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Judgements (Final Edition)

Rush Sykes


Basically, this will be the last installment, in which I cover all significant remaining AAs. If your AA was not covered,. then I find you to be less relevant than even the crappiest of those I have covered(or you are just not in the top 80!.) So...

On we go...

TTK: I look back, and I cannot recall anything significant that you have done in the shaping of, or participation in , the larger political game. I do not say this is a disparaging comment about you, but you guys seem to be completely devoid of any drama with other alliances that can tag you as an alliance trying to maneuver to get something (or someone) that they want in the cross-hairs. At some point, playing simply for friendship should not be enough to keep people interested. Its also funny, cuz I know some of you. You have some talented people. I challenge you to leave a legacy of something other than "they were good allies"... As Doctor Who once said to Amy and Rory... Make sure they remember you.

DBDC : I like your style. Alot. If more alliances played the game that way, it would be a more interesting world. Well, I dont know that it would be more interesting, It is a supposition, but it would be massively different. Sadly, I do not see a world existing where playing the game the way you play it, is sustainable. I hope you prove me wrong though, because you offer an alternative to simple realpolitik.

NSO- Good grief, where to begin. You blew into this world with an all-star lineup, vowing to play the game differently, then the 1st thing you do, sign with one of the central world powers. It is an easy trap so be untied from everything for 5 minutes, and say you will be different, but in the end, it is ALWAY a failed endeavor. The good thing about you though, is that while you did, in the end, conform with the societal norm of the game, you did so with enough talented people in leadership, that you could stand and play the game that you tried to avoid playing. Kudos for the quick adjustment on the fly. Kudos also for the sheer amount of hate you have managed to garner just simply by existing. Based on what you blew into the game claiming to be... you failed. Based on what you became once you realized you could not play that game within the game, you are a massive success.

NPL - You have some folks that I like. Really you do. Every time I start to think you may not be so bad, I think back about 2 years or so ago, when you threatened INT over something so stupid. I can't even take you seriously without looking back at that and laughing at the idiocy that was that threat.

[9:27pm] KemMo[NPL|Trium]: "The Nuclear Proliferation League hereby demands that the two nations from The International send peace."

Every time I read that line on the C&G forums, I cannot take you guys seriously. Have you learned better since then? Almost without a doubt. For that, I can say I respect where you have come. But the 1st impression, is the 1st impression. It cannot be changed until enough of a communication exists to change it. Since that does not exist from either side, all I can see when I look at your alliance, is a gov that demanded that INT not defend its own nation when your nation attacked them 1st. Kudos on learning how the game is played since then though. Also, you will never be better than GOONS :) .

Terran Empire : "I cannot ask my guys to participate in tech deals with anyone, because they may quit the game" I'd call you a joke, but I do not want to insult alliances that I feel are jokes. You are even below them.

DoD. : For the most part, you are an OK lot. That Griff guy needs to take the game less seriously though.

GOD : It is a shame how far you (and myself, I am not immune) have fallen from where we once were. Seems we both have capable leadership who are incapable of the time needed to invest in this game. It is sad for your alliance, and even sadder for the game. The game needs to stop losing people who can actually play it in the back channels to lack of time. Pity that can never really happen. Regardless, you have , forever, earned your place in the echelon of worthy alliances to have graced this realm. For your contributions in that area, the entire game owes you a thank you for your efforts.

Mushroom Kingdom : Still on page 2. Thats quite an accomplishment in and of itself. Despite times that I literally wanted to RL strangle some of you, no finer alliance or ally has ever, or will ever, exist on this realm. I want to personally thank you for all the fun that simply associating with you has provided me over the years. If I had to hand out an award in these judgments for the most significant alliance ever, you would edge out NPO.

Thats a wrap folks. Nobody else in the top 80 is worthy of my time. Sorry for the lazy finish to this, but such is the state of this game, that beyond writing the 21-30, this began to seem more like a chore than an enjoyment.


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I've thoroughly enjoyed reading these, actually. One day Kashmir will be worthy of getting judged by Rush I hope.

Kashmir is worth simply by having SirWilliam at the helm, but this endeavor was always only meant for top 80. You dont make page 2. Thats your shortcoming.

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"If your AA was not covered,. then I find you to be less relevant than even the crappiest of those I have covered(or you are just not in the top 80!.) So..."

You really think FEAR is crappier & less relevant than the Terran Empire? C'mon now... for our size, we've been respectably involved, progressive, risk-taking, etc.. I'll just chalk it up to you not knowing us very well. :)

Trust me, we could've been waaayyy more boring. We could've been more like TTK. No drama ever, like you said.. but no, we've been ambitous. More often than not it's ended in hilarious failure, but at least we tried and that's more than can be said for most alliances.

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Kashmir is worth simply by having SirWilliam at the helm, but this endeavor was always only meant for top 80. You dont make page 2. Thats your shortcoming.

Aye, I simply meant maybe next year's edition will see Kashmir as a top 80 (or much higher...) alliance.

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God damn it, MI6 is in the top 40 now so you were able to skip over us.

I wanted to see you criticize us for the same reasons you complimented other alliances.

Also new and different apparently.

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These are entertaining, albeit incredibly biased based on who is on your side this current war. I'd like to see an angry independent persons opinion.

I can point out at least 5 instances where I had very good things to say about those on the other side. But ok.

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God damn it, MI6 is in the top 40 now so you were able to skip over us.

I wanted to see you criticize us for the same reasons you complimented other alliances.

Also new and different apparently.

Nearly everything I say contains a vague criticism of your alliance, because it was built on a facade(pun totally intended), and it tried to poach me based on that facade(pun x2). The whole new and different thing should have been avoided by simply admitting that you were just going to be another alliance that jumped in and played the broad realpolitik game. There is no shame in it. I just do not see why the pretending to be something you are not.. is needed.

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Nearly everything I say contains a vague criticism of your alliance, because it was built on a facade(pun totally intended), and it tried to poach me based on that facade(pun x2). The whole new and different thing should have been avoided by simply admitting that you were just going to be another alliance that jumped in and played the broad realpolitik game. There is no shame in it. I just do not see why the pretending to be something you are not.. is needed.

Unless I'm mistake which is quite possible since I've never been involved in trying to poach you, by "your alliance" do you mean "Chimaera"?

Because despite Chimaera being an important part of MI6, he is not MI6.

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Unless I'm mistake which is quite possible since I've never been involved in trying to poach you, by "your alliance" do you mean "Chimaera"?

Because despite Chimaera being an important part of MI6, he is not MI6.

No, I mean your alliance.

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I can point out at least 5 instances where I had very good things to say about those on the other side. But ok.

It was also countered with you being critical about them. I wouldn't say very good, either.

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