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The strange evolution of the Boiler Room



I was recently browsing my posting history, because every so often I go back to the AcTi posts wondering if I made the right choices at the time.  (On a side note, I also recently reviewed my Kim Jong Illest OWF posts, that was fun to read.)  Looking back over my content, I clicked a few of the Boiler Room topics I posted in around the same time.


Good lord, how things have changed!  The most extreme posters were, by today's standards, exceedingly moderate for the Boiler Room.  It's sad to see most of those moderate voices gone.  With only a few posters representative of the majority opinion, such as myself, Kain, Thrawn, KMM, Icewolf, and a couple of others, the Boiler Room is almost majority extremists by most standards.  Even the previously-extreme posters like Hereno and Juslen would seem average today.  The unfortunate casualty has been the verbose, thoughtful posters like Aeternos Astramora, Tom Marvolo Riddle, Voodoo Nova, and others.  Even they were second-generation Boiler Room folks, versus the first-generation I was too late to experience who posted long, well-detailed posts about more philosophical topics and ideology.  


Nowadays the forum is more populated with Hawaiian nazism, anti-Feminist lesbians, Chinese fanboys.....it certainly makes it more colorful, but the magic of the Boiler Room is drowned out by demagoguery.  Some of the older posters still around, who are now the moderates, spend more time replying to the inanity of the modern Boiler Room than having legitimate, thoughtful discussions.


It's sad.


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I think the "extremism" represents the current political climate worldwide. The fact of the matter is that people are pissed about the state of our society, and the more they are antagonized by society, the further they are pushed into extremes. Even folks like Hereno and Biohazard, before they disappeared, became more radical than they were when I was Loki which surprised me. The climate here when I came back, vs. when I was Loki, was completely different.

Edited by Malik Shabazz
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15 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:

"With only a few posters representative of the majority opinion, such as myself"


lol yes we all see ourselves as representative of the majority opinion teddyo.


:facepalm: if you actually believe your views represent more than about a dozen people worldwide you are delirious

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On 11/24/2016 at 1:13 PM, Ch33kY said:

The Boiler Room is the only active part of the forums anymore. Given the quality of the content, that does not bode well for CN.

the boiler room is better then before you mean

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