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The dragon is dead!



Yep, you read it right :D

Thanks everyone for the overwhelming support in my last entry about cancer. I'm delighted to say with the help of my surgeons mighty sword I'm now cancer free. Operation 100% success!

For the next three months now I just have the wounds to get over and then another round of surgery to reconnect the organs they disconnected this time round. I'm then right to heal and live to old age.

Once again I thank all of you, it's great to see we have such an awesome community.


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another round of surgery to reconnect the organs they disconnected this time round

Foot bone connected to the Head Bone?

This news makes me happy. Congratulations, never doubted the outcome for a minute.

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a bit of an update

Dajobo has been re-admitted to hospital this evening with some complications from the surgeries
He has had some xrays and scans today which show the kidney has attached itself to his pancreas and he has quite a bit of fluid in his peritinium with the pain from this has caused him to not breathe as deeply and has some fluid on the lungs as well
Tomorrow he will undergo some more extensive scans so drs can decide if there will be more surgery needed

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Congrats. Bu you got to keep on top of it, my dad had surgery to remove it, they thought they got it all but after testing again 4 months later they found it. Keep on top of it and remain positive.

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Wonderful news,for you, your family, and friends in and off CN life...!

God made possible all the wisdom and intelligence necessary for things like this one... and a lot of other things ... Congratulations on your bravery and for keep the faith and hope of better things to come...! GOD bless you, friend!

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