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She's a saint with the lips of a sinner, She's an Angel with a Devilish kiss.�


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Antasija and Mogar stepped through the gate as normal, on the other side though, he was alone.
He looked around for a few moments, he was in the middle of a dark forest, so the where would be difficult, Strike one. A flick of his wrist informed him there was no satellites above, so the time period was anywhere from the early 1950s to... pretty much 4,000,000,000 BC, so strike two. The sky however could afford him some information, while not an expert he knew enough about the stars and their proper positions to quickly deduce that he was in the Northern Hemisphere. The exact time was impossible without a more in depth investigation, but he estimated perhaps the 1500s, having once visited Europe in 1493, the stars appeared as he recalled, and he was on roughly the same latitude as Rome.
It took him several minutes to decide what to do, even calling out "Antasija!", several times. No such luck, for once she had even gone first, but she had always appeared next to him within seconds when he had gone first, what could have possibly gone wrong? Their intended destination, Rapture, 20XX, just before her disappearance, apparently did not sit well with fate. More interesting to him was rather than ending up in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, he instead was in Europe. Mogar picked up his bag, sliding it onto his shoulders and set out through the woods, he could use a flashlight, but that'd raise more questions than he really needed to deal with at the moment, finding out where exactly he was would be the first step to solving this mystery.
It took over an hour but he eventually came to a dirt road, it appeared to be decently traveled and he decided to head north, civilization had to exist somewhere.
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Roaming around in the middle of !@#$@#$ nowhere in a time he did not particularly have an attachment to, and also have the possibility of coming upon an Indian tribe, or some mongolian horde, was not exactly high on Mogar's list of things he wanted to accomplish today. The road was pitch dark, and he could barely make out the stars through the trees. The only positive was the sky being so clear made them absolutely beautiful, there were millions of stars and he could count every single one of them if he took the time.
Sadly he did not have the time, he was stuck in this time and place until he found Antasija, leaving without her would mean she may completely disappear from existence, and after searching worlds for her, he was not about to give up so easily. He estimated it was nearly 4am by the time he saw the flames of civilization. Walking slower he considered his options, the clothes he wore would be out of place, and he was down to just a pistol with a single clip so he could not be so brazen about how to go about finding her. He might have plenty of augments but sheer numbers could pose a serious problem.
Oh Antasija, this game of cat and mouse was getting to be a habit. The town he was approaching had no one awake, and so he quietly moved throughout, searching for a clothesline. Finding a clock he decided to knock on the only structure that had a sign, under the assumption it was the Inn. The language looked vaguely familiar, perhaps some type of Slavic, he'd find out once someone spoke and he was able to ensure a proper translation.
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An old man, his hair grayed, a full beard donning his face opened the door, the heat of the fire creating a breeze rushing past him, the smell of charred wood filling his nostrils. The man looked him over for a moment before grumbling something at him, it took several seconds to analyze and allow him the ability to reply in Romanian, "I am just looking for a bed for the night, I have traveled for many miles." he said a bit slower than a fluent person would, but the translation process was not perfect after all. The man nodded and opened the door wider for him, pointing to a room and yawning, "You can pay me in the morning." he mumbled as he walked back to his own bedroom.
Money, that's going to be an interesting conversation, he had several gold coins but they did not belong to any nation of this time period. Now he had a location, exactly when in Romania he was was undetermined, but it had to have been before 1849 if he recalled his history accurately. He sat by the fire, staring into it as his mind began to put the pieces together. Could she have been given a second chance? Maybe he should simply leave without her, her choice in partners wasn't exactly the best, but this was her timeline, and the longer he stayed the longer he would potentially $%&@ everything up.
On the other hand, if he simply walked away he could be dooming her out of ever existing in the first place. Mogar sighed and the fire crackled in reply. There was so many questions he could have asked about her past that would make this so much easier for him, he was in the right country, but traveling by foot or even if he were to acquire a horse, it was still a massive territory to cover... and how would he even find her? Sure, she was imprinted upon his mind but would he go door to door searching? How to even explain that, "Hi, have you seen any vampires lately? I'm looking for a cute one, kinda young, about 5'4?" They probably didn't even use feet for measurement!
His mind still racing he walked to his room, tossing his bag on the dresser he collapsed face down onto the bed. It was uncomfortable for his tastes, but better than the floor. Releasing a heavy dose of serotonin, as well as several other artificial chemicals his eyes became heavy, so many questions, and their answers would come tomorrow.
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He needed less sleep than a non augmented member of the species, and woke up soon after sunrise. In his sleep he remembered a conversation he had when they had first met. It was a night in The Cape, and Antasija had just been returned to society. Micheline and Antasija had several lengthy conversations, of which Mogar was not present for, but the surveillance within the Tower had allowed him to observe. One of these conversations had to do with Antasija's particular gifts. Michelines were all from serums, and could be stopped at any time, Antasija's on the other hand, were potentially curable, but she had never taken him up on the offer. 

