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Nice and Concise DoW


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I'm not sure what's wrong with putting your upper tier in PM when you have DBDC and their ilk down declaring hundreds of thousands of NS, and backed by a swarm of sycophants. Granted, if it were me I would go down fighting and drop down, but not everybody got time for that.

ODN meanwhile has no such obstacle in the upper tier and has numerical superiority in the other tiers so it is clearly not the same situation.

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Not sure what's wrong with down declaring hundreds of thousands of NS when your opponent doesn't have any other nations in your range. Granted, I generally up declared, but that's because my opponents happen to have nations bigger than me and I'm an idiot.

But the only thing worse than people complaining about peace mode is people using peace mode while complaining about peace mode. So... Basically, there's not much that's worse than people complaining about peace mode, but there's a lot of people trying to be.

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Yay, best commies! Welcome brothers.

Said NpO, while all their top tier is in PM.


What top tier are you referring to?   We don't now, nor have we ever, had a top tier during this conflict.  I am in peace mode because your coalition allowed me to reload for the second time.   When you have vast overkill as you do, you are free to do whatever you need to to maximize your post-war position, just as we are here to maximize the the damage we output.  Nukes tend to make that a hell of a lot easier.

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Seriously Tywin, you really shouldn't be making peacemode jokes while allied to TOP, all you do is make them look bad


Although NpO have similar figures in PM as well, so you get to make them look bad as well

You sure you really want to press this issue of PM? Polar left very likely the largest percentage of nations out of peace mode while jumping into a curbstomp in recent memory. In addition, just about every single nation has fought 10+ wars, hence why we have the most wars of any alliance.


You're a fool if you're going to aim peace mode jokes at Polar. We've all had our licks and if you assume an alliance is going to fight forever and never cycle into peace mode when you mess up staggers...well okay, you're ignorant. SDI's are a real thing. NATO used a greater percentage of peace mode nations during the height of last war, as well. So please, spare me. You're only making yourself look bad, and making peace mode jokes puts you in the same lot as Tywin. Think carefully about that one.

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You sure you really want to press this issue of PM? Polar left very likely the largest percentage of nations out of peace mode while jumping into a curbstomp in recent memory.

We had like 5 nations in PM when we declared on ODN. That works out to like 3% So HA! I guess

//Polar are totally PM warriors and suck at war, too.
///Not as bad as Fark, though.
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After all we tried to teach you commies about fun filled DOW's themed as romantic Prom nights from hell .... and THIS is what you produce ..... forrrrrr shame!

PS - up em Fark.... up em real good!



I learned that putting real effort into DoWs never really made much of a difference for people on here, sadly.  Not many appreciate Choose Your Own Adventure or astrophysics :(.


That said, Marx-speed, INT!  The lolcommie Umbrella bloc salutes you.

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It makes sense that ODN would need the extra help as they are all in peace mode. Still would be nice if it was stated in OP.

Guess peace just won't have a chance :smug:

I think I've given you the stats on how many ODN nations have fought this war, I don't think I should have to reiterate myself.
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