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Relations with Hungary-Slovakia


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In a similar fashion to the departure of Antonin Goncharov to Bucharest, Hetman Malinovsky asked another Cossack captain, Mikhail Radenchenko to the west and to Hungary-Slovakia to begin negotiations with the Magyars and the Western Slavs there. He, too, left with a contingent of ten armed cossacks who crossed the border of Ukraine into Hungary-Slovakia in the night and arrived in the capital the next morning.


The Ukrainians were surprised. "A state of Magyars and Slavs living together!" said Captain Radenchenko, "I have not heard of such things for centuries." The captain was much older than his fellow ambassadors and Hetman Malinovsky. His flowing gray hair matched with his thick grey beard.


"You have been alive for centuries." Laughed a cossack and they entered the foreign ministry there in the capital to announce their arrival.

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*Upon Mikhail and his escorts' arrival in the makeshift capital of Debrecen, they would be greeted at the Minister of Foreign Affairs office by Minister Danis Kolos, who would shake Mikhail's hand warmly.*

"Welcome Mr. Malinowski, welcome. I am glad you were able to come to Debrecen so quickly. Please, have a seat.

Hungary-Slovakia has been close friends and allies with Ukraine ever since Hungary-Slovakia came into existence 4 months ago. First with Ukraine allowing us to start constructing our transnational rail line through Ukraine, then as allies in the Commonwealth of Defense of Trade, and finally as allies in the Eastern Bloc.

It is my governments sincerest hope that with Ukraine's newest government, that we can once again continue our strong friendship, and, given enough time, become close allies once again, as well.

In the interim, Hungary-Slovakia would be more than happy to offer Ukraine a Non-Aggression Treaty."

Edited by Euphaia
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"Well first, brother, my name is Radenchenko, Malinovsky is the name of my leader and Hetman. I also agree," said the cossack, taking a seat in Kolos' office, his pistols hitting against his sides. "That we should sign a Non-Aggression Treaty, that will bring our peoples far."


Then Captain Radenchenko moved in his chair and stroked his beard. "Though tell me, brother, how does Hungary-Slovakia trade with the world. You have no coast. Our neighbors who are strong, they have coasts and networks to the outside. How do you bring wealth to your land? Ukraine wishes to do the same."

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Apologies, Radenchenko.

We trade primarily by the aforementioned rail line. When it is complete, it will stretch through Hungary-Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, and Romania. Once it is complete, Ukraine is most welcome to use it for trade and transport, as well.

Our close ally, Romania, was also generous enough to grant us a harbor on their Black Sea coast, which we primarily use for trade, as well. We are in negotiations with Prussia for securing a second trading port on the Prussian coast, too.

However, I would say 80% of our trade is done with our close allies. Romania and Belarus, as well as with Ukraine, by road, rail, and air.

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"No apologies necessary." Said Radenchenko as he listened to Kolos explain about the rail line and the leasing of ports. "This will be important information for our country," he finally said after Kolos' explanation. "I can assure you, brother, that Ukraine will do its part in constructing and maintaining the railroad. Once everything is constructed, I hope that Ukraine can count itself as one of the leading trading partners for Hungary-Slovakia."


He shifted forward in his seat and leaned both of his mighty hands on Kolos' desk. "But what we are interested in right now are military supplies. Our people need to form a military, to defend ourselves and to defend our friends in case of attack. For protecting us in the past, you have our word, Hungary-Slovakia will not be alone in the onset of a foreign invasion. Magyar, Western Slav, it does not bother us. We have many debts to repay."

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