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Cannot open warning details

Ubuntu the Great

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To get to ask question I get message I must acknowledge I got warning. Somehow I got a warning by asking for other warnings to be taken away. And that was granted. The old warnings are gone and I get a brand new one. I know not why or how. I can not open the details screen so I do not know why. Can someone copy reason and send me message.

Cyber Nations Forums → Viewing Profile: Ubuntu the Great → Warnings
Acknowledge Warning

You have been issued a warning by a moderator. Before you can post again, you must acknowledge the warning.

Warn Level Reduction granted at 182 posts.

Warning issued by Veriti for WLR Request Granted in Take away warning time?.
Given -1 points.
Nations Forums → Viewing Profile: Ubuntu the Great → Warnings
Acknowledge Warning

You have been issued a warning by a moderator. Before you can post again, you must acknowledge the warning.

Warn Level Reduction granted at 182 posts.

Warning issued by Veriti for WLR Request Granted in Take away warning time?.
Given -1 points.

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