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Meeting of Party and Government Officials


"When my father became Chancellor of Greater Germany over a century ago, he took control of a nation wrecked by war and famine. However, he expanded Germania's borders, and he returned pride and prosperity to the Germanic people. Today, as I stand before you, we face the same problem on a much greater scale. We have been exiled from our fatherland; while, those in Berlin feel content enough to drive Germania into the ground. Today, I say no more. This state of anarchy that exist in the Greater Germanic Reich must end today. As Chancellor of this Greater Germanic Reich, I vow to restore our great Reich to past glory. Berlin is the final goal."



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Duty, Obedience and Loyalty: Scolar Visari's three Germanic virtues..


Hera Visari wasted no time setting up her government. In dozens of Reichskanzler Decrees, Hera Visari activated old Nordic Socialist institutions and appointed dozens of officials to run the important offices of the Reich. In the end, the government of Neu Germania would have the exact same structure as the Greater Germanic Reich.

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In a meeting with national military officers, Hera Visari announced the reformation of the Wehrmacht. "The Wehrmacht will be tasked with defending our Nordic Socialist ideals and our fatherland." Following the announcement, a fifty percent increase in the national defense budget was announced. Existing factories would be refurbished; while, new factories would be constructed to support the nation's rearmament campaign. Throughout the nation, thousands of citizens reported to their local recruitment office.

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Directive from the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht


CC: Office of the Reich Chancellery, Office of the Presidential Chancellery, National Military Commands


I. General Intentions


As ordered by the Autarch (Head of the Nordic Socialist Party) and Reichskanzler (Head of the State), the Armed Forces must be prepared for conflict. As such, the following actions must take place.


I. Military Production


Military production must be increased by one hundred percent. This will be done by implementing the following measures:

  1. Building more factories
  2. Serial production
  3. Implementing more efficient manufactoring techniques
  4. Increasing shifts from eight to ten hours.


Production will be focused on ground vehices, artillery, and other vehicles used to wage war on a ground scale. As it stands now, the current plan is to produce the following:


10,219 Mobile Battle Tanks

25,219 Armoured Vehicles

40,000 Artillery (20,000 self propelled and 20,000 MLRS)

20,000 Munitions (of each type)


II. Air Defenses


The Luftwaffe must begin to take the neccessary steps to ensure national air security:


A three tier air system (low, medium and high altitude) must be established. The system will consist of OTH-B and AESA based RADAR systems.  These systems will be supposed by thousands of mobile surface to air missile systems, which will be positioned in strategic areas of the Reich.


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Directive from the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht



From: Chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces

CC: Office of the Reich Chancellery, Office of the Presidential Chancellery, National Military Commands



I. General Intentions


Further preparations must be made in order to strengthen the defenses of the state.


II. National Protection


Throughout the Reich, hundreds of underground bunkers would be constructed. These bunkers would be capable of withstanding explosions in the Megaton levels. In addition, these bunkers will be stocked with sixty days of vital materials.


Electromagnetic Pulse Protection will be extended to all civilian and military applications in the Reich. Civilian and military must adhere to strict guidelines, which will be issued by the necessary national authority.


III. Satellite Protection


With the continued launching of Reich satellites, the following actions must be taken to ensure the complete safety of the Reich's space assets.


Numerous ground control stations must be established in order to prevent the risk of a single decapitation strike.


For a satellite to continue to execute its mission, in the event that the ground control station is lost, it must be capable of performing autonomous operations. Autonomous operations require the capability for the satellite to perform autonomous orbit control (e.g. station keeping for geosynchronous orbits), momentum control, redundant unit control (fault detection) and substitution.


All satellites must be hardened against laser and nuclear weapons. Reflective surfaces, shutters and non-absorbing materials have been will be used as a means of hardening against an attack by lasers. Other components that will be used in satellites will be limiters, filters, Faraday cages, surge arrestors, waveguide cutoffs, as well as expand the use of fiber optic components to increase survivability against nuclear, high-power microwave and neutral particle beam weapons.


The Proliferation-Redundant Nodes or the concept of orbit proliferation or redundant nodes involves placing multiple satellites, in a given orbit, with overlapping coverages. The premise behind this concept is that if one satellite fails then the other satellites will be available to execute all or some percentage of the essential functions of the mission.


Other defensive systems that will be installed on all Reich satellites include: lightweight optical or RF jamming systems to nullify or confuse an ASAT's homing system and onboard thrusters for enchanced maneuverability.



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One Party, One Nation - Propaganda Pamphlet


With the military continuing it's massive military build up, various officials began to turn their attention to supposed "traitors" of the Reich. These "traitors" were composed of men and women, who assisted in the transition period after the collapse of the Greater Germanic Reich, performed crackdowns on Reich officials, and those who held offices in the various transitional governments. The reformed Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Main Security Office) was tasked with the apprehending of these known enemies of the Reich.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Forward into the Future!


Supported by the Reich Ministry of Propaganda and Enlightenment, thousands assembled in the Reich capital to protest the foreign occupation of Berlin. "Down with the Prussian Regime!" thousands shouted in unison as Nordic Socialist officials looked on. "One Reich, One Leader!" thousands more shouted in other parts of the country.


"They are crying for the blood of the Prussian Regime.", the Reich Minister of Propaganda and Enlightenment would comment to Hera Visari.


"Indeed, the more easier it would be to reunite Greater Germany under our rule."

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