Micheline and Antasija had an odd relationship, sometimes they got along like best friends, other times they were just barely able to contain their hatred for one another. One conversation in particular stood out, they were in the science lab. discussing the creations that Micheline had worked so hard upon. The subject of Antasija's gifts came up and she said she would not wish them on another. Now he had a chance to not even wish them on her, and regardless of his own emotions, was he not supposed to do what was best for her, even if it wasn't best for him? Antasija would go the way of Micheline, he certainly did not have a good track record with girlfriends, but c'est la vie.
The smell of Eggs and Hashbrowns filled his nostrils, stirring him to fully awake. He went out to the common area, where an older woman was cooking over the fire. the wife of the owner of the inn. He sat quietly and just listened to the fire, still lost in contemplation. Eventually he would eat when she served him. After he managed to get about halfway through the food he had been offered, he realized the subject of payment was discussed last night, and he'd toss the grayed man several of the golden coins he had. "I know it's not the local currency, but I'm sure you can find the value in them." he said, digging back in. The man went wide eyed but nodded and accepted them, he realistically had just paid for several months of board, but he suspected he wouldn't be returning.
After he had finished he thanked his hostess, and stood by the fire for a few minutes, finally deciding he'd ask the question that had been on his mind. "Tell me, I've been searched for a young woman named Antasija. She should be around sixteen now, are there any girls in this village or the nearby ones that share that name?" The man looked at him blankly, but his wife nodded, "The Bărbulescu girl is named Antasija, They live in a village about a day's journey to the northwest of here." He smiled, "You've been a great help, Thank you."
The journey was rather uneventful, and he arrived well after dusk, locating the right house he was about to head into the town's inn when he saw him. A Strigoi moving from thatched roof to thatched roof. He followed him until the Strigoi stopped, seeming to be most interested in this house. Mogar whispered, "You there, Vampyre. Come here." The fellow on the roof looked immediately at him, the superior hearing allowing him to hear Mogar even though he had barely spoke. He Strigoi jumped down from the roof, landing just in front of him, sniffing the air. "You're... like me, but different." The strigoi said, seeming puzzled.
"An astute observation, I am indeed. That is the house of the young girl Antasija, is it not?" Mogar asked politely, pulling his bag off his back, fumbling through it, appearing to be quite distracted to the Strigoi. "I shall make her my bride, what it is to you, foreign one?" The Strigoi spat, now wondering if he could take this new creature that stood in the way of his prize. "Excellent, most excellent, I have been sent here to help you..." Mogar said quietly, finding exactly what he was looking for. A golden dagger, emblazoned with sapphires. It was one of the first things they had ever gotten through time travel, when they had first gotten Nenetl. It was fitting the artifact would now save Antasija from the future. With one quick movement, he shoved it through the Strigoi's rib cage, twisting it slightly, hearing his ribs crack, the dagger puncturing a lung and landing in his intended target, the Strigoi's heart. 


"I hope you're not too unhappy about the betrayal, but I simply cannot allow you to turn that poor girl, you were a terrible master to her from what I remember her telling me." he said sadly, removing the dagger from his chest and wiping the blade off as blood filled the Strigoi's mouth, unable to reply as he fell to his knees and then to the ground.

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The world shifted severely.


Mogar soon would find himself in the middle of a hell of explosions and smoke, jostled by several figures in light grey uniforms, "Hey, get out of the way ya coward!" a man shouted in a heavily southern accent, pushing him savagely to the side. When he seemed to be out of the formation a voice shouted commandingly, "Hold!"

"Prepare to fire!" Mogar recognized this voice, but the source of it was entirely unknown until a moment later, "Fire!" the formation let loose a hail of lead on whatever enemy happened to oppose them, little, angry wasp sounds traveling through the air as whoever it was returned fire. The source of the commands was made obvious a moment later, a short man in the uniform of a Confederate officer and sporting a rather large mustache. He'd quite obviously lost his hat sometime earlier.


The face was one that Mogar recognized as his lover, though it was twisted in an expression of absolute fury as it shouted commands behind the formation, a revolver and a sabre in her hands, as she advanced, though it wasn't long before she spotted Mogar and began to walk up on him.


