacifica

Governing Ideology

Socio-Economic/Political Description

In order to properly understand the socio-political concept of Greater Pacifica it is important to realize that there are essentially two tiers within the society. There is the Aristocracy and then the common classes.

Due to the empowered parliament of Pacifica there is a strong alliance between the Monarchy and the Aristocracy; this is a reversal of traditional notions of Nobility and Monarchy which generally serve as a check on one another. The Centralized nature of the Monarchy moreover empowers it to favor particular members of the Aristocracy and thus serves to further unify the Aristocracy toward the Monarchical agenda. The Monarchy which has granted all titles of Nobility, retains the right to revoke said titles this forms the basis of internal aristocratic discipline, and justifies all lesser forms of punishment within the order. At the head of this internal regulatory system is the King, and directly below, the Royal Council, an appointed body of potent Aristocrats which governs the Aristocracy as a whole. Beyond this there is a two level method for encouraging loyalty. First there is the negative motivation of fearing to lose ones title, and subsequent hereditary fief, and second the positive motivation of an aristocratic house seeking a directorship over one of the Chartered Monopolies. As each Monopoly does not transfer with title, directorship of a Chartered Enterprise acts as a prize awarded to the most loyal and meriting Houses. As each one is operated for profit, they serve as lucrative sources of income for the families which come to control them. At the same time however the Monarchy checks potential abuse by subjecting each enterprise to loosely defined plans established by the Committee of Public Works. In addition to forming the political base of the Monarchy, this system of third way, Quasi-Corporatist Charter Monopolies forms the basis of Pacifican Economic activity. To further ensure the primacy of the Monarchy over the Aristocracy the Monarchical Committee of Public Works is given a broadly defined annual allocation of the tax funds to invest in domestic industry. Generally these grants are awarded to the Charter Enterprises which perform to the desires of the Monarchy, again reinforcing the carrot stick relationship endemic to the Aristocratic/Monarchic relationship.

Beneath this order is the common classes of Pacifica which are divided between the Guilds, and the Syndicates. Guilds typically appeal to the Gentry, or Bureaucratic professions, while the Syndicates appeal to the technical professions. Each of these is of course further mired by internal political alliances, and fights left over from the Tri-Faction government. Nonetheless the guilds and syndicates service the charter enterprises and national bureaucracies, generally establishing group contracts for the lesser professions, while allowing meritorious competition for higher level jobs. Meaning on the whole most are in some way either directly or indirectly in the employ of the state. There are of course a few exceptions to this as lesser industries are often operated by private operators for profit under traditional capitalist models.

Economically speaking individual's basic needs are for the most part provided for through public services, this drastically lowers the cost of living, and thus allows the majority of the consumer population to expend their acquired income on luxury goods, and comforts. As a result there is a vibrant consumer market, providing an economic base for the nation which is not dependent on outside markets. Despite this however nearly a third of the GDP is the result of exports providing the national treasury with rich reserves, of foreign currencies and allowing stable monetary policy decisions to be made.

As far as education is concerned there is a robust public education system placing the general population ages five through fifteen in a generalized education program teaching the basics of Language, Math, Science, and History. At the age of fifteen individuals take a series of standardized exams including both subject, intelligence, and aptitude tests. Those scoring in the top 20% of those examined are moved on into rigorous secondary school and ultimately onto higher education. Within the higher education system these individuals are specifically socialized in such a way that they will sympathize with the Neutral Pragmatic Ideological view, as well as ultimately go on to support the Nationalist party (see below). All individuals circulating through this system are taught to value merit, competence, theory and vision rather than popular blind ideology. The lower 80% by contrast is tracked through trade schools and pre-industrial worker programs, as neutral pragmatic concepts simply do not appeal to these individuals, they are for the most part fought over by the other two parties, (although about 20% of these individuals will general side with the Nationalists for one reason or another). This educational program covers the middle and lower classes alike, despite this there are several "public schools" in wellington, Auckland, and Nelson which cater to the elite. While they are colloquially referred to as public schools unlike their truely public counterparts they have a greater deal of autonomy and designed with their clients in mind. In practice they are more or less boarding schools which educate children of the elite during their secondary school years. This comes after a primary school education acquired in one of many similarly exclusive day schools scattered throughout Pacifica. Moreover these "public schools" essentially feed into the Wellington Academy a downplayed but highly exclusive quasi private university which finishes the education of the upper class children with an extensive education in social science, business, political science, philosophy, law, mathematics, rhetoric, psychology and numerous other specializations that future decisions makers would require. While the exclusionary practices of this branch of the educational system are not formalized, admittance requires not only the exorbitant cost of tuition, but also approval from the originating day schools themselves. For obvious reasons the existence of this mode of education is generally not discussed outside of the higher circles. None the less the underlying result is a more or less unified amalgamation of old and new wealth socialized to a specific model of elite, and interconnected by a common school experience. To this end the upper strata of greater Pacifica remains socially connected and socially distinct.

Politically among the common classes there is a two way split. Due to the liberal campaign finance laws which allow for unlimited, disclosed contributions to be made by any citizen to any party, the smaller and by far the most well financed party in the nation, is the "Nationalist" party, formally known as the "Pacifican Nationalist Party". This party informally represents the Monarchy, the Aristocracy, and the Bourgeois, or elite non-nobles; while formally claiming a populist position in their rhetoric. Their main position is the goal to further empower and concentrate authority in the Monarchy and more specifically the High Magistrate. Its theoretical god-father Thomas Devereaux modeled the party after the Central-Governing Party of the Dominion basing its core tenets on the Ideology of Neutral-Pragmatism or transcendent politics. It aims to create a perfected and total state, which can oversee and manage society meeting all needs and requirements of the nation. Within this party a counter-traditional movement essentially challenges traditional New-Zealand philosophical notions with a strong support for new, and pragmatic positions; while it maintains a pragmatic position in its outlook policy wise it is still strongly in favor of social experimentation, and theoretically based planning. It claims no ties to either left or right but instead asserts that it breaks with both. Due to the powerful support and finance of the Nationalist party, as well as its consumption of the former leftist party it boasts a clear majority of Parliamentary Seats as it is capable of capture traditional leftists/centrists, as well as unaffiliated voters. In this way the Nationalists essentially dominate government at every level. Democratically speaking the Nationalists are generally opposed to expanding parliamentary powers however they are supportive of a parliamentary system as they view it as a method of filtering competent individuals out of the society, and bringing forth concerns that an entirely administrative government might miss. Socially the Nationalist party is very liberal generally implicitly denying any true sense of morality other than the law. They tend to ignore or otherwise avoid social policy controversy and instead focus on the critical policy areas. Foreign policy wise the Nationalists refer to themselves as "protectionist" as they do not wish to expand beyond the pacific, but will push for dominion over the pacific when possible. They claim to represent the interests and will of all Pacificans even those who are not subject to their rule. As it originated in the Nelson-Wellington axis New-Zealand proper more the northern Island is the stronghold of the nationalists.

The largest party present in Greater Pacifica is the Conservative party; based around classical liberal principles the Conservatives seek to decrease the scope of economic intervention by the state, as well as reform the corporatist model back into a traditional capitalist one. They do not seek to abolish the Aristocracy, but instead wish to encourage a legal and voluntary reduction of the Monarch's/Aristocracy's power, as well as voluntarily tie the office of High Magistrate to the Majority of Parliament. As far foreign policy is concerned the Conservatives are for the most part isolationist, while they are not fully against international interaction they are more regionally concerned than they are extra-regional. Like the other two parties they are more over fairly defense oriented, and almost always support war measures, or infrastructural matters of security. Unlike both the Nationalists they do not often support security measures which infringe on civil liberties. Finally the Conservatives are based in both Samoa and the southern city of Christchurch. It moreover challenge the experimental nature of the other parties offering a policy making model based in "proven" classical liberalism, and slow alteration rather than experimentation.

These two parties due to the FPP structure of parliamentary seats, and the funding advantage of the Nationalists tends to create a Nationalist dominated political environment, and a fairly stable one at that.

Economy Overview

Greater Pacifica unlike its predecessor New Zealand primarily operates under a Central Planner’s NeoMercantilist model. The underlying theory being that the total existing wealth in the world both quantified and unquantified and fixed. Meaning the underlying purpose of a national economy is to serve as a mechanism for collecting large foreign currency reserves into the nation (allowing more effective monetary policy making) in addition to providing goods and services to its people.

Core Driving Principles & Policies

*That Trade deficits must be kept positive. Import little, export a lot.

*That debt to foreign nations is unacceptable.

*That a strong secondary economic base is needed in addition to readily accessible raw mineral resources.

*That domestic resources must be exploited to produce finished manufactured goods.

*That consumer goods should be produced at low ratios to manufactured commodities.

*That Domestic production must be favored over Foreign production.

*That Tariffs protecting domestic industry are necessary.

