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Declaration of Existence of the Union of Guinea

Nkwupụta nke ịdị adị nke njikọ nke kennwere enwe ndị Guinea

Union of the Free Peoples of Guinea



Let it be known to all the world forthwith that as of today, there exists a new country in Africa, along the Gulf of Guinea, known as the Union of Guinea.


This country shall be an elective republic, with a President who presides over a bicameral legislature, to be made up of a lower house, comprised of members elected via proportional representation, and an upper house, to be comprised of members of all the tribes whose proportion of the population is >5%. These members shall be appointed by their respective tribal councils, and are members for life or until removed by their tribal council


Let it be known that this government governs with consent of the many tribes of this region. The tribes have come together to form this larger government, as we all share a common heritage.


We would also like to open our capital city to any and all foreign nations who wish to establish an embassy, especially those of Africa.


Praise be to the Free Peoples of Guinea.

Too ịbụ otu nke kennwere enwendị Guinea


Hail Guinea

Edited by Mergerberger II
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The Euphaian government and the Euphaian Freedom Fighters both formally recognize the nation and government of the Union of Guinea, and extend their hand in friendship and diplomacy.


The Euphaian government and the Freedom Fighters both also formally request an embassy and the start of formal diplomatic ties.

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Guinea thanks those who have given it recognition


The Euphaian government and the Euphaian Freedom Fighters both formally recognize the nation and government of the Union of Guinea, and extend their hand in friendship and diplomacy.


The Euphaian government and the Freedom Fighters both also formally request an embassy and the start of formal diplomatic ties.

Guinea is happy to welcome the Euphaian government and the Freedom Fighters and thank them for their recognition. In the interests of establishing diplomatic ties, we will establish an embassy for Euphaia in the capital city of Abuja.

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Sierra Leone welcomes Guinea to the world and requests a trade of embassies.

Guinea thanks Sierra Leone and agrees to the trade of embassies. The Sierra Leone embassy in Abuja is under construction.


"The Stormlands congratulates the Union of Guinea on achieving sovereignty and full independent status and hereby appoint it full diplomatic recognition.


We invite Guinea to establish a diplomatic mission in the Statesman's Quarter in Stormsend."

We accept the Stormlands' offer of a diplomatic mission and offer the same to the Stormlands in Abuja.

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We accept the Stormlands' offer of a diplomatic mission and offer the same to the Stormlands in Abuja.


Upon the reciprocal offering of establishing a diplomatic mission in Abuja, the Executor of the Exterior would immediately appoint a new ambassador to the Union of Guinea. This ambassador, Rowald Krinjing, would be dispatched with a group of staffers and aides to Abuja to begin the process of establishing an embassy in the new nations' capital.

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  • 3 weeks later...



[b]To: The Government of Legion

From: The Office of the President of the Union of Guinea[/b]


Because our normal foreign affairs representative for sensitive situations, John Olympio, will be in Khartoum for the foreseeable future, you may meet with the Vice President, Daniel Ouattara.

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