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A 1 Touch Football and Scotland Forever announcement

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Hello planet bob,

I'll keep it short, I would like to announce the following treaty between 1 Touch Football and Scotland Forever:



Pre-match Talk

The alliances 1 Touch Football (1TF) and Scotland Forever (SF) hereby sign this MDoAP in recognition of a long standing friendship and respect for each-other, in order to further ensure the security and prosperity of said alliances.

Article I - Sportsmanship

No member of either side is to commit acts of aggression on the other. Acts of aggression include both espionage and fighting.

Members found doing so are to be reported through the correct channels of communications and reparations paid in full within seventy-two (72) hours of said incident being reported. Failure to do so will result in punishment by the members home team, so long as both sides agree that such punishment is fair.

Article II - Foul Play

An unprovoked attack on either team shall be treated as an attack on both. Should such an attack take place, support may be requested in the forms outlined in Article IV.

In the event that one team is attacked as a direct result of honouring another contractual agreement, support from the other team is not mandatory but is strongly encouraged.

If support is requested it should be done so via official private channels and provided within forty-eight (48) hours of the request.

Article III - Football Hooliganism

Offensive declarations by either team may not necessarily be supported by both, however, they reserve the right to provide assistance as outlined in article IV, should they chose to exercise that right.

Article IV - Supporters

It's possible to support more than one team, so sides agree to get behind each-other, offering the support that good friends do, be it financial, diplomatic or military.

Article V - Tactical Knowledge

Both teams agree to share tactical knowledge that may be beneficial to the progression of the others. They also agree to immediately share knowledge of teams that may be about to go against the other, in order to preserve the sovereignty and safety of their friends.

Article VI - Contract Termination

If either side feels that the other hasn't upheld their side of the contract and negotiations to rectify the situation have been unsuccessful, they should give seventy-two (72) hours notice of cancellation, through proper private channels.

Signed for 1TF:








Signed for SF:





o/ SF

o/ 1TF

Many thanks,


1 Touch Football marketing director

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It is a rather big jump to go from PIAT to MDoAP, this reflects the kind of relationship our MoFA has with Scotland Forever government and I recognition of where we both stand in the world.

The campaign on MCXA was 1 Touch Football's first war, and in some ways, it gave us a better confidence in these pacts. It may be disputed what level of difficulty we faced, but 1TF really pulled together and did what I would be vain enough to say was a pretty good job on our first trek out.

*Auctor pats hisself on the back when no one is watching

For Scotland Forever, I can assert they have a brave history of honoring their treaties even in the darkest of times, of never signing them thoughtlessly and I say to them tonight that this is just the next step, that we are bound together by a pact and an oath that will not be the harbinger of destruction, but the promise that we will grow stronger together, that our pact is one of faith and of prosperity and not just one of blood and steel.

Alba Gu Brath and Forest Sucks.

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Forest Sucks.


o/ Fancy Signatures!!!!!!


Always happy to see 1TF making friends. I hope this bond will remain forever strong between you...

Oh sometimes I amaze myself.

You should stick to lurking. -_-

Anyway, it's good to have treaty signed and announced. We've been friends for what seems like forever.

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