*Currency exchange is heavily controlled.

This system was established by Decree #1. Under said decree the state Committee of Public works chaired theoretically by the King (in practice by a member of the Royal Council) was given near total Control over the nation’s means of production as well as its raw mineral resources. The Committee itself sits at the apex of all economic activity presiding over both the Public Services handled by the Interior Ministry as well as a series of Royally Chartered Monopolies which are subject to committee planning.

Thus Pacifica’s economy is primarily seated upon primary and secondary sectors. However, unlike the Dominion Pacifica has a substantial population, and moreover said population maintains property rights. While nearly everyone works for the state in some capacity, individuals are paid and responsible for their personal finances and decisions beyond what is provided for them in Public Works. Thus there exists a fairly large tertiary or service industry sector as well as internal consumer market creating an internal mechanism by which domestic manufacturing can be absorbed as well as an economy not solely relying on exports (creating a measure of self reliance).

Major Industries

*Sea Floor Mining: Large scale sea floor mining operations concentrated on the submerged Sub-Continent Zealandia supply Pacifica with a wide range of mineral resources supplementing need for imports.

*Electrical Power: SPS arrays, geothermal stations, and nuclear fission reactors provide cheap and readily available electrical power.

*Metallurgy & Forge: Refinement of domestic mineral resources into useable refined metals such as steel, titanium, aluminum, experimental alloys and composites.

*Composites: Plastics, and quasi-metallic composites are also a major industry providing the basis for more complex manufacturing.

*Goods Manufacturing: Consumer goods and high tech products can be sold domestically or exported to interested markets. Said goods are produced in antonymous factories which can be easily re-configured to produce different similarly sized goods.

*Chemical Production: Self explanatory

*Munitions & Arms: Self explanatory.

*Seafood & Fishing: In order to supplement a large portion of the national diet there is an extensive seafood industry.

*Pod Farming: Given limited surface area for farming a slightly more costly yet efficient way to far is vertically in large simulated environmental pods. These can be housed beneath the cities, or in remote locations and can help to diversify the food markets, and provide the people with other food staples and produce.

*Pharmaceuticals & Medicine: In Wellington one of the largest hospitals in the world exists providing high quality medical care in a wide range of fields. In addition to the immediate hospital services, they are also a premier researcher into nano-technology, genetic engineering, and cloning both therapeutic and reproductive. While its labs are primarily experimental there are rumors that the Dominion provided the hospital with extensive research as well as equipment. The Pharmaceuticals industry is further alive and well with teams of individuals belonging to the scientific corps looking for new innovative drugs and cures.

Pacifican Civil Law System

The legal system itself is modeled after the Civil Law, or Roman Law system, rather than the Common Law legal system. Judicial authority as well as executive authority is concentrated in the King who's court serves as the highest court of the realm. From there, there is a hierarchy of Civil Law courts beginning at the base with County level Courts progressively increasing to the highest level of Civil Law Court after which is the Royal Court. Each Civil Court is presided over, and directed by a Civil Magistrate. As a legal scholar and career judge each Magistrate is highly knowledgeable of the Private Law created in corporate and individual contracts and the Public Code constructed by Parliament (and the King through his Royal Writs). Their purpose is to first apply the law as objectively as possible, and second to serve as arbiter in instances where no concise law can be found to adjudicate a conflict between parties.

The Role of the Judge in this system is entirely different, while in a common law system the judge serves as a neutral umpire in an adversarial conflict (plaintiff/defendant); a Civil Magistrate plays a primary role in the trial acting as an inquisitor (or in some instances an arbiter) attempting to get at the truth of the case. Civil Law trials are entirely substantive and not too procedurally concerned, lawyers are in a secondary role and act as advisors to the Magistrate. Appeals are moreover both substantive and procedural (if there is a procedural concern). Thus Rulings are made on the basis of the investigation, and all evidence gathered is considered. This stands in juxtaposition to the rulings in common law which are based almost entirely on the performance of the trial itself, (which are heavily procedural and often exclude evidence from consideration). In both criminal and civil cases an acquittal (or favorable ruling made on the side of a defendant) made at any level of the process frees the defendant of guilt and prevents any further attempt by the prosecution or plaintiff (meaning only the Defendant has the right to appeal). Furthermore within the Pacifican legal system, the Rule of Pacifica (The English Rule), is a formalized (and customary) practice whereby the side which receives the unfavorable ruling is obliged to cover the 'winning' litigant's legal, and case related fees, as well as the court costs. The rational behind which is the reality that the favored litigant legally merited the favorable ruling, and thus shouldn't have to cover the costs of the practically necessary attorney.

Finally there are no Juries in the Civil Law system, rulings are made by the presiding Magistrate, as are Sentences assigned in Criminal Cases, and the mandates/damages awarded in civil suits. However, as one climbs in the Court hierarchy, a single Magistrate ruling will become a panel ruling moving from one magistrate at the County level, three magistrates at the Duchy level, and five at the national level (the Royal Court). Magisterial panels moreover rotate and change at the higher levels to reduce potential for political bias. It should be noted that precedent is given little weight, and may only be informally maintained within a particular jurisdiction as a particular Magistrate for a county or duchy may rule the same way in similar instances or cases.

The structure of the Court system is centralized, each County has a single Civil Court with a pool of ten Civil Magistrates each of which may try cases simultaneously. Above them is the duchy level court with fifteen Civil Magistrates which operate in five groups of three person panels. Beyond that is the National Court which is a single group of five highly experienced Civil Magistrates which more or less acts as the supreme court. In rare instances where the Monarch (or High Magistrate) believe there is an underlying failure in the justice system, the bearer of Royal Prerogative may call up a case (from any level of the legal structure) to the Royal Court for review. This top court is solely adjudicated by the King (or High Magistrate), and may or may not adhere strictly to the law. Just as a Civil Magistrate has broad authority to act as arbiter in cases where the law is gray, the King/High Magistrate has an even broader power to arbitrate almost irrespective of the law itself. The King can moreover create specialized or limited Civil Law Courts at will, as well as appoint and promote Civil Magistrates. In general this system creates a more centralized and concentrated legal order rather than a decentralized and ad hoc one. Eliminating the arbitrary nature, and political bias of the common law system, and replacing it with experienced and technical legal expertise.

Territory & EEZ

Quoted from the original announcement.

Territorial Waters / Exclusives Economic Zone / Pacifican Dominion Policy

A simple notification to the world we will be re-instituting the policy of maintaining a controlled EEZ & Territorial waters. From the shorelines of each of our islands out no less than fifty nautical miles will be our territorial waters which are to be totally closed to all foreign traffic. Along with this our nation itself is entirely closed to foreigners and visitors of any kind. Realizing that this is a bit unrealistic the island of Viti Levu, Fiji will be maintained as our foreign diplomatic & business center as well as international port of entry. During times of peace envoys and corporations are free to dock there and conduct any needed business. We cannot stress the seriousness to which this closed policy will be taken enough; any foreign individual who is not authorized to be within our territory (other than that particular island in the Fiji Chain) will be considered at worst an illegal immigrant, and at worst a spy. That being said we thank the nations of the world for their compliance. Beyond these territorial waters stretching out 400 Nautical miles (also encompassing all of the submerged sub-continent Zealandia will be our Exclusive Economic Zone which will be open to foreign traffic unless previously specified. This area will however be closed to all international commercial exploitation, meaning fishing, mining, oil exploration, and any other attempt by outside powers to exploit the resources within the Exclusive Economic Zone will be in violation of our sovereignty and responded to accordingly. We will however require notification of intent, if a vessel, plane or group of either wishes to cross our Exclusive Economic Zone along with a pre-submitted plan for movement through it. For the time being there will be no fees or fines required for crossing the Zone, that may be subject to change. Finally we would like to notify the world that we consider Pacifica as a whole our sovereign dominion to which our laws will be subject. Any pirates, rogues, and or attacks conducted at sea or in land not presently under the control of another nation may be tried within our courts and under our laws. The people of the pacific, and those simply passing through it, are under our protection, and thus we will not tolerate threats to them. Note, law-abiding ships of sovereign nations, and law abiding individuals will under no circumstances be intervened with, harassed, or effected by this policy. This is solely to clear up questions of international law with respect for rogue elements at sea.

The White Doctrine

Title I: Claim

Greater Pacifica administers a preponderance of habited Pacific Isles and maintains maritime security operations around the majority of uninhabited isles. Our culture, economy, and government govern the lives of most of the people living within the Pacific. Our nation is internally cosmopolitan, ruled moderately and through a representative form of government, and represents the most significant military presence in the region. Therefore we consider ourselves representative of the Pacific as a whole and consider ourselves valid advocates for the interests of those living and operating within it.

