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This Week: Five Years of Schattenmann


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Edited by Schattenmann
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As I prepared for my interview with Schattenmann, I naturally did my homework: Hours watching TWiP episodes and listening to CN Talkshow recordings, and of course days of reading. I stumbled upon an interview by Ghostlin, and it seemed a Gothic dreamscape awaited me at Schloss Eggenberg, the mountain hall that is home to that small city-state’s “enigmatic and long-lived” ruler. I was not to be disappointed.
When my plane touched down in Salzburg, a 250 km drive lay yet between its airport and the sleepy valley below the wicked Thurntaler Mountain. As we crossed into Schloss Eggenberg, it seemed indeed that we had crossed into an era long since passed: the highway paved not by asphalt, but by stones laid to secure trade by an empire dead already for a millennia. Homes, mostly constructed of stone and thatch, came in clusters, neighbors huddled together on the inside corners of their surrounding fields. The air was sweet with Alpine flora.
As Schattemann stands protector over Schloss Eggenberg, the Thurntaler Mountain looms above the landscape. It is upon this ragged crag that Castle Eggenberg is situated, the home and refuge of the Shadowman for centuries. The road up the mountain is perilous. It is barely a road, and our crew—myself, photographer, and an intern—must leave our car at the gatehouse to reach the castle via Landau, a two-horse carriage. At first bemused, we are informed by the stern driver that this vehicle is the only sort which can make the turns we have ahead of us. Once deposited at the castle’s entrance, we entered into what seemed another exhibit in this country which seemed a living museum. A young but dire page conducted us through endless halls and at last into a parlour paneled in the darkest wood, fragrant with tobacco and the heating fires of ages.
“I bid you welcome,” a voice familiar yet strange comes across the room, filling it. It is Schattenmann, though from where he came we cannot tell; there seem no other doors, and he did not come behind us. Broadcast media have not done him justice, it is a rich voice, almost a voice comprised of many voices; it makes me shiver. We are offered a brandy and our work begins.
[color="#0000FF"][b]This Week:[/b][/color] Thank you for having us here today, it’s certainly been an experience so far. Let’s start from the start, shall we?
[color="#8B0000"][b]Schattenmann:[/b][/color] Certainly. Well, I began during the Fark.com Great Greenlight; this was when thousands of rulers came to Digiterra after Fark.com, a news aggregate site, linked to a story about Norway believing that Nordreich was a real-life entity, and was offended at a KaiserMartens recruitment video which used the Norwegian anthem. So, I migrated from the Protectorate of the Shadow Rose in that world from which NPO originated, and established myself in Schloss Eggenberg.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] So you were a Farkistani?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] It’s funny, actually, I didn’t know about Farkistan or any alliances, I was unaligned for six months, then—ironically—I joined GOONS. It was right after ModGate and the Moldavi Rebellion, the UnJust War was brewing, but I was oblivious to most of that, so the war came as a complete surprise. I laugh still: you know I battled Shahenshah and Sunstar, who were both new to Digiterra then, and two years later Shahenshah was still in IRON and arose as a big detractor of mine during the Vox Resistance, and Sunstar went on to be SecGen of ODN during that period and we negotiated the Vox-ODN peace. How’s that for a small world? Sunstar still has our battle reports.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Six months unaligned is quite odd, people usually find an alliance or drift away; did you develop your anti-raiding stance as a result of so much time in the grinder?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] One might draw that conclusion, but, no, I was never techraided the whole time. One need not be a victim to know injustice. In Vox, we were the downtrodden rising up, but techraiding is a simple question, isn’t it? We don’t need a globe-shocking movement to know that stealing is wrong. Raiding is always degrading to the defending nation. More than the physical spoils which were hard-earned by its citizens' toil, it deprives that nation of dignity, growth, and justice. I didn’t need to ever be techraided to be incensed by this.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] That’s an interesting contrast there, from GOONS to anti-raiding; you were also a GOONS spy for 9 months, so how do you reconcile that?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] I don’t know if it can be reconciled. GOONS was my first home, I really enjoyed the company of people like Tristesse and Alastor who were very vocal in their rejection of the OOC things that had happened. By the time I arrived GOONS wasn’t doing anything that they’re known for because they were being destroyed, so it wasn’t something I ever had to face a judgment call on, or as we say, it’s not something I ever had to “vote with my feet” on. I do sometimes shudder to think what my past would look like if the UnJust War hadn’t happened and forced an end to those things. As it was, I became a fighter against injustice. I used to say very often during the Continuum and Vox eras that I was purely a product of the injustices visited on GOONS, and while thousands simply quit, I was galvanized, and here I am today. It’s a very odd result, isn’t it? History is a mess.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Put that way, history is a mess.
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] One never knows what he’ll do when he goes stomping around. I think that’s the point. Did Bilrow and Electron Sponge intend to create hundreds of spies and turn the vile GOONS into sainted martyrs? No, but they did. Tomorrow never knows.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Is that sort of uncertainty what led you to call it quits after GOONS disbanded?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] What was more dramatic, eh, that I killed myself or that I can’t be killed?! Don’t squirm, it was rhetorical. I think so, or, maybe not. Perhaps it was more certainty than uncertainty: certainty that there was nothing to fight for, there was no place to go if you weren’t pro-Pacifica and there was no end in sight to that era.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] But you came back very quickly.
