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The funniest thing about this war (Part 2)



Once again, war is in full swing. The outcome of this war seems a little more clearcut than the last global war, but as always, we have to go through the motions so we can form our grudges and get our troll on for the next six months. Before I discuss the current conflict, I want to recall what ultimately happened in the previous war.

And as a sidenote: This blog entree is meant to be a follow up to my previous blog post regarding the previous global war.

In the lead-up to the war there was two competing power spheres: TOP/MK and NPOsphere. NPO was trying to build a powersphere with CnG and the sphere superstar, NG. TOP/MK were simply doing everything in their power to maintain their stint of jackassery (see: dave war).

NPO decided TOP/MK's time as most influential powersphere was over. Unfortunately for NPO, in order to win a war against TOP/MK, NPO had to sacrifice their future powersphere buddy, CnG. NPO decided this was a fair trade. CnG was joined at the hip to TOP/MK/Umb, and NPO couldn't change that before the war; however, this made it all the more critical to the NPO powersphere that NG not get rolled in the crossfire. And from NPOsphere's perspective, that's a logical wish. What's a powersphere if you have no power?

Anyway, NPO and friends where so aggressive about building their powersphere, I think they actually believed NG would stay out of the war altogether. Considering NG had MDoAP partners on both sides of the war, a sanctioned alliance staying out of the war altogether is nearly impossible. (that should give a clue how protective they were of their powersphere) Well, NG had done how they do and ticked off a number of alliances in NPO's coalition, and soon enough NG's allies where hit. NPO's future sphere was in flames.

At the end of the day, If NPO wanted a powersphere, TOP/MK/Umb had to be dismantled. Brehon estimated it was going to take upwards of 6 months (and then some) to fully do so. All members of the coalition were prepared for war of that duration. But now that NPO's sphere is burning, the longer the war lasts, the weaker NPOsphere became. NPO had to make a choice: end the war early, or continue being destroyed in a war of attrition. NPO decided their powersphere was more important than the annihilation of Doomhorse and friends, so NPO decided to unilaterally end the war early, despite the desires of the rest of the coalition.

The instant the war ended, I think most people in XX, DR, and even many in NPOsphere where expecting another war on MKsphere remnants in the future. I know I personally was fully expecting to finish off that which didn't get rolled hard enough the first time. Things would have been all well and good, except for the excessive outrage coming from NG, NSO, and NPO against the alliances which pulled NG into the war. I have to say it wasn't those alliance's fault NG's membership are collectively pricks, nor is it their fault NG tried to save their own skin playing the fence. The outrage was so inane and severe from NG, NSO/NPO that it in essence scared NpO into a treaty with TOP.

Now, I've made it quite clear to a number of folks, I'm not a fan of TOP, and I haven't been for quite some time. Aligning with TOP is not a move I champion, but I can relate with NpO feeling threatened. At that point, all I can say in regards to the war is the following:

-Way to go you !@#$@#$ retards. Specifically you, Non Grata. The alliances you felt were so worthy of your defense last war are pounding your !@#$@#$ face in. NPO's beloved sphere is in ruins largely thanks to you.

-Way to go CnG, you !@#$@#$ retards. I said in my previous blog post DHsphere didn't give a damn about you, and if that wasn't clear before, it's crystal clear now. While you deserved to get rolled again as much as MKsphere remnants deserved to get rolled again, I actually lobbied against your sack of !@#$ block suffering the magnificent face punching you are currently enduring. I cannot wait for your disbandment, and you can count on a big smug chuckle from me when you finally make the announcement.

-As for NPO/NSO, I like you. In fact, I genuinely feel sorry for you. You got greedy from my perspective and I wish things worked out differently, but that's the way things go I suppose.

After all this, the biggest kicker of all is that the entire purpose of the previous war was to remove MKsphere's political leg. While it's gloriously true that MK disbanded, many of the sphere's key political players are around and kicking, now latching onto XX. I feel like XX has a goddamn headcrab on it. I just hope XX is still alive under there, and has enough brains left to perform removal surgery time comes. If not, I worry XX could end up as brainless and used as CnG.

tl;dr the funniest thing about this war is that NG, CnG and friends tried to play hardline politics and ended up screwing themselves and the allies that cared about them most in the ass. Their actions rendered most efforts from the previous war pointless. I want to thank them for that. :\

Hope you enjoyed the read. Good night and good luck all!


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All members of the coalition were on board for six months of war? Maybe those involved in the planning were, but there are few alliances along the periphery who seemed all that interested (though there were quite a few people interested).

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Interesting take, and I like seeing different points of view as I was absent the last few years. I'm not sure where your dislike for TOP comes from though, as I have found them to be respectable and responsible thus far.