Title II: Security & Stability

Greater Pacifica hereby announces a unilateral contract of optional defense over the entirety of the pacific sphere. We reserve the right to interfere with, activities occurring within it which we deem not within the interest of the region. This includes but is not limited to, national presences we consider detrimental, military movements which may negatively impact nations of concern, and economic activity we consider destructive and non-productive. Should a given activity be deemed detrimental we reserve the right to exercise any and all available options to prompt resolution.

Title III: Protection

Should a territory within the Pacific sphere cease to possess any lawful government, the territory may be considered to default to the legal control of Greater Pacifica. At such a time a protectorate or some other remedy may be established to look to the needs and security of the local population.

Title IV: EEZ

Greater Pacifica considers the waters stretching from any Pacifican coastline to a maximum of 500 Kilometers to be its exclusive Economic Zone. Particular exceptions to this include both the Zealandia submerged sub-continent and the Kergulen Plateau, the whole of which are considered covered by the EEZ. By default our EEZ can be assumed to be closed, though all commercial maritime and air traffic may cross provided they file a plan with proper state agency. Allied military traffic both maritime and air may also cross under the same conditions or based on previously established arrangements. Unauthorized foreign economic activity within the EEZ is prohibited.

Title V: Territorial Waters

Greater Pacifica Considers the waters stretching from any Pacifican coastline to a maximum of 80 Kilometers to be its territorial waters. No foreign vessel or aircraft may pass through this area or operate within it without the expressed permission of the state. Any unauthorized individuals and vessels may be detained/impounded for investigation/prosecution and any property may be considered forfeit.

Signed in the year 71:

H.M Ryn Atrevier: RynAtreviersig-1.png

King of Greater Pacifica

Rex Pacifica

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National Overview

Royal Council:

King: Ryn Atrevier

High Magistrate: James White, High Magistrate of Greater Pacifica

Minister of War: Lawrence Devier

Minister of State: Andrew Vern

Minister of the Interior: Andrea Martins, Ph.D (Social Science)

Minister of the Treasury: Stephen Gates

Minister of Internal Security: Oran Newman

Lord Marshal of the Royal Marines: Marc Stephens

Gross Domestic Product: ¥3,063,464,325,144

Population: ~100.845 Million

GDP Per Capita: ¥30377.94

Capital: Wellington

Nominal Tax Rate: 35%

Total Civilian Central Government Employees ~10 Million

National Treasury

Minister of the Treasury: Stephen Gates

Capital Sources:

National Income Tax: 30%

Capital Gains Tax: 25%

Excise & Tarriff: General Tarriff of 25% on all non-exempt Imports, General Excise of 5% on all Exports

Corporate Tax: 10%

General Death Tax of 10%

Licencing Fees

Total Budget: ¥1,072,212,513,800.4

Budget Division

Infrastructure Upkeep: 20%

Public Services: 20%

State Investment: 15%

Eduction: 13%

State Research: 10%

Military & Defense: 10%

Infrastructure Construction & Improvement: 5%

Police: 5%

Unassigned: 2%

Royal Treasury

The Royal Tresury is a sub-ministry within the Royal Household, which is responsible for overseeing the finances of the Crown. All expenses be it personal or state are covered by this institution.

Lord Treasurer: William Blake

Capital Sources:

Royal Personal Expenses Fund (.01% Annual Income/Capital Gains Tax) (~30,000,000)

Royal State Expenses Fund (.02%Annual Income/Capital Gains Tax) (~70,000,000)

Royal Aristocratic Estate Tax (.1% of Each Estate (annual)) (~100,000,000)

Royal Excise & Tariff (.01% Value Tax (based on appraised value of exported or imported good)) (~200,000,000)

Miscellaneous Yearly Business Deals (Including contracts & Royal profit allocation from Chartered Corporations) (~2,510,000,000)

Royal Investment Trust (10% Annual yield) ((Total Funds)(.1) + (Total Funds))

Royal Treasury Balance: ¥273,846,365,486.5

Other Great Fortunes:

House of Devereaux:

Estimated Networth: >¥500,000,000,000

Total Liquid Assets: ¥467,283,943,870

Wealth Rank Within Greater Pacifica: 1

Devereaux Trust:

The trust itself is a legal person, who's actions, property, and the the manner in which that property is utilized is determined by the life appointed trustee. The trust has always been handed down through the hereditary lineage of the Devereaux family and adheres strictly to the rule of cognatic primogeniture (the eldest surviving decedent). The trustee has full powers to utilize the resources of the trust as if they were his(her) own, and may transfer property to and from the trust at will; in this regard the trust which as a legal person can never die shelters the wealth of the Family from various modes of taxation and potential disunity amongst the family itself, while allowing the trustee the full comforts and power of its wealth.

Trustee: Thomas Devereaux

Trust Manager: William Blake

Major Assets of the Trust:

Devereaux Gold Reserve - Established by Thomas Devereaux when acting as Imperial Regent of the Alliance. It controls what is roughly 10450 metric tons of bullion. (Previously held by the Royal Swiss Bank).

Imperial Enterprises - An international holding company which holds stock in hundreds of corporations across the world. Established by Michael Devereaux I (four generations prior to Michael Devereaux II (Father of Thomas)). The Devereaux Trust has held a significant portion of all non-voting stock and all voting stock since its founding, it is a significant source of the family's annual revenue.

Solex - A defunct international energy corporation which formerly served as the energy provider of the Alliance and later the Dominion. Solex while legally retained within the trust no longer exists beyond paper, and all of its assets have been liquidated.

Foreign Policy / Treaties

Pacifican-Cochin Defense Pact (GP/KoC MDoAP Anti-Chaining)

Selenarctos-Pacifican Cooperation Pact (Selen/GP MDoAP Anti-Chaining)

Athenian-Pacifican Security Pact (AF/GP MDoAP Anti-Chaining)

Dalmatian-Pacifican Security Pact (GNED-GP MDoAP Non-Chaining)

The "This Needs a Name" Treaty (GP/RA MDoAP)

The Eastern Axis Accords (UFE/GP MDAP)

Pacifican-Holy American Empire Cooperation Pact (GP/HAE MDoAP Anti-Chaining)

Pacifican-Novak Defensive Pact (GP/RoN MDoAP Anti-Chaining)

Pacifican-Caucasian Defense Pact (GP/Caucasia MDoAP Anti-Chaining)

Pacifican-Dalmatian Defense Pact (GP/GD MDoAP Anti-Chaining)

Treaty of Karafuto (GP/DET MDoAP Anti-Chaining)

Kitex-Pacifican MDoAP (Gp/Kitex MDoAP Anti-Chaining)

Pacifican-Hanseatic Cooperation Pact (GP/HE MDoAP Anti-chaining)

J Andres-Pacifican Defense Pact (JA/GP MDoAP Anti-Chaining)

Viet-Pacifican Defensive Pact (GP/RoV MDoAP Anti-Chaining)

Neo Whampao Brotherhood/ Greater Pacifica Military Pact (GP-USC MDoAP Anti-Chaining)

The Oceanic Union (Oceania MDP-Bloc Supremacy Clause)

Pacifican-Tahoe Cooperation Pact (TR/GP MDoAP Anti-Chaining)

Cascadian-Pacifican Cooperation Pact (RoC/GP MDoAP Anti-Chaining)


APPLE (GP/Cascadia/RA MDoAP BLoc)

The Treaty of Bangkok (Asia/Oceania MDP-Bloc)

The Diamonds Pact (MDoAP-Bloc)


Soloman Islands


New Caledonia

New Zealand & Outlying Islands

Northern Marianas






Cook Islands

American Samoa


Wallis and Futuna



Lord Howe Island

Easter Island



Macquarie Island

Norfolk Island


Kerguelen Islands

Macdonald Islands

Jarvis Island

Johnston Atol

Kingman Reef

Palmyra Atoll


Phoenix Islands

Baker Island

Balleny Islands

French Polynesia

Marshall Islands



To be Updated

City Description & Domestic Technology

City Description

*Cities are present on every island, with the largest ones being Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch.

The cities are built from identical towers, each 100 stories tall, with the bottom 25 floors containing [automated] heavy machinery of the city, and forming the industrial sector. These floors had special, reinforced walls, rather than cladding draped over a skeleton, like most skyscrapers. These walls were made to stop industrial explosions with little to no damage, and had specialized disaster management and containment systems built in. There was only one entrance, and that was a large cargo door, nearly 30 inches of reinforced steel, able to be locked and sealed.

The next 30 floors would be commercial areas, and would be made to deal with large volumes of people. Malls, schools, hospitals and other various businesses and recreational areas. These floors held pretty much all non residential / industrial aspects of the city.

The top 45 floors would be residential units, ranging from single person studios, to family apartments. Some apartments were two stories, so to make more space.

There were also several other features present in these buildings. Before they were built, nuclear power plants were constructed underground, to power the cities, and large utility networks were in place, including a 100 Gbit internet network, with government firewalls and anti virus centers, as to take the responsibility off the people.

