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Tywin Lannister and the Channel of #D00M

The Zigur


[08:08] Topic for #d00msquad: Welcome to Doom Squad's official and public channel! | Please check out our forums at http://d00msquad.forumotion.com | IRC Commands: http://!@#$%*.com/raw.php?i=qvyeih5U | Now with more pink | Type !votehelp for help

[08:08] Topic set by Ghost [Wed Dec 31 2014 11:13:57]

[08:08] Mode: [+v Tywin_Lannister] by ChanServ

[08:08] Channel modes: [+mntrR]

[08:08] Channel created: Wed Sept 24 2014 16:24:50

[08:08] Users: [Total: 20, Admins: 1, Ops: 1, HalfOps: 6, Voices: 12, Normal: 0]

[08:09] <+Tywin_Lannister> Hmmm

[08:09] <+Tywin_Lannister> I have discovered a new barbarian frontier channel

[08:10] <+Tywin_Lannister> I must bring forth my mission before the brigand chieftain bans me from the village

[08:11] <+Tywin_Lannister> This village is a proud and warlike one

[08:11] <+Hakora_Kiyanto[NPO]> Ghost, I think he just asked you to ban him.

[08:12] <+Tywin_Lannister> Indeed it wields the whips of the God King

[08:12] <+brucemna[NPO]> i hear that too :)

[08:12] <+Tywin_Lannister> It drives the slave armies forth to slaughter

[08:12] <+Tywin_Lannister> Hmm it seems NPO is already here

[08:13] <+Hakora_Kiyanto[NPO]> We are everywhere.

[08:13] <+brucemna[NPO]> ^^^

[08:13] <+Tywin_Lannister> have you been enjoying the barbarian women?

[08:14] * Tywin_Lannister sits down at the great barbarian table

[08:14] * Tywin_Lannister reaches under his armor for a long pipe of pakalolo

[08:15] <+brucemna[NPO]> naw just enjying the polarbear cub laughter

[08:15] <+brucemna[NPO]> slaughter*

[08:15] <+Tywin_Lannister> Last I checked the cubs are out hunting fur seals

[08:16] <+Tywin_Lannister> They bring back many pelts

[08:16] Join: BL[dinrar] [coldfront-9A71A91C.ppp.onetel.net.uk]

[08:16] Mode: [+v BL[dinrar]] by ChanServ

[08:16] <+Tywin_Lannister> I think it is good military training for our new members so they do not adopt a weak and bourgeois mentality

[08:17] * Tywin_Lannister lights the pakalolo

[08:17] <+Tywin_Lannister> Someone pass me a barbarian ale, please

[08:18] Quit: Blue [Ping timeout]

[08:18] <+brucemna[NPO]> Naw we only share it with our fellow hunters

[08:18] <+Tywin_Lannister> Suit yourself

[08:18] * Tywin_Lannister takes pulishers ale

[08:19] <+Sith> pulishers ale?

[08:19] <+brucemna[NPO]> pee water

[08:19] <+PuliSher> the heck

[08:20] <+Tywin_Lannister> Ahhh

[08:20] * Tywin_Lannister takes a map out on the table

[08:20] * Tywin_Lannister stabs it with a knife

[08:21] <+Tywin_Lannister> That there is going to be my next target

[08:21] <+Sith> where?

[08:21] <+brucemna[NPO]> me i hope :)

[08:21] <+Tywin_Lannister> DT Probes

[08:22] <+brucemna[NPO]> what you going to do if NPO sends aid to DBDC

[08:22] * Tywin_Lannister takes another swig of pulishers ale

[08:22] <+Tywin_Lannister> Whatever my Emperor commands

[08:22] Join: Generalchow [coldfront-7FAB3990.range86-136.btcentralplus.com]

[08:22] Mode: [+h Generalchow] by ChanServ

[08:23] * Tywin_Lannister wrenches knife from table and sheathes it

[08:23] <+brucemna[NPO]> Chow chow o/

[08:23] <%Generalchow> Hi

[08:23] Mode: [+b *!*@coldfront-D7E385D8.pools.spcsdns.net] by Ghost

[08:23] You were kicked from #d00msquad by Ghost [Ghost]

[08:23] **** Rejoining after 5 seconds ****

[08:23] #d00msquad :Cannot join channel (+b)


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What's the purpose of this blog?

I went into the Doomsquad brigand's Great Hall, took Pulisher's Ale, stabbed a map on the table and declared my intent to attack some more DBDC tech dealers... like a boss

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I went into the Doomsquad brigand's Great Hall, took Pulisher's Ale, stabbed a map on the table and declared my intent to attack some more DBDC tech dealers... like a boss

So you're just letting it be known that Polar is still sucking. Good to know.
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