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] But I came back. Once we were gone, Doitzel, Starfox, Cheyenne, and I had no reason not to speak to each other—we had nothing inhibiting a dialogue, no allegiances. We grumbled together, and when the noCB War began here came those unintended consequences again, and Vox Populi was born. We had a reason to fight again, so we came back.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Was it difficult to go from GOONS operative to defender of Polaris?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] It really wasn’t. Vox Populi was about ideals and principles bigger than personalities and personal grudges. That’s why it was so successful and that’s why our message appealed to so many thousands of rulers—then and now—and what made Vox so unique. I’ve done a lot of interesting things or bold things or infamous things, but that really is the moment out of 5 years that I’m most proud of. It transcended the grime of this world because of and regardless of the grimiest people in this world.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] So that’s pretty much everything in the past without getting bogged down in minutiae. Nine months in GOONS, nine in Vox—
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] My penance, hah!
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Haha, yes. Now you’re closing in on three years with Cult of Justitia. Is that hard? To go from all the shuffling you did while spying and all the continual excitement of Vox to living in a monastery out on the Euroslavian Steppe?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] For a long time it was, yes. There were three post-Vox or Voxian alliances: Cult of Justitia, The Jedi Order, and The Liquor Cabinet. TJO got about a dozen Vox, TLC took almost forty, but CoJ was me and PresidentKent. [CoJ] grew extremely slowly, and it was easy to look around at other alliances and compare CoJ to them and think to myself [i]this has run its course, move on.[/i]
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Why haven’t you? CoJ is over 900 days old, you’ve got 40 members, you’re politically isolated…
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] Because CoJ is not like any other alliance, and so it is foolish to use those metrics on CoJ. When I get that mentality, it’s not— it’s a worldly mentality, not a Justitian mentality. CoJ has 40 members because CoJ doesn’t recruit, and we grill applicants before allowing them past the gate; membership in CoJ is a privilege that is not afforded to just anyone. CoJ is politically isolated because as a matter of principle we have isolated ourselves. The most awful—I mean really awful—alliances have had hundreds more members than CoJ and dozens more treaties than CoJ, but they all ultimately fall because they have no identity. CoJ’s strength is in its weakness. We know who we are and what we believe, and we are fierce in our dedication to those ideals and made strong in our ability to act upon them without tripping over ten treaties in the process.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] You alluded to Cult of Justitia’s Vox roots. You’re often labeled a moralist. You have these strong philosophies. But are you simply old hat at this point? Do those ideals still have relevance in a world that has by-and-large passed Vox and CoJ by regardless of whether CoJ’s isolation is by design?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] No. Doitzel admonished us to always be ready, to keep the hearth warm, and never to allow a return to the situation of the past. The ideals we champion still are still the ideals which will bring the greatest excitement, the greatest freedom, the greatest suspense, the greatest justice to Digiterra. They are old, but they are true.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Doitzel’s speech you’re referring to is perhaps one of the benchmarks in history, and you quote Doitzel often; there’s a portrait of you two there on the desk . . .
[a warmth comes over our host’s face]
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] That was taken after I was elected to the Vox Senate. Doitzel is my muse. I admire and respect Doitzel, and in some ways I am envious of his talents. Doitzel has a pointed brevity and a friendliness in even his most scathing words that I don’t think I’ll ever master. When he’s gone I miss him dearly, and when he’s back I’m giddy.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Does Doitzel’s return lately signify something?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] Hah, tomorrow never knows. We’re often on the same wavelength, but we don’t collaborate often. Doitzel has returned in times of need in the
past—along with others, Margrave sometimes, Sponge—maybe that’s it. Maybe he just enjoys a good scrap.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] You say you’ve done “more with less than anyone.” What do you mean?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] I mean that when you look at the pantheon of people with name recognition, I haven’t done more than all of them or maybe even as much as most of them, but I have achieved the heights I have without ever having a sanctioned alliance behind me, or a bloc, or even a ton of allies. It’s what I stand for, what I believe, and what I say—and with that and two bucks you can buy a coffee. But I made it.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Moving on, the editorial staff sat around on this interview, kicking questions around. We’ve talked a lot about the past now, but most people want to know about the future. I’ve brought some pre-prepared questions I’d like to hit now.
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] I warn you, we don’t get many visitors out in the Styx, but shoot. Don’t make me look silly, I own this publication, hah!