More innovation, such as giant ultra thin LCD screens and DSSCs covered the entire buildings allowing extra power generation, and slight optical camouflage of the the buildings above the 25th story, so that people in the building look out on what the view would be like with no other buildings in the way.

High speed, free public monorail networks connected every building, with three layers, 25th, 55th and 100th floor layers, representing the main sector divisional points. Also, a high speed maglev train was constructed between the cities, with stops at each of the satellite towns.

High speed express elevators stopped at ground, 25th, 55th and 100th floors, while intermediate elevators helped access floors between those.

Other things, like the recreation of high speed communications links, and reactivation of civilian hardwares left over from Imperial Wellington, and other, non classified actions vital to running a country.

Electrical Generation & Grid

Greater Pacifica operates on a de-centralized electrical grid meaning rather than producing electricity in one singular location, or creating a singular hub from which all electrical power stems, the grid stems from all places and connects to many other vectors. This builds significant redundancy into the overall system ensuring continuity between electrical sources irrespective of natural disasters and or war. A combination of the original GA SPS (space based satellite) systems and the Solex arrays have come together to form the bulk of domestic energy supply for Pacifica . However, all volcanic islands which show potential for geothermal systems have been tapped, and a series of nuclear fission sites exist beneath the major metropolises of the nation. All in all the grid, and the electrical supply are managed under the Ministry of the Interior and maintained publicly.

Defensive Web & Military Intelligence Systems


Osiris is an integration of the Dominion's extensive orbital and integrated military surrviellence systems into GA's former battlenet. The new system though some what redundant covers any holes that either may have previously had in their respective areas of relevance. Osiris is essentially integrated into the suit of every soldier, the hull of every plane, the electronic systems of every city, the utility systems, every military ground and naval vehicle and anything of relevance to the over all scheme of state security. This massive collective of data gathering points converges on a single tactical bunker under Wellington, yet can be easily replaced by twin systems aboard every aircraft carrier, and in several other major cities.

To this end nearly every electronic system in the nation, military and civilian can be remotely accessed, and operated if the need arises. This extends from the level of automated deck guns aboard an axis class battleship to the thermostat in an individual's apartment. Moreover this wealth of knowledge is analyzed by extensive near sentient quantum computer systems to construct models, for social engineering, or formulate strategic recommendations for the military.

Remaining from the Fall of the GA, and IW...

Surveillance Systems

*Glorious Aotearoa maintains a large SIGINT network, that can intercept Satelite, microwave, radar, radio, burst transmission, through air communications. Backed up by arrays of supercomputers, this facility boasts one of the most developed sigint networks in the world.

Glorious Aotearoa has 5 main types of wide area surveillance.

1. Satellite imagery. This is done with high resolution radar-micro-optical cameras, based on HEO satellites. Half of these satellites have large dwell times over main parts of the large Aotearoan pacific, so that they can provide broad coverage of the area with a resolution of 3m, while the other half have their apogee set to their low altitude fast sweep takes them around the borders of Glorious Aotearoa, providing high detail imaging of the sea, down two a 0.45m resolution. Onboard all of these satellites are processors with constantly updated image recognition software for analysis of all ships in each shot. If any are deemed to be recognized to be on a watch list, an immediate message is sent off, instead of the hourly burst transmissions of data collected. Due to the nature of the orbits and number of satellites, broad coverage provides constant vision at all Aotearoan territories, while low levle flyboy provides hourly views of a section of the earth on or near Aotearoan borders and 300km wide.

2. OTH-B ground based radar (OOC: Based on J-OTHR. A series of paired transmitters and receivers, which provide double redundant coverage of all of Glorious Aotearoan lands and waters. It has an official range of 3,000 km but depending upon certain atmospheric conditions has a range up to and including 4500km. Due to highly advanced signal processing and electronics, it uses less power than most comparable systems, and due to its nature of operation, (low frequency [5-30Mhz] top aspect incidence) it has high success against most 'stealth' aircraft, as they are optimized for high frequency front aspect RCS reduction. Trials have shown even light civilian planes (with their near transparency to radar) such as a cessna are able to be detected on take off and landing at ranges of over 2500km.

3. OTH-SW ground based radar. A radar which uses lower frequencies than the OTH-B system to send radar waves diffracting around the surface of the earth, for long range (1500km+) detection of planes and ships.

4. Airborne OTH-SW and OTH-B radars. Simply smaller versions of the above systems that provide AEW radar coverage. These radars, although shorter ranged have higher diffraction limits, enabling high detail targeting of targets, enough that long range missiles can be used with accuracy.

5. Short range microwave radars, in non active bunkers on islands during peace. During war, they are used to 'paint' targets that have been detected by the longer ranged but less precise radars, enabling very long ranging targeting of enemies.

All these radars have DRFM jamming abilites, which due to doppler shifts in the broadcast signal have near invulnerability to ARM weapons, as the signal they would track in on is providing false targeting data.

Anti-Ballistics Missiles & Aircraft

*Facility for the Defense from Ballistic and Orbital Weapons. [strategic Defense Initiative]. A series of missile and laser sites over the country, this will give high levels of protection from the increasingly used nuclear weapons seen in the world today. It consists of EMP hardened, Ionising lasers and electricity generation sites as a first line of defense. The lasers ionise twin paths through the air, allowing current to flow at a much lower resistance, and the laser needs only a fraction of the power used to shoot down the missile itself. This pathway of ionised air then has a massive current sent down it, so it simulates a lighting strike across the skin of the target. This attack occurs instantly, and needs no time to burn through the casing, as conventional laser interception does. This means it can also be used as a anti aircraft gun, with 100% accuracy, and a very high kill rate. After this method comes intercepter SAMs, with a 600km range, based on our standard missiles, but reconfigured for the kind of speeds needed in this application. Finally are ground based pulsed chemical lasers.

Sea Floor Defenses

*Layer 1: Open sea floor defense points. These exist out to 200 nautical miles from the coast, ie: the limit of the EEZ

These are laid out in a triangle grid with 50km between points. The points have 5 main components. Three weapons modules, a command relay system, and a radar / sonar array.

Torpedo Tubes: There are 12 tubes on each installation, with over 60 torpedoes in stock and an automated reload system. A mix of supercav, direct impact and slower, stealthier conventional torpedoes all with a range of 50km, and warheads designed for dual charge penetration / waterjet creation. With their range, between three and four sets of tubes can engage a single surface or submerged enemy.

Missile Cells: These contain a mix of anti ship and anti air missiles. They have ranges of about 350km and 250km respectively. They have warheads adapted for their specific targets, and are able to be independently targeted, or flown remotely.

Shaped charge mine canisters: These are canisters holding thousands of small mines. Each mine has 2kg of highexplosive, powerful Neodymium magnets magnets at each corner of the tetrahedral case, and a pressure sensor and small RF set. The mines are armed upon release, and activate upon contact with a ship, sticking to it, and arming the charge, as well as sending out a RF signal informing other bomblets it is armed. When a bomblet is armed and picks up more a a certain number of armed signals, it ignites, blasting a hole roughly 30cm diameter, and up to 1.5 meters deep through the hull of the ship. As it does this all the other mines on that ship will also go off and so there will be at least 40 20cm holes created at the same time.

Command Relay System: A set of redundant, EMP hardened sea floor cables, these use burst transmissions to share targeting data with the entire net work, and allow targets to be engaged at the highest efficiency. Also reports loss of point, and needing more ammo.

Radar / sonar array: A phased Radar coupled with a dual active / passive sonar sensor leads to good detection of sub surface and surface targets, and good to moderate detection of aerial ones. Fortunately Therimiograph data is constantly transmitted to all points, providing excellent aerial targeting information.

Layer 2: Territorial Water systems.

As above, but in a 5km sided triangle grid extending 12 nautical miles out form the coast, and full automation constantly active.

Layer 3: Seashore defenses.

Czech Hedgehogs and Dragons teeth tank traps with anti engineer weaponry are on every beach. Ones suitable for invasion are equipped with bunkers and kill zones. Sand dunes are created to provide elevated fire points, while rocky sand bars force landing craft to disengage troops further out, as they are unable to pass these obstacles.

A strong net work of bunkers and trenches (including Automated Guns) is always maintained, and with advanced warning, a high speed troop transport system can move divisional size contingents to almost any point in less than 5 hours.

Self propelled and fixed tube artillery is put in hardened secure bunkers, with machine gun nests hidden well along the advance routes.

The troops have orders to conduct mobile warfare, leaving positions when untenable, allowing the full force of the army, navy and airforce to crush the logistics of these invaders, then kill their ill supplied troops.

Sound Surveillance System

The SOSUS grid was not destroyed or dismantled, and so when the Pacific plan was completed, the monitoring stations were able to be re activated, and Aotearoa gained the view over her seas. As a covert operation, it was only known about in the top areas of the military, due to the fact that this grid extended far beyond the current EEZs and actually covered all of the old Imperial Right. This system was expanded through the new waters, and so it now covers all the Glorious Aotearoan waters with extra sensors outside it and intermediate ocean.

