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Nordreich Announcement

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From the Desk of


It gives me great pleasure to present Nordreich's new Charter, which came into effect on June 23, 2009.

This document is the result of a lengthy consultative process involving nearly all of those members who joined Nordreich in its first few days, along with several of the individuals who joined Nordreich as a result of our merger with the Lone Star Republic.

Altogether, perhaps a third of the alliance's current membership has been involved in creating this document.

During this process many ideas were heard, none were dismissed out of hand, and a consensus was reached on individual sections before proceeding to subsequent ones.

The completed document was presented to senior government members, who by unanimous vote recommended it to the Triumvirat of Volksführers. The Triumvirat, in turn, unanimously recommended it to me.

I am, therefore, both pleased and proud to append my signature to this document, which reflects the will of and desired direction for this great alliance.

I have deliberately avoided the use of the word "compromise" in describing the forging of this Charter, for compromise implies that each involved party gives up something in order to achieve a goal. What I have witnessed with this document is genuine consensus-building; each party adding something in order to create a Charter that is truly representative of Nordreich as a whole.

I would draw the reader's attention, in particular, to Articles II and V of this Charter, which contain the changes that may be of most interest to the Cyberverse:

A Partially-Elected Imperial Council

As I write this, elections are underway to fill four positions in Nordreich's Imperial Council or "Althing". Nine candidates are running for the four elected positions. Results from those elections, along with a list of appointed Althing members, will be released when the polls close in a little more than forty-eight hours.

An End to Tech-Raiding

As I and others argued in this discussion, tech-raiding is poor practice for war. In tech-raiding, an individual seeks out those whose defenses are down and who has no alliance backing him up. It is, quite simply, an act of bullying. In war, however, one is normally up against those who are expecting attacks and who have the support of one or more alliances. There is absolutely no way to compare the two.

Nordreich will therefore take part in periodic intra-alliance wargames. It is also possible that we will conduct inter-alliance wargames with other, friendly, alliances. These will, of course, be announced well in advance in order to avoid any possible, accidental, interventions by well-meaning third parties.

A Disavowal of the Practice of Permanent or Eternal "ZI"

I admit that this was a personal project of mine. I don't think I need to explain why, but just in case:

Hello Kingzog.

The New Pacific Order recognizes your violation of our sovereignty and will deal with it as such. If you want a war, we will give you one. You will languish in peace mode forever, or you will exit it and promptly perish from the Earth.

P.S. welcome to perma-ZI. You and your comrades have earned it.

Finally, while many individuals were involved in preparing this document, I would be remiss if I did not single out the following for their efforts with regard to this Charter. This document would not have been possible without their input:

- Medraut, John C. Calhoun, and Oberherr Xenu -
Das Triumvirat

- SF Austin -

- Samuel Houston -
Minister of Foreign Affairs

- Vinzent Zeppelin -

Comments are, of course, welcome.


Kaiser of Nordreich

The Nordreich Charter

Preamble: Nordreich Bluteid

We, the Germanic Volk, hereby swear complete fealty and allegiance to the Greater Northern Reich. We set forth this Charter to create a more perfect union and to ensure a safe and secure society of members, bound by brotherhood and trust, strength and prosperity, throughout conflict and peace. We solemnly swear to uphold the Charter and all the values emphasized therein as law, and pledge undying loyalty to the illustrious vanguard of the Volk, the Kaiser of the Reich and his government. We furthermore pledge to fight treason, cowardice, and desertion within the confines of the unified Fatherland, even unto death. It is by this document we so establish the state of Nordreich.

Article I: Immigration and Emigration

All nations requesting membership within Nordreich may be considered for admission as a member state. Immigrating nations must fulfill whatever immigration laws or regulations are in place at the time of their application.

Any admission may be blocked by the Kaiser, the Triumvirat or their designated agents.

All Nordreich immigrants swear to have read and understood the Charter, and pledge to uphold the tenets and requirements therein. All requirements made of them by the Charter remain in effect until lawful resignation or release from citizenship.

All members are required to resign using proper protocol and to follow all Reich emigration laws in their resignation process.

Article II: Structure and Offices

Section 1: Der Kaiser — Emperor

The sovereign and monarch of the Nordreich state shall be the Kaiser, to whom all citizens swear loyalty as they do to the Reich as an entity. The Kaiser is vested with the power to issue declarations on behalf of the Reich which have been approved by the Triumvirat. He is Head of State in all alliance affairs, also serving as Commander-in-Chief of the Nordreich military.

The Kaiser serves until death or resignation. In the event of either, a successor named by him is crowned the new Kaiser of Nordreich. If no successor is named, the Triumvirat collectively rules in his place until they unanimously select a new Kaiser. The Kaiser cannot be expelled or suspended from power except by unanimous vote of the Triumvirat.

Section 2: Das Triumvirat — Imperial Triarchy

The Triumvirat of Volksführers wields supreme executive authority within the Reich. The Triumvirat, with the approval of the Kaiser, has the power to declare war, amend this Charter and, furthermore, to exercise its authority as defined elsewhere in this Charter. Finally, the Triumvirat, by unanimous vote, has the power to remove the Kaiser from office. Decisions are reached by a majority vote, with a standard voting period of twenty-four hours. A Volksführer serves until death or resignation, upon which the remaining Volksführers and the Kaiser determine his or her successor.