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Noted. Let’s get this out of the way: Is there a god?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] There’d better be, I’ve given Him money! There is an Admin, I have spoken to him. Justitia walked among us and Her cult is Her legacy. Are they all this easy?
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Afraid not. Would you characterize yourself as someone who plays Realpolitik or moralist?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] I have never claimed to be a moralist. Moralist is a derogatory term crafted by the Continuum-era hegemony to marginalize visionaries with ideas bigger than Continuum’s NS, and it is still a derogatory term used by a hegemony to marginalize people with ideas bigger than its NS. I was a spy for 18 months, CoJ spied on ODN, I’ve thrown at least one alliance under the bus to prevent the escalation of a curbstomp, and destroyed it in the process. Every pathetic white knight in town came to defend Reyne Mordigan from my hit piece on her. If I’m a moralist, I’m not a very good one.
The problem with the term moralist is that it doesn’t mean anything. The same people that call me a moralist today will be calling me a despicable heel tomorrow.
Neither do I think I am purely a Realpolitiker. I have always said that I am a politician—that’s why I went right from Vox Populi to working with NPO to make Red great. But make no mistake: I am not the sort of politician who will sell his soul to advance himself or his agenda. I am a politician who works within my ideals and if that means putting aside the past to do it with former adversaries or even enemies in a new frame of reference, that’s what I do.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] You don’t like labels do you?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] It’s not so much that I dislike labels as it is that labels are so often misused. People call me a moralist, people call me a propagandist. I’m not a propagandist—
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Aren’t you, though?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] I said I’m not. Propagandists package lies as truth and sell them with fear or comedy or slick graphics. I report fact. But, a “spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down,” so I make it fun to read and visually interesting. The difference is the foundation of fact, and when I have made an error, I correct it. Does that sound like propaganda? It isn’t.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] What about other labels: Are you anti-MK? Threads like “Dear Archon” and your entrance into the Doom House-NPO War in defense of NPO, and your public statements certainly seem to point to that.
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] I have to fight this, ah— this are you anti-x thing a lot. I am for things. I am for open discourse, I’m for breaking down the treaty web to ramp up action. But what do people love? They love dirty laundry. It’s easier to attack the things that are opposite to our ideals than to constantly barrage the airwaves with what we’re for, so I can see why people think I’m only against things. As long as any alliance is doing something which I disapprove of, I will speak out against that alliance. When they stop, I stop. MK under Ardus’ leadership did a lot of things that were against our ideals, he’s out of the picture now, so we’ll see where MK goes now. I know I personally look forward to being on better terms with old friends in MK; there are folks in MK who actually told GOONS to back off CoJ in the past and a shadowman never forgets.
“Dear Archon” was a result of my respect for MK and what they did in the past. There were a lot of people in Vox who immediately started screaming neo-hegemony before the Karma War was even over. It would’ve been easy to be one of them, but I didn’t believe that was true. When that [Dear Archon] appeal fell on deaf ears, things came into focus, but that was a long, long time after it was cool to say “neo-hegemony.”
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Do you believe we’re under a new hegemony?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] I’ve talked about this before, and I do. People make two mistakes in this discussion: They only measure today against Continuum and/or NPO, and they think that you have to have one huge bloc to have a hegemony. No one has to be as bad as NPO was to be too bad for today, and it doesn’t matter if there are 500 blocs: if they’re all treatied together they might as well be one. The power structure in place today is not as powerful as the Continuum was, but it is massive and it can control people and alliances. It is a hegemony, but it is not the same as the Continuum/Pacifican hegemony.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] So that’s the landscape for the past few months and today, but what do you think the political landscape will be coming out of the war?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] Right now, Doom House is sort of the clearing house for political power, and that is because of its constituent alliances’ treaty chains which place it at the center of things, particularly Pandora’s Box and C&G.
However, it's my understanding that PB is experiencing a lot of internal stress, and BFF is moving closer to C&G (which erodes the NS that PB can bring to DH's table). DH enjoyed a good run with Ardus as captain, 1337 Guy is a capable FA leader for MK (he replaced Ardus), but I think that the erosion of DH's support base means that DH's days of running roughshod over the rest of the world are numbered.
This, of course, depends upon Mjolnir and PF backing away from DH now that they've had their grudge matches with SuperFriends and Polaris; however, the opposite is just as likely: now that they've really pissed off those guys with this beatdown, they've got all the more motivation to circle the wagons in fear of the backlash. PF and Mj are perfect stand-ins for PB, and actually Mj is better than PB for DH because the Vikings and Germans just don't have the brains present in the constituent governments of Pandora's Box.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] So if you are unhappy with the current order, which, say, three alliances would you choose to dominate Digiterra?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] I could pick three, but it really doesn’t matter which three as long as they’ve got distinctive cultures and philosophies, aren’t allied to each other, and develop independent power bases. The problem isn’t so much who is dominating, it’s that they’re all the same.