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Military (General/Ground)

Total Military Force:

890000 Soldiers

8900 Tanks

7000 Mechanized Infantry

7000 LRV's

Total Military Personel (Individuals in Uniform)

4,320,510 (Staff -Bureaucratic/Logistics)

890,000 (Line)

5,210,510 (Total)



Royal Pacifican Army (890,000) (1) (Grand Marshal)

Army (200000-480000) (2) (Major General)

Corp (100000) Brigadier General

Division (10000) Colonel

Regiment (2000) Lieutenant-Colonel

Batallion (500) Major

Company (100) Captain

Platoon (50) Lieutenant

Squad (5) NCO

1st Army:

Nickname: The Vanguard

Total Personnel: 200,000

Purpose: High Mobility/Rapid Deployment

Break Down

1st Vanguard Corp

Specialized: Para-Shock Troopers & Air Assault Infantry

Total Personnel: 100,000

Total Armored: 4000 APC / 10000 Air Calvary

Configuration: Standard Company Break Down

Notable Groups:

666th Airborne Division (Fallen Angels)

2nd Vanguard Corp

Specialized: High-Mobil Armored Infantry

Total Personnel: 100,000

Total Armored Units: 2,000 Tanks/3000 APC/4000 striker Mobil infantry units

Non Striker Infantry is configured in standard unit configuration.

Notable Groups:

112th Mobil Cavalry Division

110th Mobil Infantry Division

510th Armored Division

2nd Army

Total Personnel: 680,000

Break Down:

3rd Armored Infantry Corp

Specialized: General Infantry

Total personnel: 120,000

Total Armored Units: 3,000 APC / 3000 Striker Mobil Infantry / 5000 LRV / 1150 Tanks

Standard Company Break Down (With exception to Scout Snipers & other specialist teams)

4th Armored Infantry Corp

Specialized: General Infantry

Total Personnel: 120,000

Total Armored Units: 4,000 APC / 3000 Striker Mobil Infantry/ 5000 LRV / 1150 Tanks

Standard Company Breakdown

5th Armored Infantry Corp

Specialized: General Infantry

Total Personnel: 100,000

Total Armored Units: 4,000 APC / 3000 Striker Mobil Infantry/ 5000 LRV / 1150 Tanks

Standard Company Breakdown

6th Armored Infantry Corp

Specialized: General Infantry

Total Personnel: 100,000

Total Armored Units: 4,000 APC / 3000 Striker Mobil Infantry/ 5000 LRV / 1150 Tanks

Standard Company Breakdown

7th Armored Infantry Corp

Specialized: General Infantry

Total Personnel: 100,000

Total Armored Units: 4,000 APC / 3000 Striker Mobil Infantry/ 5000 LRV / 1150 Tanks

Standard Company Breakdown

8th Armored Infantry Corp

Specialized: General Infantry

Total Personnel: 100,000

Total Armored Units: 4,000 APC / 3000 Striker Mobil Infantry/ 5000 LRV / 1150 Tanks

Standard Company Breakdown

9th Infantry Corp

Specialized: Occupation & Counter Insurgency

Total Personnel: 100,000

Total Armored Units: 5,000 Light Reconnaissance Vehicles 4,000 Striker Mobil Infantry 2800 APC

Non Striker Infantry is configured in counter-insurgent & Occupation Break down.

Notable Group:

1201th Occupational Division

The Seraphim

Elite Highly Trained Bio-chemically & Cyberneticly Enhanced Soldiers

Specialized: All fields, though especially adept at guerilla warfare, psychological warfare, fear based counter-insurgency, shock troop tactics, and all manner of special ops.

Total Personnel: 10,000

Total Armored: 100 Tanks / 2000 Striker Mobil Infantry

Commander: Marc Stephens, Lord Marshal

Recruiting & General Military

Non-officer military service in Greater Pacifica is centralized around a passive eugenics program which monitors a sizable and diverse genetic stock of individuals who demonstrate optimal military phenotypes. Traits such as physical ability, tactical intelligence, and other theoretical "advantages" are constantly tracked, and an extensive breeding programs exist which aims to refine the overall military caste producing better and stronger soldiers overtime. As it is partially based on heredity the military is generally reserved for a selective caste of individuals born of parents who served in the military themselves. At birth a child within this program is scanned genetically ensuring the absence of defects. Assuming the first stage of testing went well; children of this caste are taken from their parents at a young age and recruited into the pre-military education programs where they receive the same universal education with a larger emphasis on leadership, discipline, nationalism, and physical fitness. Upon graduation from these programs said children are fully trained for military service. The best among this group are drafted into the regular army. The vast majority who are not selected are simply maintained in reserve and function in the supportive bureaucracies, or in service roles. Should the military incur unexpected losses these additional reservists are tapped to replace lost men.

The most elite among these are selected for the Vanguard Division an elite group of front linesmen who are the first into any war; and an integral part Pacifican power projection and security. Those with heavy experience in this division are generally selected to join the Seraphim an even more exclusive clique among the military who function as the Guard of the King and the upper aristocracy. This group undergoes a heavy regimen of biological as well as cybernetic augmentation and operates under its own independent bureaucratic organization and command structure. (Informally the Seraphim work as a sort of secret police). They are under the direct command of the Lord Marshal who is answerable only to the prerogative bearer.

In addition to the regular military there is a non-active reserve corp essentially encompassing all able bodied men and women between the ages of sixteen and forty five. All civilians living within Pacifica undergo a six month period of basic military training and conditioning during their sixteenth year of schooling. (This is essentially a break after the tracting exams before each student goes off to either the university bound educational program, or a pre-industrial/trade school education). Once completed they undergo two weeks of follow up training, and conditioning each year after until their forty fifth birthday. Scheduling for follow up training is staggered as to ensure that the economy goes unaffected by the disruption. Each city moreover maintains a weapons depot capable of supplying at least 20% of the city's population with small arms, and smaller percentages with communication's equipment, and larger infantry weaponry. During a widespread invasion and occupation of the nation should that 20% be exhausted it is presumed that further resistance forces would simply have to seek supplies and resources from either the dead, foreign supply lines, or off occupying forces.

The Officer Corp

The upper levels of the military are generally more exclusive to the upper, and upper middle classes. The senior most positions are generally determined by heredity and are tied to particular noble titles, the formal military leader being the Archduke, followed by a handful of dukes dukes, the counts, and the barons (filling out all the upper command structure). Field officer and company level officers receive their rank generally on the basis of merit/seniority. To enter the officer corp one generally must receive a royal commission which can be attained through selection by the King/High Magistrate, or automatically awarded upon graduation from one of the military academies. As a general trend all high level officers have attended and received their commissions through the Wellington military academy. Generally those inheriting their command will go through the typical process of education for the Upper Classes, and seek higher academic education, before entering the Wellington academy at a later age. As a social group the Officer Corp tends to be more exclusionary in the naval/army circles rarely mixing socially with the enlisted men, while the air force has a greater degree of flexibility.


LRV (Light Reconnaissance Vehicle)

*Maximum Speed: 200 Km

*Weight: 1 Metric Ton

*Armed with 15mm belt fed three barrel machine gun

*Lightly Armored.

*Low Radar Profile, radar absorbant paint.

*Emp Proofed


Striker Shock Mobil Infantry

The SSMI is equipped with a large 30mm anti-material cannon capable of dispatching both air and and ground armored units with relative ease. Their depleted uranium cores are capable of puncturing most armor with exception to the most heavily armored units. Their secondary anti-personnel weapons can further engage enemy infantry with relative ease these are also given a dense core and are also capable of puncturing body armor and unhardened structures. This unit is capable of reaching high speeds over open land its ability to rapidly advance and throw slower and smaller units off guard makes it a deadly unit on the battle field. It is light enough to be inserted into the battle field via cradle drop ship.

Primary Ordinance: T-27 20mm Cannon

Barrel Length: 2m

Number of Barrels: 7

Rate of Fire: 5000 Rounds Per Minute

Cartridge size: 20mmx110mm

Effective Range: 2km

Secondary Armorement: P-35 13mm Anti-personnel Machine Gun

Barrel Length: 1m

Number of Barrels: 3

Rate of Fire: 1250 Rounds Per Minute

Cartridge Size: 13mmx71mm

Effective Range: 2km

Top Speed: 128km/hr

Number of Operators: 4

Weight: 14 metric tons

Width: 2.5m

length: 7m


AT (Armored Tank)

*Twin 135mm smooth-bore autoloading ETC cannons with high rates of fire (forty rounds / min). Can be fired simultaneously or sequentially. The guns elevate together, however each has several degrees of independant lateral transverse, allowing both guns to fire at the same target.

