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Add more money to starting nations.

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At some point, adding starting cash only artificially inflates things. It would also diminish the amount of damage someone can do in wartime. Right now, nations can be completely destroyed and not feel a thing depending on how much cash they have on hand. 


Edit: that usually takes most of the round to get to that point. If we were to give everyone (decent) the ability to be unaffected by war, there would be no reason for many to fight. 

Edited by King James XVIII
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The thing that kills this is MP. If nukes were removed for a round, more start up funds would be way more interesting. As is, folks can just reroll and nuke their enemies over and over.

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You need to beef everyone up monetarily. When a nations joins the tournament pool, they should have more money than that of which they would've last round.


If you need more money you aren't building right. By the end of the round I could have fought to ZI and rebuilt to 3999 Infra over 5 times without collecting a penny. 

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10 mil is FINE. More $$$ would just skip the early game, which many veteran SE players ONLY get to play on TE. You can always look forward to the late game in SE if it's not possible to reach it in TE, but once you've finished the early game in SE, the only way you can play it again without deleting years of work is to play TE.

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