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Iraqi Republic (news & actions)


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From this moment on the Iraqi Republic is born. After years of turmoil former republican guard officer Mohammad Usbara has rallied the country behind a new federal republic backed by the large Iraqi national army. After the national elections, Usbara became the first president of the new republic. After just a month in office the Iraqi army steam rolled into Kuwait forcibly annexing the territory into the republic where iraqi troops occupy it to this day.
Iraq is a force to reckon with in the middle east and with it's renewed military power and flourishing oil industry it poses to control middle eastern politics for decades.

Government: Federal Republic backed by the military
Head of state: President Mohammad Usbara
Branches of government: Iraqi Senate, judicial courts, presidential cabinet
Capital: Baghdad
Currency: Iraqi dollar
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50 arrests have been made against Kuwaiti protesters that gathered in the Kuwait capital demanding Iraq leave the territory. The Iraqi government holds that Kuwait is now a legal province of the republic and that the protestors had threatened violence. The protests started a week ago and have been growing day by day.

Iraq posted lower prices on oil in the international market to bear out independent drilling operations in the middle east and the EAI.

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The Iraq Senate unanimously shut down a bill that would allow labor unions within oil companies. Iraq makes it illegal to have unions within oil companies as well as allow lighter safety precautions in order to keep production up. Working in the oil business in the Iraqi republic however is one of the highest paying jobs in the middle east, though the risk is considerably high.

More arrests made in Kuwait as protesters enter another week demanding Iraqi forces leave the region. 300 armed troops raided a protestor camp arresting over 89 individuals including four thought to be heading the protests. Iraq is determined to hold Kuwait no matter what and in a show of power Iraq ordered a curfew and shut off running power to several homes and businesses for 72 hours.

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Kuwaiti protests have turned into full blown riots after troops shot and killed a student for throwing bricks at a police car. Iraq has now deployed 20,000 troops into the area with orders to secure the region and suppress the protestors.

Iraq posted new reports of a new oil line crossing the Kuwait Iraqi border flooding Iraq oil reserves with Kuwaiti oil.
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  • 1 month later...

Iraq had been quiet in the last few months. Secretly suppressing a kuwati uprising and crushing it with ease while siphoning off more oil from the former nation state. Iraq returned to the world stage by flooding the market with cheap petroleum and once again keeping its foreign relations at a low priority building the reputation as the middle east hermit state.

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Iraq has ordered thousands of new T-72 tanks to be put into production to boost the Iraqi armored corps. In a surprising move Mohammed usbara has opened the borders to the republic and is willing to invite foreign dignitaries to Baghdad.

In other news Iraq has announced plans to raise minimum wage for its citizens from $4.00 an hour to $7.00, this will give a much needed morale boost to the Iraqi people following the media blackout.

(Secret) Iraqi agents have begun using independent tankers to ship petroleum and small arms to France in an effort to profit from the civil war. The tankers will pose as simple civilian ships and hide the small arms in crates full of food and medical supplies.
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Private Diplomatic Note from Nordisk Rike
The Rike would be interested in hosting a diplomatic exchange between our two nations. If you are interested please reply post haste.
-Nordisk Rike Diplomatic Corp

Our republic would be more than interested in meeting the rike. Name the place and we shall make it so.

Mohammed usbara, president of Iraq
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The Iraqi senate passed new legislation today limiting the public's ability to assemble and freely organize political groups that oppose the government. An increase in income taxes and further cuts in social welfare programs have some Iraqi citizens frustrated with the government.


Mohammad Usbara is currently meeting with leaders in Syria and Jordan about joining the Iraqi Republic promising the local regional leaders protection from outsiders and wealth for their territories. 

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Iraqi tankers filled with petroleum are steadily crossing the Pacific out of Kuwait city towards the California republic. Iraqi profits are projected to be higher than ever before.

Usbara's meeting with Jordanian and Syrian leaders concluded with Jordan opting out of joining the republic but a poor Syrian region has voiced serious interest as long as they receive fair representation in the Iraqi Senate.

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Iraq is enjoying an economic boom, oil trade has made owners of oil companies into billionaires and the given the people wealth. Cities like Baghdad enjoy commerce that rivals that of major western cities while Kuwait city becomes the Middle East's biggest trading port. 


With gas practically free in the country cars have flooded the streets and highways of the republic. BMW, Mercedes, and Kia have made billions and establish branches specifically in the Iraqi Republic. Iraqi entrepreneurs leap at the chance to buy in even more wealth by purchasing stocks in foreign companies and creating new ones like Arabia Telecorps the fastest growing company in Iraq. 



The Iraqi Republic is on its way to becoming one of the wealthiest countries in the world.



Syria (1/7)


Iraqi troops cross into Syria meeting with Syrian militia to establish order in the territory. Elections for Syrian members of the senate are held and Iraq wastes no time in securing valued areas such as Damascus and the numerous ports leading into the Mediterranean. Syrian troops are being integrated into the army but reports of a resistance movement are growing as several religious extremists protest the expansion of the Iraqi Republic. 