*The turret is remotely controlled, and so is sealed off from the crew compartment in the hull, and is fixed to the hull for more securely than it could be otherwise, allowing more force transmission from the recoil mechanisms of the twin cannons.

*Two 15mm machine guns.

*Explosive Reactive Armour Scales placed on spaced armour covering Non Explosive Reactive Armour blocks over top of a composite armoured hull. The Composite armour hull is made of Tungsten carbide disks layered in an overlapping scale pattern suspended in a ceramic / titanium compound. Gives excellent defense against shaped charges and KE weapons.

*Active defense system, with 360 degree defense, and top aspect defense, for anti missile / RPG attacks.

*It has a range of 450km and a top speed of 85kmf


AR-225 - The Scorpion

The AR-225 is the standard issue weapon for Dominion Infantry.

Primary: Standard Ballistics

Weight: 3.58Kg

Barrel Length: 500mm

Cartridge Size: 7.62x51mm

Action: Gas Operated

Modes: Semi-Burst-Automatic

Rounds Per minute: 600

Secondary: Grenade Launcher

Cartrige: 30x40mm

Action: Pressure

Mode: Semi-Automatic


A-10 Infantry Anti-Tank Weapon

The A-10 is composed of two barrels and an interchangeable magazine port where two small rocket propelled shape charges can be inserted. The aiming system is more or less point and click where it then has a limited heat seeking capability. Once ignited the P-24 rocket engines ignite using hydrogen fuel and propels the device toward the target. Using a proximity system the device once within five inches of the target activates detonating the internal charge and propelling a 1kg slug of molten copper at the presumably thick armor of any target. Upon impact the armor is quickly destroyed after which a secondary charge of the device now either within the target itself, or embedded within its internal systems detonates a second charge completely destroy the likely already disabled target.

Barrel length: .75m

Total Length: 1.5m

Maximum Range: .75km

Effective Range: .5km

Cartridge Size: 10cmx 250cm


B-5: Sniper Rifle

The B-5 is the long ranged rifle of the Dominion. An experienced shooter is capable of hitting small targets from 2 kilometer. It fires 13x71 mm armor piercing bullets cored with depleted uranium. The system is bolt action.

Barrel Length: 1m

Maximum Range: 2km

Action: Bolt Action

Cartridge Size: 13mmx71mm

Weight: 4.0kg


HK-555 - The Hammer

*Short-mid Range

*Magazine fed


*10 Rounds per clip (30 Rounds with extended magazine)

*Removable Silencer


Body Armor

The military force of Greater Pacifica with the exception of the Royal Marines of Thomas Devereaux are designed after a heavy infantry model. Each soldier is fully encased in full body armor. Said armor utilizes a scalar armoring system which utilizes small titanium-composite disks which overlap to allow lighter weight and greater flexibility. At any given time there are at least four layers of plates covering a given point. The design of the scalar armor allows a more even dissipation of a projectile's force minimizing overall damage as well as preventing blunt impact trauma to the wearer. This core system is wrapped in 3-4 layers of ballistics fabrics providing additional protection. The full suit has internal monitoring mechanism which feeds bio signs back to the Osiris system, the helmet is further has an integrated communications package, and HUD which serves both to feed information to Osiris hubs as well as transmit tactical information back to the soldier. An internal friend or foe differenciator aids soldiers in differentiating allied units from potential enemies in areas of poor viability. The suit itself can further seal and form a closed environment for approximately an hour, after which it will transfer to a filtration system which will become ineffective in seventy six hours. Finally the suits have internal micro-refrigeration units allowing units to operate more comfortably in warmer climates as well as shielding them from inferred based surveillance and scouting techniques. In colder climates said units can be turned off entirely or replaced with heating units. Lastly the power supply of the suit draws from a high capacity modulized hydrogen fuel cell giving the suit's internal systems a week of use without refueling. The cartridges themselves are interchangeable and can be refilled with a small portable solar powered water splitter. In addition being modualized a soldier could simply replace a dead battery for a new one, or simply go without the additional advantages of the internal systems. The Suit is also EMP proofed.

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Military (Naval)

The Pacifican Navy Consists of...

6 Poseidon Aircraft Carrier

21 Axis Class Super-Destroyer

28 Derius Interceptor

35 Ares Class Nuclear Submarine

An assortment of transports, and minor craft.

1st Carrier Assault Group

2 Poseidon Aircraft Carriers

15 Ares Class Nuclear Submarines

8 Axis Class Super Destroyers

10 Derius Interceptors

2nd Carrier Battle Group

1 Poseidon Aircraft Carrier

5 Ares Class Nuclear Submarines

5 Axis Class Super Destroyers

6 Derius Interceptors

3rd Carrier Battle Group

1 Poseidon Aircraft Carrier

5 Ares Class Nuclear Submarines

3 Axis Class Super Destroyers

4 Derius Interceptors

4th Carrier Battle Group

1 Poseidon Aircraft Carrier

5 Ares Class Nuclear Submarines

3 Axis Class Super Destroyers

4 Derius Interceptors

5th Carrier Battle Group

1 Poseidon Aircraft Carrier

5 Ares Class Nuclear Submarines

3 Axis Class Super Destroyers

4 Derius Interceptors


Axis Class Super-Destroyer

* Power Plant: 2 Vendine Nuclear Reactors (250 MWe) (Base)

* Propulsion: Water Jets

* Cruising Speed: 30 Knots

* Range: Essentially Unlimited

* Fifteen 60 MJ (clustered in 3's 5 overall systems) rail guns. & Twelve 20 MJ rail guns (clustered in 3's 4 overall systems)

* Ten Torpedo tubes, (Bays located bow/aft/starboard/port)

* Missile platform capable of launching all classes of missiles.

* Standard Defensive Package

* Osiris Systems Integrated

* Long range radar systems

* Integrated optical, sonar and radar targeting systems


Derius Interceptor

*Propulsion 1 Vendine Nuclear Reactor (250 MWe)

* Water Jets

* Cruising Speed 35 Knots

* 12 30 MJ Rail guns (Clustered in 3's 4 overall systems)

* Five torpedo tubes (two at bow, two along sides, one at bow)

* Missile deck capable of carrying all classes of missiles.

* Standard Defensive Package

* Osiris Integrated

* Long range radar systems

* Integrated optical, sonar and radar targeting systems


Poseidon Aircraft Carrier

* Power Plant: 2 Vendine Nuclear Reactors (250 MWe)

* Propulsion: Water Jets

* Cruising Speed 30 Knots

* Armed with 4 40 MJ Rail guns

* Minor missile deck capable of firing AA SAM's and cruise missiles

* Standard Defensive Package

* Osiris Integration & Command Package

* Long range radar systems

* Integrated optical, sonar and radar targeting systems


Ares Class Nuclear Submarine

*Propulsion 1 Vendine Nuclear Reactor (250 MWe)

* Water Jets

* Cruising Speed 70 Knots

* Five torpedo tubes (two at bow, two along sides, one at bow)

* Missile platform capable of launching several different classes of missile. (T-45 AA-SAM, X-155 Anti-Naval Missile, Tactical and Strategic Nuclear weapons, cruise missiles.)

* Standard Defensive Package

* Osiris Integrated

* Long range radar systems

* Integrated optical, sonar and radar targeting systems

* Stealth (Sound dampening tiles, lower radar signature, quiet engines.)

Standard Defensive Package

The F-45 is a high accuracy conventional round cannon designed to take out inbound missiles and low flying aircraft. Targeting is handled optically, and the cannon itself is integrated into the Osiris network. The cannons are generally arranged independently on special 360 by 180 degree mounts capable of giving the firing systems optimal targeting abilities. They are fed by individual magazines with roughly 100,000 rounds per magazine giving them roughly 16.5 seconds of prolonged firing time before a reload is required.

F-45 AA-30mm Cannon

Barrel Length: 3m

Number of Barrels: 10

Cartridge Size: 30x176mm

Caliber: 30mm

Rate of Fire: 6000 Rounds Per Minute

Maximum Range: 10Km

Fired similarly mounted systems these are capable of targeting both enemy Aircraft and Missiles. Upon reaching a particular proximity or preset altitude they shatter creating a flack shield with enough KE to damage inbound objects. A single Fletchette round could target several missiles or aircraft in so far as they were clustered close enough together. Twenty of such systems are generally found per AA system. Several Flechette systems will often be fired in conjunction to create a more thorough shield.

J-37 Flechette Round

Weight of Round: 40 Kg

Targeting: Line of Sight

Rate of Fire: Twelves rounds per minute.

