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Greek Brotherhood


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[center] [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100122152929/cybernations/images/thumb/1/19/Flag_of_Sparta.svg/200px-Flag_of_Sparta.svg.png[/img] [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091210011309/cybernations/images/thumb/d/d8/Greece.png/200px-Greece.png[/img][/center]

Eλληνική Αδελφότης


Η Σπάρτη και η Ελλάς συμφωνούσιν, αμοιβαίως προσεγγίζουσαι, εις την αφοσίωσιν των εαυτών μελών και της εαυτών συμμαχίας, ίνα διασφαλίσωσιν την ευδαιμονίαν και την κυριαρχίαν εκάστης εξ αυτών. Ας ενωθώμεν ομού, ίνα σχηματίσωμεν την Ελληνική Αδελφότητα, ήτις ανθισταμένη εις τον του χρόνου έλεγχον, διασχίζουσαι ομοθυμαδόν τα εμπόδια, άτινα βεβαία τη μοίρα ο Πλανήτης Μπόμπ έμελε φέρειν.

Άρθρον A: Αδελφέ, σέβομαι την σεαυτήν ύπαρξιν.

Ουδείς αδελφός έλλειψιν σεβασμού επιδεικνύει καθ' οιονδήποτε τρόπον έναντι του άλλου. Βέβαιον εστί των οιωνών γεγονότων, οι αδελφοί μέλουσιν διαφωνήσαι, αλλά οψέποτε τούτου συμβάντος, αμφότεροι οι αδελφοί συμφωνούσιν, εις την γη τας ασπίδας και τα δόρατα αυτών αποθέτοντες, της διπλωματικής οδού ήθελον εισιέναι.

Άρθρον B: Τον πρωκτόν τίνος λακτίζειν βούλομαι;

Επίθεσις τις εναντίον ενός των αδελφών βεβαίαν την κατάληξιν έξει, του ετέρου αδελφού πρωκτόν τινά λακτίσειν. Πάσης βοθείας δοθησομένης ου χρείαν ερωτήσεων έχει πέραν της "Τι ανάγκην έχεις αδελφέ;"

Άρθρον Γ: Ες αύριον τα σπουδαία

Αν εις των αδελφών την μάχην βούλεται, ο έτερος αδελφός ου χρείαν παροχής βοηθείας έχει, αλλά τυγχάνει πάσης ενθαρρύνσεως.

Άρθρον Δ: Των συμβάντων ακηκοότες

Κοινή η γνώσις των μυστικών και των κρυφίων εστίν. Εκατέρου των αδελφών εις γνώσιν περιερχομένου των χρησίμων νέων και των συμβάντων, ου μόνος κεκράτηται αυτών αλλά μετά του αδελφού αυτού ποιείται την χρήσιν, αμελητί της κοινής των αδελφών γνώσεως επερχομένης.

Άρθρον Ε: Καλλίστη η ιδία οδός

Ενίοτε εις των αδελφών δέον συλλέγειν τα εαυτού και αλλαχού απιέναι. Τούτου συμβάντος, εκάτερος των αδελφών γνώσιν περιποιείται τω ετέρω των αδελφών και η Ελληνική Αδελφότης εντός 48 ωρών αποθνήσκει κενόν γράμμα απομένουσα.


Sparta and Hellas agree to a mutual approach to the commitment of their members and their alliance in order to ensure the prosperity and sovereignty of each. Let us join together, to form the Greek Brotherhood that will stand the test of time, as we traverse together into obstacles that Planet Bob will certainly throw at us.

Article A: I respect your existence, brother

No brother disrespects the other in any way. Sure there will be times brothers will get into disagreements, but when that happens, both brothers agree to lay down their shields and spears and follow the course of diplomacy.

Article B: Whose ass do I need to kick?

An attack on one brother will definitely end up with the other brother kicking some ass. Any type of aid shall be given with no questions asked, except a simple "Whatcha need, bro?"

Article C: I'll catch up with you later on that

If one brother goes out to look for a fight, the other brother isn't obligated to help, but is encouraged.

Article D: Did you hear what happened?

Brothers share secrets and information that they come across. If any brother comes across information that needs to be shared with the other brother, he will waste no time in letting his brother know.

Article E: It's best we go our own ways

Sometimes a brother has to take his stuff and move into his new room. If it comes down to that, the brother must inform his other brother about it, in which 48 hours must pass for the Greek Brotherhood to be considered null and void.

Signed for Sparta,
DeathAdder - King of Sparta
Yerushalayim - King of Sparta
JayR95 - Ephor of Philoxenia

Signed for Hellas,
Alexandros o Megas - Imperator and Praetor
CaseyR330 of NeSiRsItSiRhC - Consul
Eljierro of Vergadentro - Tribune

Edited by DeathAdder
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[quote name='Phaedron' timestamp='1348987417' post='3035867']
I disagree that "Γ" is the Greek letter "C". Is that how it works? Shouldn't you have just done article 1, or article alpha?