"You, what are you doing?" she said, surprisingly kind for how she had looked a moment earlier. She took him gently by the collar and led him a little back, "You're unarmed, are you hurt? What unit are you in?" her eyes narrowed, "Why do I know your face?"

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He blinked several times at the question, the sounds of cannons nearby. He inhaled deeply, not certain of how he got here or what he had done. "I lost my gun... and my uniform! They knocked me out and stole it from me, we need to watch out for northern spies! Sir, I think we should talk about that after the day is won!" shouted, voice having changed to a slightly southern drawl. He was stuck fighting for the Confederates for now, but it was a better option than being killed as a spy himself.


She whistled and one of the younger lads from the back who helped carry the ammo and power brought over another rifle. "Now get back in line!" she shouted, prowling the line as they advanced, the Northerners beginning to break under the constant barrage. Mogar fired with everyone else but shot high, figuring he had enough enough damage to the timeline for the moment.

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The battle wore on for about three hours more but at the end of the day the Confederates were victorious, at least for now. Remarkably, Antasija found him not long after the battle was over, evidently having found her hat, "Come with me." she said, leading him away in an authoritarian fashion. When they reached her tent however her mannerism changed drastically, she seemed tired and overall, stressed, "Now, tell me again how in the middle of battle you managed to find yourself without uniform, or weapon."


She sighed and massaged the bridge of her nose, "I suppose you're also missing any form of identification in the rather strange clothes you're wearing."

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Mogar was a bit lost for how to approach this, it was expected he was going to change the timeline, but the change of scenery implied he had not done anything of the sort. "I... knew you long ago, I don't think an explanation as to your questions about me would really solve anything and probably make things far worse. I know that you are immortal Antasija, and I suspect that you are working hard at pretending to be a man so you can fight. I know you disobeyed an order to retreat, and even though we won the battle you will likely be punished for your actions."
Antasija pulled out a revolver and points it at him, thumbing back the hammer and giving him a serious look, "Alright, new question, why shouldn't I splatter your brains all over the canvas of this tent right here and now?" she raises an eyebrow, having gone a bit pale from his astute observation. He just shrugged, feigning indifference, "I have to ask, exactly how did you become a vampire? That's probably going to determine whether or not killing me becomes a fatal mistake for yourself. I can acknowledge I attempted to kill a boyfriend of yours in the 1600s who turned you, but once I did that, I was brought here, I had believed it could potentially cause a paradox, but the goal was to save you from an unfortunate relationship. A rather childish move on my part, I'll admit, but I had hoped you would get a normal life out of the deal."
"That was you eh? I knew I recognized you from somewhere. You disappeared right into thin air you did." she rotates the drum of the revolver by one click, "You're about three shots closer to not having your skull stoved in by a ball of lead." She pauses to think for a moment, "Just for curiosity's sake, what's a Paradox?" A gun still pointed at him, he contemplated attempting to get her to relax, but elected to merely answer her questions. "Well... Time Travel is a fairly difficult subject to discuss, the simplest explanation is that I went back to prevent you from being bit, if I succeeded, then I never would have met you, so why would I have gone back in the first place?"
 "Time Travel?" she gestures with the gun a little, "That's a little unbelievable, but being someone who's seen a man disappear into thin air and been turned into a..." she pauses, "Well let's just say I'm inclined to at least listen." He had few methods of proving the time travel without revealing technology that could $%&@ everything up, he quickly remembered the coins. pulling his bag up into his lap, "I'm going to move slowly and pull out something that could prove what I say." he said, reaching around the bottom of the bag, "I might have dropped one of these before I disappeared. A treasure from a previous adventure, does this look familiar?" he'd ask, pulling out the large golden coin with Alexander's face upon it. She looked at it, the weapon remaining stock steady pointed at his face, "I can't say I remember this in the slightest but it doesn't look like..." she looks at the inscription, "Is that Greek?"
"Correct, what happened to Alexander the Great, do they learn about him at all?" He asked, noticing she had neglected to answer the question about how she was turned, but a girl with a gun pointed at him probably was someone he should let control the conversation. "Of course I know of the man." she says, flipping the coin back to him, "Why do you ask?" she raises an eyebrow at him again. He shrugged again, playing the part as coolly as possible. "Merely curious to know exactly what history was like within this timeline, I've done a lot of traveling after all, and the fact you're still a vampire means I'm at the very least not where I had wanted to end up."
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