Section 3: Die Reichsregierung — Imperial Cabinet

The Reichsregierung is the chief advisory body of the Reich, appointed by the Triumvirat and approved by the Kaiser. The officers of the Reichsregierung are charged with those duties and powers granted by the Triumvirat, at or after the time of their appointment. Members of the Reichsregierung have full control over their respective Ministries or Departments with no limitations except those, if any, laid down by the Triumvirat.

Section 4: Das Althing — Imperial Council

The Althing is the legislative body of the Reich, consisting of nine members. Five of the nine Althing members are appointed by the Kaiser with Triumvirat approval. The remainder are chosen quarterly by universal suffrage by all Nordreich members. All Althing council members have equal voting power.

Althing duties consist of reviewing all government proposals, managing the general daily affairs of the Reich, and drafting and passing legislation, including, but not limited to, policy statements and treaties. All motions require a simple majority (five-ninths) vote to be approved. The standard voting period of the Althing is forty-eight hours.

The Kaiser holds the power of expulsion over any Althing council member, subject to approval from the Triumvirat. The Kaiser may move to block any elected Althing member from holding a seat, and furthermore may bar any citizen from running for the Althing.

No citizen may serve a simultaneous term in the Althing, the Reichsregierung, or the Triumvirat.

Section 5: Die Wehrmacht — Defense Forces

The armed forces of Nordreich is a professional military, and service in the Wehrmacht is mandatory for all members, with exceptions made as the Triumvirat or Kaiser deem fit. The Reichsgeneral, as Commander of the Wehrmacht, may appoint officers to command over its various divisions, and may delegate to them the ability to promote or dismiss military officers at their discretion, in addition to any other powers or duties which he may provide them.

Article III: Symbolism and Ideology

The Nordreich declares itself a unified Germanic empire, committed to the security and prosperity of its member states and citizens, as well as Germanic cultural preservation and manifestation. It stands for the protection of the unique identities of each of its member states, as well as the promotion of brotherhood and unity among them.

Nordreich's ensign is the Odal, the rune of Odin. It symbolizes our ancient heritage, our fatherland, and our courage in the face of any adversity. It also symbolizes unity and strength, two core values of Germanic peoples and hence, the Reich.

Our crest is the Eagle, the emblem of Germania. It symbolizes power, unity and majesty. The eagle is a bird of prey, a king in its own territory. In addition, the form of the eagle reminds us of Odin's raven banner.

Article IV: Foreign Policy

Nordreich treats all foreign entities with the respect and diplomacy they deserve, giving even fundamentally opposed alliances a chance to solve issues through diplomacy in a civilized manner. When diplomacy fails to meet the interests of the Reich in any way, then and only then isl war an available option. If attacked, it is expected that the Reich will retaliate, calling for support from its allies. The Reich always responds to requests from alliances with which the Reich has signed any treaty obliging mutual defense. The Reich is a civilized alliance and does not see the need for senseless warmongering — diplomacy is always our first choice; however, we do not hesitate to retaliate if our peace-loving Folk and lands are threatened or attacked in any way.

Article V: War and Conflict

In the name of defending the Reich's membership and after all peaceful diplomacy has been exhausted, the Triumvirat — with the Kaiser's approval — may elect to declare war on another sovereign alliance. The Reichsgeneral may unilaterally declare war, in the event of Triumviral and Kaiserlich absence, if mandated by treaty obligation. Likewise, in the absence of the aforementioned parties, the Reichsgeneral is understood to be the sole proprietor of military direction if the Reich is assailed.

Following a formal declaration of war, the Commander of the Wehrmacht, the Reichsgeneral, has full authority to neutralize all military threats to the Reich. The authorization of the release of nuclear weapons is understood to be a collective decision by the Kaiser, Triumvirate and the Reichsgeneral. In the absence of the former two parties, the latter may unilaterally authorize such a release of weapons at his discretion, in conflicts defensive, and offensive mandated by treaty.

Recognizing the sovereignty of all alliances, regardless of size, and in order to support the continued expansion of the Cyberverse, Nordreich does not engage in the practice of tech-raiding, instead conducting intra-alliance war games to ensure military preparedness.

Finally, Nordreich does not engage in the practice of Permanent or Eternal Zero Infrastructure ("PZI" and "EZI") of its adversaries, reserving the right to keep enemy nations in a perpetual state of war only when all reasonable efforts to end a conflict have failed.

Article VI: Treason and Expulsion

The commission of treason, espionage, or sedition by a member against Nordreich is punishable by expulsion and summary destruction. Furthermore, acts of espionage allegedly committed in Nordreich's name, by a member of this alliance, are also punishable by expulsion and summary destruction.

Finally, desertion during times of active alliance warfare constitutes a crime against the Reich and its members, and offenders are likewise subject to immediate destruction.

All judgments require a majority vote of the Triumvirat. Said judgments may be revised or overturned by the Kaiser upon receipt of a petition for forgiveness from the guilty party.

Article VII - Amendments

Amendments to this Charter may be passed by unanimous decision of the Triumvirat, with the Kaiser’s approval.

Decreed this 23rd Day of June, 2009:


Kaiser of Nordreich

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No skull crushing councils or baby-eating advisers? You guys are hardly the crazed evil maniacs I've made you out to be in my mind.

But seriously the charter looks well written and thought out, well done.

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