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On "The Usual Suspects"

Master Holton


Sorry if that bloc still exists, but you weren't/aren't politically relevant enough to warrant exclusivity of the phrase.

This entry is going to be about Polaris, XX members and former members, ex-SF, and that general sphere of influence that has maintained, by choice or force, a certain isolation from the main grouping that we would consider the treaty web.

I wanted to discuss the formulaic use of the "Usual Suspects" as a political and economic tool of warfare against certain undesirable members within the popular coalition.

How many times are people going to repeatedly curbstomp Polaris, XX, and ex-SF before they realize that people such as Pacifica, MK, TOP, Umbrella, and others are throwing peripheral allies against an isolated piece of the treaty sphere in order to politically weaken ties between desirable allies and undesirable members of the coalition, or in order to keep certain peripheral alliances from growing enough to be a statistical threat.

How many times will the non-leader alliances be content to "wait until after this next war" and resign to the fact that "the targets are written in stone."?

I won't speculate on which specific alliance(s) are to blame for the manipulation of the "coalition" at-large, nor will I bother listing the non-leader alliances, as I would enjoy being able to bump this in the inevitable future just to demonstrate the literal formula that certain groups use to ensure their own dominance at the expense of every single periphery group in CN.


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I won't speculate on which specific alliance(s) are to blame for the manipulation of the "coalition" at-large, nor will I bother listing the non-leader alliances, as I would enjoy being able to bump this in the inevitable future just to demonstrate the literal formula that certain groups use to ensure their own dominance at the expense of every single periphery group in CN.

No need to, we all know who is pulling the strings manipulating the treaty web around them, Even the leaders of non-leader alliances know only too well who their puppet masters are.

A shame really.

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Thing is, those of us not in the hegemony have no issues being rolled over and over again, we're not going to give up our morals simply to get a victory.

You've already done things like roll GPA during Woodstock. Having done that, now you can enjoy be the "good guy." You do it well too.

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You've already done things like roll GPA during Woodstock. Having done that, now you can enjoy be the "good guy." You do it well too.

I also defended those I was at war with who went nuclear, waived their tech reps and ensured their safety, it's disingenuous to pretend as though I ever played the Villian in any conflict I participated in besides perhaps disbanding NoV, which I hold no regrets for, White Nationalists/Supremacists are a cancer upon humanity.

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Nice one, mate, but there's reality, and then there's where this is coming from - very different places.

Please enlighten us as to how the Polarsphere or MI6 are statistical threats to Oculus then, I'll wait.

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Please enlighten us as to how the Polarsphere or MI6 are statistical threats to Oculus then, I'll wait.

Yeah, that's not the funny part. I don't even know how the $%&@ you drew that one out of the op.

"...are throwing peripheral allies against an isolated piece of the treaty sphere in order to politically weaken ties between desirable allies and undesirable members of the coalition, or in order to keep certain peripheral alliances from growing enough to be a statistical threat."

Is the funny part.

Actual, the whole damn thing is hilarious, but that part in particular got me going.

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Gotcha, Oculus will clearly always be allied to one another then, and there is no tensions within the hegemony sphere whatsoever. There was not tensions within WUT either.

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Gotcha, Oculus will clearly always be allied to one another then, and there is no tensions within the hegemony sphere whatsoever. There was not tensions within WUT either.

I seriously don't think anyone cares enough for there to be tension within Oculus - not that I would know, I'm inactive to the point that I'm pretty sure I just went into inactivity mode. If the goal is (as I think was mentioned in the bloc's DoE thread somewhere) to leave this game on top, I imagine they'd let petty squabbles fall to the wayside. In addition, that's a pretty well-tied-together bloc. Lots and lots of individual treaties across pretty much all the members.

But what do I know? :|

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