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Commentary on CubaQuerida interview commentary

Master Hakai


This paragraph on DBDC's series of raids throughout the Mushqaeda and Disorder war reveals his interesting perspective on the success of his "wars." It also is a revealing glimpse at his lack of knowledge and experience in CN politics, and perhaps reflects the words of the sycophants whispering words into his ear.

Not really. It just shows he doesn't do CN politics the way you do. I don't think anyone does actually. Correct me if I'm wrong!!!

The God Emperor's hubris and political inexperience may someday cause much heartache amongst the inexperienced upper tier nations he has been recruiting/impressing into his service in alliances like NEW and SPaTR.

Doubt it!

Of course, poor Cuba is being manipulated by the many losers of the last war fellating him for his support

This is actually accurate. There is a whole team of [pathetic] losers actively manipulating him during regular business hours. And they're doing it all via Skype. You might not know that because skype does not match the pace of CN, but it is happening.

Overall, Tywin, I'd say you've really hit the nail on the head with this commentary. You got it all wrapped up in a ziplock bag


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This was not a very thorough commentary. Im curious what your alternative to politics would be. How will the God Emperor rule CN, by picking between a palace full of sycophants and manipulators to favor depending on his whims? That was tried about seven years ago and failed.

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This was not a very thorough commentary. Im curious what your alternative to politics would be. How will the God Emperor rule CN, by picking between a palace full of sycophants and manipulators to favor depending on his whims? That was tried about seven years ago and failed.

I see you fishin, but you ain't gon catch nothin

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I don't understand why you would indulge Tywin's attention-whoring by making a blog post dedicated solely to something Tywin said, MH. :/

Simple answer: Tywin Lannister is an undiagnosed egomaniac, but begs attention by his actions. Master Hakai is indulging his own fancy, and Tywin Lannister commented with unwarranted strenuousness to the blog.

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I don't understand why you would indulge Tywin's attention-whoring by making a blog post dedicated solely to something Tywin said, MH. :/

I understand your concern. But sometimes what is fun for me is not fun for someone else.

Curt irony is more your thing, Hakai, but here you're also showing talent for longer commentary.

TBQH in this case you made it too short, though. Needs more depth.

I agree with you, only thing is in this instance I wasn't in the mindset to spend any more time on this than I already had. About halfway through I started really itching to play some Bioshock, so I chose to wrap this up real quick

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Heh, this generation.

Problem with this generation is the lack of time people are willing to commit to CyberNations these days. Shame, really. Early 1900's, people actually worked hard and put the time and effort into such profitable things as CyberNations politics and nation building. Youngsters these days don't know work ethic.

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CQ is a rogue, and though people can't be arsed to deal with him right now because of how meaty he is, rest assured, one of these days, he's going to make a misstep and disturb the hornet's nest. Treaty him at your own peril. People won't be forgiving when he becomes the excuse they need to launch the next global war.

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