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The Neighborhood of Alexandria


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Sovereignty is a speculative word. The smallest of the nations in the world sometimes exist only because others let them exist because what they control has almost no value to them. There are other cases where tiny nations have leverage, Vatican City being an excellent example of a center of religion that was created out of pity and generosity but could create a global uprising if it was forcibly dissolved. San Marino and Andorra are both two perfect examples of tiny states that exist not because they house the leader of billions of faithful or that they even hold leverage but because history dictates that their continued existence contributes to stability and legitimacy of those who allow them to be independent. 


The Neighborhood of Alexandria is unique in the fact that it had aspects - granted some more significant than others - from all of these types of microstates. An historical neighborhood with former residents who changed the world and made groundbreaking achievements. Many powerful enjoyed their stay and would ensure of its continued existence. Meanwhile its size protected it from any silly act of imperialism. Another aspect which contributed to its privilege to exist was the few rich and the many upper-middle class who were united yet separate in their own tiny enclave. One, "great factor" that protected Alexandria from dependence did not exist. Instead many things contributed to its special state as a state among the giant republics and oligarchs of the world. 


​The neighborhood itself was small - however small is a speculative word as well. Rhode Island is a "small" State because of its physical size of only 1,214 square miles of land. Compared to Rhode Island, Wyoming is a massive State with over 97,814 square miles of land, or so one would think. What is the population of Wyoming? The population is 582,658. Also, only two entities have smaller Army National Guards than Wyoming (1,637), which are Washington D.C. (1,360) and the United States Virgin Islands (776) - meaning that if the Virgin Islands and D.C. were to team up, their militias would be larger than that of Wyoming. So yes, small is most certainty a speculative word. Alexandria was small compared to say, the Queens Borough of New York City but its wealth index and distribution statistics made Queens look like Harlem.


When we use adjectives to describe places we must remember that everything is speculative and comes from a different perspective. Alexandria is not to be underestimated simply because of the perspective put onto it as a "micro" state (micro being another speculative word). If anything, Alexandria had the potential to be a basis for diplomacy, a tax haven for those who could do favors for the state, a point of intrigue for fools who would pilgrimage to be in a tiny country and spend money, but most importantly a political powerhouse of influential people. The only thing standing in the way of that was the need for either a good leader or good leaders.


Rethink that last sentence you just read. The problem is not finding the right person to lead, but it is deciding how they will lead. A permanent government is not in place. Of the bounty of influential, wealthy, and impressive individuals who live in Alexandria, there is no preferred system of government other than the Home Owners Association which is a simple remnant of Alexandria's "dependence" days before they were separated from the mother country. A sort of game of thrones for control of the country was ongoing. Perhaps it did not involve graphic executions periodically interrupted by detailed sex scenes but it was interesting nonetheless. 




The "sections" of the neighborhood, which were not called sections by citizens but for simplicity we will call it that, were mostly divided by the streets which the people took great pride in. Different groups supported claims to thrones, support of a constitution, or the idea of having a true republic all existed which is why it was not simply a game of thrones but a city state going through growing pains. But enough of a prelude... It is time to get into the specifics. It is time to begin. 

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OOC: Yes, I am RPing a neighborhood as a sovereign nation. I just thought I'd do it for fun. Who knows what adventures await... Since I already have a nation in CNRP I suppose this wont necessarily be part of CNRP (also sense there isn't any land where I could put this fictional independent neighborhood) but feel free to recognize me if you like. I promise your embassy will be a very fancy room in a mansion.


The first map shows the territory of the Neighborhood, the second map is the actual map of the neighborhood. Assume the actual neighborhood is at the top right of the Neighborhood's territory.






Edited by PresidentDavid
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“This is 101.1 FM coming to you live from the Neighborhood of Alexandria where President Marston has made it official with President Steven Coolidge – Alexandria is now a sovereign nation independent of the American Commonwealth, the first region to peacefully leave an American nation since Puerto Rico in 2024 after several failed attempts at joining the United States. Now, in 2250, Alexandria has claimed the title as second territory to do so. We’ll bring you more information as it comes, but many Alexandrians are happy to be under their own flag.”