So, three:
Cult of Justitia. CoJ has the most distinct identity on the planet right now, we have strong ideals and we act upon them. We are dedicated to ideals rather than people, so we are nobody’s fool. The abuses of the past were only made possible by the allegiance of alliances to Pacifica rather than to their own ideologies. We’re derided as weak moralists, but we make no bones about doing whatever it takes to put the hurt on our enemies.
Mushroom Kingdom. MK has a distinct culture which is very different today than it was two years ago, or three, it is much more cynical and nefarious; it’s not the MK that won our hearts. But, they have the charisma and experience to get things done.
Either NPO or NpO, with a caveat. If the Orders can return to the ideals which made them great, they will be great again. Without Francoism, they’re just two more NS lumps, and we have enough of those. People followed those two because of their charisma and ideological strength. They’re pragmatic, and they’re good psycho baddies, protecting the unaligned over here while disbanding the defeated over there.
Those seem rather boring don’t they? I guess we’ve seen that NPO and MK at the top thing before, but it goes to identities. I can point to those two besides CoJ and say they’ve got a specific identity. TOP would also be interesting, if they can get over Polaris. They’d be interesting because they’re democratic, so you could see wide swings in what they’re doing.
But, again, at the end of the day, our world leaders are weak. They’re paralyzed by fear, or motivated by greed, so they lump around the biggest guy in the room without any regard to just what they’re supporting, satisfied to be less than great as long as they can stand next to greatness. Until the leaders of the world grow ambition and spines, we’ll be stuck where we are.
There are some very interesting alliances that pop up—for example College of Winterhold, or Dark Nations Association—and if they could get the momentum to be world players, it would be great because they have distinct identities that guide their actions. That’s what it’s about. Even an alliance that maybe one hates, like GOONS, is good to an extent because of this. It’s when every other alliance tries to be like GOONS, or MK, or NPO that things break down. Just merge at that point.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Well said. You’ve said before that you keep your shoes in the back of your throat because it’s easier to get your foot out without them on, so here’s our next question: What are your opinions on the sanctioned alliances?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] Twelve is too much to go into a lot of detail, but here you go. Give me a list. I like GPA, I think there’s a place for neutrality, and I’ve always championed that. Before our merger with DNA, there were more ex-GPAers in CoJ than from anywhere else, including four Presidents of GPA. IRON is an alliance that could be a lot more interesting, but if they’re happy winning “Best Supporting” every year, then it’s better than nothing. ODN is an alliance that I had high hopes of getting CoJ close to, but they’ve changed a lot since I dealt with them in Vox, and there you go, they’ve lost their identity. MHA: first alliance I ever spied on. Non Grata: Anyone can merge into sanction. Sparta: Sparta really got screwed this war, and I’m not privy to their private conversations, but they kept it together in public. NPO: As I said, I would love to see NPO return to its roots. VE: Whewf, what haven’t I said about VE? I had a lot of hopes that VE would prove me wrong when GOD got rolled, and it was a shadenfreude moment when VE proved me right once again. GATO is an alliance whose loudmouths would do well to remember their past both long and recent. RnR is an alliance I really know nothing about. Polaris, same as NPO. GOONS: ho-ho. GOONS will be sanctioned for as long as it takes this war to end and then alliances with more score will get more members and/or GOONS will fall below 200 and out of sanction. I like a lot of people in GOONS, but GOONS as an organization and Cult of Justitia are diametrically opposed.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Are you a vampire?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] I am a Shadowman. I am an observer of all time. This body is a husk; I have been an 8-yr-old boy, a middle-aged woman, a shepherd. I’ve sucked some necks, but never broken skin, hah! When you develop your film, you will see I am neither young nor old.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Alright, I know your time is valuable, so let’s wrap up: Five years is not as old as many, but it’s certainly older than most. It’s a lot of history to amass. In all that time, what is your greatest regret?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] That’s a rough question. I’ve made some big mistakes, but they were made with good intentions; I cannott dwell on them. I do regret that I have never been good at keeping up relationships as I’ve moved from one alliance to another, or one frame of reference from another; I miss a lot of people.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] And your greatest accomplishment?
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] I’ve had some really high points and some really low points, and some big events and moments in time. I think my greatest accomplishment is my fidelity to my ideals, whether in the misguided GOONS era, in the heady days of Vox Populi when it was a [i]cause célèbre[/i] but also meant all-or-nothing, or now in Justitia’s Cult when it’s not so easy and has meant the loss of so many friends. It is something very few men can say, I’m proud to be one such man.
[color="#0000FF"][b]TW:[/b][/color] Herr Schattenmann, thank you for having us here today, and for sharing your story and insights. I’m sure our readers will join me in wishing you a happy anniversary.
[color="#8B0000"][b]SM:[/b][/color] Thank you, it was my pleasure.

