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Fark and Orange Juice MDoAP


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Article I: You Lookin' at ME?

Fark and Orange Juice jointly agree to defend each other against any attack by another alliance. Sometimes even just staring too long might incur our wrath, so maybe you should just keep walkin' huh? oh, and Fark and Orange Juice will not attack each other--even if it sounds like a good idea one night when we're all drunk.

Article II: Ooh, Something Shiny!

Fark and Orange Juice have the option of coordinating offensive military action against a third party in the off chance that we want what you've got. Really, it'd be best for everyone if you just put your valuables out of sight. A couple of us have served some time for stuff like this.

Article III: It's Not You, It's Me

Should either alliance desire to withdraw from this agreement because, well, they're sick of the other, they will notify the other privately 48 hours in advance and swear it's not their fault. This treaty will be in full force until the cancellation period passes.

/s/ for Fark

Arcane, Triumvir

/s/ for Orange Juice

/X/, Sonistan, The Chosen One of OJ

Edited by Arcane
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