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Syria (2/7)

The process of making Syrian lands part of the Iraqi republic was far more complicated than thought. Many Syrians did not see eye to eye with their government wanting membership in the rising middle eastern power. In a display of power several tank divisions patrolled through Damascus showing the annexation was happening one way or another.

Iraq sent offers of extensive oil trade to cascadia and Australia in an attempt to corner the market in the Pacific.

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From: Cascadian Ministry of Economics

To: Economics Ministry of the Iraqi Republic


In response to your offer of a more extensive oil trade between our two nations, we request that a meeting be scheduled, so we can sit down and better discuss any troubles that may arise between trade. I think this would benefit both of our nations in a way that is more advantageous to all parties.


Jay Buckley.

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Syria (3/7)


Several Syrian bases now fly Iraqi flags as checkpoints throughout the country are established. Currency exchange offices bring the grim reality for several Syrians as their old currency is worth little to nothing compared to the fattened Iraqi dollar. Several Oil companies are rushing into the country buying out local wells and giving Iraq another source of oil to enrich the country's growing economy.



Iraqi diplomat and senator of the Al Anbar region Josef Ajam flew out to Cascadia to discuss the potential future between Iraq and Cascadia. 

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  • 2 weeks later...



With further stalling brought upon by Syrian militants opposing the annexation, the Iraqi Republic has run out of patience. Several airstrikes were launched with over 450 arrests made with anyone believed to be involved with the old Syrian militia. Syrian senators have been suspended and Iraqi troops have seized Damascus and most of Eastern Syria. 



Iraqi forces have launched a nation wide crackdown on the Syrian militia crippling it with airstrikes across Syria

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The Iraqi army has increased its attacks on Syrian forces crushing resistance near Tadmur, over 1,400 militia rallied to stop Iraqi forces from advancing but were overwhelmed and crushed quickly. In a desperate attempt to stave off Iraqi advancement the largest collection of Syrian forces assembled near Sab Abar, over 15,000 Syrians armed heavily and dug in trenches around the area however were slaughtered by aerial strikes and armored support. The city of Sab Abar was obliterated with almost all the civilians killed by crossfire. In what has been the bloodiest battle during the Iraqi takeover of Syria, many are shocked at the quick and violent behavior displayed by the Republic. 

Iraqi forces are now purging through the Syrian countryside for remnants of Syria's broken militia forces. Many are fleeing North to Tall Tamr one of the last Syrian towns not under republic control. 



Syrian tank in flames among the ruins of Sab Abar, civilian casualties are horrendously high.

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The Iraqi senate has permanently suspended Syrian senators and instated replacements more loyal to the republic. The Iraqi military has secured the Southern and Western regions of Syria preparing for a final assault the remaining militia held territories. Several hundred cruise missile strikes and aerial bombardments have crippled the Syrian defenses in and around Tall Tamr as ground forces begin their advancement. Syrian senator Fulani Basir called the sudden military action a clear betrayal of the Syrian people and pleaded for the Iraqi military to cease what he called a clear invasion of the territory. 

A total of 13,000 Syrian civilians have been arrested in connection to supporting the militia forces or being aligned with terror cells. 




A group of civilians began protesting in Damascus over Iraqi military actions in Syria and were immediately met with gunfire from Iraqi troops. Iraqi troops pursued the fleeing protesters firing into the crowd and slaughtering over 104 people. A good 45 were caught and arrested, the government has so far done its best to cover up the incident including killing the 45 prisoners and burying them in a mass grave outside the city. News stations reported that protesters had fired on the soldiers forcing them to defend themselves. 


The Iraqi senate now whole again with the addition of new representatives from Syria has placed increased emphasis on crushing the Syrian militia forces and establishing Syria as a province of the Republic. Heavy taxation on the Syrian people is expected to pay for the damages of the conflict. 

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beaten and broken the Syrian forces surrendered to the Iraqi republic. The Iraqi military detained and processed what remained of the Syrian militia into prison camps. The Iraqi Senate celebrated the victory as Syria finally became an official province of the republic and officially ending the pointless conflict.

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Iraq poses itself as military power as rumors mount that further expansion across the Middle East are on the rise, the Iraqi military has begun heavy recruitment throughout the territories and is encouraging those outside the Republic's borders to join what politicians in Baghdad are calling a unification movement. 


Iraq entered the computer market as Arabia Telecorps unveiled the AT-14 desktop computer, an efficient and cheap computer being massed produced in new factories in Kuwait and Basrah Iraq. Arabia Telecorps plans to ship these computers across the globe at prices lower than most competitors. The computer has produced hundreds of jobs in production and customer service.



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Iraq has begun internal investigations into rising rumors of religious zealots plotting to wage a war of insurgency against the republic. According to military intel the group is demanding the Iraqi republic becomes an Islamic Republic and force Usbara out of office. Public news outlets have been told the group has little to no power or influence. 




Iraqi military agents are infiltrating this organization and identifying its leaders for elimination. 




In other news Iraqi oil companies are posting lower numbers than usual due to the California republic's collapse, California was a large buyer of Iraqi oil and now several companies are pushing the government to find a new buyer quickly as tankers filled with oil sit in Kuwait city harbor. 

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