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Yeah, I'd say most were prepared for that long. XX/SF/DR/NpOSphere were the majority participants, and they were definitely ready. NPO sphere was certainly prepared for a long haul as well despite their strategic interest in the war changing midway through.

TOP is respectable and responsible, but I've dealt with them long enough to know I'd rather not deal with them. xD

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This analysis was very good up to the point where you (apparently) left your personal taste/preferences cloud it.

I am totally OOC in this and I really don't see how NG and CnG (or anyone else) deserve to be called names for doing what everyone else has been/is doing, which is to play "CN politics" to their ends (in short: "sustainable fun long term").

I am not saying they didn't do it well/bad and surely they seem to be losing right now, but who hasn't been losing in this game at one point or another?

If you're going IC at it just disregard this, of course. :)

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As somebody who actually knows what happened this is really bad. NG/NSO were trying to remove Polar SPECIFICALLY because NPO wouldn't go after MK. Therefore to lessen MKs chance of building with xx they decided to attack them. Sadly it was the worst formed coalition I've actually ever seen, by quite some margin.

The NpO/TOP treaty likely never happens if NG/NSO don't target Polar for no reason other than it's an easy win. Everything after that is simply pieces falling into place. NPOs only blame was being too passive in the recent months and I'd fully expect that to change now.

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Well tbh, OOC I hold both CnG and NG in high regard, even though I have my reasons for despising them IC.

IC, I think it's unfortunate (and oh-so delicious) to see alliances that I do hold in such high regard, making such poor decisions in the past, and then having those poor decisions thrown in their faces by the very people they thought were their friends.

It will be interesting to see if the same thing happens to IRON considering their current fiasco. Rumor mill suggests yes, but there's still a lot of war left.

EDIT: didn't see you magical trevor. I'll try and respond later

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Whats a poor decision though? ::shrugs::. Different alliances have different goals. Take cng (which btw isnt disbanding heh). If our goal was simply to always be on a winning side... frankly that's pretty easy to do. I assure you that in both equilibrium and in this war we had he opportunity to switch sides, and would have been welcomed with open arms. Heh, and all the people trashing us now would have nodded their heads sagely and talked about how we made the smart call or already paid our debts, or had no debts, or something.

Thats how CN works. The other side is twisted and convoluted in propaganda until they no longer remotely resemble reality, and the people on your side can do no wrong. Annoying, but the way it goes.

Anyway, back on topic. Success or failure depends on goals. CnG made the conscious decision with much open discussion that while winning is nice, it's not what our ultimate goal is. Our goal is a personal code and set of principles that we feel are important. No one else has to share our code... its personal. And our actions will reflect our efforts to live up to said code.

I actually think it annoys some people a ton when you act in ways that hey dont deem 'smart'. And sometimes an alliance is just filled with idiots, I grant you. But sometimes they just dont care about what you do, or prioritize things the same way.

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$%&@ I hate this quote system

Whats a poor decision though? ::shrugs::. Different alliances have different goals. Take cng (which btw isnt disbanding heh). If our goal was simply to always be on a winning side... frankly that's pretty easy to do. I assure you that in both equilibrium and in this war we had he opportunity to switch sides, and would have been welcomed with open arms. Heh, and all the people trashing us now would have nodded their heads sagely and talked about how we made the smart call or already paid our debts, or had no debts, or something.

That is true, different alliances do have different goals, but I would think one primary goal would be to generally avoid getting rolled. I wouldn't think you could achieve your goals if you're getting rolled. Yes, you're right, you could just jump to the other side to avoid getting rolled, but that's generally an awful strategy. You might be able to avoid a rolling the first time by switching sides, but you're creating a whole new set of grudges by doing so. You might be able to get away with switching sides if you're a small player, but bigger alliances will almost certainly get rolled soon after switching sides once or twice.

I'm certainly not championing int for wriggling out of your curbstomp :P If they were more politically relevant, they might get more flak by the community too.

Anyway, back on topic. Success or failure depends on goals. CnG made the conscious decision with much open discussion that while winning is nice, it's not what our ultimate goal is. Our goal is a personal code and set of principles that we feel are important. No one else has to share our code... its personal. And our actions will reflect our efforts to live up to said code.

Well, again, I think there's more to it than just goals. It's how you go about achieving those goals which is where your decision making comes in.

I actually think it annoys some people a ton when you act in ways that hey dont deem 'smart'.

Careful here, it sounds like you're advocate acting stupid to annoy people. Which would be in direct violation of the 0th goal: Avoid getting rolled where possible :P

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