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Fifth Column Confederation (Libertarian Visions)



September 2007, the Libertarian Empire was founded.


The Libertarian Empire was recruited by an alliance based on Libertariainism. These were the Golden Days.




Thanks to efficient aid programs within the FCC, the Libertarian Empire managed to grow into the top 5% in order to purchase its first nuclear missile. This was back when being the top 5% allowed you to buy nukes, MPs came out no long after.


When MK got rolled by NPO, I decided to go join the MK AA to assist them; since I knew opposition would be to great for the alliance to get involved.


After this along with some other former FCC members, we formed Onyx Hand. Although the alliance didn't really grow.. Eventually Onyx Hand merged into the FCC and a new Charter was created; which centralized more power around a King..


I ended up get nominated and everyone voted in favor of me,, except one person abstained..This brought in a new age of prosperity for the FCC, as the alliance grew rapidly with efficient aid program for both growth and making every nation nuclear capable. Relations within The Citadel improved and eventually Continuum was defeated with The Citadel and FCC playing their part..


After NPO's defeat, there wasn't much going on. No major threats, so activity was down.. Eventually I resigned after a founder made a huge fuss and I made my biggest mistake; I resigned.


Once I resigned here was no going back to how things were. The FCC slowly deteriorated without strong leadership & I occupied myself by battle after battle against uphill odds; as I was lost without the FCC and in search for a purpose. I lost count of how many wars I fought, but the FCC was golden years of CN and once I resigned it was never the same.


What I loved most about CN was gone, the Libertarian Community called the FCC. When first joining I quickly became elected a Senator, then I was appointed a High Court Judge not long before I left to help MK..Then I was crowned King upon  my return. Even with the LPC, it couldn't compare to what I had lost with the FCC. When I resigned from the FCC,, I might as well have deleted my nation then. Since ever since I was just lost soul wandering from battlefield to battlefield in search of some meaning.


What made the FCC great was they made sure to build up all nations accepted up to 5k infra with their Massive Aid Bomb Program. Also the alliance was idealogy based, so everyone shared a common interest in discussing Libertarianism and Anarchism. Until I declared on IRON as King of FCC in the Karma War; FCC had never fought in a war. They prefered to apply the non-aggression principle to foreign policy as well. Although it was the community which made it great, where debating Libertarian & Anarchism with people made it my favorite forum to just discuss non-CN related things as well.


For me the best part of CN died with the FCC, none of my other accomplishments after compared to the feeling of success and satisfaction of rising up the ranks within the FCC.


The Fifth Column Confederation is what got me hooked on Cybernations and there will never be an alliance which can match it.


Forever Fifth Column Confederation will be remembered as the greatest alliance in Cybernations and never will there be an alliance which can match it.


Some say nothing lasts forever, although my biggest regret was not ensuring the FCC was still alive and well today. Its something which can never be replicated.


Never Forget the Fifth Column Confederation, the most Libertarian Ideological Based alliance this game has ever seen.


When the FCC was gone, my reason for sticking around was gone. Although I couldn't bring myself to push that delete button for a long time.


While Cybernations has had its ups and downs, thinking about when CN was really something special; it was the FCC which was my reason for playing.


What I miss more than my nation, Senate Seat, the LPC or anything else is the FCC. The community was something special, also being part of The Citadel made for another special community, ,which I cherished and miss. OG, Gremlins, TOP & Umbrella all hold a special place in my memories as well.


The Citadel was truly a special bloc as well and its to bad we'll never see anything like it again.








Methrage, Senator, High Court Judge & King of the FCC


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One correction, I don't remember the Karma war, and I know you became leader after me. Right after? Were you in my cabinet or were you High Court Judge then? Been a long time. Anyways we fought in the big war to take down the NPO and if I don't remember the Karma war then we did have a war before that.


Still you are right the glory days of the FCC were the best and I'd love to go back to that even in the diminished form of CN.

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Now that I read this again there are definitely some timeline issues. There was no King before I left the game or the FCC and I definitely fought in a war. It was the FCC's first war and it was to take down the NPO, I remember OG being all pissy about Citadel being against her idols in the NPO... Meh still, o/ FCC

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On 5/9/2017 at 11:40 AM, MaineGOP said:

Now that I read this again there are definitely some timeline issues. There was no King before I left the game or the FCC and I definitely fought in a war. It was the FCC's first war and it was to take down the NPO, I remember OG being all pissy about Citadel being against her idols in the NPO... Meh still, o/ FCC

FCC's first war to take down NPO was declared by me when I was King. Remember Ramirus asked me to hit IRON last minute from Valhalla, who Umbrella wanted us to hit. The DoW thread still exists.

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