Range: Line of Sight

Number of Flechette: 1000

The javelin system is set up with ten launch ports which draws from an individual magazines overall holding a maximum stock of one hundred T-45's. (Ten per port) A missile fires one at a time in an identical sequence and one barrel can be fully preped to fire another missile by the time the barrel just before it in the sequence has fired. This allows a continuous deployment of missiles allowing one missile system to handle several air squadrons. Missiles fire at a rate of one missile per .5 seconds, making the reload time 5 seconds. The system using a combination of optical and laser targeting directs missiles in flight to their given targets. Each missile is programmed to track a particular range of light frequencies, allowing multiple targets to be targeted at once. Each system is further designed to either move close to or penetrate the given structure before detonating upon which explosives wrapped in special fragmentation packages rip apart and damage anything not directly harmed by the immediate explosion.


Length: 5m first stage, 2m second stage

Diameter: 25cm

Weight: 1500kg at Launch, 800 kg at second stage

Warhead: 500 Kg High Explosive

Propulsion: Standard Fuel & Rocketry

Guidance: Laser & Optical

Max Ceiling: 100 Km

Range: 1000Km

Cruising Speed: Mach 5

*H-12 Interception Lasers (PFEW)

The H-12 is a Pulse Fired Energy Weapons (PFEW). A set of four megawatt class lasers mounted on all Aotearoan naval ships, they are used to destroy inbound threats. They work by firing more intense bursts of energy than normal interception lasers. They overcome thermal blooming by alternating the turret the pulse is fired from. This allows them to actually burn through the missile skin, and ignite either the fuel or warhead, not just weaken the skin so it fails due to flight stress, like other kinds of laser defense that exists.

*High-energy radio-frequency weapon used to induce disruptive voltages in electronic along narrow pathways at long ranges, limited by LOS

Passive Defensive Package *Build into entire Navy*

(Integrated from former GA naval Force)

*Stealth Technology. Aotearoan ships have titanium hulls with a RF absorbant mesh overtop and radar absorbing paint. Underneath this outer layer, an aerogel layer absorbs heat transmissions. Additionally the main hull is shaped to reduce the radar profile even without the RAM.

Radar. All Aotearoan ships have high powered radars with phased ability and Em steering. They are able to focus their beams to emit 4MW of power along a 0.5 degree angle. This beam is powerful enough to fry electronics at short ranges (<600m), and 'burn through' radar stealth technologies at much longer ranges(~100-200km) with long range (800km) ability against unstealthy targets.

EMP Proofing. The radar absorbent mesh is coupled with capacitors and inductors to absorb any EMP attack, and stop the flux from inducing damaging currents in electrical components inside the ship. Physical disconnects prevent exposed electrical antenna forming loopholes in this defense.

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Military (Air force)


T47- Ares


50 Meters


4 Meters


30 Meters


170,000 Lb. (77110.702 KG)

Maximum Takeoff Weight

500,000 Lb. (226796.185 KG)

Range Unfueled

6000 Nautical Miles

Max Speed

Mach 4

Cruising Speed

Mach 3.2

Service Ceiling

85,000'+ (conventional engines)


Capable of carrying all forms of guided missiles, and gravity/guided bombs, Air burst weaponry, and nuclear weapons.

Stealth & Evasion

Made of composite materials and designed to have a small radar signature, capable of high altitude and high speed flight using its standard engines allowing it to quickly strike and evade interceptors. Microwave emission tools allow it to heat the atmosphere and evade heat seeking missiles, and it is also capable of guilding allowing it to cut its engines and rapidly cool them in order to further evade such anti-aircraft weapons. Secondary rocket engines at the expense of some of its payload capacity can be equipped which will allow it to climb into low orbit allowing it longer range and fuel consumption. It' its VTOL thrusters further make it capable of super manuverablity; and allow it to rapidly change course. This craft is further Osiris Integrated making it yet another point through which data is fed.

Take off/landing

Capable of either conventional take off (with maximum payload), short take off with assistance, or total vertical take off at the expense of fuel and payload based on whatever modifications it is adjusted to have. Short take off, and vertical take off equipped versions may be launched from a carrier.


There is no Ion cannon.

M35 - Vengeance


11 Meters


4 Meters


14 Meters


24,000-35,000 lb (10,885 kg)

Range Unfueled

6000 Nautical Miles

Max Speed

Mach 3.1

Cruising Speed

Mach 2.0

Service Ceiling

70,000'+ (conventional/scram jet engines)


The primary ordinance are guided missiles housed in a central bay it, sight and shoot radar/heads up displays installed in the pilots helmet allow easy targeting of enemy aircraft as well as ground structures. A capable interceptor as well as bomber. Both of its wings are also equipped with cannons which are housed within the wings only minimally exposing them. Each can independently target and are also linked into the heads up display systems further allowing easy targeting of foes.

Stealth & Evasion

Radardampening, and non-metalic materials were employed in its construction. It is capable of high altitude and high speed flight using its standard engines allowing it to quickly strike and evade aircraft. Further the stabilizing ports on the underside of its wings can assist in turns making it is highly maneuverable giving it superior capabilities in dogfights with average planes. (Vector, thrusting) Tight turns and control ability can allow it to cut across the slower turns made by counterparts. This craft is further Osiris Integrated making it yet another point through which data is fed. At high speeds the craft will lose most of its stealth capabilities, as well as maneuverability.

Take off and Landing

Capable of vertical take off and landing making it the primary aircraft employed by carriers.


M-45 Atlas

The Atlas is the centerpiece of the vanguard division, it is the means by which the division can rapidly deploy. This Drop ship is capable of lifting many LRV's. several light armored SSMI, and other lightly armored units. It is further capable of long distance transport as it is equipped with in-air refueling capabilities, and its VTOL capabilites allow it to drop into rough or uneven terrain as long as it has enough clear space. The rear cargo style door allows the Atlas to be used a platform for paratroopers. This craft is further Osiris Integrated making it yet another point through which data is fed.

Cruising Speed: 650km/hr

Range w/o refueling: 6000km

Service Ceiling: 9000m

Max takeoff weight: 80,000kg

Capacity: 20 LRV's, 5 SSMI, 1 AT, 100 Soldiers (seated).


M-55 Cradle

The Light weight counterpart to the Atlas the cradle serves as a rapid deployment drop ship capable of supplying the front lines with fresh soldiers and light weight armored units. Its small size allow it to rapidly land and take off minimizing loss and opportunity to draw fire. Capable of long distance transport due to its in air refueling capabilities. It can also be a platform for paratrooper operations. This craft is further Osiris Integrated making it yet another point through which data is fed.

Cruising Speed: 650km/hr

Range w/o refueling: 6000km

Service Ceiling: 9000m

Max takeoff weight: 50,000kg

Capacity: 2 LRV's, 1 SSMI, 30 Soldiers (seated).


B-37 Hawk

The B-37 Hawk is the premier reconnaissance as well as internal security platform. It is a UAV which can be controlled via programing, or remote. Furthermore is conservative engines are designed to give it a high time to fuel ratio giving it an extraordinary loitering time. While highly efficient it further can operate at high speeds which drmatically increases its range. Simplicity of design has further increased efficiency as well as decreased breakdowns. Light composite materials make up its hull dampening radar giving it exceptional stealth abilities. An on board recon pack is equipped with high resolution lenses, and cameras, and streams live data back to the security system it is attached to. Furthermore it is equipped with sensitive laser mics capable of picking up sound via surface vibrations. Furthermore it is capable of painting a target with a high intensity laser to aid guided bombs and missiles systems. Finally it is capable of deploying a number of weapons systems, the specially designed spike missile has been included as it has been deemed to be a fitting match for the hawk, a small article on the spike. The Spike is equipted with an electro-optical guidance system... The guidance system is highly original; in one mode it uses an electro-optical seeker, basically a video camera. Lock on before launch and it follows the target — even something agile like a motorbike. In another mode for night operation, the seeker can be set to home in on a laser spot, turning Spike into a laser-guided missile. In a test firing in February [2008], Spike engaged a remote-controlled van with a crossing speed of twenty miles an hour, at a range of a mile and a half. You can see the effects in the photo. Although the warhead weighs less than two pounds, high precision increases its lethality. It’s designed to penetrate the target before detonating, so it could be used to target the window of a specific room in a building rather than demolishing the whole thing, like larger weapons.. the Hawk can carry up to 100 spikes which can be deployed individually or all at once. Each can further be individually guided, and target individual targets. This craft is further Osiris Integrated making it yet another point through which data is fed.

Range: 10000km

Maximum Speed: Mach 4

Service Ceiling: 20,000m

Weight: 9000Kg


The Sentinel is a completley autonomyous, and integrate UAV the specific purpose of which is to assist against land based enemy units. To this end it accells when it comes to Short ranged defense, search and destroy, and hunter killer mission objectives. It is the first line of defense against small scale military actions. The U-82 forms an additional layer of defense to the existing Pacifican Defensive systems. They are made of light materials, and can be easily replicated. Every city has at least one automated dedicated factory for producing and repleacing these devices when needed.

U-82 Sentinel

*Length: 3.5m

*Weight: .5 Metric Tons

*Speed: 200 Km/hr

*Armed with a 20mm mini-gun capable of thirty seconds of sustained fire.