Hopefully it wasn't just some online translator.

I totally missed this. Yes, "Γ" or "Gamma" is the Greek letter for C.

Sources: http://greece.mrdonn.org/greekalphabet.GIF and Alex is Greek. As are a few Spartans, and some of us at least have a fluent understanding of Greek. The treaty is Ancient Greek.

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[quote name='Phaedron' timestamp='1348987417' post='3035867']
I disagree that "Γ" is the Greek letter "C". Is that how it works? Shouldn't you have just done article 1, or article alpha?

Hopefully it wasn't just some online translator.

[quote name='DeathAdder' timestamp='1348989466' post='3035891']
I totally missed this. Yes, "Γ" or "Gamma" is the Greek letter for C.

Sources: http://greece.mrdonn.org/greekalphabet.GIF and Alex is Greek. As are a few Spartans, and some of us at least have a fluent understanding of Greek. The treaty is Ancient Greek.

You can say that Γ is closer in pronunciation with G Phaedron, but when you use numbering in Greek language (the ancient Greek at least) then A goes for 1, B for 2, Γ for 3 etc., so that is the proper order.

So 2012 for example is: ͵βιβʹ

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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1349009731' post='3035938']
Either that is katharevousa, or I am really high today.


The effort was to be as close as possible to ancient Greek language, easier when you start it from modern Greek, harder when the translation starts from the english text.

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[quote name='DeathAdder' timestamp='1348989466' post='3035891']
I totally missed this. Yes, "Γ" or "Gamma" is the Greek letter for C.

Sources: http://greece.mrdonn.org/greekalphabet.GIF and Alex is Greek. As are a few Spartans, and some of us at least have a fluent understanding of Greek. The treaty is Ancient Greek.
Why didn't you write the English and then make Alex translate it :P

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[quote name='DeathAdder' timestamp='1348989466' post='3035891']
I totally missed this. Yes, "Γ" or "Gamma" is the Greek letter for C.

Sources: http://greece.mrdonn.org/greekalphabet.GIF and Alex is Greek. As are a few Spartans, and some of us at least have a fluent understanding of Greek. The treaty is Ancient Greek.

Yeah, but Alex definitely answered my question in a way that would make my Yaya proud. [ooc]I've been to Greece a couple of times, but never was able to pick up more than the alphabet and a few words.[/ooc]

[quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1348990192' post='3035894']
You can say that Γ is closer in pronunciation with G Phaedron, but when you use numbering in Greek language (the ancient Greek at least) then A goes for 1, B for 2, Γ for 3 etc., so that is the proper order.

So 2012 for example is: ͵βιβʹ

[nerd]Cool. What dialect of ancient Greek is it? (I studied Koine, which I imagine would have a few more breathing marks on initial vowels)[/nerd]

Yiassas, filo mou.

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[quote name='Phaedron' timestamp='1349036306' post='3036048']
Yeah, but Alex definitely answered my question in a way that would make my Yaya proud. [ooc]I've been to Greece a couple of times, but never was able to pick up more than the alphabet and a few words.[/ooc]

Indeed. :P [OOC] I haven't been to Greece unfortunately, though I do hope to visit eventually. Of course, I have a small list of Ancient Cities/States/Countries I'd like to visit. >.>[/ooc]

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[quote name='Phaedron' timestamp='1349036306' post='3036048']
Yeah, but Alex definitely answered my question in a way that would make my Yaya proud. [ooc]I've been to Greece a couple of times, but never was able to pick up more than the alphabet and a few words.[/ooc]

[nerd]Cool. What dialect of ancient Greek is it? (I studied Koine, which I imagine would have a few more breathing marks on initial vowels)[/nerd]

Yiassas, filo mou.

Yes, it is close to "Koine" or Attica dialect (Attica is Athens greater prefecture starting at the north from ancient Afidnai, south Cape Sounion, eastern Evia island and western Eleysis).

Γειά σου φίλε μου!

[quote name='DeathAdder' timestamp='1349037832' post='3036052']

Yeah, but Alex definitely answered my question in a way that would make my Yaya proud. [ooc]I've been to Greece a couple of times, but never was able to pick up more than the alphabet and a few words.[/ooc]

Indeed. :P [OOC] I haven't been to Greece unfortunately, though I do hope to visit eventually. Of course, I have a small list of Ancient Cities/States/Countries I'd like to visit. >.>[/ooc]

I would be glad when you come for the sight seeing tour!

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[quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1349061867' post='3036165']
Yes, it is close to "Koine" or Attica dialect (Attica is Athens greater prefecture starting at the north from ancient Afidnai, south Cape Sounion, eastern Evia island and western Eleysis).

Γειά σου φίλε μου!

I would be glad when you come for the sight seeing tour!
Athens has some very nice Statues, as well as Art in general. Definitely going to be one of my stops. [ooc]Work doesn't believe in letting me have a vacation, so we'll see. <_< [/ooc]

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