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  • Sanctioned Alliance
    Orange Defense Network
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    Free Radicals
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    Orange Defense Network
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  1. I thank you for your thanks. Anyone at a loss for how to reply can emulate W_A_R. Herring always make an acceptable gift.
  2. You are correct, alas. If anyone can design with even more orange, I will be delighted. Not you, Mr Rothko - we have enough of your solid orange canvases in the bar already.
  3. This is not a thread for discussing moderation issues. Also hello, how are you? May I interest you and your fledgling alliance in a short course in how to win friends and influence people?
  4. It's good to see learning happening on Bob. Education is vital for the future of the planet. Best of luck to the newest Triumvir and the other bears.
  5. General Punctuation, actually. And you are mostly welcome. The apostrophe arises because it is a period of notice of 69 hours. It is a type of pseudo-possessive construction.
  6. In case anybody cares, which in these days of decadence and decay is unlikely, this treaty contains an error, brief though it is. 69 hour's notice should read 69 hours' notice This has been a service of Ancient Penguin Drive-by Copy Editing and Proofreading Services(TM)
  7. STA disbands, and we have proliferating Gunes. From the sublime to the ridiculous. Bob slides ever faster into the pit. Also hello, how are you, gentlemen?
  8. See what you have become, Bob? This is no longer a habitat fit for such noble beasts.
  9. The return of Proximus is probably yet another sign of the End Times. We've been collecting them. Arco even put in an appearance the other day...
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