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Nordreich Announcement

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From the Desk of


On May 7, I was pleased to announce the return of Nordreich to the Cyberverse. Coming as it did at the beginning of a flurry of alliance resurrections, many were perhaps rightfully skeptical that Nordreich 2.0 would last very long.

With that in mind, please indulge me for a moment as I review the path we have traveled over the last seventy-four days:

May 5 - Nordreich releases its "
" video on YouTube. A few intrepid Internet sleuths happen upon this video and contact me. Their question? "You're not serious, are you?"

May 7 - Nordreich formally announces its return to the Cyberverse.

May 8 - Nordreich and Nueva Vida enter into a tech-dealing relationship, a de facto protectorate.

May 16 - Nordreich and the Lone Star Republic merge. Several former LSR members enter Nordreich's government. A Kaiser is appointed by leading members of the alliance.

June 5 - Nordreich announce that, in cooperation with the International and the Libertarian Socialist Federation, it has uncovered and ruthlessly addressed various rogue spy operations both within and without the alliance.

June 17 - Nordreich and Nueva Vida sign a Mutual Defense Pact.

June 26 - Nordreich sign a Friendship Pact with the Republic of Aquisgrana, a protectorate of Nueva Vida.

June 30 - Nordreich releases its new Charter. Significant revisions include a partially-elected Imperial Council (Althing), an end to tech-raiding and a disavowal of the practice of both Permanent and Eternal "ZI".

July 2 - Nordreich joins NOIR, the Black sphere's leading economic and optional defense bloc.

July 3 - Nordreich announces the results of Imperial Council (Althing) elections, and releases a complete list of government members.

July 13 - Nordreich signs a Friendship Pact with The Sasori Initiative, a protectorate of The Phoenix Federation.

July 13 - Nordreich announces a merger with Magna Europa.

I have repeatedly stressed (both in this forum and elsewhere) that while Nordreich is comprised of most of the same people known from its previous incarnation, those who believe they are dealing with the "old Nordreich" will be in for a surprise. More than two months later, I believe that point has been made enough times that it is no longer necessary to repeat it.

While each of our announcements has represented a step forward for Nordreich, those that involved former adversaries (the International, the Libertarian Socialist Federation, the Phoenix Federation) provide concrete evidence of our desire to bury the past and move on.

It gives me great pleasure to announce that Nordreich has now overcome two important (if largely psychological) barriers.

Today, we are pleased to welcome our one-hundredth member to the alliance. Furthermore, it gives me great pride to report that Nordreich has now passed the two million NS mark.


Our growth over the past thirty days has been impressive by any standard.


As our economic programs are fully implemented, we expect this growth to continue with or without a significant influx of new members.

Don't get me wrong. Nordreich gladly welcomes new members to the alliance, but our focus is and will continue to be the acquisition and retention of quality members; those who are willing to give of their time and talents to the alliance.

Perhaps the most remarkable part of the statistical achievements above is that they have come without any kind of mass-recruiting program. All recruiting programs were put on hold pending the completion of various internal projects. We are nearly prepared to begin recruiting in earnest, and I expect our membership to continue to grow in the coming weeks and months.

Heil Nordreich!


Kaiser of Nordreich

P.S. In case anyone is wondering, Nordreich still does not recognize Norway as a sovereign nation.

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(OOC) I have some ideological differences with NoR, given accusations made of them in another time (/ooc)

That said, I have spoken with KingZog before, and I have enjoyed more or less every NoR announcement, including this one, which was an excellent read.

I would like to, on a personal basis, offer my congratulations and best wishes to NoR.

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