One Month Earlier


“What you are saying is insane. Independence, Steve? Really? Why would the Feds even agree to let us do that?” Jeffry Blacksmith felt the stubble on his face and shook his head while his friend tried to convince him of the impossible. “The Feds would let us do it for one reason, and one alone,” said Steven. “A tax haven for politicians and a publicity stunt for the Americans.” He sat down and offered a glass of ice-tea to Jeffry who promptly accepted it. “The Commonwealth has managed to keep out of major wars in Europe, Asia, and South America but that can only last so long – plus there have always been a lot of people talking about how big the Commonwealth has gotten and how that, in part, lead to America’s original downfall. No one wants a return of those days…”


Steven, or as his friends called him “Steve”, sipped his ice-tea and Jeffry followed suit. “No one wants a return of those days,” Jeffry said. “But what you are thinking of doesn’t seem really realistic. What makes you think the President will even respond to your letter? The man is busy running the most important nation in the Western Hemisphere.”


“Well, we went to college together if that helps. Before I went to Harvard he and I had a good time in university. So he will at least respond, I know he’s a good enough man to that degree.” Jeffry was shocked and set down his tea. He was almost offended, “I’ve known you sense you moved here after Harvard. Why didn’t you ever tell me that? What else are you keeping from me?” Steven put his hands out to calm down Jeffry and handed him back his glass. “Jeffry, there are some things in life that are best left unsaid. I knowing the President in college is one of those things. The important thing is that now, you are the first and only to know other than my wife.


“As President of the Home Owners Association, I would be the one to hold talks with the President if he came here to Alexandria or invited a representative to the White House, but knowing him he will want to keep this quiet at first.” Jeffry was dumbfounded. Steven surely had thought this out, though he still didn’t think it was feasible. A nation of about 700 people? Alexandria would rival the former Vatican for world’s smallest nation by population.


“What about the people here? Have you talked to anyone about this? Christ Steve, at least tell me you talked to some of the neighbors before you did this. You didn’t even tell me until just now…” Steve finished his tea and sat back in his rocking chair while he looked out from the large, southern porch they were both enjoying. “I talked to some of the others in the north section. Most of them are open to the idea, I think a lot of them are bored. Millionaires don’t need good job security which leads to them not always keeping their work. A lack of work can create a hole in one’s heart for self-worth and usefulness. I think founding a new nation can fill the hole in their hearts for a while at least.”


“Well you better go talk to everyone else in the south and the west. It’s fine if you have a few millionaires on your side but it’s important to get the other 90-percent of the neighborhood with you too… I have to say Steve, I think you’re nuts.” Steven laughed and stood to shake Jeffry’s hand, “You can think I’m crazy, just as long as you are with me Jeffry, that’s all that counts.”

Edited by PresidentDavid
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  • 2 weeks later...

Steven kept his composure. He sat across from President Bronson who, after looking over at his old college friend, signed a piece of parchment before him. Bronson then passed the paper to Coolidge who also signed the paper. It was done.


The American President extended his hand to shake Steven’s but it took him a few seconds to register the action. “Thank you Mister President,” Coolidge said softly. Branson squeezed his hand back and laughed, “Congratulations to you, Mister President.” The press snapped hundreds of photos while the Alexandrians waved banners with a lighthouse on it, a symbol of their new country.


While it was celebration right now, the reality was that a nation was made in a technical state of anarchy. Did a government exist? Well, yes. But it was the Home Owner’s Association which was not exactly designed to handle the task of running an independent nation or conducting foreign affairs. Steven Coolidge, who was a multi-billionaire, could get by with leading the country in the right direction for now but some reform would need to take place quickly or things might devolve which would result in chaos or worse, annexation by the Commonwealth at his own expense. That simply was not acceptable.


After the immediate celebrations following the signing, the American President flew back to Washington to tend to bigger matters. But before that, he and Steven had both agreed to open trade between America and the neighborhood. After all, Alexandria had no industry unless fishing counted and even so that was to a minimum. What they did have, however, was a bank. And it didn’t take long for foreign calls to start streaming in for foreigners to open accounts which would bring a miniscule amount of revenue into the neighborhood’s coughers compared to tax intake of other countries, but it was a lot for the small 700 person nation.