We chatted as we went, and walked the halls and saw the artifacts of this ancient mausoleum-home inhabited by the undead. I left better understanding a man so public yet mysterious, aloof but impassioned, and anxious to see his next five years.

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I'm the Schattenmann

Ski bi di bi di do bap do
Do bam do

Bada bwi ba ba bada bo
Baba ba da bo
Bwi ba ba ba do [x2]

(More Scatting)

Everybody sputters one way or the other
So check out my distorted message to you
As a matter of fact
Don't let nothing hold you back
If the Schattenmann can do it
So can you
Everybody says that the Schattenmann sputters
But doesn't ever sputters when he posts
But what you don't know
I'm gonna tell you right now
That the sputter and the Schatt is the same thing
Yo, I'm the Schatt man
Where's the Schatt man? I'm the Schatt man.

Why should we be pleasing any pandoran heathens who would
Try to change the seasons if they could
The state of the condition
Insults my institution
And it only makes me crazy and my heart like wood

Everybody stutters one way or the other
So check out my distorted message to you
As a matter of fact
Don't let nothing hold you back
If the Schattenmann can do it, brother
So can you, I'm the Schatt man.

Bada bwi ba ba bada bo
Baba ba da bo
Bwi ba ba ba do [x2]

Ski bi di bi di do bap do
Do bam do [x3]

I hear you ask all about the meaning of Schatt
Well I'm the professor and all I can tell you
Is while you're still sleeping
I'm are still weeping
'Cause morals you call dead haven't yet had the chance to be born
I'm the Schattenmann

I'm the Schattenmann

Ski bi di bi di do bap do
Do bam do

Bada bwi ba ba bada bo

Baba ba da bo
Bwi ba ba ba do [x2]

(More Scatting)

Yeah! I'm the Schattenmann.


Where's The Schattenmann?


I'm the Schattenmann

Repeat after me
It's a scoobie oobie doobie scoobie doobie melody

I'm the Schattenmann.

Sing along with me
It's a scoobie oobie doobie scoobie doobie melody


I'm the Schattenmann

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[quote name='enderland' timestamp='1327261911' post='2904859']
Wait did you interview... yourself?
[/quote][quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1327262880' post='2904874']
happy 5 years schatt, I love that you interviewed yourself.
Not really. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=93&showentry=3310 People wanted to know what I thought more than what I've done, so I tried to transition as quickly as possible.

Edited by Schattenmann
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Great Wall of Text!

I will read all of it eventually but today I and the citizens of my nation will be watching the NFC and AFC Championship games.

It should be a good read to learn more about how you've spent your time on Bob, I look forward to it when time allows.

Happy 5 years and to 5 more.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1327264259' post='2904890']
You forgot to mention the time when you got kicked out of TOP.
Best thing that ever happened to me. I was free to join Vox Populi instead of living a lie in pre-Karma-NPO's lap.