*Armed with ten Spike Missiles.

*Armed with light mortar.

*Osiris Integrated

*Color: Black

*EMP Proofed

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Strategic Weapons

Ordinance In Arsenal

25 Fusion Bombs (10 MT Each) (Titan Non MIRV ICBM's)

40 MX-35 Halder's

10 Compound Orange Chemical Weapons (Within Titan Missiles)

Unspecified number of Fuel Air Burst weapons (Thermobaric)

MX-35 Halder

The MX-35 system is multistage ICBM capable of lifting a maximum payload of two metric tons. Launched from either a stationary silo, ship missile deck, or missile truck the system propels itself into low earth orbit before deploying its final stage. Once in LEO the missile can go dormant and await future orders by remote or alteriatively proceed with programmed orders. The body of the weapon itself is centralized around 400 MIRV's each having a weight of five kilograms.

The MIRV's themselves can be loaded with any number of modualized munition's packages ranging from conventional high explosive, incendiary devices, ball bearing loaded explosives, and even 20 gram tungsten Flechette. Each MIRV can further be targeted independently once in flight or be assigned pre-programed GPS targets. The MIRV's themselves are further locked to the Osiris system.

Chemical Weapons

Compound Orange (gas)

Description: Compound Orange is the head piece of the Dominion's Chemical weapons program. It is stored as two harmless binary agents that are liquid at room temperature. Upon mixing they quickly react and form Compound Orange at a high ratio of gas to unit liquid. Meaning a small amount of liquid generally results in a large amount of gas with a proportional increase with both volumes. The compound in its gas state has major several strategic effects as a weapon.

1. The Weapon has an extrodinarily long effect time staying in a stable gaseous form for approximately 48 hours. This makes it an effective denial of area weapon. After 48 hours the compound breaks down, it may also be converted into a series of benign compounds with the proper application of a complex neutralizing agent. Meaning, it can be controlled by the collective deploying it.

2. Initial releases of the gas during the first two hours of its deployment are transparent and free of odor. This allow the gas to fully disburse within its area of effect without detection. However as the two hour mark approaches it progressively becomes increasingly opaque as a UV activated dye reacts with the rays of the sun. This heavily reduces visibility to ten feet and makes operations within it near impossible.

3. The gas is minimally energetic and is equally dense as the atmosphere. As a result it essentially pollutes the breathable atmosphere while simultaneously holding it in place, creating an environment fully saturated with the compound. As a result any filtering systems are rendered useless and individuals or facilities using them will asphyxiate without their own independent air supplies.

4. The gas itself has a minute lethal dose, and upon contracting it, unlike other nerve agents, has no known counter agent. Its effects are immediate, usually within three seconds, and are characterized by initial disorientation and confusion followed by the immediate cessation of all brain activity. The gas itself functions by interrupting neural activity and bonding with receptor sites rendering neural transmitters useless. It can be ingested both through direct inhalation, and absorbed through the skin.

M-35 Titan Delivery System

Length: 30m

Width: 3m

Range: International

Entry: MIRV (10)

Description: The Titan is used exclusively for the Pacifican Chemical Weapons program as a delivery system for Compound Orange. The MIRV capabilities are used as a mechanism to widen the area of effect and more even disburse the Compound. Each MIRV holds a total of Fifty liters of the compound's binary substance's which are stored at a high pressure. Once over a particular target the re-entry vehicle deploys a wide area parachute and begins to mix the binary substances and deploying the compound. Altitude of parachute deployment is set in advanced or can be initiated remotely. The fall of the deployment system is designed to fall straight through the already deployed cloud reinforcing the existing cloud ensuring maximum spread and coverage.

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Miscellaneous Weapons

X-155 Anti-Naval Missile

A mid to long ranged solution to water based platforms. Based some what on Nordic anti-ship ballistic missile systems it is guided by a series of radar, and optical space based systems allowing it to track and target moving ships at sea. Upon reaching low orbit the system spliters into five smaller warheads which may either all target a single large ship, or target multiple smaller crafts. The falling bodies accelerate all the way to their target and upon impact bore straight through the decks of their target and detonate within the crafts gennerally rendering them disabled or destroyed altogether. Launched from land based silos, or mobile launch around Greater Pacifica . They can also be fired from the missile decks of equipped naval craft.

Weight: 14,000 kg

Length: 11m

Diameter: 1.5m

Warhead: Five MIRV's

Effective Range: 4000km

Speed: Mach 9.5

M-35 Titan Delivery System

Standard large ICBM capable of carrying either large conventional explosives or strategic war heads. The M-35 has further been modified for use in the Pacifican Chemical weapons program.

Length: 30m

Width: 3m

Range: International

The javelin system is set up with ten launch ports which draws from an individual magazines overall holding a maximum stock of one hundred T-45's. (Ten per port) A missile fires one at a time in an identical sequence and one barrel can be fully preped to fire another missile by the time the barrel just before it in the sequence has fired. This allows a continuous deployment of missiles allowing one missile system to handle several air squadrons. Missiles fire at a rate of one missile per .5 seconds, making the reload time 5 seconds. The system using a combination of optical and laser targeting directs missiles in flight to their given targets. Each missile is programmed to track a particular range of light frequencies, allowing multiple targets to be targeted at once. Each system is further designed to either move close to or penetrate the given structure before detonating upon which explosives wrapped in special fragmentation packages rip apart and damage anything not directly harmed by the immediate explosion.

T-45's Missile:

*LRAA Missile: (Base RL weapon) A long range air to air missile with five phase tracking and targeting abilities. It is designed as a missile for the modern air-force, using active radar, passive radar seeking, electro optical and infrared heat seeking sensors (all of which use focal plane technology to render flares, chaff and other passive counter measures almost useless) to find and track targets and automatic volumetric re-locking technology searches for targets in a certain volume with the same kind of characteristics as the origional target if lock is lost. As a long range super sonic missile, this mach six rocket propelled weapon has a max range nearing 450km, with a 50kg fragmentation warhead it has proven to be deadly to airborne forces. Its warhead is also equipped with a directional shear mode, selected at launch, where the fragmentation blast is sent in a focused line of molten shrapnel, a technique used for 'cutting' parts of enemy planes off. Most effective against sub sonic targets, this allows the small missile to cripple/destroy larger planes without requiring a larger warhead.
*LRGTA Missile: Same as the LRAA missile, however, this is the SAM carried by all units, differing only in the launch mechanism to the LRAA missile, and an extended round out to 600km using a larger fuel section.


Length: 5m first stage, 2m second stage

Diameter: 25cm

Weight: 1500kg at Launch, 800 kg at second stage

Warhead: 500 Kg High Explosive

Propulsion: Standard Fuel & Rocketry

Guidance: Laser & Optical

Max Ceiling: 100 Km

Range: 1000Km

Cruising Speed: Mach 5

Q-71 Cruise Missile

The Q-71 is the standard mid range cruise missile for Greater Pacifica. It operates at low altitudes and has a thinned appearance as to create a minimal radar signature. Powered by a sustained tactical jet engine the missile can stay in the air for long durations of time increasing its range. It is directly linked into Osiris meaning it can be guided to a specific point, be controlled remotely, or have previous orders shifted in mid flight. A wide variety of payload can be stocked within it ranging from simple explosives to more complex anti-armor ordinance.

Range: 5000 Km

Speed: Mach 5

Propulsion: Tactical Jet

Guidance: GPS & optical


KE - 25 Lance

This is a 600kg 'arrow' 10cm wide and 4.01m long with the entire body and fins made from Depleted Uranium. They are fin stabilised with a small guidance package that uses the same five phase tracking and targeting abilities as the LRAA to control flight surfaces on the fins from the guidance packages position in the center of the arrow, protecting it from being damaged by explosions. They are launched in a ballistic arc by a large rocket motor on the rear end which is only active for a short boost phase. Active defense measures can damage or weaken the rocket motor or fuel tanks to the point of destruction, but as they were never being used, the 'arrow' will still hit the intended target with amazing force due to the type of flight path and guidance package. At the calculated impact speed of mach 4.5, it will have 703MJ KE, about 12 times as much kinetic energy as the modern 32-64MJ railguns. With a range of 1000km, they are some of the deadliest weapons on the sea today.

Modified booster packages can potentially take the Lance into LOE vastly extending its range as well as its KE upon impact. The KE - 25 with this modified package can further sit dormant for extended periods of time before being recalled into active service. Upon exiting orbit the lance will accelerate on its own at 9.81m/s^2 until impact with the target (with minor variations due to air-resistance). The lance is itself equipted with final boosters which will keep this acceleration constant throughout the flight regardless of wind-resistance. Upon impact from this orbit it will be traveling between 1960 m/s - 19620 m/s; and will impact with a KE between 1152 MJ - 115483 MJ (variations due to starting orbit).

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