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From: I'm done with this!

Tom Marvolo Riddle


Yes. I am leaving this game, for good this time(Interpret that your own way). You all are making me mad. Let me start out with the obvious. At the Dark Templar, I was told tho following:I would get 15 million in aid (Only got 9 Million, still had 4 aid slots and only two tech deals going)I would have constant Tech Deals with the Dark Templar (Only did one in 3 weeks)I would have the support of the full alliance (That was not true, All three of the Triums insulted me at some point)And when I left, they claim during wartime, despite the fact that we where told to stand down and go into peace mode, multiple times before I left. SO screw you DT.Second off, The Cnetral Powers, Alliance which I helped to create. In the first day, I managed to work out a aid program which got a nation 2000 more strenght in a single day, from 5500-7500 strength. With proper management I managed to get this nation prepped for a counter strike aainst the enemy, the Dark Templar, Who where in this case the attacking nation. The strkes where a succes and we rose triumphant. Then I get banned because they didn't do enough investigative work into me, claim i'm a liar, yet They never asked me about DT, and most awesome of all, dukeofscots, you are !@#$@#$ idiot. You will olose. The Central Powers demise is near. You didn't relize this, but I am a true leader, not you, you wont even comprimise, I wanted as much power as i could get. I had full control over that alliances cash, and guess what, If I wanted that alliance destroyed, I could have done it. I let you stay as emporer because I thougt you knew what you where doing.Who do I give most credit to individually though? ericcarlson. Why? He is a !@#$@#$ idiot who might as well leave the game to. What he did, attack me, force me to join Dt, skim from Nordreich (Which i also give MadMax credit for getting me to join DT). SO I add to my list of eternal enemies, ericcarlson, joining Eurmibargo (That gives away my greatst secret).

Source: I'm done with this!


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And loe, the Messiah came down upon Bob, and his name was Winner. But the sightless heathens knew him not for what he was, and thus tore him down in their iniquity. But the messiah loved his people and was reborn as one Tom Riddle. For a time, it was good and his teachings flourished across the land. Alas, the unbelievers soon realized his status as the reborn avatar of the messiah and once more trampled upon the teachings of the righteous.

Fear not people of bob, for as our savior lived and died, and lived and died again. He shall arise once more and be made anew. And this shall be the dawning of the Third age of winning.

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And loe, the Messiah came down upon Bob, and his name was Winner. But the sightless heathens knew him not for what he was, and thus tore him down in their iniquity. But the messiah loved his people and was reborn as one Tom Riddle. For a time, it was good and his teachings flourished across the land. Alas, the unbelievers soon realized his status as the reborn avatar of the messiah and once more trampled upon the teachings of the righteous.

Fear not people of bob, for as our savior lived and died, and lived and died again. He shall arise once more and be made anew. And this shall be the dawning of the Third age of winning.

Wow. That is great.

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I don't think enough people have received your message of frustration merely by you posting a topic and then posting it again in a blog. Why not mass-message it to everyone via PM?

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Yeah....the world owes you jack all. Stop expecting power, influence and respect to simply be handed to you and your will do much better.

If you approach real life the way you approached this game then you are going to have a hard time learning that.

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Too be honest, seeing what happened and at the rate it happened.

You should at least wait till the thing that made everyone hate on you comes true or not.

You entertained everyone before and you did it again, don't go.

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Too be honest, seeing what happened and at the rate it happened.

You should at least wait till the thing that made everyone hate on you comes true or not.

You entertained everyone before and you did it again, don't go.

I will only stay if a Sanctioned Alliance gives me outright power over them

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