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1327262567' post='2904866']
I'm the Schattenmann

Ski bi di bi di do bap do
Do bam do

Bada bwi ba ba bada bo
Baba ba da bo
Bwi ba ba ba do [x2]

(More Scatting)

Everybody sputters one way or the other
So check out my distorted message to you
As a matter of fact
Don't let nothing hold you back
If the Schattenmann can do it
So can you
Everybody says that the Schattenmann sputters
But doesn't ever sputters when he posts
But what you don't know
I'm gonna tell you right now
That the sputter and the Schatt is the same thing
Yo, I'm the Schatt man
Where's the Schatt man? I'm the Schatt man.

Ooo rock me Schattenmann
Rock me Schattenmann...
Rock rock rock rock me Schattenmann
Rock me all the time to the top

He was a Punker
And he lived in the big city
It was Vienna, was Vienna
Where he did everything
He had debts, for he drank
But all the women loved him
And each one shouted:
Come on and rock me Schattenmann

Schattenmann Schattenmann, Schattenmann
Schattenmann Schattenmann, Schattenmann
Schattenmann Schattenmann, oh oh oh Schattenmann

He was Superstar
He was popular
He was so exalted
Because he had flair
He was a virtuoso
Was a rock idol
And everyone shouted:
Come on and rock me Schattenmann

Schattenmann Schattenmann, Schattenmann
Schattenmann Schattenmann, Schattenmann
Schattenmann Schattenmann, oh oh oh Schattenmann

Come on and rock me Schattenmann
Schattenmann Schattenmann, Schattenmann
Schattenmann Schattenmann, Schattenmann
Schattenmann Schattenmann, oh oh oh Schattenmann

It was around 1780
And it was in Ordo Paradoxia
No plastic money anymore
Crymson against him
From which his debts came
It was common knowledge
He was a women's man
Women loved his punk

Schattenmann Schattenmann, Schattenmann
Schattenmann Schattenmann, Schattenmann
Schattenmann Schattenmann, oh oh oh Schattenmann

Come and rock me Schattenmann...

Baby baby do it to me rock me
Baby baby do it to me rock me
Baby baby do it to me rock me
Yes yes yes
Baby baby do it to me rock me
Baby baby do it to me rock me
Baby baby do it to me rock me

Schattenmann Schattenmann, Schattenmann
Schattenmann Schattenmann, Schattenmann
Schattenmann Schattenmann, oh oh oh Schattenmann!

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1327264374' post='2904892']
Best thing that ever happened to me. I was free to join Vox Populi instead of living a lie in pre-Karma-NPO's lap.

It's funny how you act as if you didn't want to stay. You made a proxy forum account so that you could insult TOP allies but avoid discipline within TOP.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1327264770' post='2904902']
It's funny how you act as if you didn't want to stay.
This statement does not negate my response. I liked TOP, of course, it was good to be among former GOONS there and in an environment that was active internally. Nevertheless, leaving TOP was the best thing that could have happened. I could not have been the man I am today if I had remained under house arrest in a Continuum alliance. I know you think it was devastating to me, but I'm sorry I can't shed tears for you.

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Schattenmann is a singular ray of light in this sad little world of ours. He walks as a titan amongst the cowardly bureaucrats and tin pot dictators who hold sway in this realm. he carries Justitia's torch forward like no other ever could. He paid me to say this, but I would have been glad to say it anyway. Long live the Schattenmann.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1327268889' post='2904945']
honestly who interviews themselves.
[/quote][quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1327270097' post='2904956']
Congrats, Schatt! Always enjoyed your post and our conversations. Ive gotta say though that interviewing yourself is pretty stupid thought.
Though I own This Week, I did not have control over this article, thank you.

[OOC]I could do this, or I could open a boring-ass essay in the OWRP. I would've enjoyed either equally--no, actually, it would have been easier to do the same anniversary thread that everyone has done in OWRP, but I thought that since you guys are the ones that are going to read it, this would be more enjoyable for you guys. Even then, I could have actually just written whatever I wanted to, but since you guys are the ones reading, I got the questions from you guys (the ones that asked them). When Ramirus asked me to [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=88301"]interview him[/url] it was (1) really awkward for me and (2) really egotistical in my opinion for him to have asked [anyone] to interview him; so I did it this way. This is an IC forum, I didn't interview myself.[/OOC]

Edited by Schattenmann
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