Steven, who was now known as President Coolidge, called a “nation-wide” meeting. At first, he couldn’t think of a place to have such a meeting. He wouldn’t want it at his home for obvious reasons and hosting it at someone else’s would look quite awkward. There also was no church in Alexandria which would have been a natural spot for assemblies. There was one place though, the lighthouse.


Alexandria consisted of more than just the “neighborhood” for which it was so well known for; however, the rest of the land was unpopulated and mostly owned by the government itself. At the very southern tip of Alexandria was a lighthouse that shined out into the massive Atlantic Ocean. The lighthouse had previously been maintained by the Coast Guard but since it was no longer part of the United States that was not taking place anymore. In fact, part of the treaty between Steven and the President was that Alexandria would keep the light in operation – that was no brainer.


Most if not all of the 700 people who lived in Alexandria came to the lighthouse. It was near sunset. Steven looked down at the people below. He was standing on the metal balcony of the lighthouse with Jeffry, who was the HOA Vice President. “My fellow Alexandrians!” he shouted. No response. The crowd was too loud and no one was expecting him to be up at the top of the house. Steven turned around and looked at Jeffry, “I suppose we’ll have to get their attention.”


He walked inside the glass casing which surrounded the ten foot tall light bulb. There was a red lever which looked important so he gave it a heavy yank. Gears started cranking to life. A metal shield with a very clean mirror surrounded three-fourths of the bulb. It started to rotate and then, once at a constant speed, a beam of light blasted out into the Atlantic Ocean. Steven shielded his eyes and turned around.


Once he was back on the balcony everyone was looking up in silence. “My fellow Alexandrians!” His voice boomed and echoed, even from the remarkable height of the lighthouse (perhaps he was lucky it wasn’t a windy night). “I understand many of you are excited about our independence, and there are others who have their reservations. In order to put any fears to rest, my first action as interim Head-of-Government of Alexandria will be to organize and oversee elections for the position of President, Vice President, and some form of legislature to represent the needs of everyone.


“Now it may not come as a surprise to everyone that we do not have what most other nations would call a standing army,” there was a soft chuckle among the crowd. “That is why I have recruited 75 Alexandrians, many of which are part of the Neighborhood Watch, to act in the general defense of Alexandria and protect her people, her government, and her sacred honor from anyone who would wish her harm.


“I called this national assembly to address the main concerns of the many of you. I hope that you call may sleep soundly tonight knowing that there are guards to keep law and order, and that elections will be coming within a week… But there is one more topic. Houses of Worship. We have a large Roman Catholic population here in Alexandria, but I am aware there are a few other smaller denominations here. I have already been in contact with a Cardinal from New York City, and he told me that he would personally go talk to the Pope so that Alexandria could be its own arch-diocese with its own bishop. For those of other denominations, the government will take requests for building permits and purchases of some government land to build additional churches. You need only apply.”


The crowd’s concerns had mostly been met. Some were still skeptical, but for now this would do. For the time being, Steven would finance the country on his own dime so that Alexandria could continue paying its gas, water, and electricity bills to the Commonwealth. Tax revenue would surely go up but in the meantime, he would handle the microstates financial situation. There was of course the other problems that would arise like issuing passports and public education, but those would be minor situations as long as people were allowed to keep their jobs in America – at least until Alexandria jobs could be made. The biggest private employer so far was the bank which paid generously and already had twenty people under its wing.


Steven closed out his speech by introducing Jeffry, who was their interim Vice President. Steven appealed more to the common-man – which was middle class in Alexandria – because he lived in the western part of the neighborhood where the houses were a bit smaller. The southern homes were almost all two stories and worth a few hundred-thousand dollars. The northern homes were million dollar mansions that belonged to the wealthiest of the wealthy.

Many in the crowd cheered him on. Jeffry had never been in the public eye and didn’t think that joining the HOA would eventually bring that upon him, but it did. “Thank you all for coming out tonight, and may God bless you. Have a safe travel home.”


President Steven Coolidge now had the task of forming a government from scratch. The only thing on his side was that the population of Alexandria was small which would make public input easy to comprehend… Or perhaps that would be an omen. Only time would tell.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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